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Maps of Siora, Land Claim Thread
Do be removed off the map after cleaning up the stats page are Mavari and khibland in Avidna, Arjlod in Brigidna, this would be replaced with Kyrland and the city states in Sutherland. Oh also dont forget to merge eskkya with strathea

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze


dont forget to add Tobong and Modu to the map, below Drubang.


Official Name of State:
The Romulan Republic

Common name of State:

Economic Development:

Population size:

Size: Small/Medium/Large
Proposed Romulan Territory

Near East/Ostara

Cities: (most cities are coastal along the inland sea)
Romulus (capital city), Remus, Virinat, Nimbus, Brea, Sienae, Nequencia, Tephrei

The Romulans are based on RL Byzantine/Roman culture

No state religion, but much of the Romulan population is Ostrid

Brief description of your country
The Romulans are more introverted and don't tend to play well with many others. They prefer to deal in scientific research and development; their rationale is that a greater impact on society is achieved through science than by economics, culture, or even warfare. But, the Romulans are not above war, and will use whatever means they can to ensure not only their survival but their victory. Romulans oddly enough prefer to engage in subterfuge and espionage rather than open combat. Diplomatically, the Romulans are known to be tough, if not stubborn, negotiators. Many Romulan leaders like to think themselves more advanced that most other countries but generally Romulan technology levels are on par with much of the rest of the developed world.

The Romulans adopted a republican system of government. The main legislative body is the Romulan Senate, a parliamentary body that is compiled by a proportional system based on population. The head of government is called the Praetor, who is typically the leader of the majority parliamentary party. The Praetor then selects a cabinet from amongst the members of the Senate that acts as his advisory council. The Romulan judiciary is made of a Supreme Court, System Courts, and Municipal Courts. The various Romulan subdivisions are called "systems"; there are 27 systems and 7 municipalities in the Romulan Republic with individual system and municipal governments in each one.

Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
The Romulans are a largely scientific and expansive civilization, mainly keeping to themselves and only dealing with other countries when Romulan interests are involved. Because of that, some people think Romulans as xenophobic, but it honestly is due to their natural skepticism and borderline paranoia that keeps the Romulans largely separate from the rest of the world.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

The city of Snogen, in Eastern Kaljurand, is actually a Mordvanian city. I guess the cartographer forgot to move it. It should be in southern Mordvania instead, nearby that area next to Videjszeme and Ceribia border.

[Image: Selnas2.jpg]

Selnas (that replaces Ashar), as the holy state city of Akhadism, should be added at that pothole along Kyrzbekistan southern border with Gallia, down from Askhabad, next to that river that goes along western Kyrzbekistan (see the red arrows in the picture for a better indication).

If it is such a big issue to drawn the borders for a small country (it's more a city-state than a nation-state), or to redrawn them, you can just add one of those points that symbolize capital cities without need of a proper order, whatever is easier for you.

As well, if it is possible, eastern Kyrzbekistan (exactly that area between the border with Mithrania and that river that crosses Kyrzbekistan, around the cities of Askhabad, Tarkek and Takar) could have the name "Zargistan" written on it, similar as Florinthus/Oslanburg/Galeae/Vienland are written in WBU with a smaller font/size.
I just processed a whole bunch of stuff. Lemme know if anything's off.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.
Just look at the post above.
Official Name of State:
Fotian Republic

Common name of State:

Economic Development: Fotia is a developing nation

Population size: Average

Size: Small/Medium/Large
(If you have the skill, you may draw your own proposal and submit it with your claim. Alternatively, you may talk to Ayzek over the Discord RP Help Desk and he'll you determine your country's borders. Failing that, select one of the above and Ayzek will reach out to you with proposals.)

Location: The area is highlighted red
[Image: XdPy4WR.png]
Cylla: Capital, between the two rivers sitting on the southernmost one.
Catalon: Sits at the south western part of the canal
Tolezde: Sits at Northern river.
Vigenice: Sits at the north eastern part of the canal.
Tirona: Up to discretion
Kavalaia: Up to discretion

Because of its close proximity to both Roman, Greek and Middle Eastern-esque cultures. Fotians are sicilian based in appearance.

