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1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

FOR - 0

FR - 2
AG - 80

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Nyland Liberalists
1 For
57 Against
21 Abstain

Against: 60
Abstain: 12
For: 0

Against: 31
Abstain: 0
For: 0
39 FOR
65 Abstain
74 Absent

With 268 votes needed for a majority, the Universal Basic Income Act 1579 has been rejected by the Assembly

Lenna Schenkenberg, Speaker of the Assembly

All legislation on the floor has been addressed. Thank you for your service.

With that, the Bill Posting period is now open.
Tax Reform Act of 1580 (TRA80)
Assembly Bill 1580.018
Drafted by: New Centrist List
Submitted by: Matthias Fromsen, New Centrist List
Submit Date: Marth 1580
Hearing Date: 21 Zechyr, 1580
Revision Date:

This bill ammends the Tax Reform Act of 1569 (TRA69) and reforms the tax structure of Nyland. The goal is to create a more fair and balanced taxation system, which allows both increasing social spending and a balanced budget.

Section 1: Individual Income Tax Rates Reform

I. All individual income falling between the range $0-24,499 will have an income tax of 0%
II. All individual income falling between the range $24,500-39,999 will have an income tax of 11%
III. All individual income falling between the range $40,000-79,999 will have an income tax of 26%
IV. All individual income falling between the range $80,000 and above will have an income of 48%

This change will be effective immediately (next fiscal year).

Section 2: Corporate Income Tax Rates Reform

Corporate Income Tax Rates will be as such:

I. All corporate income will have an income tax rate of 18%
II. All business entities with income at or below 50,000 and which created before Alvan, 1580 will have a corporate income tax rate of 15% until Vintyr 28, 1582. From that date, their corporate tax rate, as the rest of business entities, will be fixed at 18%.

This change will be effective immediately (next fiscal year), with the exemption mentioned above.

Section 3: Value-Added Tax Reform

The following tax rates will be applied:

I. Standard Rate: 22%
II. Reduced Rate: 8%
III. Zero Rate: 0%

The Standard VAT rate of 22% is applied to all supplies of good or services, unless a specific measures provides for the reduced, zero rate, or simple exemption.

Examples of good and services taxable at the reduced rate (8%)

I. Foodstuffs
II. Textbooks for primary and secondary school.
III. Cultural goods declared of general interest by the Department of Culture
IV Passenger transport
V. Hotel accomodation

Examples of good  and services taxable at the Zero Rate (0%)

I. Exports of Goods
II. Intra-Community supplies of goods
III. Supplies to ships and aircraft used for international transportation

Examples of exempt supplies of goods and services

The term “exempt supplies” refers to supplies of goods and services that are not liable to tax and that do not give rise to a right of input tax deduction

I: Supply of immovable property
II: Medical services
III: Finance
IV: Insurance
V: Betting and gaming
VI: Education

The change will be effective immediately (next fiscal year)

Lenna Schenkenberg, Speaker of the Assembly

The Bill posting period is currently closed. The Tax Reform Act of 1580 is now currently on the floor for consideration. All Honorable Assemblypersons are hereby invited to the floor make their arguments, questions, and concerns about the Bill. Please state your name and party, if applicable, for the record when you do so.
Emanuel Sjöström, NMP

Once again the other parties prove they are nothing but the whores of corporations and against the peoples interests.They protect the rich at the expense of the poor. Now if they were really for the people, if they were really the party of the working class anyone earning over $100,000 would be facing a 60% tax rate including state rates. Also if they were really on the side of main street and not the big corporates they would suggest a 20% rate for medium sized enterprises and 40% for large corporations including state rates and 50% capital gains on anything over $500,000 including state rates. This bill just shows the contempt for the people the mainstream party politicians has. As such I am tabling an ammendment that anyone over $100,000 faces a 60% tax rate any medium sized enterprise over 300,000 in profits faces 20% Tax rate , any big corporation over 1 million dollars profit faces a 40% tax rate on that and any capital gains over $500,000 attract a 50% tax rate.Politicians have a choice , either support the amendments or remain corporate whores.These should be set at the rates including state rates.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Anders Kohout - NL

Discounting the crazies in the NMP for a moment, exactly what need is there for the federal government to steal away even more money from the people of Nyland at this time? The fact of the matter is, the government is already operating under a surplus budget; it makes zero sense whatsoever to draw more money out of the economy and out of the pockets of the people with literally no justifiable reason to do so.

More to the point, it is irresponsible finances to gather together a big pot of money to spend with no establish plan of needs. Responsible stewardship demands knowing what job needs done for the people of this country, and then determining the best, most efficient use of taxpayer funds to meet that job's demands. What programs is the administration seeking to employ that needs such a large influx of additional funds beyond what our current surplus can support? This assembly has seen nothing from the government regarding any new or expanded programs, no plans or purpose whatsoever, that demand the need for new revenues, so why should we further burden struggling families by increasing the failings of the Harrow Tax Plan and make basic life goods even more expensive, when we should be scrapping such taxes altogether?

Supposed "champions of the people," indeed!

Given this government's continual previous track record for attempting to seize expansive powers for no other reason than to just... have them, I can't say I'm surprised at yet another attempt by directionless socialists seeking to write for themselves yet another blank cheque to spend however they like at any later date based solely on undeserved blind trust.

A change in the tax plan is needed, certainly, I think I can speak for not only my fellow party but the people of this country that we neither need nor can we afford to increase the basic cost of simply putting food our tables and clothes on our backs, and NL will never support a plan to literally tax our poor to starvation for the sake of vague nanny-state visions.

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