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The Sentence Too Far: The Whispers of the Association
Date: 26 Tolven, 1584
Time: 6:15 AM
Location: Imperial Palace, Tokasa

Prime Minister Koji Iwata

How the Hell did I get myself into this mess?

"Remember, we have the bolstered security team at the Western entrance of the Imperial Palace to ensure that the first day goes without a hitch," Chief of Staff Yoko Asahiro tells me as we walk down the hall towards the elevators. I sigh and nod as she continues telling me the latest on today's... today's...

Why the Hell did I get myself into this mess?

"Also, Minister Abe wants an additional member of his staff on hand. Clearances need to be given though and Minister Kojima wants an additional staff member as well if Abe gets," She tells me, pushing the button in the elevator to the first floor. As the doors close I run my hand through my hair and sigh.

"Fine," I respond. "Give em both what they want. Balance and all that nonsense." As Chief Asahiro starts tapping away on her phone to give people clearances, I sigh and straighten my jacket. This was not the moment I was imagining when I decided to run for this position. As she begins to make phone calls, the elevator doors open and we step out into the lobby.

When the Hell did I- wait, what am I saying. I know that answer. It was when I said that sentence. It was when I abandoned my pragmatism and promised the unattainable. It was when I sealed my party's fate at best, and Ostara's fate at worst.

"Remember that Empress Sekai wants to meet with you before we leave." I freeze in the middle of the hallway while Chief Asahiro continues her way down. I grimace at her impeccable timing of her reminder; frankly though I hadn't forgotten. I was just hoping that I would have been able to feign ignorance and merely "forget" the ceremony due to the whirlwind of work. Unfortunately, she read me like a book; Hell, she reminded me in front of the doors to the Outer Sanctum. I sigh and spin ninety degrees to the left to face the large double doors. I march forward with all the strength I could muster in my soul. The two guards that flanked the doors saluted me and move as I push open the doors in dramatic fashion.

As I step inside, I realize now that it was good that she reminded me. As the cameras being to click and the shutters begin to flash, I take a moment to refocus my attention towards the opposite end of the Outer Sanctum. I take a deep breath and begin to march cautiously towards the thrones.

Empress Mirai Sekai and Emperor Consort Satashi Honda-Sekai await me at the other end of the Outer Sanctum. They are in full formal garb. The kimonos are adorned with the symbols of the nation. The ceremonial katanas on the right and left hips of the Empress and Emperor respectively. The cloaks of red and blue resting upon their shoulders. They are not my friends today. On all other days, we enjoy each other's company and talk straight into the night about a plethora of topics. Sometimes we would pull up one of our old consoles for nostalgic purposes as our children play on their newer systems or watch us with awe as we play our old time games.

Not today. Today, there is no breathing room for any further error. I made my mistake; I must bury myself with it.

As I reach the other end of the room, at the bottom of the steps up to the Twin Thrones, I kneel in front of them and bow my head. Everyone falls silent and awaits the next words. I breath slowly and close my eyes, struggling against all odds to recall what I was supposed to say next. Thankfully, it comes to me.

"Your Graces, Chosen by Muze. Mirai Sekai, the Second of Her Name in the Imperial Line, Empress of Kazemura. Satashi Honda-Sekai, the Third of His Name in the Honda Line and Second of His Name in the Imperial Line, Emperor Consort of Kazemura. I, Prime Minister Koji Iwata, Humble Servant of Kazemura and her Imperial Line formally request permission to greet our esteemed guests of the East on your behalf in the hopes of building a brighter future for Kazemura and East Ostara with the intent to establish closer economic and military ties."

I fall silent as I await the response. I know the answer; they're not happy either, but they're also not going to stop this. But this wasn't how it was supposed to go. This wasn't the point of my campaign. This wasn't supposed to be front and center. It was a stupid idea. A stupid sentence I uttered in that ridiculous circus of a debate.

Yet, here we are. And after that long pause of silence, the two slowly descend down the steps. I watch from the top of my eyes as I dare not raise my head. As they reach for their respective katanas and begin to unsheathe them, my eyes dart down. Maybe they would shock everyone and execute me for my insolence. Not likely, but hey... wishful thinking.

I know they probably want to at this moment anyways.

"Prime Minister Koji Iwata," Empress Sekai begins. "The Servants of Muze have heard your plea. As Her Servants, we are obliged to guide Her Kazemura towards greater peace and prosperity." I feel the blades rest upon my shoulder. They are not crossed, meaning...

