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Cumegnan Uniùn
Cumegnezer Uniùn



End of the Monarchy: The Turbulent Decade

About three centuries after the formation of the first unitary state in the archipelago, following the murder of King Figlio III, the country descended in a permanent political crisis under the reign of Ristchär -Figlio's brother, as the late king was childless-, which following several revolts and a failed military insurrection, resulted in a eleven-year civil war.

During the time, the nation was de facto broken up in several states or political territories: Ristchär's supporters and other monarchist forces, who found their strongholds in the southern isles and the western provinces, the Federal Leaague -a coalition of nobles and regionalist politicians who demanded a more decentralized state- mostly in the north, and several republican and revolutionary forces.

In Avdàntes, the capital city, a revolutionary government took power, and elections to a Constituent Assembly were soon called. However, the new government failed to spread its authority to the provinces, and the new legislative body failed to have representatives through the country. At the same time, tension between the new parliament -which consistently failed to agree in a constitution, divided in numerous parliamentary factions- and the central government increased. The period was popularly known as the "Unborn Republic" as, although a republican administration controlled the central government, the monarchy was not legally abolished.

After four years of turmoil, the parliament was suspended with the assistance of military commander Chär Sülglatsch, who had been previously member of the parliament and minister in the first republican government in Avdàntes. Süglatsch was requested to lead a new military offensive to retake the eastern territories, and left the city, in which was known as the "Deep March".

Eleven months later, a new political crisis erupted in Avdàntes, as monarchist forces sieged the capital for six weeks. During that time, the government was forced to flee and a more radical revolutionary government took power. Two months later, Chär Süglatsch would return to the capital, breaking the siege, defeated the monarchist forces in the province, and received as a hero. However, only three weeks after his return, he deposed the revolutionary government and a Council of Avdàntes was established. Süglatsch was immediately appointed "Minister of War", with full powers on military affairs. This was later known as Martial Revolution.

The First Republic

The monarchy was finally abolished, and following the Grönda Accords, a new republican government was established and elections to a second Constituent Assembly were called. Süglatsch was requested a third offensive. Before leaving, he suggested to move the capital city to Martgea, as the coastal Avdàntes was considered too difficult to defend. This was accepted. The new republican government acted as a collective head of state, but two months later, Süglatsch was granted a de facto veto power on government policy.

The republican government, however, persecuted many of the revolutionary leaders from Avdàntes, and established a policy of alliances with local nobles, warlords, and former monarchist officers. The influence of the military increased under the new government. At the same time, under a new census, the right of suffrage was severely restricted before the election to the Constituent Assembly.

Following the death of King Ritschär, the monarchist forces suddenly found themselves in disarray. After the Battle of Anüra, they were almost expelled from the mainland. Süglatsch returned to Martgea, where he became the de facto head of state. He entrusted General Lafur Aquintà with a new offensive against the southwestern archipelago, where supporters of Ritschär's teenager son were gathered. Everyone expected Süglatsch to become soon the head of the government soon, which was rumoured to be officialized

However, during a visit to a nearby province, Süglatsch suddenly felt ill. He was immediately transfered to Martgea, but it was too late. He died only a few hours later. There were rumours that Süglatsch had been poisoned, but such rumours started to die out after his funeral, which was received by a large crowd. The government was enlarged, aimed to include governors from the recently annexed new provinces, and a "Constitutional Committee", aimed to review proposals for the new constitution was appointed, which often started to bypass the Constituent Assembly.

The Cumegnan Union

Following the so-called "War of Cotschenovà", in which government forces defeated the last provinces that had declared independence from Cumegna, General Lafur Aquintà returned to Martgea, where he was expected to join the national government. Probably fearing that the military officer would try to take over, the Constituent Assembly passed the final draft of the new constitution, barely two weeks after his arrival.

The new constitution was much moderate compared to the earlier republican governments. The constitution did, in fact, avoided the word "republic", renamind the country as "Cumegnan Union". Despite their alliances with local leaders, the constitution established an unitary state, and a bicameral parliament. The constitution established a "Emprümestrel" (meaning "first of all", sometimes mistranslated as "emperor") as head of state. The Emprümestrel is appointed by one of the chambers of the parliament and he serves for life (either until he retires or he dies). He was granted the power to appoint a Prime Minister, who heads the national government. The office of the Emprümestrel is often described as "Presidency", although there was a controversy if the Cumegnan Union was a republican form of government or a restoration toward a elective monarchy.

Hospen Sveltà, a government officer from a noble origin, was appointed as the first Emprümestrel. He appointed General Lafur Aquintà as Prime Minister. Two of the first decisions of the new government was to propose an agrarian reform and the restoration of the nobility titles, granting numerous ones to military officers, which was considered a sign of the mixed form of the new constitutional order. The new government also established a new calendar, known as the “Nova Vegliadetgna” (New Era) calendar, which restrospectively started since the day the constitution was promulgated.

