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1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly
The current President is: Tilda Morgen (Hadash)
The current Speaker of the Assembly is: Lenna Schenkenberg (Hadash)

1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions

[Image: pLuk8HB.png]

NCL 91 | NL 85 | UP 82 | Green 74 | SDAP 72 | PCP 54 | PAN 31 | NMP 29 | FLIB 12 | NUI 5

Bill Posting Period is OPEN

Emergency Sessions: None

HEAR ye, hear ye, the 1579-1580 session of the Nyland Federal Assembly is now in session. All Honourable Assemblypersons, do please take your seats for role-call.

Within these halls, all legislative decisions for Nyland shall take place. Anyone from any party shall be allowed to present legislation for consideration, but only one bill may be active upon the floor for debate and vote at any one time. Furthermore, during debate, one must clearly state who is being recognized to speak on the floor, their party (if applicable), and then put forth their statement or argument for or against the bill and other points of discussion; one may refer to others arguments if they so desire, but they shall refrain from direct outbursts on the floor without having been called to the floor to speak.

The Rules
This is meant to be a fun thing where anyone can pop in as an assemblyperson of Nyland's legislature, and legislation by no means has to remain serious or solemn. There are a few basic rules to consider, however:

1) Legislation for the period can only be presented during an open period for submittal. The status of the Bill Submittal period is located above. If you miss the posting period, tough shit; hold onto it for later.
2) Submitted Bills are first-come, first-served. If emergency stuff happens, such as natural disaster or a state of war, a separate thread will be created. (No more Tambossa-style "vote only" unless time is really, really of the essence)
3) There are no time limits on debate. If the session ends before debate finishes, or we don't get through the queue of bills, then tough shit, it's gone; remake it in the next session.
4) To move for a vote, two people must motion for a vote. Voting will then begin in this thread, with people posting whether they vote for or against, and which party they represent.
5) After a bill moves to a vote, there is no revote; will not be re-submitted until the next session.
6) Votes will be weighted by party, and the party's votes split based upon those who recognize themselves as from such party. Individual people may of course split their alloted votes amongst (yes), (no) and (abstain) if they so wish.
7) Any Bill that passes a vote, regardless of how trivial or silly, will move to the President's Desk for consideration; the President must post his approval/denial in this thread.
8) Any bill denied by the President may still become law with a 2/3 majority in favor in the legislature; any bill approved by the President is in immediate effect and becomes law throughout Nyland.

God help us all.

If one so wishes to put forth legislation, please proceed through the following steps:

1) Complete the following form:
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2) Post form in a reply to this thread, during an open submission period; legislation is first-come, first-served.

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Previous Sessions

1577-1578 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1575-1576 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1573-1574 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1571-1572 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
1569-1570 Nyland Federal Assembly Sessions
Universal Basic Income Act 1579
Assembly Bill ----.---
Drafted by: Kasper Jansen
Submitted by: Kasper Jansen, NMP
Submit Date: 1579
Hearing Date: (Date the bill was heard on the floor. (leave blank))
Revision Date: (Latest revision date of the bill. (leave blank))

The act covers a Basic Income setting out who gets the Basic Income, how much a person would get per month.

Section 1: Eligibility
1:One must be a citizen of Nyland to receive a basic income

Section 2: Welfare replacement
1:All unemployment benefits, child benefits and carers benefits shall be replaced by the Universal Basic Income
2:All disability benefits except payment for care and equipment shall be replaced by Universal Basic Income

Section 3: Universal Basic Income rates
1:Each adult citizen over 18 shall receive $700 a month in Universal Basic Income
2:All families shall receive $350 Universal Basic Income per child a month up to the first 2 children
Speaker of the Assembly Lenna Schenkenberg (New Centrist List)

The Universal Basic Income Act is now on the floor for discussion. All honorable assembly persons are hereby invited for comment.
Kasper Jansen :I urge all senators in this chamber to support this act. This is act is fair, good for the individual , good for society and efficient. The idea is simple every person gets a fixed basic amount they can live on. People do not have to worry about poverty , paying rent or food. This means people truly pursue passions and have power negotiating with ruthless employers. No one will get exploited under this system. It is efficient because it is lower cost in administration , people are not means tested, that means no hiring of administrators to assess eligibility or needing degree to understand the system.Finally this is good for the economy and gdp,the simple fact is lower income people spend more than the rich , if the rich get money they spend far less as a percentage but if a working class or even middle class family get this money they will spend all of it generating jobs, employment , taxes and money. This will boost our economy, I urge you all today to support the working and middle class who are after all the people you should be serving an to support this act."
Marcus Lipton - New Centrist List

