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Goldecia elections debate
Now is the time for the election debate. The campaigning has been hard and here on the GBC today the leaders face their greatest test you the public of Goldecia. Send in your questions for all our party leaders to answer and if you want to target one t a particular leader or leaders plese mention that in your question.line.

There are 230 seats up for grabs with 26 list seats to make the government more proportional and a winners bonus list seats of which all 36 will be given to the winning party.

The parties competing are as follows:
Party:Leader:Founded:Economics:Tax:Welfare:Immigration:Law and Order:Republican:Social:Foreign Policy:
RCMamadou Obama1340Centre RightCentre RightCentre RightPoints SystemConservativeNoLiberal/Centre rightInternationalist
MDAPeter Shoemaker1512Centre RightCentre RightCentristPoints SystemConservativeNoConservativeInternationalist
Liberal PartyLalita Nagarkar1390CentristCentristCentristLiberalLiberalNeutralLiberalInternationalist
PSD:Tammie Gabriels 1579Centre Left/LeftCentre Left/LeftLeft wingPoints SystemCentrist/LiberalNeutralLiberalInternationalist
NGPJames Blacksmith1496CentristCentristLeft WingGoldecian FirstUltra-ConservativeNoUltra-ConservativeSelective Internationalism
True GoldeciaRichard Brown1567CentristCentristLeft wingClosed Borders/Akhadists BannedUltra-ConservativeNoUltra-ConservativeDomestic Focused
Akhadist League Shahzad Zaman1584CentristLeft wingLeft wingMore open bordersUltra-ConservativeYesUltra-ConservativeDomestic Focused

The candidates for PM who will debate tonight are as follows? Please put your questions in below.Questions are to be focused on one of five areas Domestic Social Policyand Public services, The GHS, Economics, Law and order  and Borders and international relations.

Mamadou Obama(RC)
Peter Shoemaker(MDA)
Lalita Nagarkar(Lib)
Tammie Gabriels(PSD)
James Blacksmith(NGP)
Richard Brown(TG)
Shahzad Zaman(AL)

These are top policies of all the parties.
Top 10 policies by party:
1:GHS to help everyone though GHS to promote literature on the consequences of abortion
2:Cutting down of management costs in all public services
3:Focus on helping the family through social and economic policy
4:Child benefit to help families
5: Policies to promote the nuclear family and traditional marraige
6:Help for drug addicts and alcoholics and promotion of abstention from drugs and alcohol as an option
7:Increase in budget for police an border control forces with increased checks at borders
8:To require all schools to allow messianic religious leaders in one lesson a year to teach about their faith, this is to include Daenism, Sentrecism and ICS.
9:To allow councils to decide on eligibility for family services for LGBT families
10:To make sure all messianic's from countries with persacution of such groups are allowed in automatically.

Royal Conservatives::
1:To continue support of business and especially small business including Young Enterprise fund
2:To make welfare more efficient through clamping down on welfare abuse
3:To make the GHS more efficient through reform and allowing private sector insurance to compete with GHS insurance
4:To give all families a healthcare and care services budget
5:To restrict free public services for citizens on the country
6:To introduce workfare of 20 hours a week for claimants of benefits
7:To increase minimum earnings for visa by 2.5% a year minimum
8:To promote greener travel within Goldecia and to surrounding countries
9:To set up a Green Economy Fund
10:Tax cuts of 3% for every group and cuts in corporation tax

Liberal Party:
1:Repeal of General Security Act of 1573 allowing dropping of airport style security for venues
2:To make funds available to all police departments for community policing programmes
3:A comprehensive Youth Services Service to help fund youth activities and services in the community
4:A national Rehabilitation service for prisoners that offers training, apprenticeships and qualifications in prison and allowing even those who committed serious crimes to be released if they have changed.
5:To loosen the immigration system up allowing free movement to Goldecia from within KEC and removing income mimimum requirement
6:To support businesses with targeted help , especially focusing on helping minorities into business
7:To become a driving force to make the KEC more integrated so that countries are binded together in Kvaenna
8:Set up of a Green Bank to fund green projects and companies within Goldecia
9:To fund more groups to help Autistics and Neurodivergents into work
10: Double council tax on unused second homes to help with housing supply

