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Sioran Cycling Association
1582 Tour de Valland updated to the final stage
1582 Ceribian Tour updated to stage 9th:
1582 Ceribian Tour updated to stage 17th:
1582 Ceribian Tour has been updated to the final stage:

The application for the 1583 and 1584 Cycling World Championships is officially open. Anyone interested can fill and post the following template in this thread:

[quote][b]Name of city: [/b]
[b]World Championship's Year:[/b]
[b]Type of road race stage:[/b] flat / hilly (choose one)
[b]Info about cycling, both professional and amateur, in your country:[/b] (optional).[/quote]

The last day to post your bids is April 7th.
With some delay, 1583 Tour de Valland updated to state 8th:
More tomorrow.
1583 Tour de Valland updated to stage 17:
1583 Tour de Valland updated to the final stage:

1583 Ceribian Tour updated to stage 15th:

It is open now the registration for Grand Tour teams and national teams for the 1584-1585 seasons, until Marth 1584.

As usual, you must send me your applications as a PM message in the forums. You can find the application template in the first post of this thread. I have added two "Guide of Cycling" introductions to help you to make better teams.

If you have already a professional team from previous seasons, but you don't care much about the details, you can simply send me a list of riders (with at least name & nationality) and they will be added to your existing teams.
The Syoran Cycling Association will have elections this year, the second ones to be hold in character. The current Chairman of the Sioran Cycling Association is Sainamese Yukimura Matsuko.

Between today and June 11, applications for candidates are open.

Voting will be opened between June 12 and June 30. The elections are being hold IC on Vintyr 1584.


1. Any nation which has a cycling federation as active member of the Sioran Cycling Association can propose a candidate, but no more than one per nation.

2. The elected chairman of the Sioran Sycling Association will have a limited control on SCA decisions and public statements, but not an absolute one. Just for RP and realism purposes.

3. The anti-doping stance of your candidate will have a OOC impact of the % chances of doped riders to test positive, as RP feature.

Application form:

[quote][b]Candidate Name:[/b]
[b]Candidate Nation:[/b]
[b]Candidate Age:[/b]
[b]Candidate Info:[/b] History, current position and role, and those hold in the past
[b]Candidate Program:[/b] What does the candidate plan to achieve as SCA Chairman, his proposals and promises
[b]Anti-doping stance:[/b] Permissive/Moderate/Zero-tolerance (choose one) [Based both his electoral platform and reputation in SCA][/quote]

1584 Tour de Valland has been posted and updated to the last stage:
1584 Ceribian Tour has been posted and updated to the last stage:

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