"In Muze's name we grant you your request. As Servants of Muze, we offer to you Her divine strength in your quest towards this brighter future. Rise, and go forth on Her behalf with the strength of Muze and Her people burning within your soul." I rise and stand at attention. Slowly, I bow towards them as the Kazemurans clap. Likely the foreign press are confused as all Hell.

"I thank you for this. I shall not fail in my endeavor." I slowly turn towards the large window on the right hand side and bow. The rising sun in this early morning is visible to me. Just as tradition intended. A sign for good luck, it is meant to allow for Muze to giver Her greatest strength. In the modern day this sounds ridiculous and I agree; I am not very religious and a time ago would have counted such practices as pointless. However, I have learned otherwise. Even if I can not feel actual strength in physical terminology, I still feel Her presence in these ceremonies. They carry their own weight after all, that of the rising sun of Kazemura.

Now it is my responsibility to take that rising sun and negotiate a customs union and a military alliance with a number of nations in East Ostara. What could possibly go wrong?

((OOC Note: This is a prelude to the story. The conference begins at 10 AM. To the others, if you wish to start posting, you'll be arriving at Tokasa International Airport. You can ask me for any other info you need.))
Date: 26 Tolven, 1584
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: Tokasa International Airport

Sato Konosuke watched as the scenery out his window began to slow down, the planes brakes and reverse thrusters fulfilling their duty in slowing the massive behemoth down. Soon enough the plane was taxing to its pre-assigned parking position, and Sato could even see the motorcade that awaited them to take them to their destination. Turning his attention away from the window, Sato's eyes landed on the other members of his traveling together delegation. A few aids were scattered across the cabin, double checking that everything was in order and ready for today's meeting, not a thing could go out of place today and they know it.

His security personal were also scattered about, hands on their in ear radios, he assumed listening to reports from outside agents. Who were most likely themselves making sure everything was secure along his route, along with their Kazemuran counterparts, before he and his party exited the plane.

Sato's attention was then drawn by a sigh to his Foreign Secretary, Yashiro Isono, she was dressed in a simple dark gray pant suit, her eyes glued to her tablet held in hands. Most likely the source for the sigh that drew his attention, he chuckled slightly. Yashiro had always been a bit on the worrisome side ever since he had met her so many years ago, and her appointment to be Sainam's Foreign Secretary had only increased that trait in her. Though he would admit, with the constant destabilization that southern Ostara had faced over the past few decades, he himself would be worried as well.

Shaking his head and sighing slightly, he turned his attention back to the main reason they were here, leaving Isono to her own thoughts for now at least; she would soon be past them anyway and with that errant thought he could feel the plane come to full halt. He guessed it was time to move on to their next destination.

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

26 Tolven, 1584 8:30AM
Tokasa International Airport

President Eun Jeong, who is on his the last year of his second term, hopes with this trip to secure economic agreement to ensure further recovery of Kortoa's economy, which after 10 years was still badly damaged after the Kortoan War. His aircraft landed and taxied toward its parking position. Waiting for the President, his cabinet, and staff, was the media crews ready to record him stepping down from the plane. After making sure everyone is ready, he stepped out of the door waving, and stepping foot on Kazemuran territory and making him the first Kortoan leader to step foot on a foreign nation. His security rushed him into his car ready to transport him to the talks.
Date: 26 Tolven, 1584
Time: 9:23 AM
Location:En-route to the Imperial Palace, Tokasa

"Jiu what are the numbers looking out of Reshi for production output again?"

"Up another 5.7% this quarter, seems that transport hub the Kazemurans funded really uplifted the place."

"Remind me to thank Iwata before we leave for Singan."

"Of course Prime Minister."

Twei Keiloi was a poster child for a post-colonial country in many ways, showcasing the advancements a coloninizing country may bring to uplift the millions still in poverty, millions still isolated from true civilization. Keiloi's family were wealthy merchants during the final days of Oslan ruled Singan, successful ones at that to send him to be educated in Oslanburg during his teenage and collegiate years. The sense of foundation being laid with his Oslan heritage marks him as part of the Old Guard which takes a firm stance against the increasingly growing Lanlanian and Kazemuran influence. The flood controls as he puts it, against the tide of influences whose intentions are truly unknown.

"Message Fai, and tell him to convene a cabinet meeting to go over the proposed Reshi Document; I want that entire document completely reviewed down to the bone," he requested, his eyes still piercing the veil into the outside world from within their motorcade. Isolated, yet entrancing.

