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Campaign Submissions, Expansion
Flo has expressed a willingness to do it.
Directorate Use Only
Expanding Country: The empire of soyabar
EC.'s Government Type: Empire

Campaign Setting: Current
Campaign Goal:
Informational Links:, History

When did you last have an Expansion? New zealmark
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Involvement in the war of new zealmark
Why do you seek to expand? IC: Mostly internal propaganda purposes, while outside purposes are more for power reasons asswell to establish more power and to let the world see soyabar is powerfull ooc: I just want to have more exp with rp

Campaign Plot
Yousee the lines in the image? Soyabarian/serateg troops will arrive from the red pointing arrow and will invade step by step until the green line is within Soyabarian borders. respecting neighbours borders

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Well the neighbours would want to stop soyabar from getting a foothold in the region
How your country may evolve from success
Soyabar power increases, cenmenting it
How your country may evolve from defeat
It might cripple it, then someone might just come and kick the door in and the whole structure collapses. this might be my vietnam execpt that there is another predator luring perhaps to take the empire
This is just me as a private citizen speaking, but I think you, Soya, would benefit from an expanded background and plot.

So, for example:

What is Soyabar's relationship with the NPC which inhabits this area you will be invading?

What causus beli will Soyabar use to attempt to justify this action? Even if this is blatant imperialism, it would be good to have at least some justification (no matter how thin).

What has caused Soyabar to become interested in building an overseas empire?

Why is Soyabar interested in this area in particular? Resources, strategic location, simple opportunism, old rivalry?

How will Soyabar placate neighboring states?

I would also caution you that Skathia (the continent where this takes place) is under Nyland's protection against foreign imperialism, so you may want to consider another area. I think you probably chose this area as opposed to the islands east of Avidna (your previous expansion request) because of the overwhelmingly negative response from pretty much everyone in the vicinity. I'm afraid that an open invasion of this area will be responded to in similar fashion.

For these reasons, I think you might want to be a bit more subtle in your takeover. An outright invasion is likely to see a strong response by neighboring nations, so you could try something like supporting a "legitimate authority" or an "oppressed minority" or something else. You could also try to cooperate with other nations who might support you.

If you want some land but without too much threat of overwhelming resistance, you could try the myriad of tiny islands out in the Aesean Ocean or somewhere in Ostara. If you simply want some RP, you have much more options. Remember that historical RP is also an option. You could try to do some historical RP during the colonial era with my nation Nabatho if you want?
I'm going to reply to these questions

What is Soyabar's relationship with the NPC which inhabits this area you will be invading?
None atm, but when the rp starts, I could make up some stuff that counts for the ooc asswell

What causus beli will Soyabar use to attempt to justify this action? Even if this is blatant imperialism, it would be good to have at least some justification (no matter how thin).
Officially it will be to "save" an opressed bunch of people and unofficially blatant imperialism

What has caused Soyabar to become interested in building an overseas empire?
Soyabar wants economic and military power, one way to do it is to build an overseas empire and with soyabarian influence declining in new zealmark (see the commonwealth as a desperate attempt to keep some unofficiall official way to have some control or rather influence)

Why is Soyabar interested in this area in particular? Resources, strategic location, simple opportunism, old rivalry?
Its a strategic location kind of for soyabar (drahen would be better for this purpose) but you can draw a triangle between this location new zealmark and soyabar. There are always some resources but the people living in this land are the most important, it gives power and expand the workforce and the military. So soyabar take this opportunity to take them
How will Soyabar placate neighboring states?
How to stop them from being angry? I'm not intrested in their countries in a bad way, this would also open new possibilities for them asswell having a rising power of brigdianian origin on their continent. This wouldn't stop them from sending in troops but it is a heck of a good reason not to send in the army
And that rp stuff with your country in the colonial era would als owork
That kind of stuff you would want to include in your initial request.
(06-11-2017, 04:45 AM)Jamzor the Jaxxor Wrote: Approved
Expanding Country: Arrenland
EC.'s Government Type: Constitutional monarchy

Campaign Setting: 1584 - 1585
Campaign Goal:
Show ContentSpoiler:
Informational Links: Arrenland wiki

When did you last have an Expansion? March 2017
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Arrenland hasn't had any major conflicts in recent history.
Why do you seek to expand? IC: Arrenland and Brymme have been going at it for a long time now. Brymme was formerly under Arrenlander control until about 70 years ago. The new government of Arrenland is notably aggressive with a firebrand chancellor who wants to turn Arrenland into a world power. Conquering an old rival and solidifying control over the eastern Kvaennan waters would fit nicely into that goal.

