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The Brignadian
The Brignadian
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New Era for Strathae as first progressive government ever takes power

Today Strathae made history as the Clan Council and High King Chrisdean Conall Gwennegg invited and approved CPP to form a government. The new high chief Éimhear Dearbháil Scott has made history being the first progressive party leader to ever succeed in breaking the two party system. The party had already made history being the first party to ever enter a coalition following the last election results. The party has also made headlines winning the election just 2.5 years after being founded as party for breakaway politicians protesting the rightward path of politics.

The results were as follows:
Election Result overall:
Party:MOP's/CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT61(-31)1,218,440 29.45%26.41%
CPP:117(+39)2,038,966 49.29%50.65%
CSP:40(-13)822,246 19.88%17.32%
CP:4(+1)17,109 0.41%1.73%
LP:3(-1)15,098 0.36%1.3%
DRP:6(+3)25,098 0.61%2.6%
Total:2314,136,957 100%100%

Local clan Results:
Party:CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT271,206,786 29.90%25.96%
CPP:612,019,866 50.04%58.65%
CSP:16809,567 20.06%15.38%
Total:1044,036,219 100%100%

List Clan Results:
Party:CAM'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT311,206,786 29.90%29.81%
CPP:522,019,866 50.04%50.00%
CSP:21809,567 20.06%20.19%
Total:1044,036,219 100%100%

Non-Clan Results:
Party:MOP'sVotes:Vote Percent:Seat Percent
PoT311,654 11.57%13.04%
CPP:419,100 18.96%17.39%
CSP:312,679 12.59%13.04%
CP:417,109 16.98%17.39%
LP:315,098 14.99%13.04%
DRP:625,098 24.91%26.09%
Total:23100,738 100%100%

The CPP won both the Clan local and list vote in the new system designed to bring some proportionality to the electoral system gaining a majority of 1 with the party gaining a record 39 seats taking seats of both the CSP and PoT. Parties that both refused to condemn Disconnection after Blair McLucais disconnected her son. The CPP have won 49.29% of the vote and 50.65% of the seats with second placed PoT getting 29.45% and 26.41% of the seats. In a first the CPP involved a non-clan party in the cabinet by appointing the first non-white and non-clan minister Mizusawa Ichiyo of the Liberal party to Minister of Non-clan Affairs to head up the Department of Non-clan Affairs.

The High chief Éimhear Dearbháil Scott has promised a "radical new era of progressive politics in Strathae." In her acceptance speech Eimhear promised to support a progressive tax system through LESTHO thats moderate but still business friendly. She promised to fix the nations reputation abroad by pursuing a more progressive policy , making hate crime laws less extreme by defining hate crime as "harassment, bullying, incitement of violence or threats based on ones race , gender or sexuality." Also in her platform she promised to decriminalise adultery though all assets of the the adulterer would still go to the partner if the partner requested so.Also in her platform she announced welfare would be reformed to help the poorest more while stripping benefits off the rich , a referendum on immigration with the options of 15 year marraige or 15 year residency on the ballot to be held in early 1581.The final major proposals is lowering cash requirements for work permits in Kathmore and MacCarmaig as well as looking at joining more international friendship treaties and banning non-cooperative chain stores from opening past 17:30 outside of shopping centres and restricting construction of shopping centres to 1 per 100,000 of the population with population area to be took into account. The party is also to propose restricting retail chains to a maximum of 1 non-coop chains per village and 10 per town outside of Kathmore and MacCarmaig in order to encourage local small business.The party also proposes in the tax system that co-ops and SME's should get a 5% lower corporation tax than businesses earning over $1 million in profit. The PoT and CSP have vowed to come back from this defeat and analysts say it is highly likely they will have to leave anti-disconnection laws in place.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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