Fotians are largely Ostrid

Brief description of your country
Ancient Fotians were a nomadic trade focused culture which settled in the area during early medieval times. Fotians traders would travel north towards the mountains and bring the supplies they bought to the near east. This brought relative prosperity, but compared to its western neighbors remained a backwater in medieval times. During the industrial age, Fotians sought to heavily bring itself out of its backwater state, and push for mass industrialization of the country, and with the assistance(or intervention) of foreign players built the canal linking the two lakes together and linking the northern lake to the Angirisian Gulf. Near the end of the industrial age and into the modern age, Fotia was a highly sophisticated and prosperous economy. Into the 1470s, the lack of regulation, and rampant income inequality caused the prosperity bubble to pop. Investors started pulling out of Fotian markets, banks were no longer able to handle public debt, interest rates skyrocketed, and loans were no longer able to be paid back. Consumers were no longer able to afford basic necessities, and land owners foreclosed. The country descended into anarchy, civil war, and constantly changing governments. This period lasted into the 1540s ending in a military dictatorship which lasted for 20 years, until reformist elements within the military transitioned Fotia into an oligarchic republic. The Fotian trade institutions were reformed and re-opened. Property rights restored. The new constitution also gave all Fotian citizens civil rights, and basic government mandated healthcare supplemented by private options. Workers Rights however continued to be violated, and corruption continues to be rampant as well as wealth inequality. While most Fotians were becoming richer, government corruption keeps a tight hold on its prosperity.

Much of Fotian institutions are centered around commercial capitalism, which encourage pragmatism, and opportunism in pursuit of commercial interests. Medieval fotians had a system of private property rights and land ownership, and developed a large banking system. Profits were lightly taxed, the government recieved most of its revenue from property taxes and later the canal had a special tax instituted for it. Its government is elected by a mix of special interest groups and citizen elected representatives. Its council is split 50/50 between these groups.
Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Fotia is a regional trade power, focused much around the canal.
(10-27-2019, 05:30 PM)Arkiania Wrote: Official Name of State:
Fotian Republic

Common name of State:

Economic Development: Fotia is a developing nation

Population size: Average

Size: Small/Medium/Large
(If you have the skill, you may draw your own proposal and submit it with your claim. Alternatively, you may talk to Ayzek over the Discord RP Help Desk and he'll you determine your country's borders. Failing that, select one of the above and Ayzek will reach out to you with proposals.)

Location: The area is highlighted red
[Image: XdPy4WR.png]
Cylla: Capital, between the two rivers sitting on the southernmost one.
Catalon: Sits at the south western part of the canal
Tolezde: Sits at Northern river.
Vigenice: Sits at the north eastern part of the canal.
Tirona: Up to discretion
Kavalaia: Up to discretion

Because of its close proximity to both Roman, Greek and Middle Eastern-esque cultures. Fotians are sicilian based in appearance.

Fotians are largely Ostrid

Brief description of your country
Ancient Fotians were a nomadic trade focused culture which settled in the area during early medieval times. Fotians traders would travel north towards the mountains and bring the supplies they bought to the near east. This brought relative prosperity, but compared to its western neighbors remained a backwater in medieval times. During the industrial age, Fotians sought to heavily bring itself out of its backwater state, and push for mass industrialization of the country, and with the assistance(or intervention) of foreign players built the canal linking the two lakes together and linking the northern lake to the Angirisian Gulf. Near the end of the industrial age and into the modern age, Fotia was a highly sophisticated and prosperous economy. Into the 1470s, the lack of regulation, and rampant income inequality caused the prosperity bubble to pop. Investors started pulling out of Fotian markets, banks were no longer able to handle public debt, interest rates skyrocketed, and loans were no longer able to be paid back. Consumers were no longer able to afford basic necessities, and land owners foreclosed. The country descended into anarchy, civil war, and constantly changing governments. This period lasted into the 1540s ending in a military dictatorship which lasted for 20 years, until reformist elements within the military transitioned Fotia into an oligarchic republic. The Fotian trade institutions were reformed and re-opened. Property rights restored. The new constitution also gave all Fotian citizens civil rights, and basic government mandated healthcare supplemented by private options. Workers Rights however continued to be violated, and corruption continues to be rampant as well as wealth inequality. While most Fotians were becoming richer, government corruption keeps a tight hold on its prosperity.

Much of Fotian institutions are centered around commercial capitalism, which encourage pragmatism, and opportunism in pursuit of commercial interests. Medieval fotians had a system of private property rights and land ownership, and developed a large banking system. Profits were lightly taxed, the government recieved most of its revenue from property taxes and later the canal had a special tax instituted for it. Its government is elected by a mix of special interest groups and citizen elected representatives. Its council is split 50/50 between these groups.
Brief Summary of how you'd like your country to fit in the world
Fotia is a regional trade power, focused much around the canal.
Approved for 36m@26k.
Role Play States

Holy Lanlanian Empire
Holy Emperor: Feryn I
Prime Minister: Klaus Lofgren
The Holy Lanlanian Empire is a multi-ethnic state based in western Brigidna with territories all across the globe. It is a relic of an older age, an absolute monarchy hidden under a functioning democracy. The empire has historically been the world's leading power, though has long been in decline and was recently overtaken by the Republic of Nyland. Nonetheless, the empire is not an opponent to take lightly.

Ishnalli Empire
Empress: Lanryu-il
Chancellor: IDEK
The greatest country in the world. It's YUUUUGGGEEEE.

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