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Regarding the Election
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Hello members of Eternity!

Something has been weighing on my mind recently, and as the Chief of Public Relations I want to make sure some things are straight before tonight.

As some of you may be aware, there is a particularly divisive election taking place. Many of our members are Americans and so are directly affected by these elections. The rest of you pay attention to politics, and may or may not care about the election, but still have passing interest, even only in passing the many American members. 

I have noticed (in myself as well) that we have some strong opinions about this election, and that in the end there will be a winner and a loser(s) after today (or longer if there is any election funny business). I want to set things straight now so that we can hopefully avoid some... uncomfortable conversations in the future.

First of all, we do have rules of etiquette. Feel free to view them whenever. They are here . 

Second of all, I want you all to know that, no matter who you support, and however much we may disagree, you are all welcome here. Everyone has a right to be a member here, and their political views will not change that. I know I'm not always the best at being a good example, but I know I speak for the whole staff when I say everyone has the right to feel welcome here.

You are also free to have your own opinions and ideas, and the ability to share them freely, barring common-sense sort of things. We can disagree about things and still stay cordial and friendly with each other, if not amicable at least. The fact that we have a diverse set of opinions and perspectives on this board is something I take very seriously. It's a good thing to disagree, people, just don't be rude. That being said, I cannot always ensure that peoples feelings are not hurt. I can't protect people from their own ideas and how others may or may not react to them. I cant make everything better (though I try sometimes, every now and again). We will need to exercise discretion and in a way, choose our battles. 

Anyway, I'm kind of rambling a bit, but hopefully you get the meaning of what I'm trying to say. Here are some tips I believe will help us get through this tumultuous election period.

1. Turn off the gloating: Seriously, I know it's tempting. I'm going to have to seriously check myself on this one if my candidate wins. Gloating about the result, whichever way it may be, will not improve the atmosphere of this board, or the community we have here. I will be very cross with anyone who seems to be... excessive, if that makes sense. Seriously, we don't need to be rude about it. We will all be able to see the results.

2. If you can't take the heat... : My good friend Blacaria mentioned, yesterday I believe, that he may not come on the board tonight during the results. This isn't a totally terrible idea, though it doesn't really help anything. If you don't think you'll be able to handle yourself without going hog-wild and upsetting other people, you might want to take a break for a few days. I'm not advocating people not show up, and discussions tonight will surely be entertaining in a way, but really, if you can't take the heat, you probably shouldn't go into the kitchen. 

3. Be courteous: This one is so big to me. Seriously: we've known each other over the internet for how long? I've known lombro for like... what is it... 2011? 2012? (lol lom remember alterra?) The rest of you losers I've known since... 2013 summer I believe. This election is not worth trashing relationships, even online ones, of that length. I know we don't always appreciate each others opinions, and that's okay, but seriously. Think about the other people you're communicating with and treat them well. The trick is to be good-spirited with each other. We can disagree about things and still be chill about it. 

4. Go to the necessary authorities: If something does go awry, and you feel someone has broken the etiquette guidelines in their treatment of you or another member, bring it up to me, the Chief of Public Relations, or Lynis. Lynis is pretty busy, so he may not be about. Before you come to me though, remember... arguments and disagreements are allowed --- in good spirits --- and we can't really tell people to agree with each other. If someone is being unnecessarily rude or mean-spirited, come find me. If that person is me... and it really shouldn't be me, but just covering the bases, you can either come to me directly and tell me I'm being an ass, or go to Lynis. I'll have you guys know I usually crumble and apologize when people tell me I'm being a jerk lol. Also, make sure you come to me in private. Doing it publicly just inflames things.

If you take those tips into consideration and carry yourself well and treat your fellow members with respect, I don't see why we'll have many problems. 

That being said, I will be about tonight and I will be especially keen on making sure things don't get out of hand. You're all grown ups (mostly), it doesn't have to be a madhouse tonight.

Let's be better than Donald and Hillary.
Don't forget me, I was in Alterra too, along with Raz and DeS.
I know, was only listing one individual. Smile don't worry buddy I still remember weird Arkiania from Alterra, and Vantel, and the Taeunas that nearly blew up a world cup because they hated the Laddneians (I think thats spelled correctly)
Regardless of any views I did (and still) have and expressed about the peeps we were doomed to elect, I have a long-standing tradition of withholding ultimate judgment until actually seeing what a person does in office. Also, you're all still cool, so It's nice to just move away from the hell that is the ever-elongating election "season" and back to the important things.

The things that really matter.

Like Voice of Siora.

And Cards Against Humanity.

And pumpkin spice snickerdoodle cookies.

And football manager
No, Cards Against Humanity doesn't really matter.

Flo can eat those pumpkin pastry though.

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