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Arkiania Awakens
8-11th of Alvan 1588
Kosorion, A town near the border of Achia

Residents were awoken for their peaceful sleeping to the sound of an explosion rocking the town. A ball of fire fell from the sky into the forest below. Soon after another explosion rocked the town. This time it took the train bridge. A frightened populace hid in their basement with no idea what goes on outside. Soldiers began arriving in the town to calm the populace and the set up defensive positions outside the town. Airforce jets launched from their airfields to patrol the skies, and the navy set its course towards Achia. The Arkianian's took one of their own and risked the lives of civilians to give the illusion that Arkiania was attacked by Achia. 3 Days later, Arkiania declared war.

The Royal Arkianian Airforce began launching aircraft to strike military targets in the mountains and in eastern Achia. Alongside the airforce, The Royal Arkianian Navy began striking naval and coastal military targets. The aim was the soften the Achian defense and give Arkianian aircraft free roam in the skies. After this, 2 Army Groups would begin pushing into Achian territory with the aim of occupying Eastern Achia and the Mountains, thus pushing the Achian forces toward the coast where they would be forced to submit.
11 Alvan, 1588
Along the Achian-Arkianian Border

It had finally come. The Arkianian menace was on its way back over the border after an unexplained attack that was claimed to be an Achian attack on a train bridge on the Arkianian side of the border. Officially, an extensive internal review was conducted over a three day period by the military to find out if there was an unauthorized attack that was undertaken by a member of the armed forces. The Chief of the Armed Forces informed the press that should anything come up in their investigations, they will punish whoever authorized the attack and anyone involved in it.

However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Achians knew this would eventually have happened. Ever since their independence from the Arkianians was secured over 2 centuries ago, they knew it was only a matter of time before they would return. They had been hopeful that the Occitanians to the North would have come to the aid of the Achian people. But it was not meant to be, as the nation had seemingly fallen silent.

Three days later the war began. The Arkianian armed forces struck on all fronts, but this time the Achians would be ready for them. Over the past two centuries, the Achians had prepared for their return and built up a series of defenses and plans to give the Arkianians hell. Even if it was a losing battle, they would make them bleed thrice over.

The coastal defenses roared to life as they began to do what they could to strike at their navy. Further inland, anti-air establishments took aim at the airforce as fighters were scrambled to prevent them from total control of the sky. On the ground, an evacuation order was sent to Arnas. The city's people would not become corpses in a pointless battlefield where many would surely die. Instead the Arkianians would have to fight on their terms... in the mountain passes that they knew like the backs of their hands.

As the Achian forces began pulling from the Southeast section, they pulled back into the Southern Pass and further into the North beyond Arnas. The rail running between the Coast and the Inland through Mozion was cleared of all commercial and passenger trains. Only military trains would be allowed on that rail unless otherwise specified. The War for Achian Survival had begun after all; no mistakes could be made now.
12 Alvan, 1588
Skies over Achia

The days of the air campaign began with air strikes on Achian airbases and anti-air installations with jets being launched from both the mainland and sea. Jets launched from the mainland would focus on attacking mountain defenses and defenses in the east. The jets launched from the sea would focus on defenses along the coast. The air campaign was expected to last a week with the objective of completely wiping out the Achian airforce and anti-air installations. Next military fortifications, bases, and other installations would be targeted before the main attack.
12-17 Alvan, 1588

As the air campaign against the homeland begun, evacuations from Arnas continued. A contingent had been left behind to protect the civilians fleeing the city and the surrounding area from both the air campaign and a potential incoming ground invasion. Fear and panic dominated their minds. There was no guarantee that civilians would be spared in this conflict. The Arkianians abhorred the Achians and have been waiting for the chance to seize the country. If they were to take the country in full, who would stop the Arkianians from committing untold horrors to ensure an uprising like the Liberation never took place again?

While most civilians fled towards the North of the country, many stayed behind to join local militias. They worked to ensure calm in the streets and assisted the army in demolishing and mining as much of the infrastructure as possible to ensure the Arkianians could not use it against them. By the end of the week, the evacuation was mostly complete. The army was given the order to withdraw and obeyed, the militias following them to the Southern Pass.

Meanwhile, the air campaign against the country had severely weakened the Achian air force. While the pilots performed admirably, there were simply too many of them to fight off. Slowly but surely, the Achian air force was losing numbers and would soon be unable to mount any serious challenge to their enemies.

