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Dying New Galasia
Alsace, New Galasia | Alvan, 1579

For twenty years, the Kingdom of New Galasia had been only one of the Near East region economies with the growth, even if structural problems remained - specially the increasing economic inequality between the western Drazen and eastern Eastmarch. However, the situation changed drastically at the beginning of the decade, when a financial crisis hit hard the New Galasian economy, bringing down most national banks and plunging the national economy into depression.

New Galasia economic crisis brought down Agravan Morgasius, the popular Prime Minister, who had been head of government for 18 years. Morgasius attempted to solve the economic crisis through reducing spending and introducting tax and finance economy, trying to stabilize the economy with the help of foreign, particular Angirisian, loans. But his attempts finally failed, and King Arcturus decided to dismiss the veteran Prime Minister. Several Prime Ministers and government followed, but they situation only worsened. High unemployment, hyperinflation, impoverished households, social unrest and violence seemed to bring the Kingdom to chaos. The introduction of austerity policies into the agriculture sector by the coalition government in 1576, only brought more problems, as the reduction of agriculture subsidies sent to poverty thousands of farmers, specially in the Eastern region, causing bad harvests and social unrest, and inciting ethnic and religious tensions.

The economic and political crisis threaten to turn into a royal one, as King Arcturus was in bad health. The King resisted to start a crown transition into the middle of political turmoil, but everything was prepared for Viceroy Arcturus Neretus to become monarch as soon the situation was calmer or his father's health deteriorated quickly. That day seemed to become quickly, as King Arcturus had developed emphysema and suffered another heart failure in late 1578, which worsened his health condition, still recovering from the bronchitis, pleurisy and pneumonia which sent him permanently to bed for several months. The Viceroy was informed that his father had lost the mobility of both legs, and he had developed in recent weeks both chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Preparations for the succession were hastened.

Viceroy Arcturus Neretus was only 38 years old but, despite the problems the Kingdom was facing, there was confidance in the country about his future as King of New Galasia. Arcturus Neretus had studied in Angiris and Mestra, he was said to speak fluenty six languages, and he was expected to be a prepared and modern-minded monarch unlike his father, who brought stability and order to the country, but often afraid of deep changes. Arcturus Neretus had been Viceroy for thirteen years, and although his record was not exactly excellent, he proved to be an efficient and reasonable ruler, respected by everyone who worked at his orders.

Being a ruler in Eastmarch, everyone admitted, it wasn't easy. The Western Drazen and the Easter Eastmarch were like two different worlds. Drazen was rich and developed, it had an advanced and modern economy -at least before the country was hit by severe financial severe turmoil-, while Eastmarch was poor and undeveloped, mostly an agrarian region outside the main cities Eastmarch and Nova Tarial. And although most of the population were ethnic Galasians, while 80% of the population in Drazen were Messanic, nearby 70% of the population in the Eastmarch were Akhadic followers. To the despair of the Galasian elite and the Ostrid Church, Akhadism was expanding in the country. While at early 1500s barely 20% of the population was Akhadic, that number reached 35% the previous year. Even in some provinces of Drazen the Akhadic faith was growing, mostly as consequence of the one million refugees from Wadiyah who established in New Galasia during and after the civil war in that country. Even in ethnic Galasian were converting to Akhadism in Eastmarch recently, attracted by charity programs funded by the Akhadic Society from abroad. Viceroy Arcturus Neretus enforced a new policy of secularization, banning private religious schools, but it had a limited effect and even put him at odds with the local leadership of the Ostrid Church.

Eastmarch, New Galasia | Zechyr, 1579

A month ago, King Arcturus suffered total renal failure. On Zechyr 2, he entered the Royal Clinical Hospital in Alsace on a permanent basis, without much hope but a recovery. His health deteriorated sharply in the coming days, however, and due to growing toxicity in his blood, he had periods of failing consciousness. Then it was decided that the plans should be hastened and on Zechy 12, through a four-month old recorded message, King Arcturus announced he was abdicating and Viceroy Arcturus Neretus was to be crowned as new King of New Galasia. The day of the crowning was announced to be on Septem 2.

On Zechyr 19, the Viceroy was informed that his father's health situation had stabilized, but that it was doubtful that we could live for another month. He told the doctors that it was not necessary to extend unnecessary his life, and prepared his sisters for the worse, even before the coronation death. Four days later, he was going to visit Eastmarch for his last official act as Viceroy for a military parade to commemorate the Peace of Candlemas.

On Zechyr 24, Viceroy Arcturus Neretus came to Eastmarch, and he was received by the Prime Minister of Eastmarch, Ectorius Garlotus. The moved by car to the places where the authorities were expected to preside over the military parade, in front of the building where Angirisian military officers surrender to New Galasian troops three centuries ago. Arcturus Neretus tried to smile and look calm, as for the public opinion his father's health wasn't supposed to be as dire as actually was. The military parade, more austere than in previous years, started without incidents.

Suddenly, one of the military trucks participating in the parade stopped in front the tribune. Arcturus Neretus, who was then talking with his sister Princess Lucana, didn't pay much attention. After all, they were protected by four layers of security and a dozen of bodyguards, and army parades are supposed to be safe due to ammunition-seizure rules, as he knew well as he served in the Legion, the elite force of the New Galasian military forces. Then, a soldier dismounted the truck and approached the tribune. He had clearly the rank of Lieutenant, Arcturus Neretus could recognize, and he was wearing the Legion's typical dark helmet on his left hand. The Viceroy stood to receive his salute, as he thought it was part of the parade. But suddenly the helmet fell to the floor, and it could be seen that the soldier had another two objects in his hand, which he manipulated quickly before throwing then to the tribune.

When Arcturus Neretus realized they were grenades, it was already too late. One of them hit him on his shoulder, diverting to the right. Before he could protect himself from the noise of the first explosion, he could see how a second grenade felt to his feet. The grenade exploded mutilating his feet and killing Princess Lucana. Another two men dismounted from the truck. They were armed and threw another three or four grenades, although only one of them really exploded. They started to open fire with their gun rifles, shooting toward the tribune and nearby crowd. Before the guards and nearby Legion soldiers could react, the terrorists had killed outright or hit fatally about a dozen of people, including Princess Lucana, the Deputy First Minister of Eastmarch, the Goldecian ambassador to New Galasia, a Mestran general, the Strathaen consul in Eastmarch, and the head of the Ostrid Church in New Galasia. Two of the attackers were killed, while a third one was wounded and immediately arrested.

