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From An Otherwise Peaceful Morning
Original thread.

Gudrig chuckled. It was difficult not to; between her barrage of question, Elke had eagerly helped herself to the various foods scattered in front of them. It was quite endearing. "I don't specialize in anything exciting like that," he answered. "I do dabble in omens, on occasions, though I'm primarily here to study at the Kallayadeva Library. I help watch the gates somedays, however.

"I'm consequently not sure how I could help you, considering the scale of your mission." He glanced at Ethelgifr; the lady had been taken aback by the sudden and direct question Elke had asked, though managed to recover enough to field a scowl. "There have been murmurs of a coming infestation within the Inner Halls," he continued. His eyes were still on the lady, as if it were more for her ears than Elke's. "Some are skeptical, though quite a few of my respected peers seem to believe it." Interestingly, Siora had not at any point gathered the Kallayadeva into his chambers and explicitly informed them that an Infestation was imminent.

"One family can't raise an army significant enough to fight an Infestation, however." He focused on Elke again. "Much less without bankrupting itself."

"Indeed," Ethelgifr added, narrowing her eyes at the bubbly girl. She had mixed feelings about the girl, now. On one hand, Elke had interrupted her date with the Professor; on the other hand, how could Ethelgifr dislike someone who enjoyed her baking so? "I'm afraid I can't raise you an army. I could spare some coin to sustain you on your travels, however." She glanced at the Professor, her eyes eager for his approval.

Brrm. Toffer shook again. This time, he reached his feet and turned to stare deeper into the Kallayadeva grounds. He chirruped, drawing attention to the crow that suddenly landed on Elke's shoulder. It cawed and dropped a brown envelope on Elke's lap before quickly flying off. Toffer watched it go, before circling around the blanket and dropping back onto his stomach.

OOC: It's Aveness's letter. There's a note attached to it that tells Elke that she could use to introduce herself to any Kallayadeva-friendly establishment, and get their help, including that other professor at Sidgard's capital.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
"An army need not be provided," Elke agreed, "but your coins and clout would be greatly appreciated."

Looking pointedly at Lady Ethelgifr, who was - after all - the owner of a lordship title, and who was - after all - dressed and perfumed rather finely, Elke directed her words. Coin. Clout.

Silently, and still looking meaningfully at Lady Ethelgifr, the mage took a wafer smeared with a creamy herb spread and popped it into her mouth.

Elke would likely have still been staring the gold out of the woman's purse had Toffer not called her attention away with his feline chirps. The young woman made to rise to her feet and follow the animal, and would have done so had she not spotted the crow circling with wings spread wide above her. It's dark feathers cut a regal shape against the bright sky, and the mage marked it instantly as an omen.

"Another sign," she thought tiredly, drawing her lips thinly over her teeth. Birds of the corvid sort usually meant nothing good. Perhaps they weren't the harbingers of death they were so often labeled as being, but ravens and crows did have the tendency to appear before major military defeats and wide scale loss of life.

It was only when she spotted the parcel in the bird's clutches that she remembered: Aveness' familiar. Not an omen, after all. It was fitting of the professor, really; crows were crafty and as intelligent as any higher being Elke had ever met despite their inabilities in human languages.

"I, ah..." Flap-flap-flap. The bird, much larger up close, was perched on her shoulder. "I apologize, Lady. Professor. It seems I have a visitor."

A parcel, not too big, fairly flat, plopped from the beak of the bird into Elke's lap as the animal let out a gravelly caw. It cocked its head at her, blinking the deep brown eye turned towards her, and Elke mimicked the gesture with a blink of her own. And then the crow spread its great wings and took to the air in a leafy ruffling of onyx feathers.

"Crow," she called after it, quickly rising to her feet, "Send my thanks to Professor Aveness!"

Elke regarded the envelope. The material felt to be of fine quality - soft, almost worn glossy. Something in between parchment and suede. She turned it over. A thin bit of twine strap and a singular wooden button held the parcel closed. She unwound the string and opened the package, sliding the stationary out from its wrappings. The letter was finely penned in rich indigo ink and bore the burgundy wax seal of Professor Aveness: a large, swirling A rising as incensed smoke from a lamp of knowledge.

As her eyes skimmed the letter and attached memo, she explained to the two across from her, whom she'd honestly forgotten momentarily. "It's a letter," she told them. "From Professor Aveness. She was recommended as a source of help to me by Lord Siora." Folding the letter and packing it away again, she met the eyes of the two picnickers. "Much like yourselves.

