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Campaign Submissions, Expansion
(10-09-2017, 09:36 PM)Ayzek Wrote: So you essentially want Tieguo to intervene in Hoinom's internal problems, right? You mention political changes in Tieguo...what's that about?

Indeed. Well, basically I thought about having Tieguo's leader dying soon, and a new revisionist-minded leadership taking power.
(10-09-2017, 02:14 AM)Hadash Wrote: Approved
Expanding Country: Hôinôm*
EC.'s Government Type: Semi-constitutional monarchy (parliament with limited powers, flawed elections)

Campaign Setting: Late 1587
Campaign Goal: Tieguo*
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? Kaljurand civil war (1574), if that counts, then only in a different planet.
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? 1550s (short-lived Hoinomese civil war...more like a bloody counterrevolution actually)
Why do you seek to expand? My original idea was creating some havoc in Hoinom, but I feel that would be likely ignored turned into a national story (which is not bad, but similar what I’m being done with my other nations for a while). Involving Tieguo and turning some kind of *negative expasion* would probably involve others more actively, and I had some ideas for stories for a nation like Tieguo could play in a more unstable East Ostara.

Campaign Plot
-In the recent years, political tensions and instability has increased in Hoinom, with several ethnic armed group appearing in distant provinces.
-There would be likely some kind of drought or flood in Hoinom, the government will manage it badly and thousands and thousands will likely die.
-Things turn bad.
-Meanwhile, there are important political changes in Tieguo.
-There is some kind of revolt, further violence and chaos.
-Tensions between Hoinom and Tieguo will increase.
-It is likely to turn into a military conflict between Hoinom government and no-state actors.
-Tieguo will intervene more actively at some point.
-Others may be involved. Tieguo will try to impose its interests in the country, creating friendly states in the nearby region.

Hoinom factions will be:
-The Empress’ clique (Takahito may die, though)
-Current ultra-conservative government.
-Hoinomese Armed Forces and more reactionary groups.
-Ethnic armed groups in Hoinom (Bhmer and Nhmong)
-Hoinomese socialists and communists
-Hoinomese nationalists

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Anyone in East Ostara (or anywhere) who is interested I guess.
Some volunteers could play with some Hoinom factions (or minor characters), if they wish.

How your country may evolve from success
If we understand succes as return to the status quo (Hoinom won’t expand its borders)  there won’t be big changes regionally but Hôinôm will likely experience important political changes, either becoming more democratic-like or more authoritarian. And Tieguo will go back to sleep a guess.

How your country may evolve from defeat
If Hoinom is defeated and Tieguo achieves at least part of its objectives, the East Ostara will be likely involved in some kind of regional mess for a decade or so, turning Hoinom in some kind of frozen conflict. And I may keep playing with Tieguo, if the dear Directorate allows it (or if I don't run out of ideas again).
You may RP Tieguo, and don't forget to start an OOC thread.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(10-10-2017, 03:43 PM)Flo Wrote: [class=float:right;]Directorate Use Only[/css]
Expanding Country: Harmajaa
EC.'s Government Type: Democracy (for now?)

Campaign Setting: Modern period
Campaign Goal: The land currently occupied by Sappa.
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? ummm... idk does Balochia count?
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Balochia, very recently.
Why do you seek to expand? OOC: Sappa is basically a blank space that has done nothing since its creation. I would like to rectify that. It's really as simple as that. I understand that Sappa is /technically/ a player country, but it hasn't done anything really. I'm willing to change the name to something else, if you'd prefer.

IC: Harmajaa is still on its mission to unite all the Saamojedic people under one nation and one flag. This is an extension of that mission.  Harmajaa is seeking to bring these more barbaric Saamojedic people under their control.

Campaign Plot
Sappa is a land ignored. It's practically no-mans land, it's so far to the north. There is a single city in the whole country, Sappa, and most of the countries inhabitants are nomads. This is a land of tradition and custom, and the Saamojedic culture is still very significant, unlike in more cosmopolitan countries like Harmajaa.

