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Part of me wants Angiris to just come in and steamroll the whole f***ing country and take it over but considering the bad publicity we'd assuredly get, I shall digress.
One thing the Angirisian Empire is not going to tolerate are the radical Akhadists and their supporters. This has politically dire consequences for both A'sir and Zargistan in Angirisian eyes, especially Zargistan after so many years of improving relations this would be a major step backward.
That said, the Angirisian Empire is split about who to support. On one hand, many in the Imperial government would want to back the Alsace government as it is seen as the "strongest" power and controls much of the military. But on the flip side, others would want to back the monarchists as many Angirisian officials see them as the legitimate authority in New Galasia. It's going to come down to who has annoyed Angiris the least and who can make the better case to the Empire for who has the better claim to build a new country out of this war.
The initial concern for the Empire will be refugees and controlling that flow from Eastmarch (as that looks to be the theater of war). Once we get that established, it would be time to formulate some kind of Plan B for controlling the situation. Whether this amounts to military action or humanitarian action will be up for debate. I will say that any military action will likely involve a no-fly zone, which would make it difficult for just about anyone to fly in ships, humanitarian or not. The Empire wouldn't be willing to take chances, especially if they're coming from A'sir or the central and southern Near East in the Akhadic heartland. I can also imagine the Imperial Legion would be quick to control the borders to stem the flow of foreign fighters, and this is without Angirisian military forces being directly involved in the fighting.
@Oertha: I can't imagine Angiris is going to call upon Nyland for additional assistance, though it's good to know that its there if it were to be required. And about A'sir like I just said, if Angiris found out A'sir was behind the radicals or even the Rojadavi Republic, that is going to really make the Empire go "WTF?" and consider A'sir hostile.
@Mestra: I think it is best that any remaining Galasian nobility stay relatively close to their country, so for that purpose I recommend any surviving royals and nobles come to Angiris, even in the event should we support the Alsace government. But that then would pose a bigger problem... if the Alsace government wins yet we all still recognize the monarchy, how does that square? I fear another war might erupt over this issue.
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(12-29-2016, 09:33 PM)Mestra Wrote: What level of interaction was between the former monarchy and Mestra? I know we had at one point held a state visit (though it was short lived), and it would have been likely that the Imperial family would have supported the monarchy in New Galasia. I would still support such measures of course, with the Imperium potentially aiding the monarchy forces. I do notice you said some of the royal family has gone missing or something like that. I would be very willing to host members of the royal family in Mestra. Could RP their attempts to get Imperial support.
Well, I assume there would be some interaction, as I had a Mestran general being murdered in the terrorist attack which killed the heir of the throne in 1579...I suppose we wouldn't be allies, but Mestra and New Galasia kept at least formal diplomatic ties. Most of the royal family is either dead or currently in custody. The exception being the current dynastic heir, but she's only a teenager, so she's unlikely to play an important political role for now. You can host them in Mestra if you wish, as well as the monarchist government-in-exile which would be soon formed, if you're willing to go on full support for the monarchist side.
(12-30-2016, 02:06 AM)Arkiania Wrote: How could anyone support the monarchists with the area they are in, I dont think either Angiris, Ustyara, or other forces would let military planes through the get there.
The monarchist forces in the north could be easily supported and supplied through Angirisian border, by Angiris itself, or anyone with Angiris' support.
It wasn't expecting any direct military intervention in the present, but it must be said that the Alsace government is the only one which has a proper Air Force and Navy. I don't think that New Galasia had a large Air Force, though, and part of it has already been destroyed during the first months of the war, but the Alsace government (which obviously claim all the sovereignty of New Galasia, west and east) won't be happy with anyone directly operating on its air space or even occupying territory in the East (probably not doing much at first, if they're not directly threatened). Saying that, the Alsace government would be more than willing to offer cooperation to Angiris, at least to keep them neutral, as its forces require to go through either Angiris or Ustyara air to operate in the east.