1:A guaranteed minimum 3% increase in GHS funding every year to meet increasing needs
2:Support for small and medium sized enterprises in Goldecia
3:Support for co-operatives, charities and social enterprises
4:No cuts to public services and construction of new towns for social housing in order to accommodate population growth
5:Free movement from KEC countries and to create social housing for minorities as part of a broader social housing programme
6: Policies to diversify all neighbourhoods, schools and universities
7:To fight for more integration within the KEC and expansion of KEC powers
8:Set up of a Green Economy Fund to fund green projects and companies within Goldecia
9:To set up a Neurovergent Rights charter within Goldecia
10:To close any existing tax loopholes

1:To fund the GHS fully for citizens while requiring all foreign patients to have to pay for the services of the GHS
2:To cut immigration to Goldecia by at least 50%
3:To put immigration restrictions on Akhadic immigrants for the security of the country
4:To ban any Akhadic organisations from even giving advisory rulings on family issues
5:To ban gay marriage in Goldecia and once again recognise gay marriage as between a man and woman
6:To promote the Nuclear family and create public resources to warn of the dangers of LGBT relationships and sex
7:To offer Gay Conversion Therapies to families struggling to help their LGBT children on the GHS
8:To forge closer relations with Adwest
9:To make criminals really pay for their crimes
10:To bring back the death penalty

True Goldecia:
1:To charge foreigners for using the GHS while making it free including prescriptions for citizens
2:To cut immigration to Goldecia by at least 75%
3:To ban Akhadics withing Goldecia
4:To ban any Akhadic organisations within Goldecia
5:To make homosexuality illegal and treat it like the danger to society it is
6:To promote the Nuclear family and create public resources to warn of the dangers of LGBT relationships and sex
7:To offer Gay Conversion Therapies to families struggling to help their LGBT children on the GHS and to give those found guilty of being Gay either the choice of Gay Conversion Programmes or prison time
8:To forge closer relations with Adwest an other patriotic countries
9:To make criminals really pay for their crimes and deport any immigrants or citizens born abroad to non-Goldecians including stripping their citizenship
10:To bring back the death penalty in Goldecia
11:To put true Goldecians first in any government funded service
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
How many pounds is an elderly patient's life worth and how many pounds is the life of an Autistic child worth?

Do you believe there are presently too many immigrants residing in the Kingdom of Goldecia? If so, what do you intend to do about it?

Do you support sanctions against the Kingdom of Strathae?

What do you intend to do in order to improve relations with Carpathia?
How many pounds is an elderly patient's life worth and how many pounds is the life of an Autistic child worth?
Joy Bennett:So since you are premier in power and this seems to be about your policy you have the first turn to answer on this question
Mamadou Obama(RC): (ooc;Awkard pause)Mmm good question , I would say its not about a persons life value so much as whether the drug is worth the cost for the time it provides For instance how can we justify £35,000 to save one from cancer if they are only going to live an extra year. Or how can we justify a 15 year old kids getting a £20,000 experimental treatment to save them , that might not even work. Wouldn't it be better to spend those 10's or 100's of thousands of your public taxpayer money on saving 20 people. Look its simple we have a limited budget, life has a value, 15 year old boys and girls have a value where beyond that its better we not spend the money in order to serve the many and certainly we have to look at whether someone who's 65 is a justifiable recipiant of a £15,000 a year treatment regime.

Tammie Gabriels(PSD):What a disgusting answer from our prime minister. So what he is saying is if you are not rich enough for private care and you get an expensive disease to cure your life is not worth it. He will kill you , if we start assigning economic values to life then when do we stop , do we stop anyone on welfare receiving life saving expensive care ? Do we stop the 13 year old autistic boy receiving life saving care because he will cost more in care costs and won't pay tax when he's older? Look their is only one reasonable answer and that is this , you cannot measure a life whether a elderly patient or 15 year old or an autistic child in money, they are someones son and daughter , they are someones mother. They are people and deserve the dignity to be treated as such. I can pledge this today, we will return to the bedrock of Goldecian values and just pure human decency of valuing all lives the same regardless of income, condition or age.We will offer free care including lifesaving at the point of service to all Goldecians, ALL Goldecians. Mamadou you say you are religious , I challenge you, where in your holy book does it say life is to be measured by economic value? I know the answer it doesn't and it doesn't in any religious book or just common human decency. Your views are inhumane, cruel and twisted , and shamefully you whipped the RC to vote your way and alot followed. let me say this , you and they will pay and we the Goldecian people will not accept anything other thaan full apology for the thousands of lives lost to your eugenics, fascist like policy.