"And speaking of the two of you," she continued under her breath, turning her attention to Professor Gudrig now, "The Kallayadeva Library, was it? That sounds very important, very... exclusive."

Lord Siora had recommended that Lady Ethelgifr had an infatuation of sorts with the Kallyadeva, hadn't he? Elke looked to the woman. There must be an avenue for assistance there. "Do you study there, too?"

[ooc: Ughhh sorry for the super long delay. I had to go back and re-read to keep track of why Elke is to be meeting with all these people, so if something sounds wonky or not what you had in mind, let me know.]
[OOC: I don't remember much of anything either, frankly.]

"Of course," Ethelgifr answered. As infatuated as she was with Professor Gudrig, it would be silly to not take advantage of the facilities she traveled leagues to visit. The Kallayadeva Library at the Pristine Fountain wasn't the largest—not after it was razed by High Lich Gruva—but it still beat the private libraries of most Sidgardian noblemen. It contained a fitting number of rare works, and most of it was accessible to any visitor. On site, of course. Ethelgifr had came for the mundane and stayed for the Professor. "There's sections that are quite exclusive, but much of it can be accessed by anyone." Hogging knowledge wasn't intuitive to the Kallayadeva's purpose, after all.

Also unintuitive was providing money to anyone who asked, even if they claimed to be acting at the directive of an awesome immortal. Or perhaps especially because of such a claim. But Gudrig seemed to be inclined to believe her and a few coins were trivial. And on the chance the young mage's words were true and an Infestation was brewing....

"I've not too many krone on me," Ethelgifr continued. It wasn't smart to carry one's fortune while traveling, after all. "I could spare a half and 10 silvers. But if you'd like to travel with me to Graycastle, I could provide a little more from the treasury there. Graycastle isn't on the most direct route to the Capital, however."

One silver would get one a night's stay at most inns, while a half-sized gold coin was worth 20 silvers and a silver 45 krone. Still, some over 1000 krone wouldn't be nearly enough to get her to the Capital. The trip would take over two months on horseback, and Elke didn't even have a horse. The half and 10 silvers would barely get her a roof to sleep under, nevermind food. And if she ran into any trouble along the way....

"We could leave midday tomorrow," said Ethelgifr. "And I do have a small escort."
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
"I don't know how much time I have to complete the mission I've been assigned," Elke admitted. The pendant felt weighty around her neck. She heard the boy's words urging her to press onward, and quickly, in each breeze. But money was a necessary tool in completing any quest; meals, lodging, equipment and repairs - all of it came at a cost, and that was assuming they wouldn't be robbed along the way or have their belongings lost in a river following some heinous accident. "But direct or no, I think it best that I accompany you to Graycastle. I don't feel I can do much without the necessary resources."

All at once, despite the gravity of the moment and the mammoth task that lay ahead for her, the idea crossed her mind that when she'd invited herself to this picnic, Elke might have interrupted a candid romantic moment. What else would be the reason for a man and woman, certainly both attractively dressed enough, to be having such an intimate little picnic like this? The young mage felt a sudden pang of embarrassment. She stood quickly and brushed the custard crumbs from her tunic.

"I thank you for your generosity and your patience this morning, Lady. Professor." She paused momentarily, crouching and scratching Toffer behind a soft, fluffy ear with a grin only a young woman infatuated by a cat can produce. "Mister Toffer. And I should be departing now." She straightened herself. "Tomorrow morning, then. I'll meet you by the gates at midday, but I've been lodging in the eastern dormitories if you should have need of me before then." Technically, she'd been lodging near the dormitories, and not in them. Elke had a certain nostalgic affinity for camping where the fresh air could whisk her away to sleep and where the stars above could keep her company, but she also enjoyed the conveniences of the baths and other such modernities that the dorms had to offer, so she pitched her tent nearby. But it was just a technicality; if the Professor or the Lady needed to find her, everyone in the dorm knew about the recent graduate sleeping out back in a tent.

Already backing away from the supposed couple and their cat, she waved and called, "Thank you again. Very much! And for the food - it was wonderful. You really ought to open up a bakery here."

And with that, she took her leave.
"What a bright girl," Ethelgifr whispered. Their eyes followed her, as Elke scurried away from the garden.

"Yes," Professor Gudrig replied, turning his attention back to the gate, "she was quite the future ahead of her. I hope you will look after her."

"I have given my word," the lady said with a nod.

