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Diplomacy - Official Thread

Show ContentMap Spring 1901:

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It is Spring 1901. European Diplomats have assembled from all capitals of the continent to discuss crucial matters as the tensions between the great powers are ever increasing. We have entered the 20th century, and the question as to who shall dominate this century is still entirely open. Will Britannia rule the waves for much longer? Can Germany take over the waves while at the same time holding off her rivals on the European mainland? Will France, a hundred years after the emergence of Napoleon, conquer all of Europe with superior military tactics? Or should we perhaps place our cards on Italy, which, the last time it was under unified rule, led to the creation of the Roman Empire. Few might think about the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, because it is ''encircled'' as some like to say. But that also means Vienna can move into every direction it likes, while everyone is underestimating her. In the East there are the large Empires of the past: the Ottomans and the Russians. Their Despotic hordes threaten to overrun the Civilized world from the East, crushing European liberty beneath the hooves of their mounted soldiers.

What will happen is unpredictable. That is precisely why, now, in this beautiful spring of 1901 the best diplomats have come together to gather intelligence, listen to some of the rumours, get to discuss some plans, weigh their options, and then see how the alignments in Europe develop through the rest of the year. Europe is at peace, but it is a fragile piece. War is in the air. Europe says 'yes' to the barbarian within it. Let's release the animal.

To all the players, I wish to make a few things clear. You have to send your official troop instructions to Hadash, with next Monday being the latest possible day to give instructions for the Autumn of 1901. Hadash then sends them to me and I will make the required adjustments on the map, and publish it.

Formal instructions need to be written like this:

''Country unit province action (actions: Hold, move to/attack [insert province], support [insert adjacent unit (you can support foreign units)], support attack [insert province that is under attack - you need to border it with that unit], convoy (an order for fleets located in a sea territory while an adjacent land unit is ordered to move to a free land spot across that sea)''

Example: Russia Army Warsaw attacks Silezia.

You give such orders for all of your units. If a unit receives no orders it simply holds its position.

Let the game begin. May the biggest knife win.
Autumn, 1901

Show ContentMap Autumn 1901:

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[Image: niiiwEr.jpg?1]

It is Autumn 1901. After months of tense discussions, heated arguments, and whispering diplomats and agents in dark corners, the Powers of Europe have made their moves in the Spring of 1901. Now is the moment of truth. We shall see who is moving to where, who kept his promise, which intelligence proved correct. They say that actions speak louder than words. Nothing is more true in European diplomacy!

The biggest surprise in the Spring of 1901 is the sudden Russian attack on the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Russian army in Warsaw suddenly tried to invade Galicia, the Ruthenian lands of the Habsburg Empire, where so many exiled Ukrainian ''freedom fighters'', or ''terrorists'' if you ask the Tsar, have found their refuge. The invasion failed however, as the Habsburg generals, strategists of the finest military academies in Vienna, anticipated on the Pan-Slav ambitions of St. Petersburg and quickly moved their troops to the Eastern Front to defend the Habsburg realm. One of the Austrian war photographers managed to get a picture of some Russian POW's being escorted by an Austrian cavalry officer. Look at these wild hordes they are sending to Europe from the Urals!

Meanwhile, France has occupied Spain without much resistance. The Ottomans have begun to revert their century-long decline and re-established their control over Bulgaria after they had lost it since 1878. France and the Ottoman Empire are the two countries making gains this season. Europe has been warned. Before we go to a new round of diplomatic negotiation, let me clarify the actions of all the players:

Austro-Hungarian Empire:
Fleet in Trieste moves to Albania.
Army in Vienna moves to Tyrolia.
Army in Budapest moves to Galicia - encounters Russian Army from Warsaw, move is cancelled.

Fleet in Brest moves to Atlantic Ocean.
Army in Paris moves to Burgundy.
Army in Marseilles moves to Spain. Spain is taken over. France may build one new unit at a home supply center of their choice at the end of this year.

Fleet in Kiel moves to Heligoland Bight.
Army in Berlin moves to Kiel.
Army in Munich holds position.

Fleet in Naples moves to Tyrrhenian Sea.
Army in Rome holds position.
Army in Venice holds position.

