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OOC: Introducing Saeard

I would like to introduce The Commonwealth of Saeard. A federal Republic that has been dominated by two far left parties for three decades. The two parties differ primarily on foreign affairs and social issues, but work very closely on economic issues. I'd really like to hash somethings out if you chaps would not mind helping. It would be good to work out how other nations see Saeard, how Saeard sees other nations, and what the geo-political situation in the region is?

Saeard has had terrible economic growth recently. Inflation is rampant. I plan on having a Margaret Thatcher style period of liberalisation, deregulation and privitsation after the next Saeardwalda (Presidential) elections. There will be strikes, riots, and all that jazz. And incredible amounts of deadlock with the legislature. Perhaps an attempted revolution.

Traditionally Saeard was a very different nation. Economically productive, open to trade, and an important diplomatic player. It has a reputation for peace and once was a go to nation to act as a go between in international disputes.

So let me know if you'd be interested in doing something? And how your nation would see Saeard.
My informants told me that you are close to a country of mine, Nentsia.

Brief background
Nentsia is a small republic, former USR, and its politics was dominated by a figure named Aliaksei Vynnychuk since 1558. He brought stability, both economic and political, but also rampant corruption, cronyism and nepotism. In 1572 he stepped down, having served the maximum number of consecutive terms, but installed a puppet (Stanislav Zhyrovitski) to govern in his place. Heavily manipulated elections, coupled with economic decline, led to the protests of 1573, demanding Zhyrovitski's resignation. In 1576 Vynnychuk announced his candidacy for the presidency once more, promising to return the stability in the country and ending the endemic corruption. The elections of 1577 were heavily manipulated, journalists were intimidated, kidnapped or committed suicide under suspicious circumstances. Vynnychuk won by a landslide, while the opposition demonstrations were brutally crushed by the police. Opposition leader Mikita Marcinkiewicz, present at the demonstrations, was beaten into a coma and since then lives in exile.

In 1584, things went from bad to worse. With the president's health deteriorating, his daughter, Ksenia, ignited an internal power struggle to secure her position as his successor. She had the Vice-president Gavrilenko assassinated and pressured her father to appoint her as new Vice-president. The population, having a long history of hatred against Ksenia - being the embodiment of the corrupt system - occupied the town squares in all the big cities of the country. They demanded the ousting of the entire Vynnychuk clan and free and fair elections. The authorities, taken by surprise, had no idea how to respond. In 1585, with the mass protests still ongoing, Aliaksei Vynnychuk passed power over to his daughter while he entered the final stage of his terminal illness. Upon his death, Ksenia authorized the military the intervene.

The RP is still ongoing, but because I'm lagging behind the actual time its now taking place in the past. This is the topic for the 1584-85 developments:

How does the Nentsian govt view Saeard

Likely as a rotten, decadent, potentially hostile and corrupt state. Not because they dislike Saeard, but basically the Nentsian government distrusts any country in the neighbourhood with a better human rights track record. It also has a long history of diplomatic disputes with the saints from Mordvania. Anticipating on criticisms coming from such countries, and on the admiration of Nentsian dissidents confused and misguided deviants, the Nentsian govt prefers to discredit the source beforehand. Other than that, at this point the country is a little too busy to be conducting any kind of a serious foreign policy, other than exporting trucks to Severyane and importing Kalashnikovs.
The Republic of Mordvania has literally, I believe, a shared border with your nation.

Mordvania is one the most thriving democratic nations of the region, with a system of government that could be described as a semi-presidential republic. Before 1566, the country was a semi-absolute monarchy, but after a republican revolution and subsequent short (but bloody) civil war, the country adopted a democratic form of government. Mordvania has a strong armed forces, with a developed arm industry (we may sell your our rockets and missiles), and which military leadership played an important role in national politics - not so much in recent years. In the mid-1570s, Mordvania was involved in the Kaljurand civil war, which resulted in the country divided in two and the eastern half, East Kaljurand, becoming a young democracy which has become a Mordvanian ally (meanwhile, the other side, West Kaljurand, is a military dictatorship supported by Nerysia, who is something like the official monarchist bully of Western Brigidna). The situation between West Kaljurand and East Kaljurand remains increasingly tense lately. In the last decade, Mordvania has also tried to improve and strengthen ties and trade with likeminded democratic nations in the region, with different results.

Mordvania's current president is a left-wing populist, and the national government is currently a minority government of the same far-left political party. The next presidential elections will be in 1590. The government, however, has been recently promoting a customs union in Northern Brigidna, and Mordvania would be certainly interested to improve diplomatic relations and trade with your nation. Therefore, we will be willing to visit your country, or inviting your government to visit Mordvania, to find common interests for both countries.
Never trust the Mordvanians.
(11-25-2017, 03:57 PM)Hadash Wrote: The Republic of Mordvania has literally, I believe, a shared border with your nation.

Mordvania is one the most thriving democratic nations of the region, with a system of government that could be described as a semi-presidential republic. Before 1566, the country was a semi-absolute monarchy, but after a republican revolution and subsequent short (but bloody) civil war, the country adopted a democratic form of government. Mordvania has a strong armed forces, with a developed arm industry (we may sell your our rockets and missiles), and which military leadership played an important role in national politics - not so much in recent years. In the mid-1570s, Mordvania was involved in the Kaljurand civil war, which resulted in the country divided in two and the eastern half, East Kaljurand, becoming a young democracy which has become a Mordvanian ally (meanwhile, the other side, West Kaljurand, is a military dictatorship supported by Nerysia, who is something like the official monarchist bully of Western Brigidna). The situation between West Kaljurand and East Kaljurand remains increasingly tense lately. In the last decade, Mordvania has also tried to improve and strengthen ties and trade with likeminded democratic nations in the region, with different results.

