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The Sentinel

Greetings Dear Reader. The Sentinel is a subsidiary of the Althis Media Group, a Crown Corporation, and its prime distributor of news publications throughout the Grand Kingdom of Adwest. It is our duty to bring you the most recent developments within your realm and within Siora. Fast and comprehensive coverage is our creed. Expect nothing less from The Sentinel.


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

The End of An Era: Lord Protector Garithos Ashford declared Dead

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The Balfonheim Cardiovascular Institute, where the Lord Protector has been confined for several months now 

Article by Stephen Quartzman | Nueva 1583 | Balfonheim, Ormbeck

After more than five decades in service of the Crown, the Lord Protector of the Adwestene Realm and the Duke of Sensaros Garithos Ashford has finally succumbed to retirement. He has been declared dead by his team of doctors at four in the morning today, 15 Nueva. Dr. Rudiger Balsam, who has been closely monitoring the late Lord Protector's situation since being confined in the Balfonheim Cardiovascular Institute, declared Ashford's death to have been caused by natural causes.

The late Lord Protector has been in confinement in the BCI since Zechyr 4 of this year. He was rushed to emergency treatment upon suffering a stroke while on a hike.

"Despite his advanced age, the Lord Ashford always insisted on continuing working and, quite regrettably, doing these strenuous physical activities he was fond of. This no doubt triggered his second and final stroke" said Dr. Balsam to the Sentinel.

He also noted that the Lord Protector has not been in a physical state to continue doing hikes or other trips outside Balfonheim "since he turned 70", contributing to the worsening of his breathing problems.

The Lord Ashford's conditions improved slightly during the middle of Septem, upon which he was seen publicly once more for the first time in several weeks to attend a public ceremony commemorating the end of the Adwestene Civil War. Yet this seemed only to exacerbate his already faltering system, and he was rushed back to the BCI on the same day.

Reports from the Court have been consistent and continuous, and the signs of declining health by the Lord Protector were slowly validated when in October a "regent" had been named in order to carry out the Lord Ashford's duties until "he is once more able to stand up and attend sessions in Alcombey".

Regrettably such hopes were dashed today with the Lord Ashford's passing.

The Court of Her Majesty has declared a week of national mourning for the deceased Lord Protector, who has been the prime statesman behind the National Rejuvenation of the Grand Kingdom.

"It is the end of an era. We have lost such a brave and fiery yet truly noble man, who was ready to deploy his energies and capabilities for the advancement of the realm and of Her Majesty's interests without hesitation. A man committed to our ideals as a nation, as a people. The fatherland mourns this loss deeply." said a spokesman from the Court an hour after the pronouncement of the Lord Ashford's passing.

Details on funeral arrangements from the House of Ashford are yet to be released, as well as details on the ascension of Claire Ashford into the helm of her family's dominions. But it is predicted that the deceased Lord Ashford will be given a state funeral with full military honors by the Court of Her Majesty, as tribute to his long years of government service.

No word has also been heard yet regarding who will succeed the deceased Lord Ashford as Lord Protector of the Realm. The position is the highest in the land second only to the Queen herself; the next appointee will be the third person to possess the title since political reforms in 1565 and the National Rejuvenation in 1566. Sources within the Ducal Council proclaim that either Lord Charles XI Windamier of Maleroy or Lord Roderick de Meisen of Lincrest will be chosen to become the next Lord Protector.

Other stories:
  • Editorial: Where to now? No Need to Worry as Her Majesty still Remains
  • Adwestene national arrested in Goldecia for "homophobic assault"
  • Grand Duke of Sindar-Astrasia to visit Adwest in one week
  • Cartoon-esque dating sim games on the rise among adolescents

Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

EDITORIAL: The Case for War

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Grand Prince of Westenne Jonathan Leigh-Albatross with his homosexual lover, Rhys Hughes

Article by Sir George Duncan-Cummings | Dein 1583 | Lordlake, Brent

The National Rejuvenation has not stopped, and it will not do so for quite some time - these are the words being profusely declared by many top officials in the Royal Court, echoed in similar degrees of loudness and frequency by both the esteemed Lords and Ladies in the Ducal Council and the deputies of the Royal Convention. The renewed slogan comes out strong once more even at the perishing of the man behind the drive, the late Lord Garithos Ashford.

