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Religion in East Eperos
Hey East Eperos peeps:

Should we collaborate on Religion? This would at least Apply to Petrea, Varenthia, and the east of the Socialist Union (not sure which state is over there. I am thinking Galeae honestly).

The Socialist Union is officially atheist and only recently stopped being openly hostile towards religion, but still, we could develop something you think?
I have the Zarosian religion established in Romerike, as well as Romer Paganism. The Zarosian religion originated as a cult in Angiris, but the Romer paganism could just as easily be Eperosian Paganism, or even some centralized Eperosian religion.
[Image: Wbs3DMM.png]
Unless we want some Pope action going on I was thinking that the central mountain range in Eperos could act as a divide between two generally decentralized branches of the same overall religion. Whether we want to go with a Christianity-type vibe or a more competing Pantheons would be the main factor I would say. Getting Deck's input would be useful in this case since Angiris is the only one on the other side of the Mira Mountain Range (Yes....its getting called that FIGHT ME)
cum-smegma looks like a good spot for a religious seat?
Because of the makeup of the United Angirisian Federation, really there is no big focus on a general religion. Rather the various member nations of the Federation have much their own culture, religions, etc. I haven't completely figured out what or how those cultures are going to look like but they may very well look and sound similar to what they were during the Siora Era. I mean you have to remember I'm basically mashing THREE civilizations into one.

With what I have so far, the Angirisians, Athelonians, Aiurians, and the Mimans are likely to following a monotheistic, Christianity-type faith. The Hyperians and Enceladans are more likely to be more polytheistic, similar to a Hinduism. The Romulans are likely to be more inclined to a faith like the Native Americans. I would imagine based on those pieces of information, the basis of any kind of paganist faith could have its roots in the ancient Romulan religion. It is also entirely possible that the other nations would have been converted to a faith or developed one on their own and they evolved over time.

Personally I would not necessarily mind a Christianity-type scenario where we would have two competing branches so to speak (it worked in Siora), but I honestly want to see how developed we could make a competing pantheon scenario into. That to me would be more compelling and might stoke more general animosities and present stark differences between cultures. From what I'm seeing in the early stages of this new world, there is not much if any blending of cultures.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

Polytheism seems interesting to me, personally, just because it really turns away from the european/catholic tropes we usually see (though it usually plays on a whole set of other tropes I suppose.

I think I'm down for various competing pantheons, maybe?
technically catholicism can be categorized as polytheism and the nI'm not talked about the holy trinity because the church says its 3 aspects of the same god (the father, the son and the holy ghost). but I'm talking about the amount of saints if you llok from a bit of distance it starts looking like hindouism really on a surface level (saint start looking like hindi gods if you blur it really good) well, saints are prayed too etc, but they don't have much power which still lies in God but they have special talents, its more like tolkien's pantheon rather than hinduism if you remove the valar et et I'm rambling I just woke up
I would probably set up a religion based on some odd holy trinity pantheon of sorts, where there are three worshiped gods. A mix between the establishment of the catholic faith and paganism.

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