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Act I: Our Slumber is Over
As they read the report, a theme seems to emerge that they both were unhappy with. Allegations of artificial social media incitement. Directly pressuring members of their legislature. Tampering with their democratic processes. It’s as if they were moving towards accusations that Kazemura is no longer respecting their boundaries. That’s a major problem and not because of the accuracy of the report. For the dots to be connecting, and for someone to be inciting social media discord artificially before the intended launch date of that operation is a most problematic development.

That being said, it isn’t a total wash. There is opportunity to be had; things just had to move towards success.

“That social media piece is ticking me off,” Mirai mutters as she puts down the report. Hiraku grunts in agreement, then looks at her curiously.

“That more than the impeachment?” He asks her. Mirai shrugs and closes her eyes. She rubs her temples, trying to massage out a headache.

“That was to be expected and ya know it,” Mirai mumbles.

“True.” They both fall silent at this point, lost in their own thoughts. Eventually, Hiraku is the first to break up the silence again. “Do we want to promise an investigation into the social media aspect? It isn’t one of ours.” Mirai shrugs again and Hiraku falls silent in exchange. After another moment of silence, Mirai pipes up this time.

“I think for now we should press forward with the Red Paper and let things play out,” She replies. “They haven’t pinned the social media stuff on anyone yet and we haven’t even started our efforts. We could pin it on someone else when we do start though.” Hiraku nods in agreement.

“That being said,” Hiraku responds, “we have to keep an eye on this. If it’s they easy to trace it back to a group, then perhaps the social media meddling may not work as well as intended.” Mirai mutters a note of agreement, clearly not pleased with that thought. They had prepared an effort to influence the outcome of the coming elections towards a candidate more in line with their thinking. However, it wasn’t due to begin for a while. Given the circumstances, that may not be feasible anymore.

“Something to consider,” Hiraku says. “For now, let’s get a call going with the Prime Minister to discuss next steps. I’d like to talk to him about getting a statement out to offer support in the investigation and to move the Consul to another area. With your blessing of course.”

“May you be blessed with greater fortune to assist our efforts,” Mirai says with mock seriousness and some semblance of hand waving. They both giggle, give each other a smile, and then get right to work.
Eno Daily

Chikasun-Kazemuran Trade Treaty defeated by narrow margin
Date: 3 Tolven, 1587
Author: Miyasaki Mai

Embed from Getty Images
Senator Yuuki Yamamoto giving a speech shortly before the decisive vote earlier this afternoon. Yamamoto was the more vocal opponent of the treaty, which he slammed as too heavily favoring Kazemuran industries. The trade agreement was also poisoned by President Maki, who is now facing impeaching for corruption and abuse of office. In his speech, Yamamoto nonetheless expressed hope for the future of Chikasun-Kazemuran ties and urged Kazemura be patient as Chikasu cleaned house: "I have no doubt that Chikasu and Kazemura can both benefit from a fair deal between equals."
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Date: 3 Tolven, 1587
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Imperial Palace, Tokasa
Room: Briefing Room

"Well. Shit." Chairman Honda can't help but agree with the Prime Minister's assessment as they watch the news unravel on the television screen. Honda, like everyone else in that room, winces as the final vote numbers come in. It wasn't even close.

"Talk about a serious slap in the face," Honda mutters as he looks around the room. Frustration, anguish, and aggravation are displayed on the faces of his fellow Cabinet members, and for good reason. Many of them, sans Honda and the Empress herself, had staked their jobs on this treaty. When the current Empress rose to power, she made it clear she wanted to pull back from the negotiations, concerned with the direction they had been heading. However, the Cabinet and the Prime Minister had been able to talk her down from withdrawing from the negotiations, confident they could pull this off.

That was three months ago. For things to devolve in such a short span of time... it was almost hilarious how everything seems to be falling into place for them to roll the dice.

