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Arkiania Awakens
1-5 of Dosa, 1588

The Achian Air force had been virtually wiped out, giving Arkiania total control of skies. It opened the window of opportunity to strike coastal guns, completely destroy them and defeat the rest of the Achian Navy. Arkiania's Army Group West was ordered to advance towards securing the pass and capture Levkohas. In the Southern Pass, the Arkiania attempt at forcing the Achians into the pass had failed. The Achians fortified in the mountains made a successful retreat to the North. The split Army Group Center began moving the merge back and advance in the mountains. The pass was quickly captured after the small Achian force surrendered. In Arnas, Arkianian troops faced zero resistance, the Achians left towards the north of town to fortified positions. The Achians left nothing for the Arkianians to seize. Power utilities were cut and destroyed, radio transmitters and communications were also destroyed. This forced the Arkianians to repair them slowing the advance. The Achian's continued to plea for international intervention, but again were met with no success.
6-11 of Dosa, 1588

Realizing that they would soon be unable to hold off the Arkiania invasions. The Achians began adopting unconventional warfare strategies and preparations for an armed insurgency after Arkiania occupies Achia completely. Caches of weapons and supplies were to be placed all of the country where Achia still controlled. On the frontlines, the Achian Armed Forces continued their efforts to hold as long possible through artillery and terrain advantages. Arkianian forces traversing the mountains faced frequent attacks coming from Achian tunnels. Arkianian efforts to destroy them had not been successful due to lack of intelligence on the number of Achian tunnels. In the east, Arkianian forces began attacking Achian positions north of Arnas. A combined effort of artillery and air supports were unleashed upon the Achian positions to soften them. By the 11th, Arkiania forces surrounded remaining Achian forces in the east and forced them to surrender. In the west Arkianian forces captured Levkohas after intense close quarters fighting. Arkianian forces in the mountains pushed Achian forces ever closer to Mozion. The Achians constructed a harsh defense. To prevent the risk of heavy casualties, the Arkianians halted their push towards Mozion and waited for Group East to push west towards the mountains. The Arkianian Navy began engagements with the Achian Navy after coastal defenses had been completely destroyed.
12-16th of Dosa, 1588

Following the surrender of the eastern Achian Armies. The merged army groups East and Center began their push towards Mozion. Despite supplies running low and the loss of air superiority. The Achians continued to cause massive attrition upon Arkianian Forces. Passes for vehicles were mined and barricaded. The artillery pieces that remained were kept in fortifications dug into the mountain sides. The Achian government continued their efforts towards an armed insurgency. Calls for volunteers were put out in the remaining cities that were not occupied by the Arkianians. Posters could be seen on every billboard and every street, intersection, and building. Recruitment offices began being filled by thousands of volunteers. On the coast, the Achian Navy was destroyed. The Arkianian Navy now had free reign over the seas and skies. Arkianian Navy Aircraft began shifting their operations towards precision bombing supported by Warships. Aircraft continued pummeling the mountain side and thick forest that dominated the mountains. Fortifications surrounding Mozion were also targeted. By Monday, Arkianian forces had reached Mozion defense lines set up by the Achians. With the Achian Army running out of supplies, their air force destroyed, and their navy devastated. The war will soon be coming to a conclusion.
17-28th of Dosa, 1588

Arkianian forces began their attack on Mozion. Group Center advanced into the south, while group east advanced from the east. The Achian defense which was already weakened by missile and aerial bombardment retreated into the city. From there they would ambush Arkiania troops from the buildings. Small pockets of Achian troops remained in their position outside of the city with the intention of ambushing Arkianian troops. Various ambushes sprang across Arkianian convoys causing disorganization and demoralized the Arkiania troops. For two days, the Arkianian advance was halted to deal with the Achian resistance. The advance renewed the next day, and Arkianian forces reached the city. The city exploded in sporadic gunfire, the Arkianians were trapped in the streets caught between fire coming from the buildings. It was clear to the Arkianian's that the Achians would not retreat and capitulate like they did in Arnas. Arkianian troops began clearing block by block. Achian forces inflicted heavy casualties upon the Arkianian's. The Achians made use of the vehicles they had left. By the 21st, the RoE was lifted allowing Arkianian ships and aircraft to begin close-quarters airstrikes. Much of the civilian population in the city had left but tens of thousands had remained and were in crossfire of Arkianian bombardment.  With the lifting of the RoE, the Achian's had lost their remaining vehicles and had been pushed out of the city. The battle had left a third of the city completely destroyed and thousands of civilians, and combatants dead. The Arkianian's began hiding evidence of the atrocities of what had been committed, though information inevitably leaked out.