Viceroy Arcturus Neretus, who received another wound in his neck, was immediately airlifted to the Eastmarch Military Hospital, where a team of doctors operated on him. He entered to the operating room almost clinically dead after losing so much blood, dying only a hour after he was taken to the hospital.

When the news came to Alsace, Prime Minister Pelleas Oberus couldn't believe. He called an urgent meeting with the leading members of his cabinet and the Chief Staff of the New Galasian Armed Forces. They informed Oberus that at the same time of the attack, an insurrection had been organized in the province of Kevir, along the Southern border with Ustyara. The terrorists had taken control of two small towns. The state of emergency was declared in all the Principality of Eastmarch and paratroopers from Alsace and Nova Tarial were mobilized to crush the rebellion.

When the death of Arcturus Neretus was announced by the government, the nation seemed to enter in shock. A day of mourning was declared by the government of New Galasia.
Alsace, New Galasia | Zechyr 28, 1579

Despite the economic situation of the country, Viceroy Arcturus Neretus funeral was arranged in an expensive even in muted ceremony. It was not a secret that the heir hadn't had a pleasant death, although the media was not allowed to describe and discuss in detail the attack in Eastmarch. The security was so strengthened in the capital city, that the presence of the Legion everywhere could not be concealed. A large crowd came to say the last goodbye to Arcturus Neretus anyway. He was not loved by his people, but respected as the future ruler of the nation. But rather than pity and sorrow for his death, a mood of concern and fear about the future in the country covered everything and everyone.

Although the reign of King Neberen had been rather austere regarding diplomacy, quite a few foreign diplomats and head of state had came to the funeral, some of them even lacking a nation anymore. That was the case of Kreshnik Mirditë, the last King of Arbere, who had lived in exile since the 1568 revolution. Since 1574, he had moved to New Galasia, offered asylum by King Nebetus.

Kreshnik saw suddenly a very familiar, even considerably changed, face. It was his younger sister, Princess Mimoza. It was the first time they met in a decade.

"How are things going in the East?", Kreshnik asked coldly.

"The East?", Mimoza replied. "Ah, it's alright, I suppose. Time goes much slower there, but without surprises".

"When are you leaving?", he asked.

"We're leaving tomorrow", she answered. "Fatos has some business to do in Magentina, so we'll spend the next two months there. Gezimë is delighted about it".

"I believe the ceremony is over", he said. "It's time to leave".

The Galasian leadership was paralyzed after the death of the Viceroy. With King Neberen in his unofficial death bed, and his grandson, heir of the throne, only eight years old, the planned succession had been destroyed in a time of political and social crisis. Retaking control of the province of Kevir took more than a week. But the first findings from the investigation of the Eastmarch terrorist attack resulted much more serious.

After hours of torture, the surviving terrorist gave information about the person who had allegedly given them access to the ammunition outside the military safety rules. That person was a certain Captain Pêlavan, who was a military officer of the Galasian Legion in Eastmarch. Galasian authorities couldn't find him, as he reportedly left the country the same evening of the terrorist attack. Pêlavan was an ethnic Rojavadi, as they were all the soldiers who perpetrated the attack. Only a hour after the attack, the terrorist attack had been claimed by an obscure Akhadist terrorist organizations, known as Leḉkerên-Akhadi, which aimed to destroy Galasian monarchy and proclaiming an Akhadic theocratic government. But the police could find more damning evidence after registering the homes and cars of one of the terrorists. Not only to their adherence to a radical interpretation of the Akhadic faith, but serious evidence that it pointed out to a circle associated with Lieutenant-Colonel Tarîk Tarquinn, a retired military intelligence officer.

Prime Minister Pelleas Oberus met for hours with the military leadership and members of the Royal family, and they decided that best decision would be that Duke Ambrosius, King Neberen's younger brother, to become Regent until Prince Tristanus was old enough to be crowned King. A man with very conservative leanings compared to his brother, Ambrosius was however respected by the military leadership and the Galasian elite. His first decision was to keep in secret the health situation of his brother, even keeping him artificially alive for a while, in order to give some stability to the country and not demoralize the people and the armed forces.

In his first public appearance after his nephew funeral, Ambrosius came to the Senate, in order to ask for approval for the parliamentary decree which confirmed him as Regent of the Kingdom and Viceroy of Eastmarch until Prince Tristanus reached the age of majority. The decree was approved by more than two-thirds of the Senate as it was -by a slightly minor majority- a second decree giving the Regent and government special powers for six-month, to fight the terrorist menace and any conspiration against the state.

Prime Minister Pelleas Oberus was replaced by Marius Calpurnius, a former Minister of Defense, under a new National Unity government. A nationwide state of emergency was declared, and many governors were sacked and replaced by military officers. Ambrosius ordered a crackdown of the activities of the Akhadic Society in the country, and closed the Senate of Eastmarch. He started a large purge inside the Legion and Armed Forces, with thousand of officers and soldiers expelled from its ranks, most of them non-Galasians.

Eastmarch, New Galasia | Elva, 1579

The last day of Dein, it was announced that Grand Kuzhe Rîsep Gûndî had been murdered. A neighbor had found him dead, along his wife and one of their daughters. Gûndî, who had been Kuzhe of Eastmarch for thirty years, was the only living Grand Kuzhe in Galasia. He was considered a moderate Kuzhe in a very conservative region, but respected by all the members of the community as a wise man and a spiritual leader. Gûndî had denounced Arcturus Neretus' secular legislation but avoided direct confrontation with the government. His elder daughter revealed that Gûndî had been visited five days before his murder by two policemen, who had talked with his father for two hours. The Galasian authorities promised to investigate carefully Gûndî murder, but this did not satisfy to many, who felt that since Ambrosius became Regent the East was being even more marginalized, combined with increasing poverty and unemployment.

Gûndî turned into a political rally in which Akhadic students called for "real freedom of religion" while other demonstrators called for the end of the state of emergency and the reopening of the Eastmarch Senate. The next day, a group of Akhadist activists met with Rojadavi nationalists in front of the square nearby the Eastmarch Senate, discussing about politics and religion. They agreed to redact a joint manifesto calling for "real democratic elections in the East". Although Akhadic believers were only a large minority in Eastmarch, and most of the population remained indifferent.

