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Sep & Sal's Super Birthweek Poetry Party Blowout Bonanza!
[Image: PzRBI7g.png]

Hey hey, kids! Looking for something to do for these last few weeks before your dreadful classes begin again? Want to flex your writing muscles? Want free shit?! That's why we have Sep & Sal's Super Birthweek Poetry Party Blowout Bonanza!TM

Sal and I (okay, mostly I) were trying to figure out a way to disseminate these copies of Tabletop Sim on Steam, and given the time of year, I thought...why not something related to our birthdays? After bouncing the idea back and forth - just the one time, we really didn't think this through that much - we decided upon a super cool poetry slam jam!

How to Participate?

First, write a poem. The poem has to be:
  • A poem.
  • About Seperallis and/or Sal in some way?

That's it! It can be serious, it can be funny, It can be seriously funny, it can be a roast, it can be adoration...mostly doesn't matter! Just, you know, a poem. About one or both of us. No sex, please (it wouldn't be as good as the real deal anyway).

You can submit as many poems as you want. More poems means more chances at winning a Fabulous PrizeTM!

Why to Participate?

A Fabulous PrizeTM!

You want specifics? Okay, the top three poems that Sal and I (but mostly Sal) like the most will receive the Totally Super Cool Grand Prize:
Tabletop Simulator! Hooray!

Already have Tabletop Sim? Then you'll be able to select your prize from one of the following (while supplies last):
Castle Crashers
Guns of Icarus Online

The prizes keep getting doled out until all three copies of Tabletop Sim have been given. Each person can only receive one prize regardless of how many poems you submit, but submitting more poems most likely means Sal will like at least one of them, so keep on writing, kiddos! Even if you don't get anything, each participant gets a special tiny token of appreciation, so don't be shy! Angel

But wait, there's more! After the submission period ends, there will be a public vote for the forum's favorite poem! The winner of the vote gets a Super Special Secret "Prize"!TM

When to Participate?

Now! Right now! The bonanza Begins: Now and Ends: 10PM GMT, 23 August, after which prize winners will be announced.

HOWEVER, the super special public forum vote for the forum's favorite poem Begins: 10PM GMT, 23 August and Ends: 10PM GMT, 31 August

Be sure to have all your poetry submitted by the 23rd!

All forum members are eligible to participate! Except for myself and Sal, of course.
Made this quickie while bored at work

A Limerick

Oer and Sal, the fun-loving two,
Always seem to be the ones with a clue.
Were they in Alterra?
Can't remember that era.
Regardless, I'm glad they're in our crew.
That was beautiful.

As a reminder, this will end Wednesday of next week (the 23rd of Aug); you have until then to be eligible for free stuff, but can post afterwards for the lulz if you want. As Flo has proven, you don't need to be Dr Seuss or Robert Frost. Flipped Smile
Super happy funtime birthday bonanza ends tomorrow! So far, Flo gets a free copy of Tabletop Simulator by default (not that we didn't enjoy his poem), but we would very much love to have more poems, especially from others. Thanks!
Horray for Flo! He got the thing for his amusing limerick!

Birthweek has ended. Sal and I had a wonderful time in the Richmond & Williamsburg area in Virginia over our long weekend; maybe pictures will follow? For now, though, the bonanza has ended, and this thread is closed.

Have fun, everyone!

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