The Harmajaan government has in the most recent decade made it a clear goal to unite the Saamojedic people under one banner. For too long have they been under the boot of other, more dominating cultures, namely the Karjelinnians and the Vostics. A United Saami Republic (USR lol I'm kidding) is the ultimate goal of the Harmajaan government, who has placed itself in the Balochian crisis to further that goal. Sappa is another part of the equation. The nomads to the north lead a barely independent lifestyle. Their government is small, their military is practically non-existence. Their economy relies on Harmajaa to exist almost unilaterally.

I'm thinking Harmajaa could just straight up invade Sappa. I'm not really sure what the consequences of that would be, seeing as how irrelevant Sappa is. It doesn't really match anything IRL and if it were a real place, it would have been subjugated long ago...

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Someone could play as the Sappish, I suppose. Sappa is so completely irrelevant I can't really imagine much involvement, though. It's so far north, there's so few people... I can't really see how anyone would care. Balochia is the more critical piece in this process, really.

How your country may evolve from success
Naturally this would spur on Saamojedic nationalism at home and abroad. Harmajaa would likely use their success as a means to try and catapult into a position of increased relevance. In particular, I think they're going to try and put more pressure on Karjelinn to free the Saami under their control. Idk about that though. Maybe another time.

There are approximately 1.6 million Saamojedic in Harmajaa proper. There are another 3 million ish in Balochia (soon to be under Harmajaan influence if not outright rule form Tyko, should the Balochian crisis be resolved well). I cant imagine there would be very many in Sappa, though. Maybe a couple hundred thousand? 500,000? Idk. That would end up with a total Harmajaan population of approximately 5 ish million, after it's all said and done. While many live in Balochia, I can only assume many would move to the more developed parts of Harmajaa -- Tyko, Imeekalu, Rinta, and Porkka, etc. I am probably going to make a series of posts revolving around the demographic issues with so many new people in the country.  (overextension modifier lol).

How your country may evolve from defeat
Considering Sappa is so completely irrelevant... I can't really see defeat, unless Karjelinn or Severyane decide to completely cock-block and just invade Harmajaa, or something like that.  Idk, maybe I'm wrong lol.

I'm totally open to suggestions from the directorate as to how I should go about this. Sappa is just an unused space and I would like that to be fixed and it aligns with Harmajaas "UNITE THE SAAMI" hard-on they've had recently. Maybe this is a better historical RP but I've already made modern references to Sappa in the Balochia RP... but I could just retcon that as well.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm curious as to what the Directorate would think about this. I'm open to suggestions.
The Directorate has no real opinion on this, for the same reason you don't see Harmajaa losing. Do you wanna historical RP it? Sure. Do you wanna just pretend you don't recognize their independence? Just waltz on in.

I think that one might be more interesting, not recognizing their sovereignty (a country needs a government that represents it to other governments to be recognized as sovereign). So if you don't recognize such sovereignty (though, you can't revoke recognition, so you can't just suddenly /decide/ to not recognize them), you could just send in the military and construction crews to try to assets your authoritah.

If you currently do recognize their independence, you could still weasel in anyway. Sappa is too weak to stop you anyway.

Do Sal and Hahk know you wanna unite the people?
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
hahkman definitely knows. I've mentioned it a few times. Sal, I'm not sure, though I can't say for certain if MTRP is her biggest deal right now lol.

I'm good with just strolling on in. I don't mind being the bad guy here, at all. Even then, if we do recognize them, couldnt we just go in with a shos of force, or manufacture some flimsy reason to just stroll on in?
Indeed you could~
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(10-10-2017, 03:43 PM)Flo Wrote: Approved
Expanding Country: Harmajaa
EC.'s Government Type: Democracy (for now?)

Campaign Setting: Modern period
Campaign Goal: The land currently occupied by Sappa.
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? ummm... idk does Balochia count?
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Balochia, very recently.
Why do you seek to expand? OOC: Sappa is basically a blank space that has done nothing since its creation. I would like to rectify that. It's really as simple as that. I understand that Sappa is /technically/ a player country, but it hasn't done anything really. I'm willing to change the name to something else, if you'd prefer.