In Nova Tairal and in Sermîyan, the third Eastern town and with a larger Akhadic population, the reaction was more virulent, and the protest turned into riots against the Galasian authorities. Government buildings were attacked and burned down, and bazaar merchants and peasants supported openly the protest calling for a "Eastern inclusive government". The police attempted to repress the rioters with brutal violence. While in Nova Tairal the situation was more calmer after four days of protests and riots, in Sermîyan the town felt into chaos, with more violent clashing between security forces and rioters. Unconfirmed reports of Galasian opening fire against unarmed protestors and summary executions started to spread, and soon the nearby towns and villages joined the protests. A week after the first protests in Sermîyan, the government forces were forced to withdraw. The Galasian government ordered the mobilization of the Legion the next day.

After a protestor was killed in a second protest in Nova Tairal, a crowd surrender the nearby police station, setting fire to the building, killing twenty security officers, and then overran a second police station, seizing weapons from it. They protestors, now without opposition, took control of several government buildings. Violence continued and escalated over the following days. A week later, news came to Eastmarch that a portion of the security forces in Nova Tairal defected after rumours that secret police in that city had executed soldiers who had refused to fire on civilians, later reported as untrue.

The Governor of Eastmarch was ordered to end all political activity and hundreds of activists were detained. Many took refuge in the local sakakes. The largest association of Akhadic students called for an end of the government crackdown and opening negotiations between the protesters and the Galasian authorities. On Elva 10, government forces were expected to retake Sermîyan but the operation was cancelled after more soldiers defected, and military officers were afraid of a mutiny. Two days later, a group of local commanders and officers issued a joint declaration of "ceasefire between demonstrators and security forces", calling for more autonomy and rejecting to follow "unlawful actions" from Alsace. Meanwhile, in the western triangle along New Galasia-Ustyara-Angiris border, Akhadist militants attacked Galasian security forces, killing dozen of soldiers and policemen.

On Elva 15, a group of officers proclaimed in Sermîyan a "Provisional Council for the National Resistance" and promised "free elections" with the aim of creating a "federal state...with autonomy from Alsace to approve our own laws" in front of an exalted crowd. Finally, the Galasian Armed Forces withdrew to either Eastmarch or the safer northeastern provinces, fearing a general insurrection. The protestors and revolutionary activists took control of government buildings, police station and military headquarters along the region, taking control of a good amount of weapons and resources. Regent Ambrosius announced the destitution of the Chief of the General Staff, and promised to restore order.

Prime Minister Marius Calpurnius denounced that military officers had attempted a coup d'etat in Eastmarch against the Kingdom, and denounced the Sermîyan council as a "bunch of bandits and terrorists". An urgent meeting was called in Alsace, headed by Regent Ambrosius, along the government and the military leadership. The Regent supported Calpurnius' idea that no negotiation was possible, and that it was need to act quickly, destroying all material means that the enemy could turn into a serious opposition to the Galasian Armed Forces, in order to avoid the revolt turning into a civil war.

The next day, an air bombing campaign against military headquarters, airports and air force under control of the Provisional Council, or those areas considered untrustworthy or likely to fail under control of the enemy. Regent Ambrosius gave authorization to send paratroopers to Eastmarch, to secure the city and prepare a quickly offensive as soon as possible.
Elva 4, 1580

After chaotic and uncertain months, New Galasia seemed to have a new unstable calm. The situation was still dire, though, as unemployment and state debt had severely increased as consequence of the collapse of the economy and the Eastmarch region had fallen into civil war. However, Marius Calpurnius' government was able to stabilize the economy through a direct intervention of the financial system, which had calmed foreign investors and the internal demand was timidly increased. Meanwhile, in the East, Royal Armed Forces were able to strengthen their positions and took Nova Tarial back from the rebel forces - although the increasing number of Akhadist insurgents who had came to the region through the Ustyaran border was making difficult to make any gains in the south. Prime Minister Calpurnius was able to convince Regent Ambrosius after his diplomatic offensive was able to isolate the Eastern revolutionary forces diplomatically, and even assuring -at least- Angirisian neutrality, even if thousands of refugees kept crossing the Northern border.

That night, the peace at the Drazenal Palace, was interrupted by a call at 4:57 am. Major Brutus Pellinorius, who was in charge of the security of the palace, ordered to wake up all the Regent and called to the Minister of Defense, after he failed to contact with Prime Minister Marius Calpurnius. The 4:57 call had came from General Claudas Cirius. The information was confusing, but he failed to contact Cirius again. When Brutus just came back from a 15-minute conversation with Regent Ambrosius, another call came in. Rumours of armed men in front of the Legion headquarters in Rhine and military trucks entering Alsace couldn't be confirmed. The call calmed and worried the major at the same time.

Ten minutes later, a military truck and a jeep approached the palace. From his office in the palace, Brutus recognized the face of one of those men. He was Lieutenant-Colonel Galahad Trojanus, the man whom he had talked just some minutes ago. Brutus met Trojanus in the Tadhel military academy, at the beginning of his career as Legion soldier. Trojanus was disliked by many in the armed forces, but Brutus respected him. The recent purges in the armed forces by Regent Ambrosius allowed men like Trojanus, an ethnic-Galasian from a small farmers family, to get more important ranks and positions quickly.

"The situation is serious, there is no point to deny that", Trojanus told Pellinorius as soon they were face to face. "It is impossible to contact with anybody. There is no contact with the south. We only know that things remain calm in Eastmarch. At first, I hope it was this bloody rain. But we're facing a complicated situations".

"Where's the Prime Minister?", Brutus asked.

"I don't know about the civilian government. It's like they disappeared...", Trojanus said. "They are reports of dozens of military trucks entering Rhine and Reggiane, and the communications with the two other military headquarters in the province are completely cut. The best things we can do right now it is to protect the palace. How many men have you here?".

"I agree", Brutus replied. "About 200 men and another 600 in the periphery", he said after hesitating for a while.

"It is not enough", Trojanus replied. "The Laurentius Brigde is barely safe right now. We need to reinforce the palace defenses".

"Alright", Brutus replied. "I'll inform the Regent".

"There is no need to do that", Colonel-Lieutenant Trojanus interrupted him. Brutus looked back and he could see that Commander Palamedes Galius, who had come along Trojanus, had unlocked the safety-catch from his gun.