Mordvania's current president is a left-wing populist, and the national government is currently a minority government of the same far-left political party. The next presidential elections will be in 1590. The government, however, has been recently promoting a customs union in Northern Brigidna, and Mordvania would be certainly interested to improve diplomatic relations and trade with your nation. Therefore, we will be willing to visit your country, or inviting your government to visit Mordvania, to find common interests for both countries.

Sounds good, would you be interested in some sort of bilateral summit?
Beyond your immediate neighbors, notable nearby players include Severyane to the northeast; Carpathia and Moldova to your south; Florinthus, Nerysia, and Oslanburg to your southwest; and the Holy Lanlanian Empire at multiple points in the south extents of the continent (Brigidna).

Severyane is a recent communist-turned-real democratic and is attempting to establish its new identity on the international community. It's incorporated wayward cousins in the northwest into the federation and is engaged in a police action against Belayzamafsafa, a rogue state, in the far east.

Carpathia and Moldova practices "national communism", which isn't real communist, but a hybrid system where private property is a thing, but the state exercises control over key industries. Despite its leader being called a Dictator, its a democracy. Arguably too democratic, as it gets a little silly sometimes. The country is not very good at speaking softly, but it's far from a rogue state.

Florinthus and Oslanburg are sex buddies in a lite economic union. One is a solid democracy with humanitarian dreams, while the other is a constitutional monarchy that just overthrew a short-lived ultra-nationalist/semi-fascist regime. They're both good, peace-seeking countries.

Nerysia is a monarchy where the monarch is stripping away the rights of its legislature, though hasn't went full blown "grrr, ima servant of evil, grrrrrr." It is trying to be less economically tied to Oslanburg and has joined the Middengard Sea Economic Community to these ends. OOCly, it's supposed to be a country seeking to assert itself and establish a sphere of influence over west Brigidna.

The Holy Lanlanian Empire is the most powerful state in Brigidna, militarily, diplomatically, and economically. Its navy dwarfs that of any other individual state except Nyland's (which only recently begin to remilitarize). It has allies everywhere, and as the largest economy in Brigidna and a key member of the MSEC, it's someone whose economy you'd like to access. However, the HLE (tries to) respects the area of influence of other regional powers and has largely refrained from butting into affairs of your part of the continent (and elsewhere). The country spent the last decade and a half torn by an ultranationalist and independence movements, though has recently re-stabilized under a conservative Sentric Democratic government and is seeking to reassert itself international.

Beyond Brigidna, Nyland is big and scary (but not controlled by any single person).Kvaenna is silly, Ostara doesn't like being touched, Skathia is under Nyland's wings, and Avidna exists.

It should be noted that Siora is /supposed/ to be more socially conservative than Earth, with LGBT and other minorities still being frowned up. The /Holy/ Lanlanian Empire is very religious and conservative and practices eugenics. Sadly, our members can't help but be godless, sinful eurocommie liberals, so conservatism isn't working out too much.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
The Kingdom of Biyra is that nation across its Sea from Saeard. For the past 14 years it has been ruled by a Nationalist Queen and her preferred parties. Biyra is relatively hostile to its neighbors for various reasons. In its east it hates Severyane and all of the splinters of the USR as the USR had invaded and almost conquered Biyra, Biyrans have a notoriously long societal memory. Besides the former USR, Biyra sees the Biyran Sea as its own private area and the nations who border it have either stolen the land or are wayward Biyrans who rebelled against Biyra and need to be reclaimed at some point. Biyra has been militarily on high alert for the entirety of the Queen's rule as it distrusts or hates all of its surrounding neighbors.

The above is the general stance of Biyra's populace under the current regime. In more liberal times Biyrans still held a distrust of the former USR, but the general tone was decidedly less extreme. The view of Biyrans in those times of their neighbors outside of the former USR was more kind. While the Vostic peoples around the Biyran Sea were still viewed as wayward Biyrans, generally it was accepted that those people were independent cousins. The non-Vostics were viewed favorably while still being definitely foreign and to be treated warily unless they had proven friendly or useful.
Is He Active Now? Only Time Will Tell...
The Saratovan Federation is a former USR state east of the Biyran Sea and at the end of the strait and border Nentsia's west. It is a Semi-Presidential Republic, which is currently dominated by a coalition between the Social Liberal, Liberal Democratic Party, and the Democratic Socialist, Unity Party. Since it's independence from the United Socialist Republics its been a relatively neutral and quiet nation with no grudges against any of its neighbors, thus it holds a friendly view of its neighbors and desires good relations. It is however aligned Severyane through an alliance.
Quote:Florinthus and Oslanburg are sex buddies in a lite economic union. One is a solid democracy with humanitarian dreams, while the other is a constitutional monarchy that just overthrew a short-lived ultra-nationalist/semi-fascist regime. They're both good, peace-seeking countries.


for real tho, we're good friends if you want to have a good friend

Quote:Traditionally Saeard was a very different nation. Economically productive, open to trade, and an important diplomatic player. It has a reputation for peace and once was a go to nation to act as a go between in international disputes.

i think you just described floland lol

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