Despite this, the anti-air installations were faring rather well. Decades of preparation since the birth of the airplane and the assertion of its importance in modern war solidified the importance of a punishing ground to air defense as central to the survival of the Achian state. While some installations were being damaged or outright destroyed, the doctrine of defensive primacy was sure to become a sore point for the Arkianian air campaign.

Still, the punishing air campaign was starting to take its toll. But every second that those defenses bought before the ground invasion was sure to begin was an additional second to prepare. As the ground forces arrived in the Southern Pass from Arnas, tunnels dug deep into the mountains a long time ago ago were prepared for use. Militia members were taught how to use these tunnels and how to engage in guerrilla warfare should the enemy break through their lines.

Along the front lines designated, the Achian professional forces prepared their fortifications. The enemy would begin its ground campaign soon; it was up to them to ensure it was stopped here.
18 Alvan, 1588

With the first phase of the air campaign completed. Arkianian Aircraft now put their sights on Achian Fortifications and Installation with a particular focus on defensive positions in the mountains and their sophisticated air defenses, which proved to be a very effective tool against Arkianian aircraft despite Arkianian efforts to destroy them. Strategic Bombers would also play a role and would be responsible for dropping specialized bombs designed to collapse tunnels. However the bombers and the munitions themselves were few in number and the bombers could not be used until Achian air defenses were wiped out and the Bombers would also be hampered by limited knowledge of the extent of the Achian tunnel defenses. In tandem with the second face of the air campaign Arkianian ground grounds forces were ordered to make a limited advance towards the mountain pass which could be used as a major supply route for Achian forces to the east. Group East also began advancing to approach Arnas. The Arkiania Navy also began direct engagement of the Achian Navy and coastal installations.
18-20 Alvan, 1588

In the Southeast of the country, the invasion had begun. Intelligence suggested that the Arkianians were making movements towards Arnas, which had been all but abandoned through the past week. In the Southern Pass, the militias and army dug in and prepared for the coming onslaught. The enemy would be upon them in the pass soon; it was all just a waiting game for now. Further up north, the army group designated to hold the Northeast dug in along their intended lines and prepared for the incoming Arkianian forces. They had their orders; hold as long as they could and keep pressuring Occitania for assistance on the diplomatic front.

Along the coast, the Arkianian navy began their fight with the Achian Navy and coastal installations. Careful maneuvering by the Achian Navy ensured that they would remain close enough to the coastline that the coastal guns would be in range to fire upon the Arkianian Navy. While it might not be enough to fully stop the Arkianian menace, it would at least buy some more time for Achia to execute its plan...

In the skies, the Achian Air Force had been dwindling ever slowly. It was difficult to continue running sorties around the clock, and the burden of protecting the skies had mostly fallen on the anti-air fortifications meticulously prepared throughout the nation. It was giving the Achian Diplomatic Corps ample time to fight however. Around the clock they have gone from capitol to capitol, beseeching the nations of the world for support, for any offering of help in its war for survival.

Things were looking bleak however. Mestra's alliance with Arkiania was proving to be too problematic and Occitania's silence had become a thorn in their side. It seemed as though Achia would be facing their oldest enemy alone...
21 Alvan, 1588

Four ships cut through the waves of the South Sea. The first and third were rather dark in color, with oddly shaped superstructures. The other two were more the color of an overcast sky, and all were staggered in their intervals. On radar, the odd two showed up as barely more than large fishing boats, and the others as smaller sized cargo vessels. The group was tailing a fifth ship, a true merchant cargo ship stacked high with containers.

On the bridge of the MC Grace sat Commodore Caitlin O'Malley, CEO of the Red Branch PMC group. She was descended from the ships namesake, Grace O'Malley, a pirate or privateer depending on whose history you read. It had been a family business for nearly two hundred years, and Caitlin followed the family's path well. She looked out into the darkness of the open sea with her chin resting on her fist.

"Any change?" she asked for general consumption.

"No ma'am. Still gaining on them. They're not running full speed."

"Well, then we will. Might as well take them now when they're more than twelve hours out. Launch the ECW bird." She reached up and took the radio mic down. "Coms, bridge."

"Bridge, coms, aye."

"Signal the other ships. As soon as the bird is away, we're going to full speed."

"Aye, Commodore."

