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The Gods of Andlosheim
Dan Gïdva av Andloshïm
En Encyklopedika va Gudfrid Forlorn


There are a multitude of gods that watch over Andlosheim. Their existence has been proven, as even a novice mage is capable of establishing communication with them—if the god chooses to hear them, at least. The power of the gods is frightening, as a skilled mage with an attentive and generous patron deity is capable of awesome thing, often overwhelming independent mages. However, it is believed that gods are not omnipotent; the different in strength between some is obvious, while others have been killed or otherwise erased from existence. A god with too few followers is believed to steadily fade into oblivion, while we know of several gods that were slain in battle during the Godswar.

It is consequently theorized that most gods require worship, or at least confirmation, in order to survive. Mare Proda, an Elder God of law and justice, has grown significantly weaker since Tyrus's rise to prominence. Similarly, Kenlinkusdom, a minor god of arrogance and rage, is believed to have faded into oblivion—not only does he fail to respond to hails but the star previously associated with him is no longer distinguishable in the heavens. More obvious evidence of the gods' mortality lies with Sutr, the Primordial God of Winter, who was killed during the Godswar. At his death, the magical power of his believers waned significantly.

The gods are believed to reside in the heavens directly above the World, where they are protected, or perhaps kept at bay, by the Kïsyr dragons. No mortal man has been known to step there—instead repelled by the Kïsyr which patrol the skies. Indeed, the Kïsyr were first discovered when Archmage Aris Kornim attempted to penetrate the heavens within a metal box; she was shot down by a magnificent, golden beast she could barely discern. However, a consequent study into their species revealed that they are far ancienter; the earliest sighting of them significantly predates modern states.

Within the Heavens, the gods are further divided by pantheons, the most popular of which are:
  • The Valhalnir, headed by Tyrus
  • The Allanians, headed by Zypher
  • The Segnir, headed by Seglari
  • The Rannava, headed by Raas
  • The Hainu, headed Shavin, Vishta, and Shinne
  • The Hallava, headed by Natesiel and Ferluciel
Of course, most gods are not worshiped in all locations. For example, the primary deities of Sidgard and the surrounding region are the Valhalnir, which are rarer in other parts of Andlosheim. Additionally, there are a multitude of independent yet widely-worshiped (and consequently fairly powerful) deities—such as Baphometh and Deus.

It should be noted that while a multitude of different pantheons exist, many gods born through the faith of Man, there are a few gods that are known to predate Man itself. These gods are known as Primordial Gods, or Elohim, and are believed to be powerful even without followers. It was the Elohim that participated in the Godswar—which occurred before many of today's gods even existed. These gods are believed to be unchanging, even before the pressure of their followers. The Elohim are the only gods believed to be fully universal—found throughout the World, perhaps under different names and faces. Lesser gods, the Ishim, which were born through Man's faith, are more dependent on their followers, and tend to be limited to their original region.

The gods can be divided along many lines. The primary camps are the Elohim and Ishim mentioned above. Some gods are also considered "Elder Gods", while not all Lesser Gods are Ishim. There are also Malakim, which aren't gods at all! These terms will be explored further in the tome.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Gods, Fae, and Man

Let us first establish the difference between the gods and Man. Or rather, between the Ayohim and Aralim. "Aralim" refers to the mundane inhabitants of the World—the Lower Realm of Andlosheim, in which Mankind live alongside the other Races. On the other hand are the gods, or the "Ayohim", who reside in the Heavens: the Upper Realm.

As the Aralim have their different Races, the Ayohim too have their different groups—though perhaps the differences aren't as superficial as among the Aralim.

The most distinct among the Ayohim are perhaps the Elohim and the Ishim: the Primordial Gods and the Aralim's Gods. While the Elohim existed before even the World itself, the Ishim were created by the Aralim and their yearns for higher, guiding powers.

But what makes a Ayoh a Ayoh and an Aral an Aral?

To put it simply: not only does an Ayoh have an enormous internal pool of magical power, but they are also capable of effortlessly interacting with the World's inherent magical energy. On the other hand, Aral have minuscule magical potential and are, with few exceptions, incapable of interacting with the World's magic without a medium, ritual, or contract.

And where do the Malakim fit into this, you ask?

Simply put, the Malakim, or "Fae folk", lie somewhere between the Ayohim and Aralim. Some argue that they are in fact Ayohim, as they are capable of interacting with the world's inherent magic. Others dispute this, as the Malakim do not reside in the Heavens but are instead found throughout the World. Furthermore, the Malakim are not subject to the Heavenly Compact which prohibits the Ayohim from directly influencing the World.

It is consequently reasonably to consider them independent of both and that is certainly the general consensus.


The Elohim (singular: Eloh) are the Primordial Gods: those that existed before Creation itself. They are generally the most powerful of Ayohim, with complete dominance of their precept. Nonetheless, the majority of Elohim have fallen out of favor with Aralim—perhaps because they tend to refuse to enter into compact. Despite this, an Ish cannot hope to compete with an Eloh; the difference in strength is that great.

