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The commonwealth war I
Current date

In New Zealmark

The 5th Newzealmarkian commonwealth legion had itself in a twist. 15.000 men loyal to the commonwealth with no acces to the sea. They were close to the border with new zealmark and no way they could retreat further and join up with the rest of the commonwealth army. Or what remained of it.
[Image: gCgiA90]

So it set up camp. placing defensive structures and generally waiting for orders sending out radio messages to svarna asking for support.
They had artillery ammo, tanks and their rifles for their use, also fuel.

The 2nd soyabarian fleet blockaded the new zealmarkian coastline sitting idle until something happened

In Soyabar

All the soldiers that where selected for combat duty boarded ship to be shipped of to New zealmark. Battleships, carriers, submarines already left execpt those assigned to escort the transportships or to carry extra men. to help out in the conflict.
Thousands upon thousands carried out the order to embark
After days of sailing the invasion fleet arrives before the coast of New Zealmark

In the flagship of the invasion General Peeters had ordered a phonecall to whatever person in power. intelligence had given him the number of that very person. Once someone picked up the phone. He simply said:

In der name von der soyabarische Gemenebest en haar leider de kaiser, bevele ick General Peeters ein capitulatie. en de restaration der oficiele Nieuw zealmark regering. U heeft zechs Uhr * then he simply put down the phone and waited

*in the name of the soyabarian commonwealth and her leader the emeperor, I, general peeters, order a capitulation and the restoration of the official new zealmarking goverment. You have six hours
The military had fled in panic when faced with the rightness of Vamana Uldana! The so-called government had abandonded the people they pretended to represent! Watch as the forces of imperialism and materialism flee before the name! All these joys only reinforced the zeal of the coup plotters as they witnessed the validation of their beliefs: that they were in the right, and that New Zealmark well and truly belongs to their god.

With the military fleeing, it was only a simple matter to seize the institutions of power, the governing halls, the bases and weapons stores. Though military equipment in New Zealmark wasn't the cutting, bleeding edge, they nevertheless found themselves with a windfall of heavy ordnance left behind by the hasty withdrawl of the oppressors' legions: mortars, rockets, artillery, trucks and tanks, heavy guns, ammunition, medicines, outfits, aircraft, was a veritable treasure trove to a young armed group. All was now the property of Vamana, to be used in exercising the will of their god in bringing divine light to their people.

Speaking of the people, most woke to a new day of armed guards in the streets and news of Vamana's glory on the television and in the news print. Internet and other telecommunications with the outside world were cut off...but they knew enough from these odd rebel men that a new day for New Zealmark had dawned.

However, it wasn't a bloody day. Yes, fighting had taken place in the streets all around the country in various spots during the initial phase of seizing power between the Disciples of Vamana - something of a more fitting name than "though coup plotters," perhaps - and loyal legions and some local police that had initially thought to fight back the attempt before they realized its true scope, but then the calm set in. Known dissidents were rounded up and arrested as the group sought to consolidate its power before the inevitable interventions. But even so, many people were allowed to freely leave whatever way they so chose, and some were even encouraged to do so ahead of any further fighting, something many foreign nationals took advantage of. Those that cou;ld not leave the country were encouraged to take what they could carry and flee to communities further inland, where they might be safer from any fighting.

After all, Vamana was here to spread blessings to all people, not kill them.

No, it was the foreign, colonial imperialist aggressors that were here in their ships to impose their will and deny the glory of Vamana Uldana, these devils come to spread their materialist lies against the One Truth and Grace. The thought of going back to those days filled many of the new rebels with fury; they would gladly die to see Vamana's grace reborn into the world. Let them come!
The ultimatum came, demanding surrender. This was expected.

The Disciples of Vamana Uldana had not been naive and knew that, in some manner or another, someone was going to attempt to stop them, by either sea or by land. However, their initial coup had been disjointed as their armed members - not counting sympathetic supporters, of whom there were many - were spread across the entirety of New Zealmark. Much of the spare time, the lull in the fighting as it were, was spent in consolidating power: munitions had to be moved to more defensible and useful locations inland, groups had to join up with each other and a headcount taken as a new military-governing order (temporary, of course) was formed in lieu of the civilian government that had fled...and all this while maintaining order and control with the limited forces they had.