The Achian Armed Forces was now a shell of its former self. Many of its resources were depleted in the battle. The Achian Government began to debate capitulation. However there was a large faction of the government and the Kings cabinet that wanted fight on until the end. The other side argued that continuing to fight would mean greater suffering of Achian people.  Arkianian forces continued their advance beyond Mozion and towards Achia's next major city, Dhorion. The defenses in the city were already weakened early in the war. Its ports had been trashed by Arkianian naval bombardment and the city was left relatively defenseless. With Achian's pushed out of the mountains they lost the last advantage and defensive advantages.
2nd of Marth, 1588

Grace hated being in the office. She was an operator at heart, not some suit. But, as CEO of the Red Branch Group, there were administrative obligations and daily minutia to deal with. Today wasn't all bad, however, in spite of the executive board meeting she was being forced to chair. Presentations from the various department heads and the CFO outlined ongoing operations and the overall health of the company. In the last month, things had been looking a little better than usual thanks to the large scale operations going on in the South Sea.

It had been a long month for the sea forces of the Red Branch. In total, nearly sixty cargo ships of Arkianian goods had been taken, and their huge masses of cargo stockpiled. Thankfully for all involved, the court had cleared the schedules of two judges and their staffs, appointing them to deal with the admiralty cases exclusivly.

This seriously expidited matters, allowing for a smooth process for dealing with the cargos and Arkanian flagged ships. Those ships, as soon as each case was cleard by the court, were transferred to a subsidiary and reflagged in Taeunas colors. A few hundred people were hired to open the containers and sort the cargo. Most products destined for civilian use, like clothes, toys and household goods, were distributed by the Order of Saint Patrick to various charities worldwide. Some larger items were broken down and sold for scrap. Items destined for government and military use were evaluated and most was also sold for scrap.

Adding to the matter was that several international shipping concerns had begun refusing to take on Arkania bound cargo, in order to save themselves the hassle and costs of having their ships diverted, held and unloaded when they could be used to better effect on other routes. All things imported would be drying up in the Arkanian stores. Fuel too, would be an issue, as some of the ships taken had been tankers of various types. The tanker cargos were expidited through the courts, in order to get the product to whatever new destination its buyer had in mind. Dry cargo containers could be unloaded and stacked, but liquid petrolium and gas products required more storage space than the inspection port had.

All in all, this contract was being especially lucrative for the Red Branch, and would result in a hefty quarterly bonus for all the crews and teams involved.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard
1-17 of Marth, 1588

The Arkianian Forces split into two battle groups. The Elakatori battle group consisting of Army Group Center and Army Group West and the Dhorion Battle Group consisting of Army Group East. The Dhorion Battle Group began the quick advance toward Dhorion. They quickly reached a outside of the city as most Achian forces had abandoned the city for the defence of the capital or returned to their homes to start an insurgency. The troops left in the city were determine to fight on until the end. Ambush points were set up outside and inside the city in the hopes of causing as much damage to Arkianian forces as possible before their inevitable defeat. Making use of the dense forest detachments of 1500 strong force struck Arkianian forces simultaneously which put Arkianians in disarray for a short time. However the ambushes were quickly quelled with air support. The damage to Arkianian forces were minimal however the delay did give time for civilians to evacuate the city. By the 4th, Arkianian forces had reached the city with no opposition, By afternoon sporadic ambushes rang out throughout the city as the battle group was establishing control in the city. Using what equipment they had left the Achians fought ferociously against the Arkianians. Soon segments of the city began to be heavily damaged and further segments began to be damaged as the Arkianians brought air support.  By the 10th the Achians were still holding a stiff resistance but were surrounded. Fighting would continue until the 25th, after the war had ended.

Outside of Elakatori, at the same time as the Arkianian attack of Dhorion the Elakatori Battle Group began their assault on the city in a combined arms offensive. The offensive would also include the marines who would seize the ports and advance outward. The operation would also be support by naval ships and aircraft.  On the 5th, the attack began in the morning with artillery and aircraft pounding Achian defensive positions and vehicles. Soon Arkianian forces began moving forward while the marines touched down at the port. Fighting went from block to block at a slow pace. At the Achian parliament as the fighting continued the parliament had agreed to surrender to Arkiania forces along with the King's support. The message was immediately received at the High King's office in Arkanium. It took hours before the fighting was stopped. The Arkianians rounded up the Achian soldiers to put them in temporary prisons. The Achian government was stripped of duties and its politicians were put on temporary house arrest. The King was summoned to Arkanium for the formal signing of the surrender.

With the war now over, Arkiania began to turn its efforts towards restoring order and building infrastructure to support its exploitation of Achia's resources. However, an insurgency would soon form which would lead to 5 more years of war.

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