The professor chuckled. "Well, let us clean up so I may return to the gate."

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. The Pristine Fountain at night was as inspiring as its daytime, if not more so. With the great sun hiding beyond the horizon, the sky filled with the numerous lights of the gods, which worked with the moons to keep the darkness at bay. The few lights dotting the grounds and leaking out the buildings were far from enough to drown out the night sky, perhaps on purpose. A cloudless sky, this left one to sleep under the Great Streak and the thirteen great stars of the Valhalnir which guarded over Sidgard. Only occasionally did the Kaiser Dragons momentarily obscure the stars on their patrols between earth and heaven.

As Elke slept, the crystal she received from Siora glowed dimly. She was far from the only recipient, of course, and the crystal went by perhaps just as many names: Heart Crystal, Love Stone, Promise Gem, Soul Stone, Dream Stone, and so on. It did serve a different purpose for each soul which received one, and one could be unimaginably powerful. Recipients came from all walks of life and went down just as many. Nonetheless, those beyond mortal knowledge understood that such a crystal belonged to one with a connection to the Elohim. To them, it was but a mark of destiny.

One's mark could not be lost; it would always find its way back. Those with a mark generally lived a longer life and were beyond disease. A mark repelled Chaos and even drew in luck. One's live certainly took a turn after receiving a mark. While a mark could channel awesome magic, Elke's was so inert. Instead, hers gave her visions: dim, usually blurry previews of the future. More rarely, Siora would whisper to her through it.

On the very first night of her journey, the black gemstone around Elke's neck shone and filled her dreams. Twilight. The highway. A golden dragon. A battle. Her teacher. A black giant. An irritating man. A small prince. The High King. A blinding great flame. It was all much too vague, too hurried—impossible to distinguish. Was it even orderly? The chief feelings she woke with were her teacher's familiarity and a faint uneasy.

When the sun was nearing its highest, Ethelgifr and Professor Gudrig waited by the gate, a wagon and half a dozen armored guardsmen a few feet just outside.

OOC: I have added Greycastle to the map. It's not a small settlement, so it would be connected via the main cobble highway, just not the same one leading to Sidgard. It'd likely take a few days to reach it.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Long before the sun creeped over the horizon that morning, Elke had been awake and restless. A sleepless night of strange visions left her squirming in disquiet under her blankets. Deciding finally around the time that the deep blue-black of the night sky began to fade into a rich pre-dawn purple that she would do better to rouse and set to work than to futilely try to sleep, she lit her lantern, pulled out her journal, and began trying to jot down any details from the dream that she could remember. There weren’t many specifics, but rather feelings and general themes. Elke frowned at the paltry three bullet points she’d noted and tucked the journal and her pen away.

As the sky further lightened through gradients of violets and pinks and yellows, the pastel colors of morning swallowing up the stars, Elke worked on packing away her tent and bedroll. She’d decided that a walk in the fresh air would do her good, and she’d remembered a gorgeous little meadow she’d passed on her way into the town when she’d first arrived. This time of morning, the moonflowers would still be opened wide, and the cool, dewy air should work wonders on the jumble of thoughts swirling in her head. But as the mage walked, she found that her stroll deeper into the untamed natural world yielded the opposite effect; everywhere she looked, she saw omens - signs of the things to come. The pearly bones of a chipmunk picked clean by cats and carrion birds lay sprawled in her path at one point. A rose bush that had lost all its petals in the night, now naked but for its menacing thorns, greeted her a few paces later. The pendant around her neck clanked against her sternum with each step, never allowing her to ignore its presence.

When the midday hour grew near, Elke abandoned her quest for solace through solitude, gathered her things, and prepared for the journey ahead. She ducked into the dormitories behind which she’d made her camp and bargained with the exhausted-looking front attendant to allow her access to the bath and dining hall. After much narrowing of the eyes and heavy sighing from the wrinkled old woman, clearly nearing the end of her late-night shift, Elke was granted a token for the bath, and was promised a small satchel of breakfast leftovers from the kitchen’s pantry would greet her upon her return. After a quick freshening up, Elke found that the old woman (now gone home to sleep off her night’s work and replaced instead by a chipper young fellow) had kept her word and snatched the paper-wrapped package as she darted outside.

She found the Lady and Professor in the agreed-upon place, along with several guardsmen.

“Good day, Lady Ethelgifr, Professor Gudrig.” Admittedly, she was a little disappointed to not see Toffer; seeing a soft, nice creature like that would have somehow made her feel better. Alas.

