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Den Soyabarischen Nieuwsvereniging
Gehenna wins brigidina cup, players honored by emperor

The team of Gehenna won the women's brigidina cup that has been held in the soyabarian empire for the first time in history. As soon as the last penalty was shot fireworks erupted all along the soyabarian capital to honour the players, the Gehennan anthem played trough the public announcement system in the street and the stadium where the match was held.

After the teams got their gold medals a surprise was waiting for the winning team, the cup and the gold medal was in their posession and showing off to the crowd that was overjoyed. Unannounced to the public and the team the emperor of Soyabar came on the field with his bodyguards thus catching the team offguard interrupting the celebrations by the intercom the team was asked to line up again.

The emperor had a microphone in his hands and spoke in a formal tone, "You have brought honour not only to your own country, but by winning this competition you have brought honour to soyabar. As this is an historic event for Soyabar and its people, I am personally granting you knighthood in the order of the Golden Serateg Star" After which he gave every Gehennan player, service member and the trainer got the knighthoodmedal and certificate.

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