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The Voice of Siora Planning Thread
This is the Voice of Siora Planning Thread which should be used to plan for all Voice of Siora Competitions.

General Rules and Guidelines

First and foremost, each host has some leeway in determining how the competition will be run.  The following guidelines were established to assist in structuring each competition, but should not be considered definitive.

VoS Wiki Thread

Timeline Quick-View

Host nation is chosen.
Participants submit (at least) Studio Phase song entries to the host (and may also submit Live Phase entry).
Host will publish the Studio Phase entries.
If participants have not submitted a Live Phase song entry, they should do so at this time.
Preliminary Vote takes place.
Host publishes the Preliminary Vote results.
Host will publish the Live Phase entries.
Final Vote takes place.
Host announces the winner and host of the next competition.

Choosing a Host

The Voice of Siora competition is hosted every two (2) years.  The winner of the previous competition will host the next competition in their own country.  For instance, if Nyland wins the 1570 Voice of Siora competition, they will host the 1572 competition.

The host of that year's competition will not submit an entry for voting and thus cannot be re-selected as the host for the following year.  For instance, if Nyland is hosting the 1572 competition, Nyland will not submit any song entries during that competition.

If a winning nation is for some reason unable to host, the host will be chosen by random lot from all nations who submitted entries during the previous contest.  For instance, if Nyland wins the 1570 competition but is unable to host the 1572 competition, a lot will be cast amongst the remaining participants of the 1570 competition to select the alternative host.  This process may repeat as necessary.

Competition Phases

Studio Phase - Phase One of the contest, known as the Studio Phase, involves the preliminary finalization of participants in that year's competition.  During the Studio Phase, in IC terms, a single song is chosen by each nation to be played across the Sioran Broadcasting Alliance's partner stations and made available to stream on the official Voice of Siora website.  

During this phase, competitors must submit one (1) song entry in the method (private message, email, using a specific template, etc.) and timeframe (IC or OOC) designated by that year's host.

Anyone who does not enter a song for the Studio Phase cannot compete in later phases of the contest or participate in votes for which participation in the competition is a prerequisite to voting.

Live Phase - Phase Two of the song contest, known as the Live Phase, involves the final performance and selection of that year's winning entry.  During this phase, in IC terms, all contestants meet under one roof for a dazzling display of talents.  Before a live audience, musicians, vocalists and choreographed dancers will show their stuff in a two-day event as each participant chosen in the Studio Phase performs a new song, different from that in their Studio Phase.

During this phase, competitors must submit one (1) song entry in the method (private message, email, using a specific template, etc.) and timeframe (IC or OOC) designated by that year's host.  This song should be performed by the same artist, but should not be the same song that was submitted in the Studio Phase.

Anyone who did not enter a song for the Studio Phase cannot compete in the Live Phase of the contest and cannot participate in votes for which participation in the competition is a prerequisite to voting.

The Songs

The songs chosen for both the Studio Phase and the Live Phase must, in OOC and IC terms, be performed by the same artist.

Songs chosen for both the Studio Phase and the Live Phase should, in OOC and IC terms, be performed primarily in a language indigenous to, widely spoken in, or recognized as an official language of that nation.  If the IC language does not have a close OOC equivalent, participants are encouraged to select the closest representation they can.  For example, if the IC language of Nation A is modeled after the OOC Na'vi language from James Cameron's Avatar, but no Na'vi language songs are available, Nation A is encouraged to find a song in an OOC language with similarities to the Na'vi language, such as a Polynesian language.

Songs without lyrics are acceptable.

The songs chosen for the Studio Phase and the Live Phase must be different songs.  Remasters, acoustic [or other] mixes, instrumental versions, and so on, of one song are not considered to be a different song.

Resubmission of previous years' entries and covers of previous years' entries are not acceptable.

Submission of different songs by an artist which was submitted previously is acceptable.  

Should two participants choose the same OOC artist and/or song, the participant who submitted first will be allowed to claim that artist, and the participant who submitted second will select a different song by a different artist.  For example, if Nyland and Lanlania both submit "Caramelldansen" by Caramell as their entry, but Nyland submits the song one day before Lanlania submits it, the host should advise Lanlania to choose a different song by a different artist.

The Studio Phase and Live Phase entries do not need to be submitted at the same time, although this is permitted and encouraged.  If the Live Phase song is submitted later, it should be submitted no later than the time of the Preliminary Vote.

If a participant fails to submit a second song by the time of the Prelimary Vote, the participant will be removed from the competition.  They should not be considered to receive points for the Preliminary Vote.


Preliminary Vote - This round of voting is applied to songs submitted for the Studio Phase and will take place between the Studio Phase and the Live Phase.  

During the Preliminary Vote, each forum member (not each nation) is allotted five (5) votes at one (1) point each. For example, Sal runs two nations: Luah'u and Karjelinn.  Sal gets to distribute five (5) votes at one (1) point each.

After all Preliminary Votes are tallied, the five (5) contestants with the highest number of points will enter the Live Phase with a base score of six (6) points.  For example, Nyland, Lanlania, Florinthus, Oslanburg, and Karjelinn receive more points than all other nations during the Preliminary Vote.  At the start of the Live Phase, Nyland, Lanlania, Florinthus, Oslanburg and Karjeinn will have six (6) points while all other nations will have zero (0).

Whether or not a nation receives points during the Preliminary Vote is not indicative of loss or ejection from the competition.  The Preliminary Vote merely indicates crowd favorites; all competitors will move on to the Live Phase whether or not they "win" the Preliminary Vote.

