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Open Svarna
Open Svarna programme aims to make Svarna the best place for your corporation to invest. The new programme includes 10 new SEZ's in the top 10 cities in Svarna and gives you the oppurtunity to invest in Svarna by leasing land where you will get freedom from state law if you agree to certain conditions. The leases last up to 99 years and are available for agricultural, forestry and resource extraction activities. You will find business friendly law among other benefits.

The main two types of zones are:
Benefits:No import tax
All emergency services, healthcare , education , police and security services costs credited against Corporation Tax
Freedom from State laws
No import tax
No state taxes
Looser regulations
Exclusive right to rent out land to other companies
Up to 99 year lease
Compulsory Purchase and total planning powers
Rent is $127 for Agricultural and Forestry or $247 per Sq Km for mining, resource extraction, oil extraction and gas extraction increasing by 1% a year

Responsible for emergency services, healthcare , education , police and security services though may charge fees to residents for this and credit the cost against corporation tax.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Application for EEEZ:
Nation of Global HQ:
Area wanted:
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Industrial/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction
Term of Lease Desired:
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Company:Albert Chivers
Nation of Global HQ:Goldecia
Area wanted:1900 km
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction:Tea , spice and veg cultivation
Term of Lease Desired:99 years
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Nation of Global HQ:Goldecia
Area wanted:2300 km
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction:Tea , spice and veg cultivation
Term of Lease Desired:99 years
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!
Company:Narwari industries
Nation of Global HQ: Newzealmark
Area wanted: 1000 square kilometers
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction: mining minerals like iron and coal
Term of Lease Desired:99
Company:Kaiserlijke olie societé
Nation of Global HQ: Soyabar
Area wanted: 1000 square kilometers
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction: Oil extraction
Term of Lease Desired:99
Company:Kaiserlijke olie societé
Nation of Global HQ: Soyabar
Area wanted: 1000 square kilometers
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction: Gas extraction
Term of Lease Desired:99
(05-15-2018, 05:43 PM)Soyabarian Empire Wrote: Company:Kaiserlijke olie societé
Nation of Global HQ: Soyabar
Area wanted: 1000 square kilometers
Purpose:Mining/Agriculture/Oil Extraction/Gas Extraction/Forestry/Resource Extraction: Gas extraction
Term of Lease Desired:99

Both Accepted
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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