"Don't do anything stupid", Trojanus added before removing Brutus from his own weapon.

The information was still confusing, but reports from the situation in Rhine and Alsace came to Palatine Hill, one of the southern residencies of the royal family, came before 10:00 am. The radio talked about tank seizing the main cities and, more worrying shooting and military seizure of the Drazenal Palace. Lanval Josephus, Princess Enide's husband was already woke up by the noise of a military helicopter. From their terrace, they could see several military trucks and motorbikes approaching the palace through the only road to the palace.

"What is it going to happen? What are we going to do?", Princess Enide, who was the youngest daughter of late King Neberen, asked her husband.

"It doesn't look good", Lanval said. "It's too late".

"But what's going to happen to our daughter", a crying Enide asked.

Fifteen minutes later, the main cities of the country had being taken by the armed forces. Lieutenant-General Tristan Morganus addressed the nation through a TV message a hour later.

Quote:"Today I address you for the first time in the name of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of New Galasia. Today the Armed Forces were forces to intervene to destroy a conspiration against the state. This conspiration, aimed to turn our nation subservient to a foreign power and to seizure the power, was led by several military officers, members of the royal family and foreign agents. This conspiration was stopped. Unfortunately, the conspirators were able to murder Regent Ambrosius, Prince Tristanus and Princess Lyonna. A commission to investigate these brutal murders will be started. I declare a week of mourning for the death of the members of the royal family".

"Under the present circumstances, I declare the State of Emergency and martial law declared to all the country. The government and the parliament are declared dissolved, and all the authority of the state would be temporarily assumed by the Council of National Unity, which members will be announced in the coming hours. I demand all security forces and citizens to obey this Council of National Unity, which main mission is to reestructure the compromised structure of the state and reestablish the order in all the country. The borders of the state are declared temporarily sealed, until new order".

"Only unity and discipline will avoid the collapse of our nation and the victory of our enemies".

Thousands of people were arrested following Lieutenant-General Tristan Morganus declaration. Along the death of Regent Ambrosius, Princess Elaina, and late Arcturus Neretus' children -Prince Tristanus and Princess Lyonna-, it was announced the death of Princess Enide, his husband and their only child Princess Ragnelia was declared disappeared. Meanwhile, the whereabouts of Princess Elaina and his husband were unknown, while only the children of late Princess Lucana remained the only confirmed survivors of the royal family. Prime Minister Marius Calpurnius and Foreign Minister Garetus Melodus were declared death as well, although no information about their murder were giving. As consequence of the declaration of martial law, all media was suspended, only radio and state TV to remain active. The activity of foreign media was restricted, and the correspondent were advised to leave the country.

Meanwhile, a Speaker of the Council of National Unity asked for patience and declared that the new authorities are willing to cooperate with international community.
Amrun stood stark still in a line with several older men, his rifle shouldered in the usual pseudo-military fashion his trainers had drilled into him over the past weeks. Short and wiry with a baby-clean face, he contrasted greatly with nearly all of the other men, the stocky men, the bearded men, the men with leathery bronze skin from decades of toiling under the hot Galasian sun.

Throughout his childhood, Amrun listened silently to the hushed discontent of his fathers, his friends' fathers, his grandfathers; the humiliation of using foreign words to talk about your own home, the continued occupation from the western pocket of the "country," the second-class treatment and constant reminders of subjugation and who your "betters" were. The antagonism was constant, yet fighting against it was pointless, as you had no rights, you were just mules to put profits into the pockets of western imperialists. You were expendable, a worthless brown savage in a savage brown land.

Not that they would do anything about it, of course. At least, not until the coup.

Amrun didn't know anything about "artificial states" or "illegitimate governments" and all that other intellectual-speak to help lesser-willed people find a voice, a loud cacophony of hollow words barked from mouths with no teeth. Likewise, he didn't think much of the holy struggle, finding the entire idea of being so willing to die and be in heaven quite counterproductive to making a better life for oneself down here on the ground, but what he did know was that life in so-called "Eastmarch" under the western government was actually rather shit: being told what you could or could not be, could or could not do, as a brown man born in the "East." So, when armed Rojadavi forces took control of the area around his village and began asking for volunteers, preaching their message of freedom and self-determination for all Rojadavi peoples, the boy secretly left home, lied to a recruiter about his age - not that the man particularly seemed to care on that point - and spent the last few weeks learning how to not be a scrawny little boy.

"So you think you're ready to fight now, huh? You think you're ready to kill? Well, I'll see to that. By the time I'm done with you, you'll each be worth at least a thousand men." Some of the other men shifted a bit; Amrun hoisted his battered second-hand rifle and licked his chapped lips, his eyes following the man as he paced along the line. He introduced himself as their live-fire target instructor, Shapur Rostami, a "fellow volunteer" with a peculiar name and a funny way of pronouncing certain vowels that just felt a

The man had hawklike features and a carefully manicured beard that drew Amrun's attention as he talked, giving the group a thorough explanation of what they were about to do.

"...get all that?"

Somewhere in the motions, Shapur stopped in front of the boy and looked down at him expectantly. Amrun blinked, swallowed heavily and nodded, "Of course."

The man smirked slightly under his beard, a most uncomfortable expression for Amrun, who looked instead at the targets down range. "Good, then you can go first."

The boy nodded, his lips pursed against the dry air and eyes squinting against the sun as he slowly stepped up to his firing station. He knew the target was only about maybe 25 meters away, but in the heat it felt like 250 as he readied his rifle and brought it to bear, spearing his body as he'd been taught. It felt rather weird, just the thought of standing there with such a deadly weapon in his hands. Sure, it was just a target now, but eventually it would be a person down there against whom he'd be aiming these sights, a person who had friends, family, dreams of a better tomorrow, and he would be expected to put a bullet through all of that.

Amrun blinked away the hallucination, wondering if it was a trick of heat or conscience. The target was a target, nothing more, nothing less. As he steadied his breath and pulled the trigger - shoot, pause, aim; shoot, pause, aim - the thouhts ebbed away, his conscience growing lighter with each squeeze. After all, he was there to only see himself free of western oppression, so there was no possible way he'd have any reason to aim this rifle at anyone other than terrible enemies, right?
The Council of National Unity soon consolidated its power in the western territory of New Galasia. In the first week after the coup d'etat, dozens of thousands of people were arrested -most of them military officers, nobility members, journalists, as well as former politicians and members of political parties and unions- and about two thousand people were executed, and another few hundred simply disappeared. The martial law had declared, and the government gave plenty powers to the recently created military courts, which replaced most of the functions of the judiciary system.