During the Preliminary Vote, the forum member who is hosting the competition may vote.

During the Preliminary Vote, a forum member who did not enter a song to participate in the contest may vote.

During the Preliminary Vote, a participant may vote for their own nation(s).

Final Votes - This round of voting is applied to songs submitted for the Live Phase and will mark the end of the competition.  

During the Final Vote, each nation is allotted seven (7) votes, which are ordinal.  The points available to give are as follows: 12, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, and 2.  For example, Sal runs two nations, Luah'u and Karjelinn.  Sal has fourteen (14) available votes to give: seven for Luah'u (7), and seven (7) for Karjelinn.

These points, combined with any points awarded during the Preliminary Vote, will be tallied for each nation, and the one with the highest number will be announced as winner and will be the host of the next competition.

During the Final Vote, the host nation may vote.

During the Final Vote, a forum member or nation who did not enter a song may not vote.

During the Final Vote, a nation may not vote for itself.


Below: IC post template including VoS logo and trademarked slogan.  Use for all IC posts.
Show ContentSpoiler:

Below: Recommended song submission template for simultaneous Studio Phase and Live Phase.
Show ContentSpoiler:

Past Competitions

1574 - Luah'u
1576 - Florinthus
1578 - Nyland
1580 - Valland
1582 - Karjelinn
1584 - Nyland
1586 - Eskkya
1588 - Videjszeme
1590 - [-]
1592 - [-]
1594 - [-]
1596 - [Kazemura]
1598 - [TBD]
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Fourth Voice of Siora

VoS 1580 - Valland

Song Submission for ALL Phases is OPEN!
Preliminary Voting Begins: 1 Alvan 1581
Song Submission Ends / Final Voting Begins: 1 Marth 1581

Welcome to the fourth rendition of the Voice of Siora Contest! After a long break (I think we can all agree we needed one), the contest returns for more musical exploration nd enjoyment. The selected host for the 1580 competition is Valland due to winning the Third Voice of Siora competition in 1578. I am sorry for that, honest. Preliminary Voting begins 1 Alvan, 1581 & ends 28 Dosa, 1581; this is to allow enough time for submission of songs. Live Phase is set for 1 Marth, 1581 and ends...well, most likely a few days later, but we'll see.

Again, all submissions must be PMed to me no later than 28 Dosa, 1581 to be included in the competition. You can use the forms provided by Sal above. We're starting late, I know, hence why the competition is running into the next rp year, but it's "ICly" set at the end of 1580.

Most of all, have fun!

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
VoS 4 Preliminary voting is live! You can listen to the studio entries and cast your vote from this thread/post:
VoS 4 Live Phase voting is...well, live! You can watch entries and cast votes for your nation(s) from this thread/post:

Dec 22 edit: VoS live phase voting form has been fixed, and is accepting responses now Flipped Smile
[Image: 110717-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-vv.png][Image: 111145-glowing-green-neon-icon-business-globe.png][Image: 110711-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanume...ter-ss.png]

Voice of Siora International Music Competition

VoS 1582 - Karjelinn

Song submission for Studio Phase is CLOSED. Preliminary voting will be open soon.

Because you weirdos really liked a man jumping around inside a hoodie and screeching a lot, I have the honor of hosting this competition.

Below is the projected approximate timeline for this contest (if this ends up being too rushed, we'll tweak as needed; I will definitely not be able to get these things accurate to the day because I'm not online all the time, so I'll adjust accordingly for that, too):

Dein 1581 - 28 Quartyr 1582 -- Song submission for all phases is open.
1 Fein 1582 -- Submission of Studio Phase songs closes.  Anyone who has not submitted a Live Phase song to go along with their already-submitted Studio Phase song may still do so after this point.
2 Fein - 28 Zechyr 1582 -- Preliminary Vote open.
1 Septem 1582 -- Preliminary Vote closes.  All Live Phase songs should be entered by this point.  Anyone who fails to enter a Live Phase song will be removed from the competition, and any points awarded to them during the Preliminary Vote will be randomly distributed to other nations.
2 Septem - 28 Elva 1582 -- Live Phase songs will be published and the Final Vote will be open.
1 Tolven 1582 -- Final Vote closes. Host nation will vote for nations who failed to submit a Final Vote using a random number generator.
Tolven 1582 -- Winner announced.  1584 VoS host selection announced.

This competition is running pretty quickly after the one we just finished because Oer held his in 1581 despite it being the 1580 competition. This is an attempt to get it back on track so that we can take an IC year off in between this and the next one, but if it becomes obvious that you're all burned out, I'll slow my roll.

Please go ahead and PM me your entries using the submission template in the first post of this thread.

Lift up your voices, Siora!™
The IC VoS 1582 thread is posted here.

As always, this is where the songs and other official announcements will be posted. Please remember to submit at least your Studio Phase songs by the end of Quatyr.
Just to make things simpler for people here, you may want to make up a comprehensive list of the songs and artists already featured in the contest.
Republic of Taeunas Database
RTT News

Only the strongest will survive... lead me to heaven when I die...
I am the shadow on the wall... I'll be the one to save us all...


DeSchaine's Shipyard
(01-22-2017, 11:44 AM)DeSchaine Wrote: Just to make things simpler for people here, you may want to make up a comprehensive list of the songs and artists already featured in the contest.

All of the past competitions are linked out in the first post of this thread, but if you would like to make such a list, I would be glad to post up a link to it.
Hey hey, party people - as a reminder, there are a couple weeks left to submit your live phase entries. Try to get those in around maybe February 20.
One week left to get those entries in!

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