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Applications for the 1591 Women's Brigidnan Cup and the 1592 Women's World Cup is open now. If you want to bid for hosting any of these SIFA championships, fill the following application form:

[quote][b]SIFA HOST BID FORM[/b]
[b]Nation Name:[/b] simple
[b]Venues:[/b] cities and stadiums where games will be held. pictures are nice as well as estimated seating size for each stadium -- need at least 8 stadiums, though up to 15 is fine
[b]Why should your nation host the event:[/b]
[b]What is the football background in your nation:[/b] give us an idea of what football means in your country. Give a history of your team, list any domestic leagues (you've likely at least got a semi-pro league if not an actual pro league) and any other interesting tidbits. Do most of your players play domestically, or do they leave for richer or more popular leagues? What are some key figures in your teams history? If you need any help with this let me or blac know.
[b]Anything else of note:[/b] infrastructure, lodgings, etc. what makes your nation interesting?
Team: Belayzemlya
Have your football federation a women's national team?: Yes
First match: 1544
Has your nation a women's football league?Proffessional
Does your government support or promote women's football in any way?: Its sanctioned but not supported
Compared to the men's national football team, your women's national team is...: Perhaps a better ranking? Probably worse

Team:Mandavine Union
Have your football federation a women's national team?: Yes
First match: 1520
Has your nation a women's football league?A professional league
Does your government support or promote women's football in any way?:Supported by state as a way of fitness
Compared to the men's national football team, your women's national team is...: Perhaps a better ranking? Probably relatively the same

Team : Belasev
First match: 1590
Has your nation a women's football league?A professional league
Does your government support or promote women's football in any way?:New league as new nation
Compared to the men's national football team, your women's national team is...: Perhaps a better ranking? Don't know
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Application for the next World Cups, Brigidnan Cups, and Ostaran Cups is open now. You can apply by posting the following form in this thread:

Quote:Sifa Host bid form
Nation Name: simple
Bid: Tournament(s) you are applying
Why should your nation host the event:
What is the football background in your nation: give us an idea of what football means in your country. Give a history of your team, list any domestic leagues (you've likely at least got a semi-pro league if not an actual pro league) and any other interesting tidbits. Do most of your players play domestically, or do they leave for richer or more popular leagues? What are some key figures in your teams history? If you need any help with this let me or blac know.
Anything else of note: infrastructure, lodgings, etc. what makes your nation interesting?
Nation Name: Soyabar
Bid: Tournament(s) All of them soyabar is good for
Why should your nation host the event: Soyabar has come out of a hard time and could use some good good pr
What is the football background in your nation: Soyabar is a soccer country that does't advertise much about it, but soccer is far more followed than any other sport. Most players stay here as sportspeople are payed quite good because of deals in advertisements domestically. fcourse some leave for richer leagues.
Anything else of note: Handwerpenstad has a large harbour where it would be nice to shoot fireworks at the opening ceremoney and other things. The coastline has many tourist attractions but inland soyabar also has good Stadiums and room to facilitate everyone. The tourism industry has taken a hit, the goverment will pull out massive subsidies to renovate older hotels and even make it cheaper for people to attend. Soyabar has an unique quisine, both being Lanlanian, and northren bridgidan influences (so not being lanlanian at all.)

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