The appointment of Perceval Oberonus as Prime Minister gave some limited hope of a restoration of a civilian rule but hopes soon faded away. When members of the liberal opposition tried to organize a demonstration in Alsace on Septem 1581 calling for a restoration of the constitution, they were repressed harshly by the newly created police force, called the Galasian Guard. As result, thousand of citizens were arrested, and a dozen of demonstrators resulted dead in clashes with the security forces. The government denounced "urban guerrilla terrorist groups" and a "political provocation" behind the casualties. What it remained of the opposition decided to flee to exile, while the government decided to boost defending spending through several decrees confiscating companies, properties, and goods from "traitors and terrorist". The government also passed a new law which retired custody to parents who had been guilty of "high treason".

During the next two months, the Air Force campaign on the East stopped for a while, leaving the Galasian forces -most of them formed by monarchist officials who rejected to follow the leadership of the Council of National Unity- weakened from attacks by the Rojadavi rebels or the Akhadist militias. This proved disastrous in the southern territory nearby the Ustaran border, where the latter were able to inflict some painful defeats and massacres against the Galasian forces.

The Rojadavi forces were able to strengthen their position, and after taking the town of Madavî, were able to get access to the eastern border. Madavî, with barely 8,000 inhabitants before the war, was vital as the main road that connected Nova Tairal and Eastmarch passed through it. It was a costly batter, it took more than five months for the Rojadavi forces, but it ended with a large number of disappointing battles, in which the Rojadavi rebels lost many men. At the end of Vintyr 1582, a Rojadavi human right organization had estimated that the number of deceased as consequence of the civil war had increased to 100,000. Meanwhile, thanks to the diplomatic and financial help of the Mestran government -which supported the Galasian monarchist government-in-exile, and the supplies coming through the Angirisian border, the monarchist forces were able to defend their positions in the north and even had some gains in the area nearby Eastmarch province.

[to be continued]
For nearly a year now, tan cloth-covered truck caravans came streaming into Eastmarch through Ustyara. Carrying the badge of the Red Lion aid group, these A'sirian supplies passed swiftly through the porous border, protected from local harrassment via "lucrative" payments to a certain startegic warlord or two. ALmost immediately their presence was felt in the east, center, and south of the region as they delivered much-needed food, water, medicine and other medical services to the Rojadavi and Akhadic areas in most dire need from this long, bloody conflict. All made possible from the bleeding hearts and pocketbooks of Zargistani and A'sirian philanthropists so moved by the suffering of the people.

Or so the propoganda goes.

Amrun gave thanks to the creator for their gift. One of the many injured in the Rojadavi push for Madavi, the A'sirian doctors of the Red Lion had saved his life...or at least his arm, which was close enough; in either case, he'd have been forced to give up his fight.

As it was, his arm still in a sling, Little Amrun became very familiar with these Red Lion aid workers as he helped to unload shipments of food for his village in between training his own new recruits (such as they were). Imagine, only barely a man, and teaching those twice his age how to fight! It all sometimes felt rather surreal for someone who'd just joined the fight less than two years ago, but the realities of war often make quick work of turning boys into men.

All this time away from fighting had given him a chance to learn about his own boss and tutor, Shapur Rostami. His own hunch that the hawk-like man wasn't Rojadavi had been correct; a former A'sirian Revolutionary Guard, SHapur had been a highly trained and skilled amrksman, often sent to train Akhadic fighters in the craggy south of his country. That was, until an accident in live-fire training cost hima foot, and his career.

"Some people shouldn't ever be fighters," he'd smirk. But, he was given a new lease on life and a new purpose with the outbreak of hostilities in Eastmarch, and he readily volunteered for the job of training a then-ragtag group of fighters into an effective force. Maybe life wasn't so terribly cruel, after all.

Today, as they watched another sunset from atop a ruined masonry wall, another caravan of Red Lion truck pulled up to their camp, though this time it wasn't simply passing through. As Amrun walked over to make his routine check of the caravan's contents, the driver angrily shouted at him in some language he could not comprehend. Shapur immediately and calmly shouted back in an alien display of debate before the driver grumplily conceeded with a nod and waved Amrun to carry on, but his A'sirian counterpart reached past him before he could and unfastened the truck's canvas backing and let it slip away.

"The latest and greatest in A'sirian rocket technology," Shapur laughed in an almost sarcastic way as he took a can of spray paint and liberally hid the stupidly visible flag of nationality on the missiles. Amrun couldn't speak to the truck being particularly advanced as it looked much like all the other half-used beasts that somehow still lumbered across this arid landscape, but the missiles...the launcher...he couldn't say he'd seen anything more cold and mechanical in all the Rojadavi arsenal. From the deadly pointedness of the missiles to the sleek lines of the launcher, the entire assembly spoke of a lethality not seen outside the Alsacian army. As he stood there, Shapur uncovered another deadly beast with back-mounted missiles, and another one hiding several sets of mortars, and still another filled with boxes of guns, ammunition, and other ordnance.

While Amrun still struggled to take in this turn of events and the good fortunes it brought, SHapur and another man came waddling over, struggling to carry an unmarked metal case between them. Opening it, the aged A'sirian produced a shoulder-fired rocket and held it out to his compatriot. "You see, my friend, there are many people counting on us to see this war through to victory, who hear your prayers for a homeland of your own, and we will repay their kindness by being prepared. I will teach you to use these, and you will teach others, and when the time comes for the oppressors' aircraft to return, we will be ready, and they will be rudely welcomed, yes?"

Amrun took the deadly tool in his free hand; he almost dropped it, the weight throwing him off-balance. He nodded dumbly as his thoughts raced at the possibilites he now held in his hand. With new tools, enemy armor no longer possed the lethal threat it had been, and their air strikes could finally be punished and blunted. With these new tools, and the righteous god-given cause of a Rojadavi homeland behind them, the boy just knew they finally had a real chance of winning this war.