OOCly: I've wanted those islands for a good while now. Also my hopes for mainland conquest have been all but crushed by certain uncooperative parties.

Campaign Plot
The Brymmish people are the descendants of a mixture of Arrenes and Taeunasians, and today Brymme is an independent republic. Brymme was once an Arrenlander vassal state, with its own ruling prince who swore fealty to the king, even after traditional feudal vassal-liege relationships had been abandoned in Arrenland. This was a special concession to the Brymmish, allowing them to maintain a degree of autonomy.

Starting around 1506, at the same time as republican insurrections plague Adwest and fifty years after the republican revolt in the southern United Provinces led to the establishment of an independent Taeunasian Republic, there is a surge in republicanism and anti-Arrenland sentiment in Brymme. Many see the Prince of Brymme and the aristocracy as Arrenlander puppets. In 1510, a republican protest in the city of Brocctun turned into a riot, which turned into a revolt. The revolt spread rapidly throughout the island, and many nobles, alleged “collaborators,” and ethnic Arrenes were murdered. Without going into too much detail, Brymme eventually threw off Arrenlander sovereignty and became an independent republic.

There has been some tension between the two states in recent years. Most recently, Brymme has been accused of supporting separatist groups in Arrenland’s remaining overseas territories, particularly the island of Carruth, and there have been some near-miss incidents between naval patrol vessels of both countries.

After the firebrand new chancellor takes office, he takes a hard stance against Brymme. He demands that the Brymmish government immediately end all support for separatist groups in Arrenlander territory. The Popular Party-controlled parliament passes a bill banning any organization operating in Arrenland from taking funds from Brymmish government or private sources. When a separatist group with alleged ties to Brymme commits a terrorist attack in Carruth, the chancellor orders the seizure of all Brymmish financial assets in Arrenland. In addition, he orders more aggressive patrols of territorial waters, leading to a violent incident between two naval vessels. The exact details of the incident are not clear, but both sides blame the other.

Eventually, one thing leads to another and a shootin’ war breaks out.

The Arrenlander government will attempt to justify the annexation of Brymme as a return to the old order before the bloody and illegal republican uprising. The family of the last reigning prince of Brymme still lives in Arrenland, and they will probably be put on the throne.

Potential for Other Player Involvement
A war between two nations? Plenty of opportunity for the usual involvement there. The Taeunasians might decide that they have a special interest in intervening, considering their proximity to the islands in question.

How your country may evolve from success
After decades of idleness, Arrenland may come out of this conflict with a feeling of pride at their accomplishment, and a wave of support for Dunstan's ideas of turning Arrenland into a world power, thus leading to more international involvement (of the aggressive kind) in the future.

How your country may evolve from defeat
The people's opinion of Dunstan might drop significantly if he returns home in defeat, so to speak. He campaigned on aggressive, glory-seeking, power-building rhetoric, and he can't even manage the old rival Brymme? Arrenland's future imperialist prospects might not look so good.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Quote:[class=float:right;]Directorate Use Only[/css]
Expanding Country: Hôinôm*
EC.'s Government Type: Semi-constitutional monarchy (parliament with limited powers, flawed elections)

Campaign Setting: Late 1587
Campaign Goal: Tieguo*
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? Kaljurand civil war (1574), if that counts, then only in a different planet.
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? 1550s (short-lived Hoinomese civil war...more like a bloody counterrevolution actually)
Why do you seek to expand? My original idea was creating some havoc in Hoinom, but I feel that would be likely ignored turned into a national story (which is not bad, but similar what I’m being done with my other nations for a while). Involving Tieguo and turning some kind of *negative expasion* would probably involve others more actively, and I had some ideas for stories for a nation like Tieguo could play in a more unstable East Ostara.

Campaign Plot
-In the recent years, political tensions and instability has increased in Hoinom, with several ethnic armed group appearing in distant provinces.
-There would be likely some kind of drought or flood in Hoinom, the government will manage it badly and thousands and thousands will likely die.
-Things turn bad.
-Meanwhile, there are important political changes in Tieguo.
-There is some kind of revolt, further violence and chaos.
-Tensions between Hoinom and Tieguo will increase.
-It is likely to turn into a military conflict between Hoinom government and no-state actors.
-Tieguo will intervene more actively at some point.
-Others may be involved. Tieguo will try to impose its interests in the country, creating friendly states in the nearby region.

Hoinom factions will be:
-The Empress’ clique (Takahito may die, though)
-Current ultra-conservative government.
-Hoinomese Armed Forces and more reactionary groups.
-Ethnic armed groups in Hoinom (Bhmer and Nhmong)
-Hoinomese socialists and communists
-Hoinomese nationalists

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Anyone in East Ostara (or anywhere) who is interested I guess.
Some volunteers could play with some Hoinom factions (or minor characters), if they wish.