IC: Harmajaa is still on its mission to unite all the Saamojedic people under one nation and one flag. This is an extension of that mission.  Harmajaa is seeking to bring these more barbaric Saamojedic people under their control.

Campaign Plot
Sappa is a land ignored. It's practically no-mans land, it's so far to the north. There is a single city in the whole country, Sappa, and most of the countries inhabitants are nomads. This is a land of tradition and custom, and the Saamojedic culture is still very significant, unlike in more cosmopolitan countries like Harmajaa.

The Harmajaan government has in the most recent decade made it a clear goal to unite the Saamojedic people under one banner. For too long have they been under the boot of other, more dominating cultures, namely the Karjelinnians and the Vostics. A United Saami Republic (USR lol I'm kidding) is the ultimate goal of the Harmajaan government, who has placed itself in the Balochian crisis to further that goal. Sappa is another part of the equation. The nomads to the north lead a barely independent lifestyle. Their government is small, their military is practically non-existence. Their economy relies on Harmajaa to exist almost unilaterally.

I'm thinking Harmajaa could just straight up invade Sappa. I'm not really sure what the consequences of that would be, seeing as how irrelevant Sappa is. It doesn't really match anything IRL and if it were a real place, it would have been subjugated long ago...

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Someone could play as the Sappish, I suppose. Sappa is so completely irrelevant I can't really imagine much involvement, though. It's so far north, there's so few people... I can't really see how anyone would care. Balochia is the more critical piece in this process, really.

How your country may evolve from success
Naturally this would spur on Saamojedic nationalism at home and abroad. Harmajaa would likely use their success as a means to try and catapult into a position of increased relevance. In particular, I think they're going to try and put more pressure on Karjelinn to free the Saami under their control. Idk about that though. Maybe another time.

There are approximately 1.6 million Saamojedic in Harmajaa proper. There are another 3 million ish in Balochia (soon to be under Harmajaan influence if not outright rule form Tyko, should the Balochian crisis be resolved well). I cant imagine there would be very many in Sappa, though. Maybe a couple hundred thousand? 500,000? Idk. That would end up with a total Harmajaan population of approximately 5 ish million, after it's all said and done. While many live in Balochia, I can only assume many would move to the more developed parts of Harmajaa -- Tyko, Imeekalu, Rinta, and Porkka, etc. I am probably going to make a series of posts revolving around the demographic issues with so many new people in the country.  (overextension modifier lol).

How your country may evolve from defeat
Considering Sappa is so completely irrelevant... I can't really see defeat, unless Karjelinn or Severyane decide to completely cock-block and just invade Harmajaa, or something like that.  Idk, maybe I'm wrong lol.

I'm totally open to suggestions from the directorate as to how I should go about this. Sappa is just an unused space and I would like that to be fixed and it aligns with Harmajaas "UNITE THE SAAMI" hard-on they've had recently. Maybe this is a better historical RP but I've already made modern references to Sappa in the Balochia RP... but I could just retcon that as well.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm curious as to what the Directorate would think about this. I'm open to suggestions.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: Imperial Republic of Kazemura
EC.'s Government Type: Imperial Democratic Stratocracy
Campaign Setting: Modern Day
Campaign Goal: Link is here. Lines represent possible goals.
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? Oracia.
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Mid to Late 1400s, establishing the Imperial Republic following the collapse of the Heiwana Empire
Why do you seek to expand? OOC Reasons: Because Kazemura needs something to do, I don't want to just remove it, and it seems like it'd be a grand old time. Also since I have the chance to remake its entire history, I might as well!

IC Reasons: Restoration of the Heiwana Empire. Creation of a stronger and more united regional power that will be able to better manage its affairs.

Campaign Plot
It has been too long since Kazemurans touched the edge of the East. Over a century in fact, thanks to the fall of the Heiwana Empire. Heiwana's Emperors had no idea what they were doing back then! Shutting out the rest of the world and plugging its ears, it was only a matter of time before the foreigners came knocking with the iron ships. And it was only a matter of time before the empire collapsed, various rulers squabbling among each other for the longest time after, relegating a once serene land into a chaotic power struggle.