"Its been added to everyone's schedule, sir."

" Also do we have a read on what the Hoinomese feel about this yet? I'm getting cold feet about a possible customs union if we can not get our biggest trade partner in to be involved."

"My sources do not know for certain yet, there are reports of interest, reports of disinterest. Seems they might be playing the waiting game."

"Alright, well we need to schedule a meeting then, figure out a way to get a tell on this. Not going to risk billions in increased tariffs between us."

"I'll talk with the Foreign Ministry and see if that's possible."

"Thank you Jiu, you truly are the best Chief of Staff I have ever had in office."

"I am the only Chief of Staff you have ever had in office..."

"A trust testament of your value. Now lets go on with this conference."
Tolven 26, 1584 | Tokasa International Airport, 09:31

Minister of Foreign Affairs Diêp Dùp Dùng left the Kazemuran airport after only exchanging a few words with the hosting personnel.

Dùng, who was the nephew of former Prime Minister Diêp Dùp Dùng, had served the Hôinômese state for almost two decades - as both diplomat and political official. His career was a combination of nepotism, competence, and experience, and likely the person with highest influence on foreign policy in the Imperial Kingdom as Prime Minister Quang Công Quang himself had barely a deep interest on foreign affairs.

The Hôinôm government was skeptical at beast about Kazemuran proposals, but they understood it was a project worthy enough to considerate, in the case it did not turn to be another ghostly and failed attempt of the Kazemuran government on regional cooperation.
Time: 9:15 AM
Location: The Hall of Mirrors, Imperial Palace, Tokasa

Prime Minister Koji Iwata

"The planes are late." I sigh and put my cup of coffee back on the saucer. Slowly, I loll my head to the side to give Chief Asahiro my attention. She quirks an eyebrow at my overly dramatic motions and sighs in response.

"They'll be landing very soon, but there was a mixup at the tower," She continued. I nod slowly and stand up, brushing off my jacket of any crumbs that were left from my light breakfast. Muze, why did I have to be such a messy eater?

"Adjust the schedule accordingly then," I respond stretching my arm towards the sky until I hear my creak back into place. For someone who's supposed to be the face of "the youth couping the country", I don't feel very youthful. Jeez, it's only been about five months since I took office and yet I feel like I've aged a decade in this job. I continue stretching to try and shake off my exhaustion in time for the start of the conference. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Chief Asahiro works diligently on her tablet, likely shooting out messages to everyone of importance. After a moment of silence, she clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth and narrows her eyes.

"Skie News has some choice words about your proposal," She muttered. I rolled my eyes and dramatically sighed, drawing her attention away from the tablet just long enough for her to register the bored look on my face. She smirks and adds, "Yeah. I suspected you'd react as much."

"We have our majority Chief Asa-"

"Yoko." I stop and glare at her silently as she taps along on her tablet. "You know I fuckin' hate it when you call me Chief Asahiro."

"You only say that cause you don't wanna call me Prime Minister Iwata," I respond, flashing a grin. She looks up and gives me a look of mock annoyance before putting the tablet down on the table. My grin advances into a smirk as I continue. "Oh, what's wrong? Did I touch a nerve?"

"No," She responds before leaning against the table, finally cracking a smile for the first time in months. "Well, a little. I'll admit I'm still not used to all of, well, this. Are you?" I stop smirking as she presents the question. She's not wrong. Even after five months, we're still getting a few bearings together. The formalities are rather foreign to us, especially the ones dealing with the royalty. I give her a simple nod and she sighs, pushing herself off the table to stand upright again. "Thought as much. To be frank, none of us thought we'd win. And I know you didn't think we would either. Even if no one else thought that." She grabs one of the cups from the table and slowly walks over to the coffee pot.

"Well, we weren't supposed to," I responded. "Nothing went the way we expected. Especially after that debate-"

"The sentence you mean?" I pause as she looks at me with intensity in her eyes. Her hand was fiercely gripping the coffee pot. I break eye contact and look over at the paintings on the wall of the break room for a solid moment before turning my head back to argue the point for the umpteenth time. She holds up a finger with her free hand and I stop, waiting for her to finish. "No one gave a shit about the rest of the debate and you know it. No, it was that one sentence that everyone was fixated on."

"It was a mistake," I mumble, my eyes darting down.