Truly there was a god, and he was indeed very great.
Show ContentMap of mid-1583:

Marth, 1583

Leon Androsius looked to his youngest son while his wife kept holding his arm, strongly and hopeless. As many civilians, he and his family opted to leave the area controlled by the Galasian monarchist forces and moved to the northwestern districts, controlled by the Rojadavi separatist forces. Although a truce was finally accepted between the Galasian and the Rojadavi forces after weeks of negotiations, shooting and the noise of the artillery and buildings collapsing could be heard not far from there, as the truce did not affect the Akhadist militias, who kept advancing from the south and east.

For a long time, Androsius had hoped that the war could end soon. After all, despite all the problems by the Galasian forces in Nova Tairal and the southern provinces, it was been said that the monarchist forces were better prepared and organized than in the early months of the war, and news about victories in the battlefield kept coming from the north, where the monarchist forces were able to advance and recover territory from the Rojadavi separatists. The support of Mestra and Angiris, the two most powerful countries in the region, to the Galasian monarchists, even if mild, gave hope to inhabitants in Nova Tairal and Eastmarch that the civil war could end soon. But in practice, Mestran and Angirisian help to the monarchist forces only prolonged the war even more, weakening the Rojadavi separatist while strengthening the Akhadist militias in the south.

“What are we going to do?”, his wife Julia asked Androsious while they were waiting in a long queue. “We can’t go back”.

They were told that only women and children were allowed to leave the city, while male adults older than 14 years old where forced to stay, therefore Androsius and his elder son weren’t allowed to leave.

Androsius wasn’t sure what to think, what to do. After all, it wasn’t clear where they were going to end, if they would allow to cross the lines beyond northern Eastmarch or Angiris, send to a refugee camp, or even moved to Ustyara, where their survival was not certain. At the same time, he understood that remaining in the city could be like a likely sentence of death.

“There is no other option”, Androsius said to his weeping wife, “we will be fine. A friend in the Legion will give us forged documents, but it is better if you leave. Take care of our children, try to move to Eastmarch as soon as possible”.

“No!”, Julia replied. “We can’t do that...”.

“Move on!”, a Galasian guard said. “Excuse me, madame, but we haven’t all day. There is many people waiting”.

Julia tried to clean her tears out, while hugging and kissing their elder son Marius.

Dein 1583

Helîm Bozarslan observed Nova Tairal from a hill at the other side of the river which crossed the city. The Rojadavi commander had been leading the Rojadavi forces in the area  for a year.

Bozarslan had been an officer in the Legion before the war, being fired from the army in a purge in the armed forces by Regent Ambrosius, some months before the start of the civil war. He joined the separatist forces shortly afterwards the start of the revolution, becoming one the first members of the "Provisional Council for the National Resistance" from 1579 to 1581, that year being sent to take charge of the Rojadavi forces in the south. He successfully took the town of Madavî, which cut communications between monarchist forces in the south and north, while establishing a Rojadavi-controlled area along the Ustyaran border.

From late 1582 to Marth 1583, he had led the Rojadavi forces in the Third Battle of Nova Tairal, which resulted in a short-lived truce between the Rojadavi and the monarchist forces. Although the Rojadavi army was able to seize and control several important districts of the city, the battle resulted in a strategic failure by the Rojadavi forces, as they lost many men for such such a pyrrhic result. The truce allowed many civilians to leave the city, but it barely served the aims of the Rojadavi army, rather the contrary.

Combats continued nearby Nova Tarial, but soon the Rojadavi forces faced more important changes. The Battle of the Sermîyani Valley, between Fein and Septem, resulted in a stalemate but weakened considerably the Rojadavi forces, who lost a few thousand of men, although the monarchist army was only able to take over a few villages along the Northwestern Angirisian border.

At the same time, Akhadist militias started to pouring into Nova Tairal again, precipitating the Fourth Battle of Nova Tarial. Bozarslan was pressure to take control of the city as soon as possible, but it was soon clear that strategy was not working.

On late Dein 1583, after two months of fighting, Helîm Bozarslan took the decision to withdraw from Nova Tarial, as the monarchist forces had launched a new offensive, this time even larger than the previous one, and the Rojadavi forces needed all their forces to repeal the attack.

On Dein 19, civilians from several northwestern were ordered at 8 a.m. to leave the area in the next four hours. At 18:00, Rojadavi artillery obliterated most of those districts, in order to allow Rojadavi forces to leave the city without more attacks from the Akhadist militias.

Bozarslan observed the smoke from the other side of the river which crosses the northwestern side of the city. The withdrawal wasn’t expected to change much the situation in the nearby region, as the Rojadavi forces controlled most of the villages and roads west and north to Nova Tairal, and being the province mostly flat -excepting a few hills controlled by Rojadavi artillery- make it difficult to surprising offensives. Most of Rojadavi forces from the city, however, would move further north, where they were expected to fight the monarchist forces.

On Dein 24, after three days of battles, the Akhadist militias were able to cut the monarchist forces into three pieces. Outnumbered, a large group of them were destroyed while trying to move to a safer area. A second group was forced to surrender, where more Akhadist militias entered through the northeastern districts catching them by surprise.

After another four days of fighting, what remained of the Galasian resistance, led by Lieutenant-Colonel Cadon Balanius, was completely destroyed. The situation was completely chaotic, and even after most of the monarchist forces were forced to leave the arms, shooting could still be heard in distant neighborhoods.

At  15:07, a group of armed entered into the old offices of the Royal Alsace Bank, which had served for a while as the headquarters of the monarchist forces. Minutes later, they entered into Balanius office, who understood easily that not a legalistic treatment was waiting for him. Before being tied, gagged and dragged from the building, they kicked his genitals and smashed his face against the table.

Ten minutes later, the truck carrying Balanius and other prisoners stopped in front of the King Arcturus Square, where Nova Tarial town council was located. Balanius could see corpses around all the square. He could see two men in the middle of the square, who seemed to give other to the other Akhadist fighters.

One of those two men were Uruslan Azakur. He had served in the army of the Akhadic Republic of Kyrzbekistan during the long civil war in that country, and later became a foreign fighter in Wadiyah. He, somehow, appeared in Ustyara some years later, and he was now the leader of one Akhadist group of foreign fighters.

Uruslan looked at Balanius and smiled. He ordered that the other prisoners were executed, while Balanius and other Galasian prisoner were taken into the basement, who was serving as soon kind of improvised prison cell.