Ottoman Empire:
Fleet in Ankara moves into Black Sea - encounters Russian fleet from Sevastopol, move is cancelled.
Army in Constantinople moves into Bulgaria. Bulgaria is taken over. The Ottoman Empire may build 1 new unit at a home supply center of their choice at the end of this year.
Army in Smyrna moves to Constantinople.

Fleet in St. Petersburg moves into Bothnian Gulf.
Army in Warsaw moves into Galicia - encounters Austrian Army from Budapest, move is cancelled.
Army in Moscow moves into Warsaw - already a unit stationed there, move is cancelled.
Fleet in Sevastopol moves into Black Sea - encounters Ottoman Fleet from Ankara, move is cancelled.

United Kingdom:
Fleet in Edinburgh moves into Norwegian Sea.
Fleet in London moves into North Sea.
Army in Liverpool moves into Yorkshire.

These were the orders of the Spring of 1901. We now enter the negotiation phase of the Autumn of 1901, and it will last until next Thursday.
Winter, 1901

Show ContentMap Winter 1901:

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A Second Front!
[Image: xA66dHX.jpg?1]

Shortly after the sudden Russian invasion of Galicia, tensions in Europe seem to have reached a boiling point as a second front was opened in the Autumn of 1901. A secret plot between Austrian and French agents has resulted in a joint Austro-French invasion of southern Germany. It is almost like the Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 again: former rivals France and Austria cooperate against the Teutonic hordes of Prussia. European politics once more proves to be a minefield!

But the Germans put up a good fight, as the Prussian Junkers in Berlin anticipated on this anti-German coalition, and they dug themselves in the trenches around Munich. The invasion of France and Austria has been halted... for now. At the Eastern Front meanwhile, Russia has succesfully penetrated the Austro-Hungarian defense lines. Siberian Cossacks are parading in the Galician capital Lemberg (Lviv) as we speak. A horrible sight, the Tatar-Mongolians are coming! Rumania has also fallen prey to the Russian menace and so have the once mighty Swedes. The Russian Tsar, ''Bloody Nicky'', is living up to his reputation.

The Turks meanwhile continue to restore their Islamic empire at the expense of Greece this time. Poor Greece, heroically achieved its independence after a decade of guerilla war in 1829, has now been enslaved again by the Muslims. The British however, have a thing or two to explain about occupying Belgium - the country they helped to liberate itself from the Netherlands in 1830! Poor Belgium, once more occupied by a non-Catholic power.

Italy meanwhile has begun an adventure in Africa. Africa! They've landed on the shores of Tunis, forcing the Bey of Tunisia to recognize their rule. Maybe someone should tell them Carthage was destroyed 2000 years ago.

In any case, here is a detailed overview of the orders:

Fleet in Albania moves to Trieste.
Army in Tyrolia supports attack on Munich.
Army in Budapest moves to Serbia. Serbia is occupied.

Army in Burgundy attacks Munich. Munich has enough military support, the attack failed.
Fleet in the Mid-Atlantic moves to Portugal. Portugal is occupied.
Army in Spain holds position.

Fleet in Heligoland Bight moves to Denmark. Denmark is occupied.
Army in Kiel supports Army in Munich.
Army in Munich holds position.

Fleet in Tyrrhenian Sea moves to Tunis. Tunis is occupied.
Army in Rome holds position.
Army in Venice holds position.

Ottoman Empire:
Fleet in Ankara moves to Black Sea.
Army in Bulgaria moves to Greece. Greece is occupied.
Army in Constantinople moves to Bulgaria.

Fleet in Sevastopol moves to Rumania. Rumania is occupied.
Army in Moscow moves to Warsaw.
Army in Warsaw attacks Galicia. Galicia is occupied - no supply centers gained.
Fleet in Gulf of Bothnia moves to Sweden. Sweden is occupied.

United Kingdom:
Fleet in Norwegen Sea moves to Norway. Norway is occupied.
Fleet in North Sea convoys an army.
Army in Yorkshire is convoyed and moves to Belgium. Belgium is occupied.

1901 has come to an end.
Before we move on to the Spring of 1902, the units on the map will be re-calculated to match the number of supply centers.

The following countries may build new units for taking supply centers:

Austria-Hungary may build 1 unit in one of its home supply centers for taking Serbia.

France may build 2 units in its home supply centers for taking Portugal and Spain.

Germany may build 1 unit in one of its home supply centers for taking Denmark.

Italy may build 1 unit in one of its home supply centers for taking Tunis.

