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NETO Discussion Thread
This will be the discussion thread for the Near East Treaty Organization.

Here is the treaty thread on the old forums.

Recently, the Wadiyan (Wadyian?) military attempted to launch a coup against the president of Wadiyah. The coup was defeated by loyalist military units, Silistrian paramilitary forces, popular protesters, and perhaps some vestigial NETO/Coalition occupying forces. I say vestigial because it seems unlikely that the military would have attempted a coup when there were significant foreign occupying forces still in the country. It seems more likely that most of the Coalition occupying forces pulled out of Wadiyah by this point (1579 - 4 years after the end of the Wadiyan civil war), thus prompting the military to feel like it had a chance. This would suggest a grave mistake on the part of the Coalition, mostly NETO, in not staying longer.

I would suggest that NETO immediately move into Wadiyah in force to ensure that the country's internal stability is not threatened in such a manner again. I would appreciate it if all available NETO members (see link above, but you should know who you are!) would respond with their thoughts on this proposal, even if it be a simple "yeh" or "nah."
I don't think Kyrzbekistan was for an early withdrawal from Wadyiah, so it wouldn't oppose to send troops back to Wadiyah, for a longer occupation in order to give stability and order to the country and a clearer purpose, rather the contrary.
I rate it 1 out of 5.
Zargistan would stress that Silistrian paramilitary forces should stand down as soon as NETO forces are able to enter the country to help restore order and stability, and the Wadiyan military can be reorganized under the supervision of NETO advisers.
A'sir says nay. Local Wadyian forces backing the government clearly have the situation under control; unless help is specifically requested, and all signs point to help not being needed, keep NETO in an advisory role. We can't just stick around in there and hand-hold the regime at all points; these events are a test, and so far as we see, that test was passed.

Also Kyrzbekistani troops smell of poop.
Wadiyah seems to currently be relying on Silistrian (read: CARPATHIAN) troops for its security.
A'sir is just jealous that they haven't been accepted as NETO full member yet.
As the Kyrzbek pseudo-government - which would rather put petty pride ahead of regional security - would point out, A'sir's not a full NETO member due to their stonewalling and continual refusal to accept the olive branch we've presented them, so it's doubtful we have voting ability.

The opinion remains the same, though: yes, Carpathia's meddling is annoying, but what are you expecting to do when NETO moves in, demands Carpathia withdraw, and they refuse? A more prudent approach would be to bolster advising, training, arming, and other support to the government, as opposed to mirroring Carpathian imperialism and doing what amounts to direct military occupation.
NETO stinks.
Carpathia is not directly involved in Wadiyah and never had any direct ground presence besides using the Silistrians (ethnic Carpathians) as proxies. The Coalition, made up of NETO members, Angiris, and Pythos, invaded Wadiyah to topple the Tariq regime and the Akhadist State in Wadiyah. After the war was won, Wadiyah was occupied. Evidently, the vast majority of occupying troops were pulled out after about 4 years. Carpathia (should) have no involvement in Wadiyah other than through covert means, and no one should bat an eye at NETO helping out one of its own members.

And I was under the impression that A'sir was already a full member? I thought A'sir and Kyrzbekistan worked out whatever differences they had and Kyrzbekistan assented to allowing A'sir to join.

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