Only a nominal group of pursuers could be sent after the fleeing commonwealth legions, and they were not so heavily armed as the groups that had secured the bases and munitions. However, some rebels were old and skilled legion veterans, and so used the aircraft to fly patrols of the air and coordinate airstrikes and ground attacks with the limited resources available on the remaining Legion forces. Maybe it couldn't force their surrender, but it could at the very least cause enough death and chaos to keep them from being a threat.

Elsewhere the Disciples dug defenses and fortifications in the countryside, masked by the thick, tropical foliage of New Zealmark. WHere they could, tunnels and dugouts between positions were made, and every care was taken to leave vacant and often boobytrap the old and usual fortifications that their enemies already knew about. Personnel and equipment traps were placed along the rivers, AA batteries and heavy guns were masked as well as they could from observation using hills and the native flora.

On the coast, though, preparations were much more rushed, as the deadline hour was fast approaching and they didn't have the luxury of being deep in a jungle to buy them time to finish good and proper defenses: there was not enough time to build proper defenses. Instead, sabotage was the name of the day, as ports, roads and other vital infrastructure were buldozed, excavated, or laced with explosive charges and brought down.

In the city of Zeebrugge, cars and heavy equipment were brought to block major roads and interchanges and fires were set to mask the view of observation vehicles from Soyabar. Hundreds of teams crossed the city, encouraging residents to flee what would surely become the front line of a long conflict as tens of thousands of Disciples took up positions on the perimiter of the east side of the city. As the zero hour of the ultimatum approached, the oceanside jewel was rocked by multiple large explosions that sank the city's port complex into the ocean and brought down the bridges that connected the west and east cities across the river.

As the ultimatum expired, a response was finally given: dozens of heavy rocket and missile volleys were fired into the waiting Soyabar fleet from hastily-constructed batteries in courtyards, garages, and parks. There will be no surrender.
The soyabarian fleet recieved no official reply from the rebels right until the point of the incoming fire. The first rocket was surprisingly accurate hitting a smaller battleship, blasting it to smitherines upon impact. Whatever survivors were left could swim to a nearby ship. The rockets came close to a hit but mostly failed to hit anything

Meanwhile in the soyabarian flagship everyone looked in horror upon the ship that had been destroped. Everyone execpt Peeters who kept his calm. He served with his boots on the ground, like many of his soldiers in the Soya-Svarna war over New zealmark. He had been here before, with boots on the ground.
He slammed his hand on the desk area he had before him with the master controls of his ship. everyone layed eyes upon him now. And he raised his right hand revealing his missing "trigger finger".

look upon my hand He proclaimed I am missing my pointerfinger as you might have known. I still have the other one. That is one more I can afford to lose. We have a job to do and that is to free the zealmarkians from these fucking lunatics whatever the cost
He picked up his intercom to make his announcement of the assault. They did not send for paratroopers six hours ago as they expected a surrender. So they had to assault without paratroopers.

The people's army will advance! We will free the new zealmarkian land from this scourge Advance asap and orderly!
After this the commonwealth anthem was played, planes scrambled and the battleships started bombarding the coast. With the heaviest bombardment 10 kilometers east from zeebrugge, the place the troops would be landing.

Ships containing amphibous vehicles sailed closer with their doors opening so the vehicles could go out on their own. And most troops where now on their way to the beaches.
The landing vehicles touched the strand without having to endure artilerry fire, this was anunexpected move. Making everyone nervous the IIL were the first to land in this wave of soldiers. Each landing vehicle had a flag carrier and they stormed the beach under the covering fire of their own battle ships and the planes they ran across the beach into the tropical treeline of New Zealmark where they expected to be troop enplacements.
Closer. Still closer. To not waste resources and get the best shots they could, the few fighters in the beaches remained hidden in the brush several hundred meters away from the landings. Their numbers were small, dwarfed, even, by the invading forces, but they were never intended to keep Soyabar’s legions off the beach; that would have been an impossible task. Instead they waited, even under fire as the landing forces shot blindly into the dense jungle foliage. The Soyabarans came at them: 200 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters, 20 meters...

The order to open fire was given. Machine guns tore streams of hot lead onto the exposed beach. Several howitzer trucks fired upon the landing craft as they crested the coastal dunes, though there could have been more had the heavy guns of the enemy fleet not destroyed many in their bombardment. In the air the battle raged as AA trucks fired, moved, and fired again on the Soyabar-marked aircraft; many of the best pilots the Disciples had - nearly all of whom had been plants and defectors in the Zealmarkian forces - met the enemy in the skies inland from the beaches, and while they performed well their numbers were just too few.

