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The Curious Case of a Great War
Hey, I know what you’re thinking. How did I get to post this the same day I promised. Well you see...
I’m sure you’re all history buffs and can point to where I’m wrong. Please no bully I’m just trying to make a point of sorts.

The Great War was a started from a domino effect of allied nations. Most of the leaders of both sides imagined the war to be over by Christmas of ‘14. By the end of it, in November of 1918, the world lost tens of millions of lives to not just the war, but one of the worst biological outbreaks in hundreds of years, the Spanish flu.

The immediate aftermath was not much better for the world. Ideas such as communism and fascism were the byproducts of the war. In Russia, Lenin was attempting to change a way of life that kept the poor and downtrodden in serfdom and poverty. Italians, felt their gains of the war were not enough. Mussolini and his party wanted to assert Italy’s superiority and strength and to avoid succumbing to decay and failure.

Technologically, the First World War saw the use of airplanes and zeppelins, biological warfare, machine guns, and bolt action rifles. The first decade of mass produced automobiles were used as medical wagons and supply trucks. Cavalry diminished and gave way to armored cavalry; tanks. In a way, man had pushed war to the limits. So much so that the world convened a third time to Geneva, to protect the rights of Prisoners of War who were treated horribly in the Great War.

My goal in this long rambling post is to bring the idea of making a more uniform canon in the form of a needlessly bloody war that scars our history even to this day. A historical event that effected not just The super powers we all know and hate, but it’s overseas colonies and perhaps even non-aligned nations around the world. Ideas such as fascism, communism, de-colonization, The League of Failure or Nations, as well as a host of human rights conventions that would take hold after the war. Perhaps the nations of Siora would learn from their Great War and not fall into a second like we did.

When it comes to what era this war happened, I lean to just a tad earlier than our RL First World War. Perhaps it wouldn’t the Wright-Or Wryke Brothers in Nyland flying the first plane in peacetime but flying it up out of necessity of for the war effort. In other words whenever 1900 AD was (Me thinks 1450s??). It would not only allow us to be different slightly from our real life counterpart but give more leeway as to who discovered some of the most important inventions of the early modern age. The telephone, the automobile, film, U-Boats, the machine gun, the bolt action rifle, and so on.

Now, one other thing before I stop rambling. So, my goal from this is to create a sort of codified lore or timeline of major breakthroughs, events, and battles. Because some of us, mostly Ayzek/Lines, have made important contributions to this great world’s history. And I think that having a nice long list on this site would allow people to avoid making the same claim as someone else a decade earlier. Perhaps this timeline would have a sort of form to fill out to add important events to it over time. I see it being much more friendly to not only newcomers but for those not wanting to read through the same wiki page 3 times before finding the right date.

Anyways please give any feedback to the idea and on how we would go about putting this war into effect. If you don’t want a world war please go ahead and say so, so maybe we can change this idea to something else, compromise or agree to disagree. Also some feedback on some sort of OOC timeline of sorts would be good too.
if a "world war" isnt on the cards, something localized but still meaningful can definitely still happen in that era. even several wars happening at the same time could be considered a "world conflict" even of theyre not all the same conflict. you feel me?

i'll give this some thinking. It's a neat idea
When I say world war, I sorta mean it in the term of Superpowers + their colonial subordinates. I don’t expect a Fleet from Skathia to sail to Ostara over the war, but colonial units being sent from their colonial nation to the frontlines for their overlords.
so what are you thinking for it?
I'd have to review some of my older notes as to where my nations would be at in the timeline should a Great War be introduced into history. There's certainly points for a global inflection point such as a world war that would change the very fabrics of society.

I'm still working on schoolwork so I can't contribute a lot to the discussion at the moment. But I certainly think the idea is worth exploring at the very least. That being said I don't know if an international forum would result from this war given the rather limited diplomacy most nations undertake nowadays. Even the great powers of our world aren't on the level of 20th century superpowers just yet; the nations of the world tend to stick to diplomacy closer to home, though a few nations making some overtures to protect their own personal interests abroad.

For a global forum to happen, we would need to see regional powers or great powers aiming to greater heights. Someone would have to emerge to seek a global order that would fall apart without them. Generally speaking, Lanlania may be the closest to this, but their reach/policies mainly are about preserving their own interests rather than global hegemony/the dominance of a singular ideology.* I only bring this up because a League of Nations could form post-Great War but either would be defunct by this point or be incredibly absent in world affairs.

*Note: Global hegemony could translate into power structures being established that their soft power holds greater weight than most other nations.
For me, I would want to see what Siora looked like geopolitically in the 1450s or such to make an astute call, but part of me wants to see a conflict of this magnitude occur at the height of our Colonial Era, not necessarily at the cusp of the Industrial Era (though either one is good to work with in my view).

If we play this and go down the "World War" scenario, we more than likely know where the bulk of the fighting would be: Brigidna. I can't really see anywhere other than there. Logically speaking then a lot of the inventions Lom was mentioning like the airplane and early industrial weapons would probably have been invented in Brigidna or some of the Brigidnan colonies. It just makes sense that way. The only hole in this logic I can see is if some of these inventions were made elsewhere and the Brigidnans adapted them for usage in war. If we go down a more "Regional War" scenario, I have a feeling we have more wiggle room. Obviously Brigidna would be the smartest choice in my view, but you can easily have such a scenario take place in the Near East or even Kvaenna.

Either way, I would want to see what the world would look like just before such an event that way we can gauge the best way forward.

The Angirisian Empire/Dominion (2014- 2020)
The Solhaven Confederacy (2017-2020)
The Romulan Republic (2019-2020)

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

if you want a big regional war, sometime earlier than the industrial period might work.
In 1450 Goldecia would definitely have resources an a strong military so good time for a war in Goldecian perspective. I think a war focusing on Brigidna and Kvaenna would make sense possibly extending to defending colonies.Good idea for a significant war to push forward technology and perhaps advance aviation tech.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
A lot of history is uncertain at this time, Especially Marzanna's and Krinis'
I have another idea for a colonial era war as well, though that would probably 1200s era. I’ve written about the Emperor Carlo-Felice of Carpathia-Lomarre-Castleon off site and plan on posting but I’m stuck primarily on his death and subsequent civil war. My guess is that his death, while at war with Keszaria and against Lanlania, would lead to a civil war in East Brigidna against his sons vying for power. A war of Austrian-I mean Spanish- I mean Lomarran Succesion.

That being said that wouldn’t exactly solve the issue of how certain ideas like fascism and communism as well as decolonization formed. But it would probably be the right stepping stone for future historical roleplay for us to get to an industrial era Great War.

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