Twenty minutes later, the other man visited the basement. Balanius learned that he was a former police officer, an ethnic Rojadavi, who had fought in the Wadiyah civil war. Balanius would be tortured during hours, under the supervision of that man. They were trying to find out basic information about hidden weapons, move of troops, and information about the monarchist leadership. However, they did not seem too concerned about the information itself.

The next day, a militiaman woke Balanius up, he was tied and gagged, and moved to a tiny office upwards. The room was messy, with broken furniture, and the floor tainted with dry blood. Before he could turn his face, an armed men hit Balanius on the face with the rifle. Several men beat and kicked him while he was on the floor.

He was put on a table, and he couldn’t barely feel his face anymore. One men approached him, with a long rope on his hands. Balanius thought that he was going to be hanged, but he was not afraid. At least everything will end soon. However, they tied the rope to his feet, not around his neck. Although he could barely walk, they pushed him toward the window, and threw him away.

Balanius didn’t fall, however, as the rope was not long enough. Head down, he was descended slowly, until his head was close enough to the ground. He felt nauseated. From there, he could still see many trucks leaving the square, many of them carrying people, likely civilians.

A group of men approached him. Between them, he could recognize that men he saw the day before. The other were rather younger. Two of them had Rojadavi features, Balanius thought, but he wasn’t entirely sure.

Balanius could barely mutter some words, when we was punched on the face again. The older man make a not very convincing noise of disapproval, before coming close.

Uruslan said a few words in a language that Balanius could not understand, before removing the gag and pull the soldier’s hair in a not very friendly manner. Uruslan shouted to one of the other militiamen, and one of them throw him a long dagger. Balanius tried to offer some resistance, but it was futile, With quickly moves, Uruslan removed Balanius eyeballs.

The pain was intense but become confusing when someone introduced something into his mouth and he was gagged again. Balanius suddenly understood that it was his own eyeballs what he had into his mouth now. His convulsed moves ended when Uruslan cut his throat in two quickly moves. He felt his own blood pouring to the ground.

Uruslan introduced his hand through the throat, and Balanius simply felt an intense pain in his tongue. Uruslan introduced the dagger into the dying Galasian officer, before moving his hand away.

Uruslan, with an unconcerned smile, throw something to one of the younger fighters. The young man didn’t realize immediately that it was a tongue, mixed with blood and gastric liquids. “For fucks sake!”, he said in his native language.

“Long time ago,  before we were enlightened with the only True Faith, our warriors ate the burned tongues of our enemies, it was believed to be a source of wisdom and inner strength. At least that is what our fathers told us, according to the legend”.

“Yes, whatever”, the younger fighter replied.

Another armed man came. “We have found something, you may find it interesting”, he said.

“Alright, let’s see”, Uruslan said. “Don’t waste too much bullets”, he said while moving toward a nearby jeep, to a group of militiamen which were ordering to Galasian prisoners to enter into trucks.

Five minutes later, they came to an old school, which destroyed playground had become some kind of parking lot. There, there were about three tanks.

“These are different to those we destroyed in the last months...Never saw these ones. Is this an Angirisian model, maybe”, one of the local commanders asked.

“No”, Uruslan said. “It’s a Mestran tank. Not too old, they could be useful soon”.

“Werzan has called”, a third militamen called. “We will meet in the southern headquarters in the coming hours”.

“Alright”, Uruslan said, “Let’s have a cup of tea meanwhile”.

During the next week, violence continued in Nova Tarial. Akhadist fighters entered home to home, looking for hidden Galasian soldiers and former members of the New Galasian security forces. Many of them were executed, either in their own homes or somewhere nearby the town. Other suspects were luckier, and transported in trucks to the southern province, along other civilians, likely to be exchanged for Akhadist militants and fighters under the custody of monarchist or other forces in the southern region.

An “Akhadic Council” was proclaimed as the civil and political authority of the city, which declared abolished all the legislation of the old monarchy and all the decrees passed by local authorities in the latter months. Instead, Zokuk was proclaimed as the only land of the land, in accordance to the southern jurisprudence.

However, much of the real power in the city was given and exercised by the “Military Council”, formed by the main commanders of the Akhadist militia, which divided the city accordingly. For example, three of the central and northeastern districts were administered by a group linked to the “Kuzeyinde Inançik” organization, mostly formed by Kyrzbek foreign fighters such as Uruslan Azakur. Fighters belonged to the Rojadavi Leçkerên-Akhadi , which was responsible for the terror attack which had killed Viceroy Arcturus Neretus also controlled several important districts. Foreign fighters from Northern Ustyara, mostly belonging to the Ghudki and Shavi ethnic groups, were also an important contigent. Still, most of the commanders of the Military Council where ethnic Rojadavi, which had fighted against both monarchist and Rojadavi separatists in the southern provinces during the last years.

The seizure of Nova Tairal, the second largest city of the eastern region before the war, had been the most unexpected and important victory in more than four years ago, so the Akhadist militianmen were exhuberant. However, they realize that this was only the beginning, and the final victory was still quite far.
ELVA, 1583
The Campus
Cathedrium, Angirisian Empire

The Angirisian Empire had had enough. After four years of relentless civil war in New Galasia that caused a massive humanitarian crisis with no end in sight, it was apparent that something had to be done. Despite the suffering, virtually the entire planet - save for Angiris and a few other nations such as Nyland or Mestra - had ignored the war, much to the chagrin of the Angirisian government and the suffering population of New Galasia. The refugee crisis that spawned from the war was left primarily for the Empire to deal with, though Nyland and some its allies did what they could to try and alleviate pressure off the Imperial administration. Despite the Nylander efforts, the Angirisian government still became overwhelmed. Diplomatic reasoning with the warring powers in New Galasia utterly failed; the Alsace government refused to meet with Angirisian diplomats due to the Empire not recognizing it, the monarchists did not want to negotiate an end to the war, and the Rojadavi simply didn't trust the Angirisians at all or at least not with Zargistani and A'sirian officials in their ears.