Even as the battle was still new, the defenders one by one began to pull deeper into the trees.

* * Elsewhere * *

“My brother, the battle has begun. They have landed near Zeebrugge, but in the east.”

“As expected, my brother, they plan to isolate the east city. Tell those who remain in the West to watch for a second landing, but not to expect help from the air this time; the air war has begun, and we will not win it. Notify the rest to continue as planned.”

The first man nodded, and left for their communication station. The second, who had given the orders, paced lithely around his table as he watched the events unfolding in the news. Tall and thin with sunken eyes and his skin the color and texture of well-used leather, {name} had no intention or illusion of winning the battle on the beaches.

Yes, they were numerous and almost rivaled the invaders somewhat, but they were still outnumbered and poorly trained. Vamana Uldana’s fighters were drawn from all walks of life, and many had never held a gun in their life until the day of the coup. Most were barely trained in the basics of what they needed to know in the short days between the coup and Soyabar’s retaliation. What they lacked in skill they made up in zealous determination...but still skill was preferable, and so the plan had to account for the lack of it.

{name} stopped his pacing for a moment to pick up his tea. No, a do-or-die battle in the beaches wouldn’t do well at all. Soyabar and the world must be made to realize the cost and futility of their imperialist, colonial endeavors.
The landing beach was secured by the forces of the immortal imperial Legion so it was time to construct a makeshift harbour. In the meanwhile as the enemy retreated armored flamethrowers set fire to the treelines to flush out every remaining lunatic.
Soon after even more troops landed and it was time to advance even more east to capture imprtant railway junctures.

Even tough intending to capture it in tact it was allowed to destroy everything if necesary, soyabar had the rescources to rebuild. and so the tanks and infantery charged at Yamana, the important railway junction. and trough that they could capture the land.

in the air

strategic bombers had arrived to the conflict, also fighters had been equipped with cameras that could sense heat and other things. They targeted artillery placements and dogfighted the enemy planes to the death.
The conventional battle in the air was lost, this much was certain, though it had long been known this would be the outcome. Soyabar has good pilots and superior numbers, but the battle was far from a rout as rebel fighters struck hard to bring anyone or anything down with them. They knew this was not a vain sacrifice, for every downed aircraft - both theirs and their enemy’s - was one less that could be used against them later when they inevitably lost the airfields.

There was no need for such structures any longer, anyway, and so plans were laid to “retire” them. The people would be needed elsewhere.

Back on the beaches and in the jungles, the smoke and fire caused by the armored flamethrowers provided an ample and extra layer of cover with which the rebels made their withdrawal. The east-bound legions still met small pockets of resistance ahead of them and to their flanks, ambushes set up to harass and hary them on their route away from the landing zone and on the way to Yamana before they too retreated deep into the woods in the face of the armored flamethrowers.

Back in Yamana, word came of the legion’s advance: they were close, and there was not much time left to prepare. The forces arrayed against the relatively paltry defenders was overwhelming, and so the decision was made to sabotage what the could and abandon the position. Explosives were set within the fuel depots, along the tracks, and within the train engines at the station and within the rail yards. The rebel’s split up and made their escape along the tracks southward, and westward, setting magnetic mines in the tracks’ ballast and bringing down bridges as they went.

Moments later, an exceptional boom was felt for miles around as the trains and facilities at Yamana were blown apart.

Meanwhile, the fighters that had escaped into the woods following the beach landings doubled back to the west and towards Zeebrugge.
En route to yamana

Fucking hell, was the common yell out from both soldiers of the IIL and the common army. Officers took it to double the speed of the advance towards the advance. Airbound intelligence had converted the strategic objectives where destroyed!
The strategic bombers and fighters that where freed up from dogfightning chased down retreating enemies They were all heading to zeebrugge. What the opponent forgot, the soyabarian soldiers knew this land asswell.

What the most important thing was for the soyabarians was new handtwerpenstad, this city was for soyabar at least the pearl of new zealmark. The first army took yamana without major problems the smaller third army under the cover of naval and air support moved towards New zeebrugge to encircle the city and the second army went inland to take New heers and new zealmark.

The fourth and fifth army shipped out of Soyabar. These armies where the reserves and were called up after the events on the shore turned south. Volenteers where called up now and trained for if this conflict was to be prolonged.

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