She tipped her head towards the guards. “Will they be accompanying us the entire way?” Elke found it hard to believe that these men would march so far in all that armor, but it was their job, after all, and they must have been used to it. Or would they all try and pile into the carriage? Certainly not. “Well, actually,” she added, “I must admit that I’ve not got the best sense for distances when it comes to traveling by roads. I suppose that must sound silly, but I find that I lose all sense of time and distance when I’m not traveling in less-worn paths. There’s something hypnotic about riding down a road, no? Perhaps the journey to Greycastle won’t be as long as it only seems to be..”

She cleared her throat. “Pardon, I’m rambling. I’m afraid I get a bit loopy when I haven’t slept well. Are there any preparations here left to do, or shall we be on our way?”
Ethelgifr chuckled. Though Graycastle and the Fountain were close enough on the map, Sidgard was in fact gigantic and the journey reflected that. While a military relay could cover that distance in a handful of days, a carriage was looking at a trip of three weeks. It didn't help there were no significant rivers connecting the two. At least the trip would be pleasant. Ethegifr's expensive traveling carriage was equipped with quality dwarven suspension and wheels. There were numerous rest stops along the route too, many sponsored by either the King or local nobles.

"Oh, we can hope it'll feel quick," Ethelgifr replied. "There's a few board games on board, but we're still looking to be on the road for three weeks." She glanced at the carriage and her men. Her carriage was surprisingly simple, built for purpose rather than impression. Sturdily constructed, the black wood was decorated with little more than carvings of lions on the sides, and a silvery trim at the cabin crest. The roof was flat and had a guard board along the edges, with a small gap in the rear of the carriage where the climbing ladder ended. There were a few bags and wooden shields piled in a corner. The lady's luggage was inside the cabin, under a board, while there were more supplied tucked behind the rear bench.

The six men had divided themselves evenly between the driver's bench, the cabin roof, and a second bench on the rear.

"They are my family's men, and will be with us the entire trip. The Captain and his Lieutenant are still bringing their horses," Ethelgifr answered Elke's final question, turning back to face her, "but we'll be ready to depart once they return."

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Elke," said the Professor, meeting the young girl's eyes. "You will be in safe hands with the Lady and her guards. They've made this trip multiple times without complications. The lady knows the best stops to unwind after a long day's travel, too."

Light clapping against stone marked the arrival of the last two guardsmen, both of which stopped and disembarked by Ethelgifr. "My Lady," the gruffer of the two began, nodding and bowing slightly. "We are prepared to leave at your command."

The Captain and his Lieutenant were the best equipped out of the eight guards, though all of them were rather lightly equipped. Perhaps it was to hide their wealth on the road. While the six on the carriage had little more than leather, the Captain and his second wore chainmail and a breastplate, as well as a few iron guards. "Thank you, Sir Arn, Sir Kare." Ethelgifr guided their eyes to Elke, "This is Miss Elke, who I mentioned last night. She'll be traveling with us."

"Miss Elke," the two knights repeated, bowing slightly at the waist. "We will be sure to keep you safe on her journey." They gave their names and excused themselves. While Arn took position by the carriage door, Kare walked their horses to wait nearby.

"Again, I had a wonderous time with you, Professor," Ethelgifr said. "I really do look forward to next time. Shall, we Elke?"

"Of course, Lady Ethelgifr," the Professor replied. "I wish you all a safe trip."

((OOC: This post took longer than I wanted it too.... Anyway, I don't think either of us really want to RP a three-week long trip, so, after you reply, I'll just hop us to an evening rest stop at a pleasant place where Oer could maybe wander in?))
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Elke smiled warmly as the professor bid her farewell. “Likewise,” she said, and at his praise of the Lady’s knowledge of the best lodging options exclaimed, “Oh, fantastic! I’m glad to hear I’ll be traveling with such a knowledgeable guide.” The last bit was directed over her shoulder to the Lady herself.

The satisfying clop of hooves against the road and the jangling of metal armor drew her eyes from the Lady and the professor and toward the source of the sound. Two armored figures on horseback approached, and Elke assumed that these must have been the men whose arrival they’d been awaiting.

Her suspicions were confirmed as Lady Ethelgifr acknowledged the men each by name before introducing Elke to them.