After a few minutes, a blacked out C-24 Dragonfly with an electronics warfare package powered off the deck of the Grace and began jamming communications. As it lifted, the waters churned behind all four of the ships as they increased their speed. In no time, they had closed to within visual range of the cargo ship.

"Lookouts, anyone got eyes on a flag?"

"Lookout one. Not exactly. Waiting for the wind to blow it right to get a good look."

O'Malley turned to her navigator. "Helm, give me five degrees to port. Maybe that will help the lookouts. Flash the Blacktip to prepare for release."

"Lookout two! Positive on a flag. Home country IS Arkiania."

Caitlin pumped her fist in the air "Yes! We can actually sieze this one. Put two rounds off her starboard bow, make sure they can see them. Flash the Blacktip to release now!"

The bow guns turned slightly and each shot off a single round, hitting the water close enough to the cargo ship to spray the side. Immediately, the large ship showed signs of trying to turn. From behind the destroyer came eight small Remora class patrol boats. The Blacktip had flooded her hold and opened her bow doors. At the flash command for release, the deck officer had barked the order out over the ships loudspeaker and the small attack craft had shot out of the hold. Now they raced past the cargo ship at a blurring speed. Still, the cargo ship showed no signs of stopping.

"Helm, get us closer and put her bridge abeam. Mind the boats."

"Aye Commodore."

The Grace turned back toward the cargo ship and slowed when the others bridge was directly across from their own. Caitlin flpped a switch for her mic that set it to come through an oversized loudspeaker outside the ship.

"Ahoy cargo vessel. Heave to and prepare to be boarded." She waited to see if there was any change in the ships speed. None happened. "If you do not comply, we will not hesitate to shoot your bridge." She unkeyed the mic and turned. "Weps, unmask the rockets and the RAC five."

"Aye commodore."

There was a dull thrum through the ship as the doors covering the weapons on the side opened up. Still the ship didn't show signs of slowing. Caitlin sighed. "Weps, take off one of their masts. RAC five only."

"Five only, aye." The young man set the control switch to the port side gun and wrapped his hand around the joystick. The screen on his console showed the view from the gun system, and he set the crosshairs slightly foreward of the mast itself. A grin crept onto his face as he flipped up the safety covering the trigger. He pressed it once, twice, three times. Each time sending a quick burst of twenty milimeter rounds ripping into the sensitive electronic equipment on top of the other ships bridge. Shards of metal and plastic flew in every direction as one of the ships radars was destroyed. The safety clicked back down over the trigger. "That pretty well trashed it, commodore."

Caitlin nodded and keyed the mic. "The next blast goes through your bridge. Heave to, damn you." Finally, the cargo ship began to slow. "Smart move." Caitlin hung the mic back up. "Signal the boats to send the raiders. Helm, keep us abeam. We'll need to cover our people."

The patrol boats slowed at various points along the sides of the ship. A single man from each boarding team used a compressed air launcher to send their ropes up the sides. In less then five minutes, the cargo ship was swarming with Red Branch commandos. They rounded up the small crew and locked them in the galley. Soon a light was seen flashing from the bridge of the cargo vessel.

"Commodore, they have control of the ship. All crew accounted for."

"Very good. Recall the ECW bird. Transfer over a crew for transit and leave one boarding squad for security. The others can return to the Blacktip. We'll take it and head south. The contract specifies we're free to take whatever we want. There's an area where we can go through the cargo and take what we want, and we can take the time getting there to go over the manifest. Tell the Deirdre and Lemon they're free to operate independently from us and to be careful."
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard
20-25 Alvan, 1588

Group Center faced light resistence advancing towards the pass, but then the extent of the mountain fortifications the Achians had prepared had now been realized and despite aerial bomardment the fortifications still held together though weakened. Group Center split into two attacking forces, one attacked from the mountains and the other made an eastern approach to the mountains north of the pass.  They hoped to attack the Achians from behind and force them into the pass where Arkanian Force would have altitude advantage.

Group East made a push towards Arnas and quickly advanced through Achian defenses which were already significantly weakened by air attacks. With Arnas under control, Group East prepared for another assault that would push west of Arnas and cut off Achian forces from retreating into the mountains.

In the air, Arkianian aircraft continued their aerial bombardment of Achian installations and had free roam over the skies with the Achian Airforce being virtually wiped out.