Peter Shoemaker(MDA):I will say this, I am conservative economically and socially but the truth is that regardless of whether you are Conservative or Left wing in view. Healthcare is a right, I concur there is not an economic value to life, life is precious regardless of the income level of the person , their neurotype, condition or indeed age. No government has the right to decide who lives and who dies, we had a government who did before , and it was wrong under fascism , its wrong now.

Lalita Nagarkar(Lib):I'll keep this simple , life if priceless. You cannot put a pound figure on life

James Blacksmith(NGP):If they are Goldecian citizens and have paid anything in then there should be no life value assessment, they have value as Goldecians.

Richard Brown:As long as they are Goldecian citizens and True Goldecians any life is worth saving at any cost. If you have paid in you deserve the care you pay for , however I do believe there are too many immigrants with conditions and that when their visa times come its time to kick them out, there is too much of a burden on the GHS and we need to put real Goldecians first

Tammie: (ooc: Angry) :How bloody dare you Richard Brown. So you are saying you think anyone who is not white is not worth saving?

Richard Brown(TG):Uhmmm, no I said Goldecian

Tammie(PSD):Your party manifesto and policy calls for a true white Goldecia. Am I right?

Richard Brown(TG): Uhmmm Yes , we serve real Goldecians unlike you.

Tammie(PSD): So you are saying only whites deserve to be saved ?

Richard Brown (TG): No

Tammie(PSD): So you are saying you'll treat immigrants the same?

Richard Brown TG:Uhmmm, well yes the same as other immigrants

Tammie(PSD): So in otherwords second class and with fascist policy

Richard Brown(TG):Well no

Tammie(PSD): Well you sure well sound like it

Joy Bennett:Well I think most of you have answered , do you have anything to add Shahzad Zaman(AL)

Shahzad Zaman(AL):Only that I concur with all except Richard Brown and Mamadou. Life is priceless and if Mamadou was a true Akhadist he would value life equally.

Joy Bennett:Thank you, we have another question coming up after this short video on Immigration and the politics and history of it.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Do you believe there are presently too many immigrants residing in the Kingdom of Goldecia? If so, what do you intend to do about it?

Tammie Gabriels(PSD):No I do not think immigration levels are too high.For too long immigrants have been demonised but you know what the truth is? Immigrants boost our economy, they bring in new skills, new cultures, new connections to different parts of the world. They join the labour force helping pay taxes to look after the retired and disabled.In short they boost the economy. Do they benefit of course but the benefit is mutual since most of our businesses are started by immigrant families or immigrants themselves.So I would actually make the process easier for the skilled, drop the income requirement and make it easier for spouses to work. By doing this we open up the economy further to the world.

Mamadou Obama(RC):Well I don't think its a negative or a plus. It all depends on management. Now over the years we brought in controls and in the controlled manner we have it now we pick who comes and pick the best on the points system. Let me be clear I support this arrangement. Indeed I will if elected continue this policy. Now the important thing is we do not make this about race like some in this debate would like to make it or about religion, providing one comes , integrates and contributes to the community without stealing local jobs then they are a benefit and should be rewarded as such.

Lalita Nagarkar(Lib):I would just like to say right now we have too few immigrants if anything, we have shortages in skills in some sectors in our booming economy. We have a income requirement locking out those who would fill vital jobs and we make it a beauracratic nightmare. Indeed I reguarly have my members of the party having to deal with a complicated citizenship registration process as part of the community outreach. We have smart degree level people who cannot get past one requirement or another people we lose to other countries. I know some may not like this but we would make it easier for immigrants so that we can get talented people into our economy , paying into the GHS, education and all the services we love.

Peter Shoemaker(MDA):Well to be honest this is a complex issue with complex answers. Is immigration good for Goldecia, it depends. Now if its taking a working class job a Goldecian could do no, and we need to stop that, that is why we would introduce a £3,000 per year charge for hiring immigrants except if you can prove there is a severe skills shortage. I would however make it easier for those with degrees to get in as long as they pass a goldecian values test and would apply the values test to all immigrants. We need to get the right immigrants with the right skills, right now we have too many low skilled but not enough high skilled and in my view we need to compete to get the best from around the world , and sometimes that may mean subsidising study programmes for foreigners , helping them set up innovative new businesses. However we must maintain balance we cannot have people just come in starting cleaning companies or companies competing with native owned basic services. So is immigration good, well the answer is yes if it is controlled right but no if there is little control or the wrong type of control.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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