(12-29-2016, 06:21 PM)Soyabarian Empire Wrote: I will fully support the communists
There is no a "communist side". There may be some socialist-leaning forces between some of the minority militias or between the secular groups which support the Rojadavi Republic. In the first case, their aim is not take over the government (rather survive or defending the interests of their group); while in the second case, they would be a weak group without much influence. In either case, you're not in a position to offer them much, besides financial help.
A better option for Soyabar would be supporting the Alsace government. They are not exactly left-wing, but they are not very ideologically committed so far, and you could have some minor influence. Logistically, it also makes more sense.
(12-30-2016, 05:30 AM)Seperallis Wrote: Of course A'sir is aiding the Rojadavi Republic/Akhadic separatists. I mean, that goes without saying. 
Bt you asked about Kohout; officially he'll keep following the precedent set by Morgen which was...honestly, I don't even know Morgen's position. Ideally, he'd like to cripple the Alsace imposters, but Nyland will defer to the locals in determining how to proceed, which basically means following Angiris' lead and offering what support is asked of us.
Morgen didn't do much, mostly because I controlled New Galasia as well and I expected Near East nations to be more involved. But ICly Morgen would have done as usual and Nyland would have rejected to recognize Alsace government, calling the constitutional order to be restored, and maybe threatened with sanctions like we did with Akitsu and Svarna.
(12-30-2016, 06:02 AM)Aerandariel Anakinexi Wrote: Part of me wants Angiris to just come in and steamroll the whole f***ing country and take it over but considering the bad publicity we'd assuredly get, I shall digress.
Alright, in the next post(s) I plan to give more information, about what's happening in the territory controlled by the Alsace government, and which are the aims and situation of the local monarchists, so you could decide with more information which stand to take about the conflict.
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then I will support the Alsace government and I will pressure them a ulittle bit to go to the left a bit
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At the current moment, the Imperium would back the legitimate government, that is the monarchists. The royal family and the government in exile may remain in Mestra if they so choose. Depending on how things may or may not play out, I have a couple of ideas in mind that I can bring up a later time.
@Anakinexi: My reason for Mestra hosting is it is much farther removed from the area of conflict. With the current modern world, communicating in the north isn't really a problem, and ideally it might be safer for them to be farther away from their homeland for safety concerns.
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I don't think the Rojadavi Republic is radical Akhadist.
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12-30-2016, 03:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-30-2016, 03:34 PM by Nentsia.)
The green area's where the Akhadists are located borders northern Ustyara I think. That border is porous as hell, so I'd be a possibility for the Akhadists to move/flee into Ustyaran territory. The region is known as Ghura, predominantly inhabited by the ethnic Ghudka. Officially the region is governed by the local Nomarch, appointed by the imperial centre in the far west of the country. The Nomarch's hold over the region is minimal, mainly occupied with enriching himself. Nuyam Dozai is an important warlord in the region. He is the son of Razi Dozai, who was the exiled brother of the previous emperor. Nuyam leads a rebellion against the Empire. Join the Rebellion. Rogue One.
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(12-30-2016, 06:02 AM)Aerandariel Anakinexi Wrote: @Oertha: I can't imagine Angiris is going to call upon Nyland for additional assistance, though it's good to know that its there if it were to be required. And about A'sir like I just said, if Angiris found out A'sir was behind the radicals or even the Rojadavi Republic, that is going to really make the Empire go "WTF?" and consider A'sir hostile.
And Angiris will be considered either complicit to the enslavement and oppression of the Rojadavi people in their independence movement, or it'll be shown as supporting military juntas in their murderous suppression of dissidents and opposition. I guess it's nice to know A'sir is on the side of freedom and justice. A'sir has an interest in preserving order in the region, as well as supporting its long-suppressed "brethren," and only the good and rightful heirs of their own homeland are capable of doing that.
So nice to know where we stand. *brofists Zargistan*
Seriously though, A'sir openly secretly covertly proudly backs Akhadi rebels in Kyrzbekistan; I'd be surprised if anyone thought A'sir didn't have a hand somewhere in this.