At Sea, Arkianian Naval Aircraft continued to target Achian coastal installations, leaving the Achian Navy vulnerable. Arkianian Ships and Helicopters moved into attacking positions and began attacking the Achian Navy.
22-29 Alvan, 1588

After the siezure of the first cargo ship, the Red Branch forces went full out in the South and Skathian Seas. Thanks to the electronic intellegence section, cargo vessels with Arkiania as a destination were identified and their routes plotted. In a week, nine more ships had been taken by the fast moving privateer flotilla and moved to a neutral port. There, they were unloaded and crews debriefed. Arkiania flagged ships were kept, while vessels from other nations were allowed to return to their ports, minus the cargo.

Every cargo container was examined, and its contents recorded by contracted dockyard employees for the needed legal proceedings. A full platoon of lawyers versed in admiralty law kept the courts busy with a flurry of in rem proceedings for the cargo and the ships taken. Cases of the ships were separated from the cases of their respective cargos, and to make things quick and simple for the courts, the cargo was grouped into cases by the name of the ship it had been on. In each, statements from the crews of the Red Branch ships involved were given, and copies of each ships letter of marque from Achia were provided.

One foreign flag cargo ship was retained under negotiated contract and turned into a temporary holding facility for the crews of the Arkianian flagged ships. Under admiralty law, those crews were considered prisoners of war, and treated as such by their Red Branch captors.

After the initial operation, Caitlin O'Malley had turned over control of the MC Grace to the ships captain. As CEO of the private military contractor group, she had decided to oversee the disposition of the captured ships and cargos.

"Look at all this." she said as she walked though the rows of containers. "Only ten ships and we're already running out of room."

Commander Murtagh Cormac walked slightly behind and to the right of O'Malley. He was technically the COO of the Red Branch, making him second in command. To O'Malley's left was the CFO, Seamus Muldoon. A bit older and graying at the temples, he was known better for his work as head of the secretive charity fund, the Order of St. Patrick.

"I've got some people working to lease some warehouse space where stuff can be sorted." said Seamus. "The lawyers say it'll be another week before we can open the first container, so we have a bit of time."

Cormac frowned. "In the meantime, we're going to be getting more ships and the stacks are just going to get higher."

"Can't do that. We have to keep each ships cargo in it's own area." O'Malley grimaced at the thought of the space needed. "Maybe we can reload some of the ships."

"We'll have to check with the courts before we do that. It'll all have to match up if we do." Seamus rubbed his chin in thought. "On the bright side, we already have a plan in place to deal with it all."

"What have you come up with?"

"Most of it is going to be sorted into primary material groups and sold as scrap. Higher end items and any munitions will either be used or sold as is."

"What about foodstuffs and medicine?" asked Cormac.

"Donated mostly, through the OSP."

"Outstanding, Seamus." Caitlin said with a smile. "At least there can be a little good found in an idiotic war of aggression. I wonder when the Arkianian people will start feeling the pinch."

"Don't know." answered Cormac. "We've got plans for when they do though. I'm sure they'll try to do something to stop us. That'll certainly put a crimp in their naval actions against Achia."
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard
Note: This is a collaboration post between me and Soyabar.

25 Alvan, 155
South Sea

On the NZ Destroyer Perkatu, Admiral Perwars looked through his telescope staring at an unusual sight to behold, Arkianian vessels were operating on a large scale land inwards. He looked on a map and trajectories that had been presented by his crew trough radar. They were flying bombarding Achian emplacements. At the moment, Perwars did not know if it was a war or an exercise but he could not know. So he made sure he was prepared for both. He had a couple of commands ready for his crew.

Perwars said calmy but was infuriated "Get an aircraft carrier and a transport boat here! Make sure the Comrade Prime Minister Adwar gets notified of this!"
He turned quickly towards his second in command to which he had delegated to oversee the communication between his ship and the Arkianian's, promptly shouting "Establish contact with the Arkianian Flagship! I need to know what the hell is going on!"

Arkianian ships were aware of the Commonwealth destroyer getting close the Arkianian operations. A Strike Fighter detachment was sent to establish contact and intercept the Commonwealth vessel. The planes circled above and established contact. "This is a detachment of the 3rd Strike Fighter Squadron of the Royal Arkianian Navy. You are approaching an active warzone, Redirect your course away from the combat zone immediately." Pershwan ordered the destroyer to stop. "This the destroyer NZ Perkatu of the New Zealmark Navy, we need to establish contact with your highest commanding officer". Channels are eventually established between the New Zealmark Government and the situation is resolved peacefully.

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