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A War that Actually Matters
Basically, we should totally RP the crime families, mafias, gangs, cartels of the world and show casea fair bit of the underground world that undoubtly surrounds Siora's common person life cause gang wars and stuff and things.

Basically we would each RP a major drug supplier in the world black market, some groups offer exclusive drugs compared to others; some are allies, many are enemies....I mean if people are interested we should totally expand more on this idea.

We could have car chases in Sainam's capital for instance, low-key mercenary wars......see who actually supplies the Nentsians with their roids.
I did try to RP a bit with the Kubanizan mafia a while back.
I am all up for it.
Ive been looking to do some crime-RP so I'm in.

Apparently I have some crime syndicate still somewhere in Nyland, and of course Nentsia is the promised land for every criminal, thief and whatnot.

Nentsian gangsters would likely have extortion and racketeering as their main business (exploiting the few honest business men in the country) and abroad they'd typically sell their services as contract killers (for Nentsia can act as a safe heaven from prosecution or extradition). And since these guys are immoral as hell, they'd also try to make some money on human trafficking and selling drugs to the decadent West.

The big tough guy in Nentsia is Roman Tsvikevich who started his career by extortioning businessmen, then he took over companies - leaving their official owners as straw-men, and he ''collected politicians''. Nobody ever knows about his whereabouts, but there are persistent rumors that he lives in Kubaniza and runs a little cigar shop there.

The other Nentsian big-shot is Piotr Hrycuk, head of the Nentsian security services. His agents basically bully business men into bribing them, and they protect criminals that pay them as well. According to rumors, the Nentsian government has attacked and even assassinated people through hiring men from Roman Tsvikevich, who almost all have worked for the security services in the past.
Many of Akitsu's Yakuza gangs would now be involved in what the fascists are desperately trying to call their secret police (though some of their activities wouldn't exactly be all that secret).

That said, not every gang would've joined this effort. Those gangs that refused to join the secret police would still continue their previous activities.

Now the Akitian Yakuza do care very much about their image. There's a reason why they prefer to be called (and in fact call themselves) "任侠団体" (ninkou dantai) meaning "chivalrous way" or "極道" (gokudou) meaning "highest way". As such, not all of them would take part in drug or human trafficking (some would, but others would explicitly forbid their members from taking part in such activities). They'd get most of their money from extorting businesses, though they themselves would consider their actions to be a form of tax collection (since in times of dire need they will provide help to communities, such as after a massive earthquake or tsunami). They'd also make a butload of cash from things like loan sharking and illegal gambling.

Obviously prior to the coup, Akitian police would have been trying to contain them (though they would've been hampered by the legal situation in Akitsu). After the coup though, well the ones that joined the secret police would probably be waging an active gang war against those that didn't.

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