The deceased Lord Protector - who was held in state in Balfonheim and then buried in his family's hometown to a crowd of several thousands just the previous month - will have several names to count on to continue his legacy of renewed economic growth and development as well as in Adwestene diplomacy, the foremost concern of which is the Reunification of the Lost Territories.

But what would they know? can they truly pursue the pace of national rebuilding and advancement many a great men and women have brought upon the Grand Kingdom until their untimely demise? are the names in power and being considered for power capable of taking up the fearsome task of continuing what has been started?

The last one is an important question to ask. More than two-thirds of the Royal Convention have been appointed only in Septem 1582, not more than a year by the time this piece is published and read. These young deputies, though handpicked by Her Majesty as is the process every eight years, have shown themselves inept in the conduct of state necessitated by the National Rejuvenation. Criticism on the system of corporate consolidation undertaken by the Crown in the last two decades have been particularly abound.

Of particular relevance here is the discussion on providing financial compensation to the Lost Territories due to "historical grievances by the Adwestene High Nobility" before the Civil War, with the proponents drawing parallels from Goldecia's reparations program to several groups.

Such ludicrous and absurd notions can only come from a clearly ignorant group in the Royal Convention. This maverick bloc in the convention - headed by the Deputy Speaker and the Conventional Chair for Foreign Affairs Sir Ian Crowley - holds that the royal house of Durnador is to be blamed for instigating the Adwestene Civil War in 1462, as a ploy to obtain the Lazuli Throne. By "sowing the seeds for the dismemberment of the United Provinces" as Crowley claims, "the house of Durnador has advanced only its own interest in the expense of the peace and of the collective solidarity between the Lords of the United Provinces".

I will not argue here the lack of historical education Sir Crowley has been the victim of, for that would merit more than a paragraph. But I mention here this incident as a means not only to question the capabilities of the Convention's deputies but also as an instrument to encourage and further a necessary but ultimately unfought war.

The ongoing senseless discussion on "historical grievances" can and must be turned around to a discussion on the continuation and enhancement of Adwestene efforts to reclaim historical lands. Larstat, having rejoined the Grand Kingdom a decade and a few years ago, has been a laudable testament to the possibility of success without the bearing of arms. The second case in point would have been Westenne, but as we are aware of, it has not been so. The details are few but nevertheless not to be trivialized; Westenne had fallen into civil war in 1568 between those who supported formally rejoining the Grand Kingdom and those who refused such a righteous move - spearheaded by the pretender "Grand Prince" of an "independent" Westenne, Jonathan Leigh-Albatross.

The Royal Court would have certainly moved in the direction of intervention, even as it was caught up in other regional affairs such as the conflict then raging in neighboring Kolhar. But to the surprise of many, including myself, it did not. Perhaps I can find no fault in the time of the late Lord Ashford's government except the total lack of nerve that Balfonheim demonstrated. Initially, we had issued statements against the rejoining of our brethren from the north to our fold, we had argued thoroughly indeed the invalidation of the Wexham Charter as a "constitution" that "bound together" Westenne, and we had our arms open for the new families which would join the realm.

Expected military support in the form of an invasion of Leigh-Albatross lands and the lands of his fellow traitors did not come, even as Adwestene people in those places called for our support. In 1569, what would have been people who would now be part of the Grand Kingdom were beaten into submission by the forces of those traitors. The political makeup of Westenne had been thoroughly altered, and several nobles were purged from their ancestral seats of power by Leigh-Albatross in order to rule Westenne as his own private patch of earth.

This unjust situation continues up to today, remaining as a thorn on the throat and affront to the national pride of the Grand Kingdom and as an impediment to the continuation of our reunification with other Lost Territories to the west. Yet even though ignorants waste time on matters of inconsequence in the Royal Convention, several leading figures in the Ducal Council are now pondering reviving military designs for the conquest of Westenne - and for good reason.