Ottoman Empire may build 2 units in its home supply centers for taking Bulgaria and Greece.

Russia may build 2 units in its home supply centers for taking Sweden and Rumania.

United Kingdom may build 2 units in its home supply centers for taking Norway and Belgium.

Please, send a pm to Hadash within the next 5 hours where you want to build a new unit and what type of unit. Only coastal supply centers can produce fleets.

The negotiation phase of Spring 1902 opens in 5 hours. You can already negotiate now, but do so at your own risk, because the map with the newly added units is not available yet.

Show ContentMap 1902:

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Please submit the Spring 1902 moves this Tuesday.
Spring 1902

Show ContentMap Spring 1902:

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The Orders were as follows:

A Tyrolia moves to Piedmont (move failed because of army in Venice)
A Vienna moves to Tyrolia (move failed)
Fleet Trieste moves to Adriatic
A Serbia moves to Trieste

French Army Burgundy attack Ruhr. (move failed because of army in Kiel)
French Army Paris to Burgundy. (move failed)
French Navy Marseilles to Gulf of Lyons.
French Army Spain to Marseilles.
French Navy Portugal to Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Army Berlin Support Army Munich
Army Munich Support Russian Attack on Bohemia
Fleet Denmark Attack North Sea (move failed)
Army Kiel move to Ruhr (move failed)

Fleet at Tunis moves to Tyrrhenian Sea
Fleet at Naples moves to Apulia
Army in Venice moves to Piedmont (move failed)
Army in Rome moves to Venice (move failed)

Army Greece moves to Albania
Army Bulgaria moves to Greece
Army Ankara moves to Smyrna
Fleet Black Sea moves to Constantinople
Fleet Smyrna moves to Eastern Mediterranean

Army Moscow move to Livonia
Army Sevestapol move to Moscow
Fleet Rumania move to Black Sea
Army Warsaw attack Prussia
Army Galicia attack Silesia
Fleet Sweden support attack to Skagerrak

England Fleet North Sea move to Holland.
England Fleet Norway move to Skagerrack.
England Fleet London move to North Sea.
England Fleet Edinburgh support attack North Sea (from London).
England Army Belgium support attack Holland (from North Sea).
Autumn 1902

Show ContentMap Autumn 1902:

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The Orders were as follows:

-Army Venice holds position.
-Fleet Apulia supports Venice.
-Army Rome supports Venice.
-Fleet Tyrrhenian Sea moves to Tuscany.

-England Army Belgium support attack Ruhr from Burgundy. (Move failed, no attacks on Ruhr).
-England Fleet Holland attack Kiel. (Move failed, standoff).
-England Fleet Skagerrack attack Denmark. (Fleet of Germany is dislodged and retreats to Baltic Sea. Rommel may still opt to choose his own region for retreat).
-England Fleet North Sea support attack Denmark from Skagerrack.
-England Fleet Edinburgh move to Norwegian Sea.

-Army Kiel Support Fleet Denmark (Move failed because unit is under attack).
-Fleet Denmark Attack North Sea (move failed, standoff. Fleet is dislodged.)
-Army Munich Hold (unit is dislodged and retreats to Ruhr).
-Army Berlin Support Munich (Move failed. Army Berlin is dislodged, and, because it has nowhere to retreat, is disbanded immediately).

-Fleet Sweden attack Norway
-Army Prussia Attack Berlin
-Army Silesia support attack Berlin (supporting army Prussia)
-Fleet Black Sea hold
-Army Livonia move to Prussia
-Army Moscow move to Livonia

-Fleet Constantinople moves to Aegean Sea
-Fleet East Med moves to Ionian Sea
-Army Smyrna moves to Constantinople
-Army Greece holds
-Army Albania holds

-F Adriatic to Venice (move failed, superior defence).
-A Trieste support F Adriatic to Venice
-A Tyrolia support A Burgundy to Munich
-A Vienna to Budapest

-French Army Marseilles move to Piedmont.
-French Army Burgundy attack Munich.
-French Army Paris move to Burgundy.
-French Navy Mid-Atlantic Ocean to Western Mediterranean.
-French Navy Gulf of Lyon hold.

If Germany wishes to choose a different destination of retreat for its fleet, it may change it before the next round starts. The province needs to be unoccupied and adjacent to Denmark.

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