After the death of Sveltá in Nova Vegliadetgna Eleven Year, Lafur Aquintà became the second Emprümestrel of the Cumegnan Union.
Political system of the Cumegnan Federation

The political system of the Cumegnan Federation takes place in a framework of a federal presidential democratic republic, whereby the President of the Federation is both head of state and head of government. The political and adminstrative organization of the Cumegna Federation comprises the federal government, the nine states, one federal city (which also serves as the Federation's capital city), and three territories, further divided in municipalities and districts. Legislative power is vested upon the Federal Council, a two-chamber legislature comprising the Federal Senate and the National Assembly. Judicial power is exercised by the judiciary, consisting of the Constitutional Council, the Federal Supreme Court, along the State Federal Courts.

The President of the Cumegnan Federation

The President of the Republic, officially known as the President of the Cumegnan Federation, is the head of state and head of government in Cumegna. Under the Cumegnan Constitution, the President is also the Supreme Commander of the Federal Cumegnan Armed Forces. The current president is Bleras Malzàns, who was elected as candidate of National Renovation (RN) in the last presidential election.

The President of the Republic heads the federal government. Cumegnan presidents are limited to a single six-year term, called a "sisonn", as Cumegnan constitution doesn't allow re-election. The constitution and the office of the president closely follow the typical presidential system of government.

Although there are presidential elections every six years, the outcome of the election is not merely determined by a direct election by universal suffrage, unless a candidate has received at least 50% of the vote. If either the most voted candidate fails to obtain the 40% threshold, or two candidates have obtained more than 40% of the vote, in that case the election of the president is determined by an indirect vote of the Federal Council (the only requisite is that the candidate was a candidate in the election and was the most voted candidate in at least two of the states). However, only once the Federal Council has elected a candidate who did not win the majority vote.

Federal Council: National Assembly and Senate

The Federal Council is Cumegna's national parliament, a bicameral parliament formed by the National Assembly and the Senate.

The National Assembly is the lower house of the Federal Council, and it is composed of representatives that are allocated to each of the nine states on a basis of population, which each electoral district entitled to one representative. The total number of representatives is fixed by law at 445. The National Assembly is charged with the passage of federal legislation and supervises the work of the government. It has also the power to waive the immunity of its members, and to start an impeachment procedure. The National Assembly is headed by the Speaker, who is elected by a majority of its members.

The Senate is a legislative body that represents the nine federal states, the federal city, and the regional territories of the Cumegnan Federation at the federal level. The Senate participates in legislation, alongside the National Assembly, with laws affecting state competences and constitutional reform. It serves as the upper house of the parliament. There are not Senate elections, however, as the political makeup of the Senate is affected by changes in power in the states of the Federation, and thus by elections in each state. Each state delegation in the Senate is essentially a representation of the state government and reflects the political makeup of the ruling majority or plurarily of each state legislature. Thus, the Senate is a continuous body and has no legislative periods.

The Senate has 29 members, of which 24 are state representatives, 2 members represent the federal city, 2 members from the federal territories, who have voice but not vote in Senate sessions, and the Chairman of the Senate, who is directly appointed by the President of the Federation, and can only cast a vote in case of draw in a voting session. The latter, however, is an important figure in the constitutional order, as he is first in the line of succession to the presidency of the Federation, becoming Acting President of the Federation until a new election can be held.

The Chairman of the Senate also officially heads a joint session of the Senate and the National Assembly as the Federal Council, which happens at least once per year. This is mostly a ceremonial session except during a presidential election year, in which the Federal Council has the power to indirectly elect the President of the Federation, in case no candidate has obtained a constitutional majority in the election.

The States

The Cumegnan Federation is a federal republic consisting of nine federal states, a federal city, and two territories. According to the Cumegnan constitution, some topics, such as foreign affairs and defense, are the exclusive responsibility of the federation, while other fail under the shared authority of the states and the federation.  Though international relations including international treaties are primarily the responsibility of the federal level, the federal states have certain limited powers in this area: in matters that affect them directly, the states defend their interests at the federal level through the Senate (the upper house of the Federal Council) and in areas where they have the legislative authority they have limited powers to conclude international treaties "with the consent of the federal government".

The federal city of Martgea, which also serves as Cumegna's capital city, has technically the same powers and rights of the federal states, and many consider it "the tenth state". However, the main difference with the (other) states is that it has only two level of government (federal and local), as Martgea has not a state assembly, instead of the states, where it exists three levels of government (federal, state, and local).

The two territories are under the direct authority of the federal government.

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