Not in the West however, where Kazemura reigned. They found ourselves soon after the Empire's fall and welcomed the world with open arms. They have risen from the ashes as a technological power in the region. They have strengthened our bonds with major players and have made our mark in technology and economics.

It has been too long since Kazemura touched the edge of the East, and now they shall wait no longer. Kazemura shall begin a great game and slowly reintegrate the people that they once called siblings. They shall take every trick in the book of political schemes and utilize them; all the while, they shall introduce our own.

Just East of Kazemura is the Autonomous Shimazu State, an autonomous part of the Chikusan Republic that has a large Kazemuran population. The Chikusan Republic has proven itself unable to provide them what they needed; their government's instability has led to the souring of relations with Kazemura as they seek to pull away from agreements Kazemura sought to sign to increase their economic influence on the country and ultimately take the beginning steps towards the creation of a supranational confederation and a final resolution of the status of the Shimazu.

The blocking of the agreements by a new government following the ousting of the President and the calling of new elections will be considered the final slight against Kazemura and outrage many peoples within the Autonomous Shimazu State. Kazemura will begin funneling funds and weaponry into the autonomous state while seeking to influence the outcome of the emergency Chikusan elections. This is where two clear paths come into possibility:

The Shimazu Crisis: Should the Shimazu State attempt to move towards greater autonomy or even outright secession and/or request Kazemuran military intervention to restore order upon the conclusion of the emergency elections, the new Chikusan government will express outrage and will attempt to fight Kazemura head on for control of the Shimazu State. This pathway will be easier for Kazemura as a whole as it will have a greater legitimacy, with the Shimazu State's government more likely to be controlled by secessionists and the Chikusan Republic's government more likely to be controlled by pacifists/Shimazu apologists. However, Kazemura will likely not push into Chikusa proper due to the lack of legitimacy at this time.

The War for the West: Should the Shimazu State attempt to move towards greater autonomy or even outright secession and/or request Kazemuran military intervention to restore order prior to the conclusion of the emergency elections, the emergency Chikusan elections will be suspended and the transitional government will either hold onto power or fall to a military coup. The Imperial Republic of Kazemura will attempt to gamble for far more than the Shimazu State and declare its "restore order in the destabilized region." This pathway will be far more chaotic and dangerous as Kazemura will not have the same legitimacy as the other path. The lack of clear secession means that Kazemura will likely deal with far more insurrection in the Chikusan areas, and even some dissatisfaction in the Shimazu areas. However, Kazemura will have a better chance at grabbing far more than just the initial claim.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
I mean... not many people are likely to get involved, but hey, sure... you know, if there was any neighbor who wanted to try and stop Kazemura that's cool but... pretty sure of the three neighbors Kazemura has, two are about to smash the third in the face for war crimes...

Oh! But people can play as the breakaway rebels or the NPC! But if they don't wanna do that that's cool too.

How your country may evolve from success
I added a whole part about potential outcomes below as success is subjective.

How your country may evolve from defeat
I added a whole part about potential outcomes below as defeat is subjective.

Potential Outcomes
Total Failure: Kazemura is unable to succeed in gaining any territory, even the Shimazu State. If the failure was through the Shimazu Crisis, it will likely attempt to spark a war in the future over the region and further destabilize its neighbor in the meantime. If the failure was along the War for Eden Path, the blow will be shattering to the legitimacy of the new Empress and grumblings will be heard about whether the days of military supremacy and monarchs deciding the fate of nations are over... the time for a final revolution may come (OOC Note: I'd probably run a revolution and then just leave Kazemura an NPC... not sure what else to do with it honestly as the government promised a resurgence).

Success to the Blue Line (Shimazu): If gained through the Shimazu Crisis, Kazemura considers it a major political victory and will be poised to strike at the weakened Chikusan Republic in the near future. Kazemura would likely take about 5 years preparing itself for the coming war and use the time to further destabilize its neighbor while integrating Shimazu into its borders. Then, the next war would begin. If gained through the War for Eden path, Kazemura would take longer to recover from the war and would certainly have to face a more prepared Chikusa the next time.

