10-02-2018, 06:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2018, 07:12 PM by Seperallis.)
I had an idea for an RP, and I’ll keep the explanation brief until I get home and can flesh out some specific details. I was inspired by some old old old rp in another region from back when I was active in NS politics.
The premise: someone important - it might be a king somewhere, or maybe just someone really rich (but I’ll just say king to be easy) - is holding a masked ball and has invited a whole host of (supposedly) high-society types for a bit of fun; as everyone is in costume and no one is supposed to know who anyone else is, this king -who loves his games, it must be said- has proposed to make a contest of this ball, where party-goers must correctly guess who the guests are; the most correct guesses, and/or whoever correctly identifies the king by the end of the night, wins a fabulous prize!
players rp as someone (supposedly) very important attending a masquerade ball: you won’t know each person’s character, only being given a description of their costume and perhaps an alias. Through the course of the festivities and interactions, players are to learn about the attendees, and guess who is who based on the names in the guest book. There is a time limit: the party will move from room to room in the manor at regular intervals (usually) after all participants have interacted at least once, and when it’s time to say goodbye, the party ends!
But players must be careful, as there may be one or more imposters in the crowd who are at the party for one thing only: to kill the King!
So, show of hands as to who is interested in the premise. For tldr sake:
- I am not playing, I am DM and create all npcs, as well as moving the plot and setting from room to room.
- the king will be randomly decided from among those who want to be the king (interest in being the king should be sent to me secretly, or you might not live long)
- everyone will pick elements of their costume from a set list. (This will become very important, as rumors begin to spread amongst the partygoers)
- the potential killer (or killers) will be chosen at random from those who want to be the killer...again, send interest to me secretly. or maybe everyone can have a reason to be the killer?
- you will make a character sheet and send it to me secretly with relevant info I will provide later.
- guesses are sent to me. You only get one. The party ends at the first murder attempt. If you kill/guess the king first, you win, but if you’re caught killing the king you also lose. Funny that...but even worse is if you kill someone not the king, because the party ends and you’re declared the biggest, stinkiest loser of all losers.
- you’ll want to be sparing with details about yourself, but not so sparing that people think you’re hiding something and are thus either the king or killers?
The Setting:
The tycoon business mogul and philanthropist, the Lanlanian Baron of Bärøn, is throwing a masked ball and you're invited! Few if any have seen this "famous" eccentric Baron in person, and the mystique and thrill of seeing the mysterious man - or is the Baron maybe a woman? - is drawing quite a crowd of interest from the party-goers! Ever quirky, the Baron has decided to make a game of the proceedings: those who can correctly identify him/her from among the party guests, or correctly guess the identities of the most guests, will win a "Fabulous Prize!" Truly, the party will be a night of games, socialization, merriment, and lots and lots and lots of drinks!
However, rumor has it that one of the guests has a feud with the "good" Baron. It would be a shame were the party to be interrupted...
Create Yo Characters:
Some inspiration!
Send the following form code, filled out with your character information, to me in a PM. Do NOT post it here, or people will know who you are.
At the end of the form is a link to follow. This link will take you to a thing to create your masquerade costume. https://goo.gl/forms/FOv1oYnT2y7g1Xyw1
The premise: someone important - it might be a king somewhere, or maybe just someone really rich (but I’ll just say king to be easy) - is holding a masked ball and has invited a whole host of (supposedly) high-society types for a bit of fun; as everyone is in costume and no one is supposed to know who anyone else is, this king -who loves his games, it must be said- has proposed to make a contest of this ball, where party-goers must correctly guess who the guests are; the most correct guesses, and/or whoever correctly identifies the king by the end of the night, wins a fabulous prize!
players rp as someone (supposedly) very important attending a masquerade ball: you won’t know each person’s character, only being given a description of their costume and perhaps an alias. Through the course of the festivities and interactions, players are to learn about the attendees, and guess who is who based on the names in the guest book. There is a time limit: the party will move from room to room in the manor at regular intervals (usually) after all participants have interacted at least once, and when it’s time to say goodbye, the party ends!
But players must be careful, as there may be one or more imposters in the crowd who are at the party for one thing only: to kill the King!
So, show of hands as to who is interested in the premise. For tldr sake:
- I am not playing, I am DM and create all npcs, as well as moving the plot and setting from room to room.
- the king will be randomly decided from among those who want to be the king (interest in being the king should be sent to me secretly, or you might not live long)
- everyone will pick elements of their costume from a set list. (This will become very important, as rumors begin to spread amongst the partygoers)
- the potential killer (or killers) will be chosen at random from those who want to be the killer...again, send interest to me secretly. or maybe everyone can have a reason to be the killer?

- you will make a character sheet and send it to me secretly with relevant info I will provide later.
- guesses are sent to me. You only get one. The party ends at the first murder attempt. If you kill/guess the king first, you win, but if you’re caught killing the king you also lose. Funny that...but even worse is if you kill someone not the king, because the party ends and you’re declared the biggest, stinkiest loser of all losers.
- you’ll want to be sparing with details about yourself, but not so sparing that people think you’re hiding something and are thus either the king or killers?
The Setting:
The tycoon business mogul and philanthropist, the Lanlanian Baron of Bärøn, is throwing a masked ball and you're invited! Few if any have seen this "famous" eccentric Baron in person, and the mystique and thrill of seeing the mysterious man - or is the Baron maybe a woman? - is drawing quite a crowd of interest from the party-goers! Ever quirky, the Baron has decided to make a game of the proceedings: those who can correctly identify him/her from among the party guests, or correctly guess the identities of the most guests, will win a "Fabulous Prize!" Truly, the party will be a night of games, socialization, merriment, and lots and lots and lots of drinks!
However, rumor has it that one of the guests has a feud with the "good" Baron. It would be a shame were the party to be interrupted...
Create Yo Characters:
Some inspiration!
Send the following form code, filled out with your character information, to me in a PM. Do NOT post it here, or people will know who you are.
At the end of the form is a link to follow. This link will take you to a thing to create your masquerade costume. https://goo.gl/forms/FOv1oYnT2y7g1Xyw1
[b]Real Name:[/b] [Your character's actual name. Include titles if you must. Be as insufferably elitist as you want]
[b]Party Alias:[/b] [Can be whatever. Think 50's superhero names...or Furrsonas. Whatever.]
[b]Biometrics:[/b] [Hair and eye color, height, weight. Male or female? Descriptive or numbers, doesn't matter]
[b]Biography:[/b] A short bio of your character, where they're from and what they do. Family, kids, what-have-you. At least a couple sentences, but I doesn't need to be huge.
[b]Likes:[/b] [Things you really like. List or paragraph is fine, but please more than a couple]
[b]Dislikes:[/b] [Things you really don't like. List or paragraph is fine, but please more than a couple]
[b]Willing to be Baron:[/b] [Yes or no, would you like to be the Baron. Don't dead.]
[bWilling to be Killer:[/b] [Yes or no, would you like to be a killer. There may or may not be more than one.]
Now that you're done, go create your costume: https://goo.gl/forms/FOv1oYnT2y7g1Xyw1