11-17-2016, 03:18 AM
Fourth Voice of Siora
VoS 1580 - Valland
Song Submission for ALL Phases is OPEN!
Preliminary Voting Begins: 1 Alvan 1581
Song Submission Ends / Final Voting Begins: 1 Marth 1581
Welcome to the fourth rendition of the Voice of Siora Contest! After a long break (I think we can all agree we needed one), the contest returns for more musical exploration nd enjoyment. The selected host for the 1580 competition is Valland due to winning the Third Voice of Siora competition in 1578. I am sorry for that, honest. Preliminary Voting begins 1 Alvan, 1581 & ends 28 Dosa, 1581; this is to allow enough time for submission of songs. Live Phase is set for 1 Marth, 1581 and ends...well, most likely a few days later, but we'll see.
Again, all submissions must be PMed to me no later than 28 Dosa, 1581 to be included in the competition. You can use the forms provided by Sal above. We're starting late, I know, hence why the competition is running into the next rp year, but it's "ICly" set at the end of 1580.
Most of all, have fun!
Lift up your voices, Siora!™