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The Voice of Siora Planning Thread
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

VoS 1586 - Eskkya

Song submission for Studio Phase is OPEN.

Eskkya is the host of the competition this go round. However, the boi's been away on some trip or another and hasn't been around. So, as a courtesy to him and you, I'm starting the new VoS competiton, which takes place in 1586.

Of course, this competition is going to be very late (it's already the 8th month, Jesus...) so this will overrun into 1587, but we'll pretend it didn't. Below is the projected approximate timeline for this contest, subject to change once Eskkya comes back and take over, depending on what he wants to do:

12 Ochtyr - 28 Vintyr 1586 (11 Sept - 30 Sept) -- Song submission for all phases is open.
28 Vintyr 1586 -- Submission of Studio Phase songs closes.  Anyone who has not submitted a Live Phase song to go along with their already-submitted Studio Phase song may still do so after this point.
1 Alva 1587- 28 Dosa 1587 (1 Oct? - 7 Oct?) -- Preliminary Vote open.
28 Dosa 1587 -- Preliminary Vote closes.  All Live Phase songs should be entered by this point.  Anyone who fails to enter a Live Phase song will be removed from the competition, and any points awarded to them during the Preliminary Vote will be randomly distributed to other nations.
1 Marth - 13 Zechyr 1587 (7 Oct? - 19 Oct?) -- Live Phase songs will be published and the Final Vote will be open.
14 Zechyr 1587 -- Final Vote closes. Host nation will vote for nations who failed to submit a Final Vote using a random number generator.
Zechyr 1587 -- Winner announced.  1588 VoS host selection announced.

Please go ahead and PM me your entries using the submission template in the first post of this thread.

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
Can we still submit this weekend? Because I forgot about this. >>
Ditto <_<

The Arch-Kingdom of Oslanburg
Head of State: HM Arch-King Aerin III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Nis Overgaard

The Ceribian Federation
Head of State: President Okropir Bakradze
Head of Government: Prime Minister Daviti Dgebuadze

Yes. I will push this all back through this weekend, and adjust dates accordingly.

The preliminary voting phase will begin Monday.
VoS 7 preliminary stage is open. It will close on 18 Oct
This is just a notification that voting will end and the winner announced for VoS 7 on the 29th of October. Please have your votes in by then.

The thread can be found here:

The live phase post can be found here.
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

VoS 1588 - Videjszeme

Song submission for Studio Phase is OPEN.

Videjszeme is the host of the competition this go round. I was reminded that this needs done, so I'm going to try to use this as a stepping stone to get back into things after two months on the lamb. Hadash should have won last time, you nerds. Hopefully after this competition, I'll no longer be hosting. You're welcome.

Below is the projected approximate timeline for this contest, subject to change. I'm not going to tie the phases to in-character dates, since they're technically static, instead choosing to use real dates, to keep things easier and mitigate any error from converting between the two (because Lines is a liar, and a RP month is not 3.5 days). Anyway, the dates are as follows:

3 Dec '17 - 26 Dec '17 -- Song submission for all phases is open.
26 Dec '17 -- Submission of Preliminary Phase studio songs closes.  Anyone who has not submitted a Live Phase song to go along with their already-submitted Studio Phase song may still do so after this point.
27 Dec '17 - 3 Jan '18 -- Preliminary Vote open.
4 Jan '18 -- Preliminary Vote closes.  All Live Phase songs should be entered by this point.  Anyone who fails to enter a Live Phase song will be removed from the competition, and any points awarded to them during the Preliminary Vote will be randomly distributed to other nations.
4 Jan '18 - 17 Jan '18 -- Live Phase songs will be published and the Final Vote will be open.
17 Jan '18 -- Final Vote closes. Host nation will vote for nations who failed to submit a Final Vote using a random number generator.
18-ish Jan '18 -- Winner announced.  1590 VoS host selection announced.

Please go ahead and PM me your entries using the submission template in the first post of this thread.

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
I’m pushing all dates back two days, because I’m traveling. That means the last day to submit your entries will be Tuesday.

All other dates will be bumped back two days as well to compensate. I’ll edit that later.
VoS 8 preliminary stage is open. The last day to submit your votes, and to have all your sings in for the live phase, will be the 3rd of January.
VoS 8 Preliminary stage is closed, and the Live Stage has begun! The Live phase will run through 17 January.

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