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Lomarre News Conglomorate
Special Report: The No Nonsense Interview

The burning questions of the month; No Bias. No filler. No formality. Just facts.
[Image: Jean-Christopher_Napleon-280x280.jpg]
This Month: King Vittorio-Emanuele

We have much to get to, so we should start with the bit of news that has to do with future questions. The Military budget has been increased by 47%. Why? And How will it be paid for?

Simply put, the budget is being increased to finally give what our admirals and generals have been asking for for two decades. A stronger and upgraded Navy. A new strategic base in Ostara. A future Main battle tank. And much more that remains classified. As for spending, it's been decided by the People's Council, and is to expectedly pass the Nobility council, a new tax on both cigarettes and alchohol. Now! Let me be clear in that this tax will not keep someone from buying these products. Its very small compared to other nations. But we all need to do our part in supporting our military. Even if it means paying a few extra dimes for a beer. The goal is that perhaps after we successfully set our military back to standard, we can roll back one if not both taxes.

You mentioned a new military base. How did we get it?

After deliberation with Severyane, we're setting up a naval and airforce base in a lease plan on one of their islands. In return we're increasing their lease of Muro Island from 1620 to 1635.

Some may see that as a complete 180 on your dismay at the previous lease plan with their base on Muro. Others claim it will hurt our alliances in the SBTO.

I can answer those both at the same time. I was absolutely disgusted with the previous lease. It benefited us to no extent compared to Severyane getting a naval base and us getting new firearms that we could've easily produced here. Now? We have our own military installation to be constructed in Ostara. I would never have been able to reach out and receive such a deal without help from Eskkya's government, who have been friendly with the Severyanians for quite a while. So, no, I'm not bothered about hurting our allies. Our allies still remain as important to us as before. It is just now, we have the chance to strike wherever and whenever. We no longer have to wait a week to strike back. The goal all along is to have our submarines have safe harbor in all oceans. And now we have it.

Would striking 'wherever' include any of the combatants in New Zealmark? The escalation there was rapid.

I will say about that situation, in plain words, is one of the most appalling things I've seen as King. I'm seeing two nations go after the defenseless people of New Zealmark and Soyabar. The greed of Svarna and Ishnalla is obvious to anyone with sense. The actions are reprehensible to the highest order. And the silence from the rest of the world is even worse. But then again, these same silent nations gave arms and equipment to Ishnalla. Why else do I see Ishanlla soldiers on the news, waving guns made from many 'reputable' nations. Appalling comes to mind. Because it really is.

So does that mean an armed response?

Not out of the question, for sure. I still hold out some semblance of hope that a ceasefire can come of it. But it's clear from Svarna from their propaganda that they plan on ridding colonizers from the world. Does that include Trinitas? Such rhetoric may seem foolish, but I will not let such threats go idly by.

Perhaps a fluff question. But to end on a much nicer note, What of the rumors of the Queen? Is the new rumor of her being pregnant true?

I have no comment, but be sure to keep an eye out for some news from the Palace soon.
Gunshots and Artillery batteries lit up Lomarre’s capital city in the early morning hours. At 4:22 AM, the Royal Guard with rifles in hand, and the 12th Artillery Brigade, took their places to announce to the city and to the world that an heir was born. The announcement has been nine months coming, and came a few days earlier than the Queen’s due date. By 4:30, the news of the name of the heir was made; Prince Enrico di Haggia. (Crown Prince Enrico Amedeo Eugenia Marco Leopoldo Isabella Antonio di Haggia)

Born at St. Franco’s Children’s hospital, the word came that the child was perfectly healthy with no obvious issues.

By noon, the blocks and blocks were full of people standing outside the palace to get a glimpse of the King and Queen, with their infant in hand. The King had even broken protocol by speaking to the masses at what was usually a quick procession of showing the royal infant to the nation. “This is perhaps the most somber and happiest moment of my life.  God has blessed us both with the an angel. An angel that will lead this nation to greatness someday.” A short kiss later, the King, Queen, and his family returned inside with a cheer of the masses.

As per tradition, the nation was on holiday for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Be it miners, tourists, economists, nobles, any and all arrived to the city to celebrate in their own ways. Police worked around the clock to keep the traffic and cheery drunks in check. Ambassadors had given congratulations in person, though the King supposedly was unavailable by 7:00 PM. Sources in the palace say the Royal couple are taking shifts when it comes to their newborn Enrico.

Some political experts believe that the birth of Vittorio-Emanuele’s first-born son will be a changing point in what was a shaky start to his reign as King. The economy currently in a boom, is also benefiting him and his cabinet’s approval, as well as the faction of nobles and mayors standing beside him.

Though not all is sunny in Trivenze. Some nobles in the progressive faction were very steamed of the continuation of a primarily agnatic monarchy. HRM’s government made it clear that the tradition of male preference remained in place. Some female nobles were somewhat dismayed over the tradition being from a “bygone era”. But a sudden change of the inheritance laws would cause a massive disturbance of land ownership distribution among the Nobility. The Constitutional Court would have their hands full if the inheritance policy were to change as well.

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