The Elohim were the primary participants, alongside their angels and other agents, in the Godswar, where the Wicked One and his servants attempted to destroy Creation, only to be expelled. During this war, multiple Eloh were killed.

While some of the Elohim were born spontaneously, from the Void that existed previously, others were created later by older Eloh. Elohim that came to be independently are identified as Spirits, while created gods have varying titles. Beside the Spirits, the Elohim can be classified into the Doombringers, who served on Verd's side in the Godswar, and the Wardens who fought them. There is also the Virtues, who, despite their origin, serve to balance Creation.

The Ishim are the Created Gods, born from the will of the Aralim. The exact sciences involved are still a mystery, but it is generally accepted that an Ish is born in the Heavens when a significant number of Aralim believe in it. Ridiculous it may sound, but there is significant evidence to the effect. Mare Proda, God of Law and Justice, who was once adulated throughout the Midgard has grown significantly weaker in favor of Tyrus and the Valhalnir. His star has become almost indistinguishable in the heavens, as very few outside remote settlements continue to honor him. On the other hand, records and texts--both Sidgardian and Kallayadeva--show a clear correlation between acolytes and the power of the Valhalnir.

Nonetheless, the power of an Ish is not limitless. While the Ishim are capable of interacting with the World's natural magic like the Elohim, they have very little natural magic themselves. Instead, they gain power the more they are worshiped. Because of this, modern Ishim are generally very eager to enter pacts with their followers. Where would they be without them, after all?

Because the Ish were born from Aralim, they tend to be much more human-like in appearance and conduct. The vast majority are humanoid and have intricate relationships and deeply held beliefs. These beliefs follow the will of their adherents. Many Ishim were created in response to Aralim feeling their needs unmet by previous gods and consequently tend to have focused precepts.

The Ishim are much younger than the Elohim. There are no legitimate records of the Created Gods participating in the Godswar. They are subject to the Heavenly Pact and prohibited from descending into the World, though are certainly free to enter pacts with their acolytes.

Arguably, the Ishim are the ultimate foci.


The "Aralim" (singular: Aral) are the races that inhabit the World and have poor inherent magical potential. Humans and demi-humans alike are considered Aralim, along with most natural animals. Vampires and werewolves are also Aralim; while they have some inherent magical capabilities, their magical potential is insignificant compared to the Ayohim or Malakim.


The Galenne and the Kammin are the most renown family of Fae. The Galenne can be found throughout the Midgard, while the Kammin are from the Far East. Both families are generally invisible to Aralim, though some do they take joy in making themselves visible to juvenile Aral. While the Galenne are widely considered a mischievous and playful sort, the Kammin are often considered malicious or evil.

The Galenne are a sociable people, and are often found in groups within forests. It's not unheard of for them to build relationships with Aralim, and at least a few villages in Sidgard are known to be home to Galenne. They are also known to have an exceptional relationship with the Elvish peoples.


But what of the Blackspawn? They can be found throughout the World, but many of them have significant magical capabilities. Are they Aralim or Malakim? It is the general consensus that the Blackspawn are neither. We have long suspected that the Blackspawn are not of the World, much less its Heaven. There is evidence that the Blackspawn simply "come to be", often spontaneously. How this is possible is not understood. Their biology shows little similarity to other Aralim and, indeed, often to each other.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
The Elohim

The Elohim
The SpiritsThe VirtuesThe WardensThe Doombringers
Ljost, Spirit of Light
Aldrbal, Spirit of Fire
Jor, Spirit of Earth
Lopt, Spirit of Air
Lögr, Spirit of Water
Verd, Spirit of Chaos
Gïa, Mother of Life
Bo, Father of Knowledge
Jafnathr, Lord of Change
Sutr, Lord of Winter
Lag, Patriarch of Order
Gothjor, Arbiter of Justice
Fara, Mistress of Fortune
Trua, Mistress of Faith
Sämgr, Patron on Honor
Illandr, Patriarch of Malevolence
Andlathr, Lord of Death
Megin, Patron of Rage
Ofridr, Patron of War
Lae, Harbinger of Pestilence


The Spirit of Light is the eldest and most powerful of all gods. Some consider him the Father of Creation, as without him, Creation would not have come to be. It is believed that his birth at the dawn of Creation gave life to Aldrbal and Lopt. However, as they came to be within moments of one another, they are generally regarded as siblings, despite having no such blood ties.

He was gravely wounded during the Godswar, though is not believed to be dead but merely asleep. In found records of the Godswar, the latest to describe him, he is said to be a towering humanoid giant who glows a blinding bluish-white. His very presence sets fires and melts the ground—a flick of his finger left a trail of charred remains a hundred leagues long!

It should be noted that while Ljost glows, he is not made of nor does he reign over fire. His attacks were described as invisible to the naked eye, describable only by their awesome destruction.

The Spirit of Fire, Aldrbal is considered the prime fire deity, who, like his Spirit peers, is unrivaled in his precept. It is said he was born alongside Ljost and Lopt in the first few moments of Creation. His smoke is believed to have gave birth to Jor and Lögr—before dying.