Lord Robert III Halnish, who is currently the chairperson of the council, has stated consultation has begun between him and Lord Henry IV Falsen and Lord Roderick de Meisen - the High Councillor of the Her Majesty's Round Table and the probable next Lord Protector of Adwest - regarding a course of action on Westenne.

This bodes well for the Grand Kingdom, as the continued existence of Westenne and the power held by the illegitimate Jonathan Leigh-Albatross present not only a pollutant but also a menace to Adwest for several reasons, as outlined below.

1.) Historical Duty
Remnants of the pro-reunification aristocracy once ruling in Westenne as co-princes of Jonathan are alive, but they remain scattered all throughout the country. The situation can be framed rather simply; our countrymen remain trapped within artificial borders, carrying fraud identities as citizens of a non-existent state, and forced into conditions of destitution for standing up against the pretender Grand Prince. And by countrymen I refer not only to ten or more nobles who led the vanguard in rejoining Adwest, but tens of thousands of men and women who carry the same sentiment.

But these Adwestenes by blood are not limited merely in underground circles or in prisons - some of them are intertwined within civil society itself, silencing their voices for fear of punishment by the tyrannical and fraud regime of Jonathan Leigh-Albatross. They are shopkeepers, housewives, engineers, and soldiers. All yearning to be proudly raise the royal tricolor of the Grand Kingdom without fear of apprehension.

Yet Adwest does not only possess this historical duty to return her people to their sole home, it also possesses the historical duty of punishing the pretender Jonathan for his and his predecessors' transgressions against Adwest.

The case of grievances aforementioned comes in handy here. The charges against the royal house of Her Majesty the Queen ought to be directed to the house of Leigh-Albatross, the first among equals responsible for the dismemberment of the United Provinces of Adwest a century ago and her subsequent decline and instability immediately after that. Yet reparations will not cut it; Jonathan Leigh-Albatross and his relatives, if any remain, must be beheaded, his long dynasty of traitors eradicated.  

2.) Moral Duty
Westenne today exists not only as an illegitimate state claiming sovereignty it does not posses but also as a paradise of hedonism. Jonathan Leigh-Albatross is a homosexual sodomizer giving credence to the notion that such an abomination of God deserves not only to exist but also to rule over others; a maddening notion indeed. His relationship with Rhys Hughes - which had been previously illicit before his reshaping of Westenne's political realities - is something the Grand Prince openly displays. This would not have been possible before, as such a scandalous involvement with a fellow man would have surely ended with his downfall and would have clarified to his "vassals" the accusations that the Grand Prince had his wife murdered to be with this man - a very real possibility.

Jonathan Leigh-Albatross did not content himself with murder and individual sodomy; with power concentrated in his hands, he has set about completely to tear down the moral fabric of the people, our people, in Westenne. The Argent Church counts millions of members in Westenne and now they are forced to witness the unraveling of their Adwestene values in the face of this detestable homosexual pretender.

The people of Westenne, of Adwest cannot face this. What Leigh-Albatross claims to be "Gay Rights" and "Women's Rights" in his sorry excuse for a country is just talk for "Sexual Liberation" of all sorts unimaginable in any God-fearing land. Such a situation eventually escalates into a morass of street orgies. What's next, "Recreational Drug Use"? "Music Festivals?"

Clearly such Acts of Evil must be met with nothing but a thorough purification. For death is guaranteed for the pretender once the Lords of Adwest decree their mandate of reunification, but passage to the afterlife is not. He who has committed such grave acts of immoral carelessness....nay, of immoral decadence, must be cleansed through the fire!

These are the top two reasons why a military intervention in Westenne must be done in the soonest possible moment. For too long have we allowed this pretender to do what he pleases at the cost of our national pride and identity, and the moral righteousness of the Adwestene people. The pitiable conditions our countrymen continue to suffer under the boot of the pretender can no longer be ignored.

