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Siora Awards 2017
. . : : The Siora Awards 2017 : : . .

Hello Hello, and welcome back to the Siora Awards! This October marks the third full year for the Eternity community as we know it, and boy, what a year it has been! A full year of larfs and writing, full of highs, lows, intense deluges and deserts of activity, rules and drama, and hopefully some memories and friendships we'll be able to carry ever forward into this next year and beyond.

So of course being the end of the fiscal year and the beginning of the next, it is time for Siora's Third Annual rendition of an awardsy-type thing! That's right, we're running this again despite all of my biggest most bestest judgment, folks. We like slapping ourselves on the back for things, and now we can do it in OfficialTM Fashion! Iif you ever felt that your unfathomable genius has ever been under/unacknowledged, now is your opportunity to rectify that most grievous error! Since these OfficialTM Awards are being decided by all the members of the community, now is the chance for your brilliance to shine above and earn utterly meaningless titles and PRIZES.*

Oh boy! How do I participate in this OfficialTM Activity?
Great question, you must be head of your class, a brilliant sparkle in the corner of your parents' eyes! All you have to do is copy everything within the spoilered code box below into a PM addressed directly to me, include your ONE vote for each category (which are explained below), and then submit the pm. After a Certain Amount Of TimeTM, all submitted "votes" will be tallied, and winners in each individual category declared - though we all know you'll win, you wonderful person you - to much celebration and fanfare.

Or just pop it in this thread, if you give absolutely zero fffffffffriendly bananas if people know how you voted.

Everyone gets to vote for everything; there are no special people with special votes for certain categories. Furthermore, while it's fine to not vote for a category if you can't think of anything for it, only a maximum of one vote is allowed for each.

WOW! It's so easy, even [insert 2017 meme here] can do it!**

Show ContentAwards Vote Submission Form:

Wait, what happened to the last one?
The 2015 Awards, and their results, can be found here.
The 2016 Awards, and their results, can be found here.

Can I vote for myself?
That's a bitch move, but you can vote for yourself as long as you can live with the knowledge that you's a bitch.

These OfficialTM Category names are weird, what do they mean?
Good question! Below are short explanations for each of the categories, so you know what you're voting for!

Member of the Year: The member who best represents what we want every member to be like, who best represents the best all-around person we like to have in our community. Completely arbitrary & subjective.

Contributor of the Year: Someone who contributed something of significant value to the community, generally someone who added/brought something that bettered the community as a whole.

Writer of the Year: The person who consistently writes the very wow stories, characters, etc. Maybe not the most quantity, but his/her consistent quality always impresses.

Newcomer of the Year: Like "Member of the Year," but specifically for people that joined the forum in 2017 only. Use that "Members" button at the top of the forum if you have to.

Most Active: Who on the forum is in the most dire need of sunlight and/or going the fuck to sleep.

Most Helpful: Someone whose always there to lend a non-judgmental, non-cynical hand with advice or guidance on any subject asked of them.

Most Creative: Who made the prettiest pretty? Pictures, videos...uh, sculptures? Artistic, creative-type stuff.

Best Sport: Typically someone fairly humble, the kind of person you always want to hang out or write with. Someone who's really quiet pleasant even in "defeat."

Forum's Favorite Flag: We have a bazillion fake fucking nations, surely one of them has a flag you really like.

Most Memorable Moment: Anything - could be a post, chat snippet, anything - that was "totally epic," something that stood out as something worth remembering.

The President Caesar Memorial Award: The forum's most notorious lurker, someone most likely to not see this post or know that they even won this award.

Shepherd of the Drama Llamas: For quelling or resolving the dramas. Also, the person most likely to have a problem filling in the next category.

Liberator of the Drama Llamas: For starting or exacerbating the dramas. Extra points is they're also the most likely to start drama over receiving this award.

Card Czar: Who is king or queen of the spam. Someone who gets everyone together for a fun time...or at least tries so very hard, bless their heart.

Most Captivating Story: The story (mtrp, fantasy, free-form, anything), and writer, that captured your attention and that you follow religiously? Bonus points if you have no active part in it.

Most Developed Character: Like above, which person's RP/story/writing character really sticks out to you as someone/something memorable? Doesn't matter if the character is recurring or a one-shot "disposable" thing.

* No actual prizes exist. Any Prizes awarded are not affiliated with or condoned by the Siora AwardsTM.
** I'm getting lazy with these. not nearly so lazy as simply copying the entire post whole-cloth from the previous year, but still lazy.
Where's the "Anakinexi's Average Honorific Award"?

OP is hiding things, impeach and/or boo at him immediately, fellow community members! >Sad
|| Democratic Republic of Mayari ||

There is no solution to the peasant problem but to wage armed struggle, conduct agrarian
revolution and build revolutionary base areas


I decided against it. It was a joke from the chat way back when, but I hardly remember the joke. Something about Deck wanting an award.
As a note:

Vote submissions will end on the 26th of December. Results will be tabulated sometime after that.
Remember the last day to submit your nominees is the 26th. I look forward to lots of votes.

