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Crusader Kings 2!
Right, we're all CK2 nerds here (mostly). We've all got cool stuff we've done or are doing, or funny/weird/dumb things we've seen. So, come in here, tell your stories, post your screenshots. Show your best empires or make known your spectacular failures; gloat if you want to, and make known your "accomplishments." Sure, we often throw them into chat, but we're not all online all the time. Smile

Yeah, a thread for all your general CK2 needs.
[Image: UhgAqVGl.jpg]

Super Venice. It's like regular Venice, if Venice was better than Rome. Venice is Best Italian. Flipped Smile

This is an ironman game, like all the games I play.

So I spent 300 years playing as my usual know, semi-historical, semi-roleplayed, trying not to overly mess up history, etc. Basically dorking around and playing by the rules. However, somewhere close to the end of my last character (before Current Dude inherited), I realized playing by the rules is for after a couple holy wars, I decided to take most of western Catholicism in a couple years.

Don't worry, my methods are legal...except breaking truces, but prestige and other people's opinions ultimately don't matter, so pffffff whatevs. I can probably go into the details of how easy it is to break this easy-ass game (being a republic helps, but is not necessary), but I'm sure you can figure it out. Smile

The only time I really have a challenge in ck2 is when I set my own limits.

Ironman isn't even that challenging so to speak. Occasionally I have to restart due to RNGesus not helping me out, but if I start the game enough, eventually I end up well off enough to start the usual snowball. I did ironman for achieves for a while, but something goes wrong with the saves too much for me to really pursue the long term achievements. If I get the urge to, I might just do them and if the save loses its achieve status, I'll just crack the achievement I need. Not a big deal at the moment though.

Mods have gotten me back into the game though. Historical mods specifically. CK2+ has a ton of features that I just love, such as the schism and coronation features. Been enjoying it a lot. I might post screenshots of my Basque Navarra game. Iberia has been reconquista'd by 1050 or so by the combined powers of Leon, Castille, and Portugal. Very interesting.
Crusader Kings II is 5 years old today!

that link takes you to a live stream of the devs talking about the game and its history. Old CK2 is weird af
NO it's not, it was great. It wasn't easy and broken. Flipped Smile was broken. Very, very broken.
Going back and seeing old menus, especially the old tech page, was very nostalgic
Flo, you should show us some of your latest games, they sound interesting. Smile
heheheh I've mostly just been fiddling with the new mechanics and seeing how they work.

I played through a long game as the Abbasids but that was just ended. It got really tedious near the end and I got so bored of it that I had to let it go.

This isn't the largest it was, but besides cleaning up borders a bit and getting some other stuff, it's mostly the same

the map of that mess is below:

[Image: 13F3DB8B6451F9D8F1E70F9F69331495D91979AE]
I heard there was a CK 2 lineage game where you pass on the game to another player when your dude kicks the bucket but it ended. Anyone interested in doing a new one?
I'm too old for this shit - 12 year old kid
They didn't end, the other butts just didn't continue them. Whoever told you they ended is a filthy stinking LIAR. >:U

But yeah, if you want a new one, we can do another one. You're also more than welcome to continue the existing ones, if they still work.

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