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Drausany, The Union of
[Image: ZhrwcZ1.png]
National Flag

The Union of Drausany is a Federation of Republics that is located in the northern regions of Siora. It is bordered by Goldecia to the southwest and Hylis by sea to the east. Being on a the oldest and few directorial republics, Drausans alike are proud of their republican heritage merely starting with a chain of alliances protecting themselves against more influential powers.

Although Drausany is unproven in the stage of international politics, Drausany has a dynamic economy that is only striving to become a more influential exporter in trade and a more attractive area for businesses. At this point in history, it is uncertain if this nation will rise in the political field. All we can do now is speculate...
The Politics of Drausany

Drausany is a Federal Constitutional Directorial Republic in which the Republics have exstensive power to themselves and the Federal Government is limited in power. Regardless, the Federal Government is a influential body within the Union as it controls foreign affairs, and preserves the constitution.

The Federal Government has two institutions of power. The Legislative Assembly (known as the General Diet) and the Executive Council. Executive power is divided evenly among 6 people that jointly make decisions. Each executive has an individual responsibility they oversee and responsibilities alternate each year. Including being the de jure Premier of Drausany.  Despite the Premier being the official Head of State and Government, it has no power over the other executives. They are merely the representative of the country. The only power that they really have if it the council comes to a tie in a decision making process, the Premier’s vote counts as 2 votes thus breaking the tie.

The 6 people are from each Republic or Federation that come to be part of the Executive Council and 450 members of the General Diet that are fixed by Republic. Federations get the same amount of delegates, but the 3 autonomous cantons are granted 30 delegates in the assembly. Each delegate is elected from a Municipality.

Drausany has universal suffrage to all that are 20 or older. However, it is mandatory to vote. For if you do not vote in twice in your lifetime, you lose your right to vote. Luckily for Drausans, they are automatically registered to vote the day they are legally 20 years old and everything is done by mail. The term time for the General Diet and Executive Council is 6 years and there are no term limits. In addition, voting is semi-proportionate with a ranked-voting system.

Elections occur the 1. Septem, 1586 for the 59th Federal Election. Republic-wide elections vary upon the Republic or Federation. All federal politicians are sworn in the 1. Ochtyr.

There are currently 3 major parties that rule the General Diet under a coalition:
-Fatherland’s League- centre-right, traditional and fiscal conservatism
-The Federalist Party of Drausany- centre, regionalism, and confederalism
-The New Voice- right, right-wing populism, and “self-reliance”

There are 4 opposition parties:
Worker’s League- left to far-left, left wing populism, social democracy, anti-capitalism, and pacifism
Humanist Party- centre left, pro-minority rights, pro LGBTQ rights, and egalitarianism
Green Party- left, green politics, and social democracy
Goldecian Union- centre, Goldecian and minority rights, regionalism

The Current 6 executives in the executive council are the following:

Felix Waldamar (officially the current Premier for 1584)- hailing from the Republic of Flettetheim
Iris Floor- hailing from the Federation of Lansenag (the Premier until 1583)
Wolfgang Einar- hailing from the Republic of Cantony (the Premier until 1582)
Lothar Reinhard- hailing from the Republic of Sivókia (the Premier in 1585)
Sophia von der Ritter- hailing from the Republic of Vygervina (the Premier until 1581)
Peter Lutz- hailing from the Federation of Rohayena (the Premier in 1586)

Note: The Executive Council has some shred powers like to declare war, and to propose a budget. But other powers are in the executives individually.
The 1586 elections for Drausany are approaching. Drausany’s federal elections account for the General Diet (the legislative assembly for the Federal Government) and the executive elections. The Federal Elections occur on the 14. Septem which is a Federal Holiday were almost all public and most private services are prompted to cancel that business day.

The Federal Elections occur every six years with biannual referendums for each republic. In the Diet elections, people are to vote for who shall represent their district to Losarberg. In Diet Elections, there is a semi-proportional system known as “ranked voting”. This defines a voting process in which people are allowed to pick more than one candidate on the ballot, but they must express their preferred candidate. Should no candidate reach a majority (which often happens), the candidate that received the least amount of preferred votes is removed from the process. The removed candidate's voters’ that preferred this candidate now votes for their second preference and this process occurs until a candidate reaches a majority vote.

The Executive Elections occur simultaneously with the Diet elections. This election determines each Republic’s representative to the Executive Council. As a directorial republic, this council acts as the Head of State and Government for the nation. The voting system differs from the Diet elections in which the voting system is Majoritarian. This means that whoever receives the most votes wins, regardless if the leading candidate fails to receive the majority of the votes (at least 50.01%).
The Drausan Guard
(Den Drauskavakt)
Personnel: 725,000 troops
Active Troops: 98,000 troops
Inactive/Reserves: 627,000 troops
March: The March of the Drausan Guard
[Image: 406j7Pz.png]
The Banner of the Armed Forces

Divisions of the Guard:
The Drausan Army-
(Den Drauska Här) March: The March of the Iron Lions
The Drausan Navy
(Den Drauska Säevapl) March: The March of the Blue Plain
The Drausan Air Force
(Den Drauska Himmlvapl)- March: The March of the Lightning Hammer
The Drausan Elite Guard
(Den Drauska Högevakt)- March: The March of the Elite Guard

The Chief of Command: Premier Felix Waldamar
Executive of the Guard: Sophia von der Ritter
The First Marshal: First Baron of the Guard, Wilhelm Grünnvald

Budget: est. 52 billion USD
Military Age: 18-30
Conscription: Conscription only occurs during times of formal war according to the constitution
Service Term: 2 years

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