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Severyane: Election 1584
Severyane: Election 1584
Elections for the Konsul, Natsional'noye Sobraniyea and the Predstaviteli

Welcome to the 1584 Severyanian elections. As these are Severyane's first elections, these will decide who takes up some newly formed roles in the new government. The Premier has disbanded the old government and instituted a new, democratic constitution. Citizens will vote every four years to elect a new "Konsul" (the Head of State), every two years for the Natsional'noye Sobraniyea (National Assembly, or Parliament), and every other two years for their Predstaviteli (Local Representatives that make up the second part of the legislature, or the Senate).

There are several political parties vying for control, as these are Severyane's first elections in the entire history of the nation. They are listed here:

Parties Running for Natsional'noye Sobraniyea
  • Severyanskaya Perovskaya Partiya/Severyanian Perovist Party - "SPP" (Communists)
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  • Partiya Svobody i Demokratii/Freedom and Democracy Party  - "PSD" (Democratic Party)
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  • Konservativnyy Soyuz/Conservative Union - "KS" (Conservatives)
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  • Dvizheniye za Vosstanovleniye Monarkhii/Party for the Restoration of the Monarchy - "DZVM" (Monarchists)
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  • Partiya Mira i Svobody/Party for Peace and Freedom - "PMIS" ("Green" Party)
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  • Liberal'noye Narodnoye Sobraniye/Liberal People's Assembly - "LNS" (Liberal Party)
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  • Nezavisimyy/Independents - "IND" (Not a party)

Several Candidates for the Office of Konsul have just ended their campaign seasons, though the group was larger initially, it has been whittled down to a much smaller collection of individuals. The candidates have been running harsh campaigns largely along their party lines. The candidates are listed below:

Individuals Running for the Office of Konsul
  • Gregory Tokaryev - SPP
  • Ruben Degtyaryov - SPP
  • Eva Yuryeva - PSD
  • Egor Alekseeva - DZVM
  • Daria Fedorova - KS
  • Sviatoslav Boholyubov - IND
  • Maximilian Alexandrov - IND
  • Arkhip Woronoff - IND
  • Anastasia Balashova - IND
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|SPP 79|PSD 203|KS 104|DZVM 80|PMIS 39|LNS 75|IND 45|

Severyane: 1584 Elections
318 for Majority
Severyanian Perovist Party 79 (12.64%)
Freedom and Democracy Party 203 (32.48%)
Conservative Union 104 (16.64%)
Party for the Restoration of the Monarchy 80 (12.8%)
Party for Peace and Freedom 39 (6.2%)
Liberal People's Assembly 75 (12%)
Independents 45 (7.1%)

Polls close nationwide in Severyane, and votes are counted! No one party takes the lead in the Natsional'noye Sobraniyea, but the PSD takes a strong lead over the other parties. Will they attempt to form a coalition and dominate the legislature?

Eva Yuryeva of the Freedom and Democracy Party is named as first Konsul of the Republic of Severyane after taking 42.7% of the total vote, her closest competitor taking 35%. She will be sworn in on 1 Fein, 1584.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]

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