Estimated members of the Assembly, while I wouldn't necessarily doubt about the good intentions of this bill, I can only be afraid that it may fail to be a better remedy than the ills of society which is aiming to address. First, we need to address the financial aspect of the bill proposed. Even if all benefits were removed from the federal budget, the cost of this universal basic income would be higher which would require either an increase in taxes or state debt. Second but for that less important, it would be a regressive and ineffective reform. While we believe that welfare can be reformed and perfected through legislation, we have doubt that this reform will be the best way to achieve so. It will give a considerable amount of taxpayers money to people who doesn't really need it, instead of being used in well-planned programs with a clear goal and plan, which savings in administrative costs may not be enough to justify its supposed efficiency. Sometimes, simpler is not always the best, and complicated situations require complicated means.

Thirdly, it would leave many people who are not citizens yet without access to assistance. This may not a susprise coming for our New Messanic colleagues, and although some people may be misguided to fall for this simplistic rhetoric, but this reform would only worsen the well-being of our republic. Many legal residents, who in many cases have worked and pay taxes in our republic for years, will be left without access to welfare in case of need, and this would only increase inequality and poverty in our republic, two ills that our parliamentary group is aimed to fight. Of course, the bill could be reformed so legal residents could be able to receive this social income, but it will increase considerably the costs of this program to a level which I am not sure if the Assembly is willing to accept.

In summary, in its original form, I believe sadly this proposal fails to give a better alternative to the problems and the legislation that it aims to improve.
Kasper Jansen:To my esteemed colleague Mr Lipton I ask him this what is easier to take away. A benefit that is not aimed at the middle class and wealthy as well as the poor or one that is universal. People simply feel loss more than gain, this is proven by science and psychology time and time again. Keeping this universal is key to making sure corporatist pigs in the future don't try to take this away to cut their taxes by a few percent.

Secondly on the point of non-citizens not receiving benefits. Why should they? They haven't paid in enough to cover benefits yet and to be frank only those who are proud enough to apply for citizenship should ever get benefits anyway. Those who can't be bothered to go through the paperwork to become citizens are not good enough to be nylanders and so nylanders should not support their laziness. Also if they fall into a lower income they always have the oppurtunity to work hard to improve themselves or jut go back home. In terms of taxes, will more taxes be needed? Yes but here is our solution . The rich pay, the greedy corporatist pigs and whores have had it good for too long . They have brought our last three presidencies have elected corporate whores with their dirty corrupt money. They need to accept with great wealth comes great responsibility. The billionaires and the millionaires need to pay to support the middle class and the poor to stop poverty once and for all for Nylanders.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Lenna Schenkenberg - Speaker of the Assembly

I ask Mr. Jansen and other Assemblyperson to moderate their language. Remember you are here in representation of Nylander voters. Ours is a honourable and respectable task, our old institution should not be degraded with the use of such vulgar language.

It is now the turn for Selena Halgaard, from the Green Party parliamentary group.

Selena Halgaard - Green Party

Thank you Speaker, members of the Assembly. I agree with Mr. Lipton, it is debatable if this law will achieve its declared goal while it would worsen real existing problems and even create a bigger injustice than the situation today.

I can only disagree with Mr. Jansen with his claim that people are unable to understand that complicated problems require sometimes complicated remedies, as I strongly disagree with his wrongly and ignorant rhetoric. This law would throw to poverty to thousands of people and families, who in most cases have lived, worked, and pay taxes in our nation for years, even decades. That is unfair and it would only make our social problems worse, increasing poverty and inequality.

Words are not enough, and good policies are required. Sadly, this is not the case for the bill presented today. If no ammend is offered, I call for a motion to vote this act.
Astrad Johannesson - NL

I second the motion for a vote. While I believe the issue of a basic income should be explored, I feel its current rendition needs to be suspended and reworked beyond the time and attention amendment would allow.
Marcus Lipton - New Centrist List

I second the motion as well.

Lenna Schenkenberg - Speaker of the Assembly

The motion for a vote is recognized, in the absence of further discussion. All honourable Assembly members are hereby invited to vote on the passage of the Universal Basic Income Act.
New Centrist List

Green Party

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