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A Warm Summer Stroll
I notice how he seemed to relax a bit and I mentally scold myself. Shit. He must've saw the panic for a moment. Thank Muze this wasn't like, the Emperor of the Mestran Imperium or something, otherwise I would have committed the ultimate faux pas!

He offers his hand as his introduces himself as Edward. I shake it, before realizing he's holding it just a bit longer than expected. He quickly leans down to kiss the back of my hand, saying some before leaning back up with a smile. I feel myself redden a bit as-

Wait. Did he say Edward? That name. It sounds eerily familiar. On the tip of my tongue actually. He's incredibly important in the Imperium. A high-ranking official? Not quite; they weren't really great faces for photography. A business leader? Wouldn't really explain why he would be invited here of all places; this is the solace of the Imperial Family after all. So then he must be part of the Imperial Family of the Mestran Imperium! But there's only one Edward from what I recall and...

...That... would... be... the...

"His Imperial Majesty Emperor Edward ve Meneris," My sister says with a smile, Hiraku Honda right behind her, "Welcome to the Imperial Summer Home. I hope we did not keep you waiting long."

...Muze take me now and let me forever give up my ghost.

"Sister," I say calmly, with a smile. "I am glad to see you are here. I was just about to invite him to join us on our trip to the temple later today. If you excuse me, I'll need to go grab my camera." Before she could respond, I hurry out of the room and wipe the smile off my face. Quickly I climb up the stairs and walk all the way down to my room, out of earshot of the others. I close the door and grab a pillow, smothering my head into it before letting out a scream of horror.

Mirai Sekai, Empress of the Imperial Republic of Kazemura

Everything is going according to plan. Oh Hira-chan you clever boy, I am so glad you convinced me to go along with this. I close my eyes and smile wistfully, knowing that somewhere in this lovely home Mami is screaming in horror at the realization that she had been entertaining the Emperor of the Mestran Imperium without even knowing it. But hey, it's not my fault if the dossier was incorrect on which guest was coming. It wasn't as if we "accidentally" gave her the wrong dossier or anything! Oh, but what if she hadn't even read the dossier? That would be so much better! I open my eyes and give him a bright smile.

"I apologize for our tardiness," I say to Edward with a bow. "Chairman Honda here was informing me of an ongoing development that required my attention." This was actually true fortunately. Negotiations with the Chikasuns had become rather strained given recent events here at home. However, the phone calls I made earlier should put our negotiations back on the right track. And if not, well...

"As my sister was mentioning, we had planned to go up to the shrine at the top of the hill to offer our prayers for the upcoming harvest season. Would you care to join us? We would certainly appreciate your company and it's a good time to offer prayers for harvests in the Imperium as well if you so desire."

Messages In This Thread
A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-08-2017, 02:54 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-08-2017, 04:15 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-11-2017, 08:22 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-13-2017, 03:20 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-13-2017, 05:25 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-13-2017, 05:45 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-13-2017, 06:46 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-13-2017, 06:56 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-13-2017, 07:22 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-13-2017, 07:38 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-15-2017, 02:00 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-15-2017, 05:59 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-17-2017, 03:16 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-17-2017, 03:53 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-20-2017, 03:19 AM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-20-2017, 05:17 PM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Alvino Castillon - 11-15-2018, 06:59 PM
RE: A Warm Summer Stroll - by Mestra - 11-16-2018, 03:17 PM

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