Hopefully, destiny will correct itself soon. Perhaps, with the accession of our new Lord Protector?


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

Neil Gore-Culross named Lord Protector

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The Count of Laxenhive - a vassal and longtime confidant of Her Majesty - has been appointed as the Grand Kingdom's third Lord Protector

Article by Anita Bates | Tolven 1583 | Gregminster, Ormbeck

Her Majesty the Queen has appointed Count Neil Gore-Culross of Laxenhive as the Lord Protector of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest. The event took place in a special joint session of the Royal Diet earlier today, with Queen Sophia I herself addressing the members of both chambers of the Diet and urging continued national unity and strength in the face of challenges to imperial restoration. Her Majesty described the appointment of the Count of Laxenhive as a "continuation" of the epoch which begun two decades ago under her and her steward, the late Lord Ashford.

The Count of Laxenhive is a Lower Noble and a vassal of Her Majesty the Queen in her capacity as Duchess of Ormbeck. He has seen several years as a soldier and is an alumnus of Solmerrow, although retired early upon inheriting the lands and title of his father, Count Peter II. He then entered government service thereafter as a military adviser and eventually Minister of War for King Edward III, a portfolio he held for two decades. He stepped down in 1550 and returned to the administration of his family's estates for the succeeding years, only to resurface as chief of the Royal Adwestene Constabulary under Lord Ashford's government in 1568 and as a member of the Round Table Council in 1570.

The Count of Laxenhive's considerable profile in government service and lengthy familiarity in national political circles, in addition to his proximity to the Queen and the rest of the royal family for many years, are cited as the primary reasons for his appointment.

The Count of Laxenhive's ascension has been hailed as an achievement by the Deputies of the Royal Convention but as a disappointing surprise to some within the Ducal Council. Expectations initially fell upon Lord Roderick de Meisen of Lincrest as the likely successor to Lord Ashford, owing to his seniority within the High Nobility and his leading role in Lord Ashford's economic restructuring. Such expectations gained traction as the Lord de Meisen ramped up his public appearances in numerous high profile engagements and his meetings with both Her Majesty and his peers in the council.

In spite of this unexpected appointment however, the Ducal Council has expressed its resolute support to the continuation of Adwest's empire-building under the helm of someone not from their ranks. Lord Robert III Halnish has voiced such sentiments in today's joint session.

The Count of Laxenhive in his first address to the Royal Diet has named Adwestene reclamation of the Northern Territories "and beyond" as his government's primary concern and has promised "immediate and significant action" within the next few months. He has also promised a slash on taxes across the board alongside the continuation of the policy of corporate consolidation and strengthening, with an eye on the retail and light manufacturing industries.

Further details on the new government's domestic and international agenda will be revealed later this week, as the Count of Laxenhive names the new ministers of the court.

Other stories:
  • Royal Household Information Department: Durnador estates income up by ₤59 million
  • Conflict in Galasia draws in regional intervention
  • Duchess Elanor II of Feralius wed to younger brother of Lord Charles XI Windamier
  • New research by the Sanctum exposes incest "still alive" in noble circles


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

Civil disturbances in Northern Territories prompt Adwestene intervention

Article by Anita Bates | Dosa 1584 | Falkenshire, Cerathien

The Ministry of War has announced the commencement of active military operations in the Northern Territories, following prolonged periods of intermittent but severe bouts of violence in major urban centers between civilians supporting reunification with Adwest and government forces under the pretender Jonathan Leigh-Albatross.

The coming of the new year has seen a revival of activity by several groups in Westenne supporting the rejoining of their "state" with the Grand Kingdom. What began initially as peaceful demonstrations grew to become an armed movement engaged in attacks against the perpetrators of the fraud regime in Lothair. These armed groups have managed to coalesce and rally reportedly behind segments of Westenne's Army Officer Corps that supported reunification.

The eruption of mass armed opposition to the pretender's reign then triggered a similarly violent crackdown from him. Hundreds of men and women from various circles including bishops of the church, musicians, and local politicians have been confined for alleged support to the subversive movement. Others more have died, with reports claiming at least a hundred civilians unaffiliated with the armed groups have been shot by regime loyalists in demonstrations.