Success to the Yellow Line (Shimazu and Part of Chikusa): Kazemura is clearly ascending in the world. Although not a superpower by any means yet, it has proven it can not only liberate its own lands, it can spark the beginnings of a new destiny as well. It would well over a decade for Kazemura to secure the area beyond Shimazu and it would likely enter into a series of skirmishes and even a follow-up war with a rump Chikusa state soon after as it faces insurrection in the occupied areas.

Success to the Red Line (Shimazu and Chikusa/Total Success): Kazemura? Shimazu? Chikusa? All parts of a new whole. The Western Heiwana Confederation is declared, with very clear intentions that the "western" part is not staying. The nation has decided its path: resurgence through any means. While it will take some time to sort out the affairs of a new government system and the trivial matter of the insurrections (especially in the Chikusan territories), it will only really be a decade. Maybe two. But afterwards, they shall come to understand that the Confederation is in their best interests. In the meantime, the nation shall work to slowly destabilize and isolate its new neighbors in the East. And then they shall be anschlussed reunited with their siblings in the West as well.

Oh yes and there may be an agreement or two that needs to be ironed out with one of Kazemura's neighbors moving forward... but we can come to some sort of agreement, no?
Expanding Country: Mestra
EC.'s Government Type: Semi-Absolute Monarchy

Campaign Setting: 446
Campaign Goal: Area to the east of Gallia, across the narrow sea.
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? Haven't expanded before.
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Kortoan conflict
Why do you seek to expand? IC: During the four and five hundreds the Imperium was a well oiled war machine, and was constantly pushing its borders as it expanded. By the end of the 700s, Mestra's overseas conquest ambitions began to settle until the 900s when it began to colonize new lands. OOC: I would like something to work on as a way to fine tune the history of the Imperium and establish a more practical background, such as how the military operated, the structure of the government historically, etc. I believe an expansion of a large scale would reveal those areas of historical importance that should be codified.

Campaign Plot
Masparia (a parthian/persian styled nation) having triumphed over Esnea, the last vestige of Galasian culture in the east, sets it sights on conquering its neighbors. Masparia makes its move to take more lands as its ambitions require a stable support structure to support the increased Masparian military. The Imperium, under the reign of Emperor Antonius ve Menra, makes plans to invade Masparia as growing ambitions of the Mestran state require additional lands to conquer. Spy networks inform the Mestrans that the Masparian army is mobilizing to begin its invasions of the surrounding nations to the north of Masparia. Having confidence their southern territories are safe, the Masparians move the vast portion of their military to the north, leaving small units in the southern lands. Mestra, being a naval power, launches its attack in the Masparian southern lands. The initial wave of troops were to consist of twenty imperial legions (~24,000 men) and bring the necessary supplies to support a growing campaign in the south. However, a storm rages across the sea while Mestran troops are in transit. The final count of troops that arrive in Masparia are around 16,000, about 13 legions. Nearly half the supplies are lost as well. Not to be deterred the Mestrans seize the local country side and set up fortifications. They construct walls and fortifications on the port city of Peliva.

By the time the Masparians realize what has happened, they've already engaged a neighboring state in the north. The Masparians are forced to divert some of their troops to the south, sacrificing their grand ambitions in the north. The Mestrans have securely dug their talons into the southern lands and await reinforcements from the homeland before they make their push north.

(This is where the campaign would start)

Potential for Other Player Involvement The neighboring states to the north of Masparia may be interested in the war. They could attempt to take northern Masparian lands.