How your country may evolve from success
If we understand succes as return to the status quo (Hoinom won’t expand its borders)  there won’t be big changes regionally but Hôinôm will likely experience important political changes, either becoming more democratic-like or more authoritarian. And Tieguo will go back to sleep a guess.

How your country may evolve from defeat
If Hoinom is defeated and Tieguo achieves at least part of its objectives, the East Ostara will be likely involved in some kind of regional mess for a decade or so, turning Hoinom in some kind of frozen conflict. And I may keep playing with Tieguo, if the dear Directorate allows it (or if I don't run out of ideas again).
So you essentially want Tieguo to intervene in Hoinom's internal problems, right? You mention political changes in Tieguo...what's that about?
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
[class=float:right;]Directorate Use Only[/css]
Expanding Country: Harmajaa
EC.'s Government Type: Democracy (for now?)

Campaign Setting: Modern period
Campaign Goal: The land currently occupied by Sappa.
Informational Links: Factbook, History

When did you last have an Expansion? ummm... idk does Balochia count?
When was the Expanding Country's last military conflict? Balochia, very recently.
Why do you seek to expand? OOC: Sappa is basically a blank space that has done nothing since its creation. I would like to rectify that. It's really as simple as that. I understand that Sappa is /technically/ a player country, but it hasn't done anything really. I'm willing to change the name to something else, if you'd prefer.

IC: Harmajaa is still on its mission to unite all the Saamojedic people under one nation and one flag. This is an extension of that mission. Harmajaa is seeking to bring these more barbaric Saamojedic people under their control.

Campaign Plot
Sappa is a land ignored. It's practically no-mans land, it's so far to the north. There is a single city in the whole country, Sappa, and most of the countries inhabitants are nomads. This is a land of tradition and custom, and the Saamojedic culture is still very significant, unlike in more cosmopolitan countries like Harmajaa.

The Harmajaan government has in the most recent decade made it a clear goal to unite the Saamojedic people under one banner. For too long have they been under the boot of other, more dominating cultures, namely the Karjelinnians and the Vostics. A United Saami Republic (USR lol I'm kidding) is the ultimate goal of the Harmajaan government, who has placed itself in the Balochian crisis to further that goal. Sappa is another part of the equation. The nomads to the north lead a barely independent lifestyle. Their government is small, their military is practically non-existence. Their economy relies on Harmajaa to exist almost unilaterally.

I'm thinking Harmajaa could just straight up invade Sappa. I'm not really sure what the consequences of that would be, seeing as how irrelevant Sappa is. It doesn't really match anything IRL and if it were a real place, it would have been subjugated long ago...

Potential for Other Player Involvement
Someone could play as the Sappish, I suppose. Sappa is so completely irrelevant I can't really imagine much involvement, though. It's so far north, there's so few people... I can't really see how anyone would care. Balochia is the more critical piece in this process, really.

How your country may evolve from success
Naturally this would spur on Saamojedic nationalism at home and abroad. Harmajaa would likely use their success as a means to try and catapult into a position of increased relevance. In particular, I think they're going to try and put more pressure on Karjelinn to free the Saami under their control. Idk about that though. Maybe another time.

There are approximately 1.6 million Saamojedic in Harmajaa proper. There are another 3 million ish in Balochia (soon to be under Harmajaan influence if not outright rule form Tyko, should the Balochian crisis be resolved well). I cant imagine there would be very many in Sappa, though. Maybe a couple hundred thousand? 500,000? Idk. That would end up with a total Harmajaan population of approximately 5 ish million, after it's all said and done. While many live in Balochia, I can only assume many would move to the more developed parts of Harmajaa -- Tyko, Imeekalu, Rinta, and Porkka, etc. I am probably going to make a series of posts revolving around the demographic issues with so many new people in the country. (overextension modifier lol).

How your country may evolve from defeat
Considering Sappa is so completely irrelevant... I can't really see defeat, unless Karjelinn or Severyane decide to completely cock-block and just invade Harmajaa, or something like that. Idk, maybe I'm wrong lol.

I'm totally open to suggestions from the directorate as to how I should go about this. Sappa is just an unused space and I would like that to be fixed and it aligns with Harmajaas "UNITE THE SAAMI" hard-on they've had recently. Maybe this is a better historical RP but I've already made modern references to Sappa in the Balochia RP... but I could just retcon that as well.

I guess what I'm saying is I'm curious as to what the Directorate would think about this. I'm open to suggestions.

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