But what is most outrageous is the detainment of several Adwestene nationals in the Northern Territories. These unlawful arrests came after the expiration of an order to leave the Northern Territories within twenty four hours was released by the fraud regime. No Adwestene national heeded this decree, which has led to their incarceration. These arbitrary arrests have been denounced by the Court, and are seen as a prime catalyst for the decision to intervene militarily in the Northern Territories.

The source of tension in the Northern Territories is as clear as day; it is a locally-organized movement with sentiments suppressed by the illegitimate government still clinging to power there. The fact that military men lead natives of the Northern Territories disproves allegations by the pretender Leigh-Albatross of Adwestene collusion to "sow chaos and provide a window of opportunity to subjugate Westenne".

At least fifty thousand troops from the 9th Royal Army are envisioned for mobilization in order to maintain the peace throughout the Northern Territories. Sources from the Ministry of War asserts that a third of this number have already crossed the border and are en route to locales that have seen the most dangerous skirmishes between reunificationists and government forces. Such locales include Falkenshire, Squall Bay, Saint Nelle, and the supposed capital of Westenne, Lothair.

"Our aim is twofold. The first is to prevent the further spillage of blood by and of our countrymen. The second is to determine the political destiny of the Northern Territories once order has been established" a spokesperson for the Ministry of War told members of the press during a briefing.

In the same briefing, elements of the Adwestene Expeditionary Force have also been reported to have been attacked by the loyalist forces of the pretender Grand Prince. Such hostile engagements naturally solicited a proportionate response of force from Adwestene troops. Despite this, the Ministry of War has assured that resistance is lackluster and that the populace in the Northern Territories welcome the arrival of Adwestene troops.

Sources further north claim that the fraud regime in Lothair has fled already the capital, but "significant portions of armed loyalists are still present in and around the area".

Other stories:
  • Referendum on reunification likely to succeed, says experts
  • Former Ambassador to Nerysia appointed to Foreign Affairs post
  • Lord Protector Gore-Culross: "Our actions are necessary; Westenne will be brought back to our fold."
  • Editorial: The Mandate to Crush Communism


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

An Heir is Born!

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Pictured: The Queen of the Grand Kingdom. Long-awaited news regarding the birth of Her Majesty's first child finally comes through after a long period of silence by the Royal Household

Article by Lauren Parnus | Fein 1584 | Gregminster, Ormbeck

Cheering crowds gathered around the entrance of the Royal Gregminster Hospital at nine in the morning today, in anticipation of the announcement that was sure to come following Her Majesty's confinement there two days prior. And news came indeed, as Sir Spencer Grafton from the Royal Household agency and the Prince-Consort Euram Redever came out of the building all-smiles. The assembled locals seemed to already know what was to come ever since the sovereign came to the city and entered the largest medical facility in Adwest, but they nevertheless cheered in jubilation as Sir Grafton officially declared the birth of Queen Sophia and Prince Euram's child.

News regarding the Queen's pregnancy last came during the previous year in Dein. Although as the months passed and the Queen began to exhibit a growing baby bump and lessened her engagements, further information from Stormwind were elusive. Until today, that is.

Physicians of the Royal Household accompanying the pair announced that the child was born a girl at 11:29 PM, following about 4 hours of labor. The princess was born a "healthy and active" child, weighing 8lb and 7 oz, although about 24 hours overdue. They also stated that the Queen did not have a very difficult time during labor expected of her age and that there had been no complications in her pregnancy over the last nine months.

The Prince-Consort said the Queen was "very happy" as she slept for the first time a mother. He has said that they plan on naming the princess after someone "dear to our hearts" but has declined to cite that or those someones. He has announced that the princess will be christened one week after today in Lhanbryde and has confirmed that he has asked his elder brother, the Grand Duke Desmond of Sindar-Astrasia, to be godfather.