Much of Creation was designed without him, only to be destroyed when he returned later through Verd's influences. His arrival did at first do significant damage to Creation, though he ultimately became neutral. He later achieved a positive relationship with the other "good" Elohim, and is considered an early patron of the Aralim—after all, without his fire, where would we be?

In modern times, he is depicted as a majestic tiger, surrounded by passionate flames—the color of which is influenced by his "emotions"—alongside his favored daughter, Brenna.

The Spirit of Air, and younger brother of Ljost and Aldrbal. Lopt has complete mastery of the air currents and can control the weather. When Aldrbal disappeared, Lopt expelled his remains from the skies and created the World as earth and water.

He was neutral for much of the Godswar, intervening only when Sutr attacked his followers. Lopt is generally depicted as a cloud, either a soothing cumulus or a raging tempest. He was regarded as slow to anger, though certainly frightening and destructive once there.

The Spirit of Earth and twin brother of Lögr. He formed from the ashes of Aldrbal when Lopt expelled him to the depths of Creation. A noble, if dim, giant, Jor is capable of great devastation, often incidentally. He cares deeply for the wildlife, perhaps as he feels responsible for Gïa and the Miklaskr, and fought in the Godswar to defend it from Aldrbal.

He is often drawn as an earthen titan, the size of a mountain. He is said to reshape the face of the earth with a twitch and cause volcanic erupts with a blink.

The Spirit of Water, created when Lopt expelled Aldrbal's smoke from the skies. He and his twin, Jor, have a sort of sibling rivalry ongoing. Lögr fought in the Godswar after Aldrbal laid waste to many of his prized oceans and fauna.

He has taken many forms. At times he is expressed as a towering wave of monumental destruction, while at others a mere fish or a giant turtle.

The Spirit of Chaos, Verd was born when Gïa proliferated the world with life. He is believed to be the Wicked One who lead the Doombringers in the Godswar and wounded Ljost before being banished from Creation. He is the father of the Doombringers, and the Blackspawn that plague our world are believed to be his attempt to return.

His favored form is unknown, though he is often drawn as a black and amber cloud of haze and death in records of the Godswar.


Mother of Life

Father of Knowledge

Lord of Change

Lord of Winter


Patriarch of Order

Arbiter of Justice

Mistress of Fortune

Mistress of Faith

Patron on Honor


Patriarch of Malevolence

The Lord of Death, Andlathr, was born from Verd. Before his time, there was no death in the World. Originally an agent of the Wicked One, he was tamed when the Wicked One was banished from Creation and now governs the life cycle with Jafnathr.

He is generally depicted as a massive skeleton dragon, surrounded by deadlands and undead servants.

Patron of Rage

Patron of War

Harbinger of Pestilence
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
The Valhalnir

The Valhalnir are the gods of Sidgard, worshiped since the kingdom's foundation. They rose to prominence under Tyrus, who himself replaced Mare Proda. As Sidgard grew to dominate the known World, so did the Valhalnir. They are perhaps the most powerful pantheon in Sidgard, rivaled only by the Sinne gods.

The pantheon can be divided into the Aythnir and the Othnir pantheons, the latter of whom were incorporated into the primary pantheon early in its mythology. This is undoubtedly a result of Sidgard's conquest of the Great Plains and its peoples. There are also the Jaltnir, who are considered rivals to the Aythnir and whose worship is generally frowned upon and even occasionally banned in Sidgard.

Valhalnir Pantheon
The AythnirThe OthnirThe Jaltnir
Tyrus - associated with wisdom, royalty, sorcery, victory, and death
Fritta - associated with fate, foresight, and wisdom
Oder - associated with strength, storms, protection and hallowing
Alder - associated with beauty, healing, and and fertility
Tur - associated with bravery and war
Rig - associated with defense, honor, and civilization
Vidar - associated with vegence and strength
Sjof - associated with love
Hiff - associated with Fritta
Gana - associated with Fritta
Fray - associated with beauty, love, sex, fertility, war, and death
Njarth - associated with the sea, seafaring, wind, and fishing
Bardi - associated with poetry and wisdom
Hud - associated with archery and hunting
Ulm - associated with glory and manliness
Foset - associated with reconciliation and diplomacy
Gefja - associated with fertility and virginity
Fula - associated with husbandry
Vath - associated with oaths and agreements
Var - associated with caution and wisdom
Grid - associated with greed, vehemence, impetuosity, and violence
Lokt - associated with trickery and cleverness
Skadi - associated with hunting, winter, and mountains
Sal, associated with the sun
Min, associated with the moon


Wife of Tyrus.

First son of Tyrus and Fritta. Protector of mankind.

Second son of Tyrus and Fritta.

Third son of Tyrus and Fritta.

Fourth on of Tyrus and Fritta.

Son of Tyrus and Grid.

Protects Fritta's favored.

Fritta's messenger.


Worshiped primarily in the east, along the mountains.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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