Hadash Wrote:Morgen didn't do much, mostly because I controlled New Galasia as well and I expected Near East nations to be more involved. But ICly Morgen would have done as usual and Nyland would have rejected to recognize Alsace government, calling the constitutional order to be restored, and maybe threatened with sanctions like we did with Akitsu and Svarna.
Yeah, I've been mulling over targeted actions against the Alsace "regime," considering the disappearing if political dissidents. If I want to be fair, I'd probably deliver another warning before that, but that's not as fun.
On a related note, I saw where you added A'sir into the wiki page about this, and that's cool. I think we can assume it's "supporting" as it normally does in the usual Iranian fashion.
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(12-30-2016, 05:16 PM)Seperallis Wrote: (12-30-2016, 06:02 AM)Aerandariel Anakinexi Wrote: @Oertha: I can't imagine Angiris is going to call upon Nyland for additional assistance, though it's good to know that its there if it were to be required. And about A'sir like I just said, if Angiris found out A'sir was behind the radicals or even the Rojadavi Republic, that is going to really make the Empire go "WTF?" and consider A'sir hostile.
And Angiris will be considered either complicit to the enslavement and oppression of the Rojadavi people in their independence movement, or it'll be shown as supporting military juntas in their murderous suppression of dissidents and opposition. I guess it's nice to know A'sir is on the side of freedom and justice. A'sir has an interest in preserving order in the region, as well as supporting its long-suppressed "brethren," and only the good and rightful heirs of their own homeland are capable of doing that.
So nice to know where we stand. *brofists Zargistan*
Seriously though, A'sir openly secretly covertly proudly backs Akhadi rebels in Kyrzbekistan; I'd be surprised if anyone thought A'sir didn't have a hand somewhere in this. 
A'sir risks much then. That being said, the Empire is not willing to let New Galasia fall apart. This Rojadavi uprising is awfully convenient considering it springs up right in the middle of a civil war, which makes it highly suspect. Angiris will seek to keep the Rojadavi as a part of New Galasia, at the very least until the war is over. After that, we can discuss what steps to take to alleviate the Rojadavi's concerns.
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Time to bump this a bit.
Although many details have already being decided or discussed, I'd like to discuss so we can agree a basic guideline and chronology to the present and to coming future (when the war ends, what happens with the current regime, what kind of occupation and transition will regime will follow, how much time Angirisian troops are planned to stay in Alsace, etc) so I can start doing things happening in the present as well.
The current war RP can continue, but with a basic outline if possible. I'll add things to the wiki the next days.
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It's clear that the combat part of this war won't last too much longer. As you have indicated, the Regime cannot withstand the near-full force of the Angirisian Empire for very long. I could say that the combat operation would probably last no more longer than another 8-10 months (mainly because the battle for Alsace is probably going to be bloody).
What changes things if you're serious about using chemical weapons against Angiris. The current plan I have is that any current Regime officers are to be arrested and tried in Drazen courts for high treason, and let the Galasians in Drazen do what they will with them. Angiris would be willing to help restore the monarchy (if there are still some royals left, which I'm sure there are), with Angirisian forces probably staying in the region for a while, maybe a couple of years to help keep the peace.
If the Regime uses chemical weapons, then it's total war. The Empire will decimate anything and everything useful to the enemy. Regime officers are more likely to be summarily executed, though some of the highest-ranking ones - if they don't get killed - will be tried in Drazen courts and then likely executed. The Angirisian Empire would in this scenario be much more willing to try and just take over the territory, bringing back the surviving royals as territorial governors and later on absorb Drazen into the Empire as the 14th state.
Another possibly scenario would be if none of the royals managed to survive until the end of the war for whatever reason. In the "good" ending, I'd say the Angirisians would be more likely to hand over the reins of power to the citizens of Drazen and let them govern themselves. In the "bad" ending, Drazen falls into total Angirisian control.
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