News of the birth spread quickly despite the continuation of ancient practices during the birth of a firstborn; the town crier of Gregminster, sanctioned by the Royal Household, publicly spread the information to the city. By the late afternoon, the crowds in front of the Royal Gregminster Hospital had tripled, anticipating the departure of the royal family with the princess.

Congratulations poured in from throughout the realm as the first photos of the royal family from their wing were posted online by the Royal Household Agency. The Court has declared today a Day of Celebration and announced the closure of all government offices for the day by 4:30 PM. Meanwhile, the Lord Protector has announced his hosting of the traditional banquet in reverence to the birth of an heir, inviting all Lords and Ladies throughout the Grand Kingdom.

The Queen and the Prince Consort left the Royal Gregminster Hospital at 8 PM today, the princess sleeping soundly in her mother's arms. They are to return to Balfonheim for ceremonies until the end of the month, upon which they will take a leave of their duties for an unspecified amount of time for the Queen to recuperate according to the Royal Household Agency.

Other stories:
  • Stalled national high-speed railway to the Northern Territories now going through full-speed
  • Trade with Near East up by 25% compared to previous decade despite continued strife in New Galasia, according to Commerce Ministry
  • Cavendish-Ashford Group look to fund fifth international airport
  • Final government budget publicized three months after approval by Royal Diet; greatest reallocation go to Transport, Education, and Home A ffairs.


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

Lord Protector Gore-Culross wraps up official visit to Arrenland with signing of MDT, other agreements

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The Lord Protector speaking at a function hosted by the Adwestene Regional Chamber of Commerce's branch in Ealdburh.

Article by Clive Kessel | Zechyr 1584 | Ealdburh, Arrenland

The Lord Protector of Adwest, Count Neil Gore-Culross, wrapped up his 2-day official visit to the Kingdom of Arrenland today with the signing of several important bilateral agreements, most significant of which pertaining to defense cooperation between the two states.

The invitation to visit Arrenland was forwarded to the Lord Protector two months prior by the government of Chancellor Eadmund Dunstan, via diplomatic communication. The Lord Protector had immediately responded with his acceptance to the invitation.

The Lord Protector was accompanied by Foreign Minister Count Oswald Callaghan, Finance Minister Count Ulrich Leonard Picot, War Minister Sir Remismund Bletchley, and Commerce Minister Sir Ceil Wilkin. Also part of the delegation were representatives from several Adwestene corporations like the ISP Integrated Telecommunications Company and the retail conglomerate Westmart.

The Adwestene delegation headed by the Lord Protector landed in Ealdburh in the early afternoon of Zechyr 4. They immediately met with Chancellor Dunstan and his government, proceeding to a working lunch. The rest of the first day of the visit saw the Lord Protector meeting with business circles in the Arrenlander capital in order to promote further growth in Adwestene-Arrenlander trade and commerce.

The rest of the members of the Court were likewise engaged in other activities. The Foreign Minister Callaghan attended a symposium of  local graduate students and academicians in the field of International Relations, where he went as a guest speaker on the topic of "global civilization and cultural impacts on IR". On the other hand, the War Minister Bletchley visited a naval base outside of the capital and toured ships of the Royal Navy of Arrenland. He also held talks with Arrenlander naval officers.

The second day of the visit saw the beginning of official talks between the Lord Protector Gore-Culross and Chancellor Dunstan, alongside their respective officials. The closed-doors conference lasted throughout the afternoon, where issues of common concern were discussed.

A press conference was held after their talks. Lord Protector Gore-Culross praised the vision of the government of Dunstan with its mandate to strengthen Arrenland and seek its destiny as a major power. He has also affirmed Adwestene support in this endeavor as a mark of the strong relations between Adwest and Arrenland.

Chancellor Dunstan echoed this affirmation of strong ties and voiced support for Adwestene imperial restoration as a "rectification of history". He stated that closer cooperation between the two states would be beneficial for the advancement of their mutual interests of regional harmony vis-a-vis national empowerment.