How your country may evolve from success
Mestra would significantly expand past its current borders. The nation would become partially divided throughout the following centuries as the Masparian culture is different from that of Mestra. The most loyal of the newly conquered lands would be the people of the former Esnea state. Mestra and Esnea shared a common culture, the Galasian culture. It is likely the Esneans would have assisted in the war against Masparia. It is likely that the new lands were tightly controlled for centuries. In the modern day, the territory of Masparia is likely governed by its own parliament with its own laws. This would be something similar to Scotland. The territory of Esnea is more closely governed by the Mestran parliament. In the end there may still be tensions in the region even after a thousand years, though for the most part the region would be stable with a minority being disgrunteled.
How your country may evolve from defeat
Mestra will likely cease its overseas ambitions within the era of the 4 to 500s... The empire suffering a heavy defeat would turn inwards, and the stability of the monarchy would be called into question. It might take centuries before the Imperium could mount a military presence to return to the regional/global stage.
@Ikar: what is the Chikusan Republic failing to provide and why? Just good old racism? Was the Heiwana Empire based in Kazemura? Did this empire racism Chikusa? What's behind the President's removal?

@Mestra: to be clear, Historical Campaigns, as a process, is still in development. The Directorate has not yet set concrete policy regarding its requirements and extents. One thing's for sure though, the role play's not gonna end with the initial war. 1,100 years is a mighty long time, after all.

There's nothing too unreasonable about the initial situation, except for the fact that 446 is almost 400 years after the Galasian Empire fell, so the Esneans are probably not that Galasian anymore. They might actually comparable to the Byzantines, actually: still claiming to the empire, but having heavily adopted the local language, culture, and traditions and such. Amusingly interesting.

Brigidna may look something like this at the time:

How much of Masparia were you wishing to conquer in this one war? I don't think empires wars to the death the back then, so "all of it" isn't a very good answer. Be aware you don't wanna make the same mistake as the Masparians and move a lot of your army away...that's the Akhadics' empire north of you, and the Lanlanians are likely still upset you kicked them off the Near East. Smile

Multiple wars is an option, though. And you probably did fight them over the 1,100 years, likely losing and regaining land over and over.

That might actually be the trade of with Historical've likely pacified the modern-day population, but there's a lot more of RP to do.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
(11-04-2017, 06:14 PM)Ayzek Wrote: @Ikar: what is the Chikusan Republic failing to provide and why? Just good old racism? Was the Heiwana Empire based in Kazemura? Did this empire racism Chikusa? What's behind the President's removal?

@Mestra: to be clear, Historical Campaigns, as a process, is still in development. The Directorate has not yet set concrete policy regarding its requirements and extents. One thing's for sure though, the role play's not gonna end with the initial war. 1,100 years is a mighty long time, after all.

There's nothing too unreasonable about the initial situation, except for the fact that 446 is almost 400 years after the Galasian Empire fell, so the Esneans are probably not that Galasian anymore. They might actually comparable to the Byzantines, actually: still claiming to the empire, but having heavily adopted the local language, culture, and traditions and such. Amusingly interesting.

Brigidna may look something like this at the time:

How much of Masparia were you wishing to conquer in this one war? I don't think empires wars to the death the back then, so "all of it" isn't a very good answer. Be aware you don't wanna make the same mistake as the Masparians and move a lot of your army away...that's the Akhadics' empire north of you, and the Lanlanians are likely still upset you kicked them off the Near East. Smile

Multiple wars is an option, though. And you probably did fight them over the 1,100 years, likely losing and regaining land over and over.

That might actually be the trade of with Historical've likely pacified the modern-day population, but there's a lot more of RP to do.

I figured this would take multiple wars and several or a single large RP story, so that isn't really an issue.
While the Esneans may have diverged from the original Galasian culture, there would still be some remnants and ultimately they would be closer culturally to the Mestrans rathern than the Masparians. So that makes it less complicated, although this still can be an issue of course, and would likely play out in the RP and subsequent. It is also likely that the area claimed by Mestra in this war, if the war were won, would be made as a more autonomous province of the empire, with vast power invested with the Esnean people. This could have its own pros and cons.

As for land I would seek to conquer. I would say that the Imperium would likely try to assert its naval dominance, and as such would make to claim the southern lands including the island you have in your map (if on the table). Essentially the southern coast with part of the western coast. Could be about a third of the Masparian state. Historically it could have been lands belonging in part to the Esneans. However, it would take years to solidify Imperial control over the area, and the border area would likely as you said see several skirmishes and small wars where territory is lost and gained.

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