Elke stifled a nervous giggle at the formality with which the two guards greeted her, even going so far as to now to her. She wanted to wave them away and tell them there was no need for such a display — she was still a rather green mage, after all, and only chosen for this monumental task by some probably blind eye of the fates turned to her in a moment of indiscretion — but would it have been rude to reject their greeting? The last thing she wanted to do was come across as ungrateful or snobbish to two people who had just sworn to protect her.

Needing to respond in the end, she almost bowed back, caught herself, dipped her head and murmured a soft, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have the utmost confidence that our journey will be safe.”

As Lady Ethelgifr and the Professor said their goodbyes and as Arn and Kare moved into position, Elke climbed aboard the carriage.

“Professor,” Elke called through the still-opened door. “Please tell Professor Aveness thank you again on my behalf — if you see her, of course.” She almost pulled her head in, but thought at the last moment to add, “And please tell the young gentleman Toffer that he is a good boy!”

Satisfied, Elke settled in for the journey.
Finn's Village
Early Elva 4102 SY

Eastern Sidgard was far from uninhabited. Between the great mountains that shielded civilization from the Wildlands to the east and the Hillands that covered the heart of Sidgard were the Great Plains and its sprawling rivers. A large portion of the High Kingdom's population lived along these rivers. The Pristine Fountain was on the outskirts of this region, though nonetheless within the network of castles and forts that served as Sidgard's eastern bulwark. Greycastle was one such settlement. The route between it and the Fountain was consequently dotted with minor villages, the occasional castle, and a handful of military relay stations.

Finnsa Village was about a third of the way to Greycastle. It was an insignificant village surrounded by farmlands that supported Barthr's Fort and the relay stations in Landsman Elvar's land. As it was in a different March, Landsman Elvar had an almost nonexistent relationship with Lady Ethelgifr and her family.

It was evening when Ethelgifr's carriage and escorts arrived at the village. It was surrounded by a simple palisade and the gate guarded only by a pair of spear-armed men. Well behind the border, the village depended on the nearby military forces to keep bandits at bay.

"Welcome to our village," said one of the men. "How's the travels?"

"Well," Sir Arn answered, dismounting his horse and approaching the guardsmen. "We wish to take shelter for the night at your village. Do you have rooms for ten?"

"Oh yes," the guard answered, eyeing the travelers. He didn't recognize their crest, but it was clear they weren't bandits. "We may be a small place, but we're still along the relay. Ten is no trouble. We have a couple inns."

Arn nodded. Lady Ethelgifr disliked taking the main routes and had identified a safe route along the alternatives roads. Her path was lightly traveled but militarized enough to minimize the threat of bandits. Besides the farms and the forest to its north, Finn's village was very dull. Perhaps that was why Ethelgifr chose it over the road that went through the Landsman's town.

As the carriage started moving into the gate, Ethelgifr sighed inside the carriage. "We're finally here," she told Elke. "It's been such a long day of sitting." It'd been a little over a week since they'd left the Fountain. They'd been traveling nearly all day every day, chatting or studying. By evening, they'd arrived at a settlement and enjoy a social evening, before retiring to a bed.

"I'm getting tired of this constant traveling," Ethelgifr continued. "Tomorrow afternoon we should arrive at the lake resort I told you about. We should spend a night there. Tonight, I believe I'll enjoy a few drinks at the tavern. Will you join me?"
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
With legs that felt more like wooden fence posts and a rump that felt completely nonexistant, vibrated by wheels over bumpy roads until it ceased to exist, Elke nodded her agreement with Ethelgifr's sentiments. "A long day. A long week, even."

Leaning her head out of the window, she tried to catch a glimpse around the side of the carriage at the mark who were greeting them. Mostly her view was eclipsed by the side of the carriage and the rear of the horse lashed to it. A sliver of lightly armored soldier with spear in-hand was visible, and the gates of the settlement around him. Surely with such minimal defenses, this village was a quiet one.

Elke sat back down at Ethelgifr's resumed speaking.

Smiling, she responded, "Yes, that sounds lovely; I think something brewed would do us all well."

After some time, she felt the carriage begin to move again and watched out the window as they entered through the stakewall and into the little village. "What was it you said was the name of this village - Finnsa?" Although unspoken, a hint of disappointment might have come through in Elke's question; although the settlement had been described as small, she had hoped for something equipped with a few more amenities than this. The young woman could rough it with the best forest rangers, sure, but it didn't mean that she necessarily liked to, especially after enjoying the accommodations offered near the Fountain. Well, at least there seemed to be some proper built structures here - an inn there, a shop over there....

"Do you have friends here, Lady Ethelgifr?"

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