In the backdrop of this, Chancellor Aerandariel Apotecarius had threatened military action once before, but was talked down by other Near Eastern countries in hopes of holding out for a peaceful solution. But now, even those countries had come to the realization that New Galasia was a lost cause by this point. In secret, the Chancellor and his commanders had begun devising numerous battle plans for what seemed like an unavoidable conflict. He also began to probe the Imperial Senate, gauging the mood of Senators for war. The Chancellor did not want to make any official move until he had the Senate behind him. Once battle plans came into being the Chancellor announced a month prior that the Angirisian Empire was preparing for a "likely intervention" in New Galasia.

For a month now, Angirisian officials had done what they could to alleviate other countries' concerns over the Imperial military actions with some measure of success. The Empire had reached an accord with Zargistan about approaching the Rojadavi about a cooperation agreement with the Angirisian Empire for the duration of the conflict. Zargistani ministers hoped to bring A'sir on board as well, and despite the many reservations of the Foreign Office - considering A'sir's recent militancy - the Chancellor agreed, seeing an opportunity to resolve differences with A'sir. The talks with the Rojadavi appeared to be coming up close, and Angirisian forces hoped to have the separatist group lined up before the war began in earnest.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Imperial War Room
The Campus
Cathedrium, Angirisian Empire

"How much more will we need to get the Rojadavi to back our play?" asks Chancellor Aerandariel Apotecarius, concerned with recent reports saying the Rojadavi were not going to allow the Angirisian Imperial Legion to station troops there.

Lieutenant General Lorath Nahr, an Aranochi, replied, "A lot it appears, Chancellor. The Rojadavi are clearly suspicious of our intent, fearing we intend to force them back into a union of Galasia."

Another commander, Admiral Hamilcar Farragut commented, "It would be wise to use our connections with Zargistan to get them in line. Even if we cannot get permission to station troops in Rojadavi territory, our true goal is to defeat the Alsace government and get the monarchists out of the East. We can use our territory for that, since extreme southern Aranoch covers that approach."

Nahr said, "While we could clearly do that, we then fear about protecting our own territory from possible invasion."

"We run that risk anyway, whether we use Rojadavi soil or Imperial soil. It doesn't matter. The Imperial Legion will need to station a defense force in the territory separating the two halves of Galasia to prevent any enemy force from penetrating into Imperial territory." warned the Chancellor.

Lieutenant General Kaelan Prolin then piped up, "We should conserve as much of our forces as possible for the battle in the West. That cannot be disputed, gentlemen. The East is greatly more hostile due to terrain. If we are to win this engagement, we have to be smart with our deployments. May I suggest using our recon planes to..."

Apotecarius said, "We are already doing so, General. And we are going to be as precise we can be when it comes to Eastern deployments. It is hopeful that we don't have to, considering our diplomatic efforts with the Rojadavi and the monarchists who are mainly in the East. Our problem may be the Akhadists. What of that... what the?"

Suddenly, a page exclaimed, "Gentlemen! The Emperor!"

Emperor Tyrael himself, dressed in military garb, came in and said, "How may I help?"

"Your Majesty... we were just about to discuss our potential battle plans against the radical Akhadists in Eastmarch." stammered General Nahr.

"I think I can handle them." said the Emperor, to the shock of every person in the room.

"There is no way I am allowing you to take the field as a battle commander, Your Majesty. Absolutely no way!" exclaimed the Chancellor.

"You do not get to order me around, Chancellor. I outrank you remember?" slyly said the Emperor, "Firstly we have to figure out where they're coming from. My guess is that they're coming from Ustyara. If so, we can do nothing to them until they cross back across the Galasian border. Once they do, I propose to crush them."

"That will cause a great deal of controversy with our Akhadic neighbors, Your Majesty." said Nahr.

"I care not. They had years to get the radicals in line and did nothing. If we defeat them and they get angry, so be it."

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Late 1583

The "proclamation" of Makhur Izkhan as "Derebeyi bal-Sadik" by Grand Kuzhe Irek Mameshur surprised many in Eastmarch, although it hadn't a real impact until Vintyr 4, when Mameshur appeared in Nova Tarial and was acclaimed as spiritual leader by the recently formed Akhadic Council and appointed as Grand Kuzhe of Nova Tarial. The political-religious title of "Derebeyi bal-Sadik", which many Akhadic kings and leaders from successor states of the Umirid Empire established and granted for themselves was unconventional in modern times, had not exactly real consequences for the Rojadavi government as such proclamation hadn't much recognized value, but surely complicated the situation.

Although only a few Rojadavi commanders and fighters decided to defect to the Akhadist militias, the unity of the Rojadavi forces was weakened when the Kuzhe Sermîyan issued a religious declaration calling for the unity of the Akhadic believers and to defend Akhadic lands against non-Akhadic forces. Certainly, Angirisian announcement of intervention against the Alsace government, although not hostile against the cause of Rojadavi independente threatened to become a problem in itself. First, because -despite the assurances of the A'Sirian and Zargistani envoys- they did not trust the Angirisian government. But mostly because the Rojadavi leadership was not prepared to solve an issue wihich threatened to increase the tensions and divisions against the forces which had joined the revolution. Some groups openly called for a passive understanding with the Akhadist militias, as temporary tactic, and fight and expel both the Angirisian and Galasians from the whole territory. Others were rather willing to take advantage of the situation, but without as less as possible cooperation with non-Akhadic forces. But finally, the position of Evdile Beghîker -one of the leading members of the "Provisional Council for the National Resistance"- was imposed, and the plan negotiated in Cathedrium by an envoy from the Akhadic Society was accepted.

The negotiations of a ceasefire with the northern monarchist forces proved tense and complicated, but both sides kept trying as they haven't much other options for the moment. The talks were close to collapse when the Akhadist launched a new offensive against monarchist forces in the south, and the Rojadavi Army reacted passively, allowing both sides to consummate and waste their forces and best men, and only being involved when the monarchist forces had been defeated or withdraw. This proved successful, and the Rojadavi Army took control of key urban centers and roads. Many of the surviving monarchist soldiers were sent in trucks toward the north, in order to be exchanged as prisoners hold by the monarchist forces, or they were forced to cross the nearby border to Angiris. Despite this, negotiations continued.

Helîm Bozarslan was called to Sermîyan once again. The Rojadavi leadership realized that everything should be prepared to launch a large offensive in the coming months, if the Angirisians finally decide to intervene, in order to take and occupy as much territory as possible in a short period of time, expelling the Akhadist militias from the most strategic areas, in order to assure the way toward Nova Tarial. If they were successful, maybe the victory may come before than expected.

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