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Krinisian Isle History Discussion
Since I'm pretty much alone on the Isle at this point and my buddy gone and it doesn't seem like he's gonna come back. I think I might as well take the objective of writing the history myself. The purpose of this thread is to help fill in the gaps and make sure its fits with current history.

Quote:1200 BCE: Early Angirisians settle in North and in the bay of Lagkada in Octitania.
900 BCE: Agrarian communities start forming along the coast and the bay Lagkada and in South, and Western Arkiania. People begin moving extensively throughout the entirety of Octitania and also start heading south in Arkiania.
800 BCE: Much of the northern coastline become inhabited with a large amounts of settlements now appearing deeper into the mainland. Gallian tribes travel and settle in Eastern Arkiania.
700 BCE: Much of the coastline becomes inhabited, and tribes begin making contact with each other. The Northern Tribes unite to form the Kingdom of Roukalia and begins a campaign of expansion pushing south under King Cassandar Metaxas. A prophet establishes the Erounic religion in modern day Arkanium, and the tribe of Ark is formed.
650 BCE: Roukalia's campaign ends with the failure to cross the river of Lagkada. Roukalia now controls all of northern and eastern Octitania. Cassandar's heir, Kóri Metaxes is crowned as King after the death of Cassandar. South western Octitanian tribes unite in a coalition against Roukalia.
600 BCE: Numerous tribes in modern day Arkiania and modern day Achia unite to form various duchies.
590 BCE: Lagkada invades its southern neighbor Arnidas.
585 BCE: Lagkada wins the war against Arnidas, resulting in its annexing. Atiathum declares war on Ark with the objective of annexation.
575 BCE: Atiathum loses against Ark resulting in its annexation. Venius and Nymedia unite in personal union.
560 BCE: Roukalia invades Phalesus, Asklaieus, Achurias, and Lagkada.
550 BCE: Roukalia fails its invasion after long stalemate and is divided between the invaded countries, resulting in the end of the Metaxes dynasty and the exile of Roukalians to the northernmost island. In the start of a small era of peace, Krinisian trade sours with the outside world establishing contact with the peoples that had previously settled on the Isle. The increase trade benefits the Duchy of Lagkada the most and becomes the most powerful in the region. This is also the beginning of a period of 50 years of peace.
500 BCE: Realising the unfeasibility of its northern border, and previously established rivalry and mistrust. Lagkada declares war on Phalesus Akslaieus, and Achurias. The rivalry between Ark and Antigus, and Antiga. Ark declares war on both, ending the period of peace on Krinis. The Duchy of Elatokori re-organizes itself as a Kingdom, forming the Kingdom of Achia.
495 BCE: Antigus and Antiga lose the war in a devastating defeat, after their forces are surrounded at the coast leading to their annexation by Ark. Ark restructures itself into the Grand Duchy of Arkiania.
450 BCE: Lagkada wins its wars with Achurias, Asklaieus, and Phalesus, and annexes them. Lagkada restructures itself into the Arthian Grand Duchy, and invades Messenia. Thessius invades Veni-Nymedia across the straights. Veni-Nymedia, Tavium, Byzataeia, and Arkiania form a coalition against them.
447 BCE: Messenia is seized and annexed.
420 BCE: The Arthian Grand Duchy invades Byzateia, Tavium, Veni-Nymedia, and Arkiania. Thessius and the coalition agree to white peace.
300 BCE: After 120 years of war, the Arthian Grand Duchy defeats the coalition, and along with them, subjugates and eventually annexes Achia. It restructures into an Imperial form of government, now officially referred to as the Arthian Imperium. Knowing about the Arthian threat, Thessius fortifies the entire island in preparation for future Arthian invasion.

Messages In This Thread
Krinisian Isle History Discussion - by Arkiania - 11-16-2018, 04:18 AM
RE: Krinisian Isle History Discussion - by Ayzek - 11-16-2018, 04:41 AM
RE: Krinisian Isle History Discussion - by Mestra - 11-16-2018, 07:49 PM

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