"And you doubled down on that mistake. Tripled even!" I look up just as she finishes pouring herself coffee and firmly puts the pot back on the table. "Fuck, not just that! You battened down on that mistake ten fold and then pivoted the entire campaign onto that point! And then after all of that an additional mistake that you doubled down on as well!"

"Well it won us the election didn't it!?" I questioned, my voice rising in volume and pitch. She opens her mouth to fire back a salvo, but suddenly stops short and closes her mouth. A sigh escapes her lips as her eyes drift shut and her hand reaches up to rub her forehead.

"Yeah," She responds finally. "It did. And a majority in the Orchyoto too."

"Well," I add, "with some defections."

"Yes. With some defections." We stand there silently for a moment. Her eyes dart to her cup and then back to me. I slump my shoulders a bit and shake my head at the emotional discomfort.

"Yoko..." I begin.

"Koji, look." Yoko interrupts and I look up at her, exhaustion in my eyes. "We both know that you stumbled. You then got caught up in the heat of it all and doubled down in detail when you realized what you had suggested. We both know that, and I'm sure others do too. It should've been an election killer. And I guess it was, for everyone else." She finally grabs her cup and sips it slowly, taking care not to burn her tongue in the process. She swallows, and continues with her thoughts. "If that didn't kill the election then your other mistake did. Which, I guess wasn't a mistake really. We were all thinking it. You just had the guts to out and say what everyone wanted to hear. You know what I said after those gaffes and I hold straight to that." She takes a moment to gulp the rest of her coffee and then places the cup on the table. As she grabs her tablet, it lights up with a message. She reads it and then looks back up at me.

"Ten minutes to show time. First cars are almost here. Let's go down and meet them." Yoko gestures to the door. I nod and straighten my jacket, before making my way out to the hallway to head downstairs to meet our guests. I hear her footsteps as she falls into line alongside me with a serious look on her face.

"No turning back?" I ask her before we reach the door. She grabs it and yanks it open.

"No turning back," She responds as we exit into the hallway.
Arriving at the palace, Keiloi was somewhat visibly annoyed by the reporters flocking to the sides of the arrival area, eager to get a glimpse that might give them a hint as to what was to come. However, Jie soon corrected him; she placed a reminder in her mind about alerting the foreign ministry on trying to persuade future meetings to occur without reporters. Soon the car doors opened, and Keiloi was greeted by the Kazemuran prime minister.

Keiloi bowed before extending his hand out to shake, a mix between the East and West that commonly gripped the culturally confused upper business class of Singan.

"Prime Minister! I have been told we may have to face the whispers of association today," Keiloi began. "Thank you for everything you have brought Singan, I know you have been thanked before, but it must be done over and over again for the hope you have brought the nation."
Jeong's motorcade arrived at the palace. Seeing the flock of reporters put the bodyguards on edge. They began a formation of surrounding the President and his cabinet on both sides preventing the media from obtaining pictures of the president. Shortly after, Jeong went to greet the Prime Minister, he walked towards him and greet him with a bow. "Pleased to meet you Prime Minister. I hope we can make an agreement that is beneficial to all the parties involved and to my people who have still suffered the effects of the war. Please meet the rest of my cabinet."
Date: 26 Tolven, 1584
Location: Imperial Palace, Tokasa

"It seems we're not the first to arrive." uttered Isono as the vehicle came to a stop, and she was correct Sato observed as he looked out the window himself. He recognized the flags of Singan and Kortoa on the vehicles already parked outside. It was only a few short moments later before their own vehicle joined their ranks as it came to a stop, revealing the group of gathered individuals that was hidden behind during their approach. He could recognize a few of the faces from the dossier he read earlier, the Prime Minister of Kazemura the most recognizable of those present.

He was easily the youngest face of those assembled outside, and he chuckled slightly at that, a stray thought thought from their first official meeting coming into play before he pushed it aside. One must have balls of steal to want to lead a country that young.

Soon enough he and Isono were out of the car and exchanging pleasantries with the welcoming delegation, Sato exchanged brief words with PM Iwata, Isono doing the same with her Kazemuran counterpart before they were escorted by one of the staff to the arranged meeting room.

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Minister Diêp Dùp Dùng left the car, and he -along the small Hôinômese delegation- approached to the palace.

Dùng looked serious, although he seemed calm enough. He was certainly not in a hurry. He interchanged greetings with the Kazemuran Prime Minister first, and later with the rest of representatives invited to the meeting. Despite his past experience as diplomat, he was not very talkative.

Dùng just decided that it was better to wait and see what it was going to be offered on the table.

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