Not for myself, just in general.
I am planning to vote tomorrow morning Smile
Same here. o/
. . : : The Siora Awards 2017 : : . .
Final Results

I didn't forget to post the Siora Award results, YOU forgot to post the Siora Awards results! Angry

In any case, we got a pretty average number of results, though some people forgot to submit responses after pledging to do so, but that's fiiiiiiine, really. We still had enough to get a good spread of votes, so let us announce our grand winners!

Most Developed Character: Ikarius, with "Empress Mirai Sekai" & Adwest, with "Sophia Bernadette Durnador"
Not very many votes came in on this category, but those that did were long-standing and influential parts of their respective stories, playing such active roles in shaping their regions of Siora. Hopefully we'll see more of them in the rest of 2018, yes?

Most Captivating Story: see below
Four (!) stories won here as none of them could garner anything more than an initial vote, which I simply consider as a win for our RP if the field is so strong that no clear winner can emerge. Let's take a look at them:

- Hadash's story "Dying New Galasia" continued still the story of the spiral of the New Galasian civil war into its eventual intervention by Angiris.
- Nentsia's "The Form in the Road" explored the directions and consequences of dictatorship in a country whose people are quivering for the chance to experience a real democracy.
- Hadash's "Hôinôm: Changes and Obstacles" explored the delicate political game that emerges between the forces of authoritarianism and the forces of pluralism that emerges in a country as it attempts to bring itself into the modern age.
- Nentsia's "The King's Freedom." Terror and intrigue in the mysterious kingdom of Nerysia! What's going on?

Card Czar: Sal
Ladies and gentlemen, your undisputed Card Czar and champion for a third straight year! Can anyone stop her?

Liberator of the Drama Llamas: Lomarre
Shepherd of the Drama Llamas: Flo
It takes all sorts.

The President Caesar Memorial Award: Zabuza825
Come back Zab, we miss you! We have cakes! We see you over there, being all sneaky and stuff!

Most Memorable Moment: Tied, see below
We have a three-way tie, which is interesting, even though it happened last year. Is this a trend? I guess we'll see.
In any case, the 1582 SIFA World Cup was certainly a fun gig, and full of drama in the finals!
Oh right, and remember that one time that everyone got bent out of shape over Caladria, especially the severely incompetent HLE. LOL!
And finally there was that time that Ark told [redacted] to go and- hey! Keep this a happy and constructive awards, m'kay?

Forum's Favorite Flag: Severyane, Sainam (RIP), HLE, Angiris
The nations of Severyane (Hahk), Blac, Ayzek, and Anakinexi, respectively. Not much to say. Maybe we'll see new flags with the opening of Alt-Earth RP! Woo!

Best Sport: BrumBrum [ [ Honorable Mention: Hadash; Flo; Hahk ] ]
Last year we had someone who's just really cool about going with the flow and cooperating in whatever needs cooperating. Brum may not be that all the time, but he's a good sport in another way: regardless of how much you rag on the boi, he's always there to just have some fun and a good time writing stuff. Good for you!

Most Creative: Ayzek [ [ Honorable Mention: Carp; Ikarius ] ]

Most Helpful: Flo [ [ Honorable Mention: Ikarius; Seperallis ] ]
Good Guy Flo strikes again!

Most Active: Hadash [ [ Honorable Mention: Ayzek; DeShaine; Blac ] ]
Hadash comes back with the second year running, and with good reason. Still nearly always online and always taking on new projects while coming up with ideas for more stories, and while making regular posts. If you're on Discord and make a comment, chances are you'll see a reply from Hadash within minutes. Does he even sleep? Is he actually A.I. 2.0? Spooky.

Now, for the very fancy, very prestigious, very arbitrary "of the Year" awards! Wow, so important!

Newcomer of the Year: Father Wi11iam
Father Wi11iam came to us and showed much promise. He is still in the Discord community, but hopefully we'll see them both here again!

Writer of the Year: Nents & Hadash
Nents returns as Writer of the Year for a third year running, but is joined by Hadash this time in a dead tie. It goes without saying that these two would capture the spot, as you can see so much of their stories capturing the attention of us all in the categories above.

Contributor of the Year: Ikarius [ [ Runner-up: Hadash; Seperallis ] ]
I'll be honest, I don't remember enough of what happened last year to comment on this. I believe it has a lot to do with getting the Discord up and running with a lot of its features and such. Also some posting. If that's the case, given that the Discord is where 95% of our community interaction takes place now, then I feel that this award is well warranted, indeed.

Member of the Year: Seperallis [ [ Honorable Mention: Mestra; Ayzek; Blac ] ]

Thank you all for one wonderful year, and a hearty congratulations to all of our winners on their shiny new, meaningless, arbitrary awards! Yay!
Just one announcement now that I finally concluded all this.

I am looking to drop both drama llama categories; they aren't very respect. If you have any ideas for new barely-serious categories that can replace them, I'd like your feedback. Regardless of any new additions, the next awards will not have those two categories.
I told you. The [eggplant emoji] Award. Description: [eggplant emoji]. Do it.

But really, some kind of award for best world-builder or best lore-setter-upper would be neat. Especially considering we’re adding more Alt Earth and fantasy RPs. It would kind of be like the Best Character award, but geared at settings.

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About Eternity RPC

Eternity Role Play Community is a forum and community dedicated to role play. Founded in 2016 as a Modern Tech environment, the community has evolved to include other types of role play and gaming.