"I have no doubt that Chikasu and Kazemura can both benefit from a fair deal between equals." He blinks and looks at the monitor, then watches as the others in the room scowl at Senator Yamamoto. To them, his words ring hollow. To Chairman Honda and Her Imperial Grace however, his words are a soothing comfort that their Red Paper will not be in vain. For now though...

"Her Imperial Grace is not surprised at these developments." Chills ran up his spine as Chairman Honda turns away from the monitor and towards the head of the table, where the Empress sits. All remain silent, knowing that a single peep could mean their prompt removal from the premises.

Unfortunately, almost all of them staked their careers on this. And that means the Empress has free reign over them. She clears her throat and looks around the room, then opens her mouth to speak.

"Her Imperial Grace will now hear you beg for your positions, starting with Chairman Honda."

"That was, ouch," Hiraku says after he shuts the door, leaving only himself and Mirai in the room. She shrugs and puts her feet up on the table.

"You know I had to do it to em," She replies. Mirai looks up at the ceiling and lets out a long sigh, then adds, "Besides, I only axed three of them."

"Including the PM," Hiraku mumbles softly.

"Hm. Wonder if I should ax my Council Chair while I'm at it-"

"Ah no no!" Hiraku interrupts, waving his hands. Mirai looks down and smirks at him, then lets out a mock sigh while Hiraku continues, "Right. Let's get serious. We should probably request a follow up meeting with their Head of State as soon as possible."

"So after their President gets tossed out of office?" Mirai asks with an irked look on her face. Hiraku nods and she says, "Yeah okay. Don't announce I'll be there. I'd rather catch them off guard... something about personally overseeing this blah blah and then we'll tell them about the Red Paper. Sounds good?"

"Yep. I'll go make the call to the Deputy PM then." Hiraku opens the door and departs the room, leaving the Empress to mull over the next steps.
A Few Months Later, Imperial Gardens

As the final vote tally came in, Hiraku exhales slowly. It was a bit closer than he would like but it looks like the House will pass the revised treaty with a slim majority. He’ll be able to push the treaty through the Council without much difficulty; after all he’s had time to tighten control over the different factions to bring them together and has been able to cast aside the old players.

“With this, motion is adopted. The Western Archipelago Trade Treaty has been adopted and will be sent to the National Council.” As the new Prime Minister makes the announcement to the chamber and bangs the gavel, Hiraku claps his hands once and leans back in the chair.

“Finally,” He mutters. He looks up at the new Ambassador Akiyama and folds his arms. He stares back and adjusts his glasses with a long sigh.

“I appreciate you appeasing Her Imperial Grace to have her sign off on this. I know she was very... distraught with the directions things had been going some time back.” Akiyama looks away and Hiraku nods solemnly. Understatement of the year. At least the new Prime Minister and the new Ambassador to Chikasu got down to business after the collapse of the previous treaty. Although Kazemura’s lobbying firms had a massive fit with the new treaty, they were quickly dispatched with the Empress’ announcement of her support for the new treaty.

“It’s not a problem,” Hiraku replies. He takes a sip of his tea and turns off the television. Then he stands up and shuffles his papers, preparing to go the National Council meeting to debate the new treaty. “Is there anything else I can do for you today? Or are we all set?”

“Actually...” Ambassador Akiyama trails off and looks at their cup of tea. Hiraku raises an eyebrow and taps his foot to catch the Ambassador’s attention.

“Can I be frank with you?” Before Hiraku can respond with a negatory, Akiyama continues on anyways. “I need to know. Are the stories about you and the Empress true?”

Oh. This.

“I have no idea what stories you’re on about Ambassador,” Hiraku responds, not directly answering the question. “All I know is that I will continue to faithfully serve her as long as she sees fit.” Both of them fall silent for a long moment. Akiyama continues to stare at his tea, unable to respond.

“...I see,” Akiyama says. He takes his cup and downs it all in one go, then places it back on the saucer. He stands and bows to Hiraku, before shaking his hand. “I wish you the best of luck then, Chairman.” With that, he bows out of the room and leaves Hiraku alone to his thoughts.

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