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Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1578
1578 Nyland Federal Elections
For Half the Legislature
15 Vintyr 1578

Quote:This is a thread for the 1578 elections in Nyland. Half the legislature's seats are up for grabs. Actual in-context, rp voting takes place in Vintyr, but I'm late, so this'll probably extend into next year. I will give notification to when this closes later; I haven't decided on a fair timeframe.

Link to the old thread

Voting is CLOSED

Welcome to the 1578 Elections! We have a very important election this time around, but when are they not? Last election saw a shift in the power dynamics on the leftist wing of the political landscape, with big gains for the Greens and subsequent losses for the SDAP, as people grow disillusioned and hungry for a new socialist champion. Could these off-term elections see the NCL-Green alliance grow and a solidifying of power for the government, will we see a resurgence for the SDAP, or will we see a turnabout as the minority becomes the majority...and a damning condemnation of those in power?

Voting will take place between now and run until whenever. Perhaps the end of Alva, next rp year, or whenever I remember to stop voting. I guess we'll see.

Everyone will have TWO votes to split between all parties; yes, this is a major change from the normal procedure. A list of all registered parties, and links to their information can be found below, and may also be found within the vote itself. If you don't see any parties that fit your ideals, you like, or want to create your own just for the heck of it, then you can come to this thread and set one up! if you're curious about the makeup of the past term's legislature, you can see that at the veeeeeery bottom of this post.

Show ContentPolitical Parties of Nyland:

Current Seats Affected by This Election

Nyland Liberalists : 48 open seats
Progressive Conservative Party : 18 open seats
Florinthian Liberal Union : 13 open seats
Social Democratic Workers Party : 34 open seats
Nylander Union for Independence : 2 open seats
Nyland Greens : 27 open seats
People's Alternative for Nyland : 15 open seats
Ultranationalist Party : 41 open seats
New Centrist List : 46 open seats
National Messanic Party : 26 open seats

Let the elections commence! Feel free to make IC posts regarding the elections, from campaigning to news, if you so desire.

1577-1578 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: A5vDg21.png]

NL 96 | NCL 86 | UP 80 | Green 64 | SDAP 60 | PCP 49 | NMP 42 | PAN 27 | FLIB 24 | NUI 7
Nyland Elections, Vintyr 1578, Final Results

1579-1580 Nyland Federal Assembly

[Image: pLuk8HB.png]

NCL 91 | NL 85 | UP 82 | Green 74 | SDAP 72 | PCP 54 | PAN 31 | NMP 29 | FLIB 12 | NUI 5

The 270 seats up for grabs this election were split as follows:
NL: 32 (-16)
PCP: 23 (+5)
F-LIB: 6 (-7)
SDAP: 46 (+12)
NUI: 0 (-2)
Green: 37 (+10)
PAN: 19 (+4)
UP: 43 (+2)
NCL: 51 (+5)
NMP: 13 (-13)

All above numbers now account for the NL/NCL alliance split in the F-LIB party, where NL numbers are added to NL, and NCL numbers are kept in F-LIB within the NCL-led government coalition (and may dissolve into NCL if Flo decides it).

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