The press conference was followed by a formal signing ceremony. The physical instruments of the Adwestene-Arrenlander Mutual Defense Treaty of 1584 were signed by and exchanged between the Arrenlander Defense Minister and the Adwestene War Minister. Meanwhile, treaties on foreign investment & currency swaps, fisheries cooperation, and business promotion were signed by and exchanged between the Arrenlander Trade Minister and the Adwestene Commerce Minister.

The content of these new bilateral pacts were reportedly already hashed out in communications between the two governments since Quartyr this year, particularly the mutual defense treaty, only being formalized with the meeting of Gore-Culross and Dunstan. The economic treaties, meanwhile, are expected to boost bilateral trade by 20% and FDI exchange by up to 40%. This makes Arrenland - which is Adwest's largest regional trade partner outside of the Kvaennan Economic Community - poised to become both a larger market for Adwestene exports and a larger source for Adwestene imports.

The Lord Protector leaves Arrenland in the morning of Zechyr 6, where he will then begin official visits to Solhaven, Sindar-Astrasia, and Goldecia before returning to Balfonheim. It is reported that before the conclusion of today's events that the Lord Protector personally handed a letter of invitation penned by Queen Sophia I to Chancellor Dunstan, to be given to Arrenlander monarch King Ioannes.

Other stories:
  • Queen Sophia, Prince Consort Euram, and Crown Princess Laura Jeanne to extend private leave in Skathia for one month
  • Cordelia Western to file complaints against increased Goldecian taxation on neighboring flights
  • Foreign Minister Callaghan: "The Cynese coalition-building is a provocation, a heedless source of fear and distrust in the region"
  • Oldest coal plant in Adwest to be shut down and dismantled; plans for new one on the rocks


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

Securing the Line of Succession: Crown Princess betrothed to the brother of Lomarren King

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PICTURED: Crown Princess Laura Jeanne

Article by Lauren Parnus | Dosa 1600 | Trivenze, Lomarre

Accepting an invitation to by King Vittorio di Haggia for a state visit, the royal family on Sunday departed for the Kingdom of Lomarre. Arriving on early Monday morning, the Queen Sophia I, Prince Consort Euram, Crown Princess Laura Jeanne, and Prince Edward were greeted with much fanfare in the capital of the East Brigidnan monarchy. Following their arrival, the royal family and the rest of the Adwestene delegation were escorted to the seat of the House di Haggia, where they met their counterparts in the country in an ostentatious welcoming ceremony in the palace grounds. Pictures of the two ruling dynastic lines adjacent to one another painted a portrait of a continued strong friendship between the two countries.

Following a brief rest for the afternoon, the Adwestene royal family were the honored guests of a state dinner featuring only the finest native cuisine of Lomarre. In that occasion, Her Majesty the Queen proposed a toast to the continued good life and strong health of His Majesty the King Vittorio, as well as the binding ties of their realms.

The second day of the state visit saw the Queen, the Prince Consort, and their son in a tour of the capital and of neighboring historical districts. They also met with a small community of Adwestene nationals in the embassy. Lomarre is known to be the third-largest destination for Adwestene migrants, most of which being entrepreneurs and tourists turned permanent resident due to marriage. The local Adwestenes bathed in delight seeing and hearing Her Majesty the Queen after a significantly long time away from the fatherland.

The Crown Princess was notably absent during this and other engagements on Tuesday, in fulfillment of then undisclosed tasks in the country. It would be later revealed on in the evening that the Crown Princess had spent her day in the company of Prince Leopoldo di Haggia, the younger brother of King Vittorio. It has long been speculated that the two had been in close contact and courtship, as far back as 1597, when the then thirteen year old Crown Princess first met in person the then fifteen year old Prince. They are now sixteen and eighteen years old respectively.

The two appeared with their families in a broadcast in the royal palace of Trivenze, where their formal betrothal to one another was announced. The move comes not merely as a culmination of the growing intimacy and clear attraction of the two young royals to one another, but as a symbolic affirmation of the Adwestene-Lomarren alliance, which began in 1583. Indeed only last month, the Lord Protector paid a visit to Oradion, the site of a Lomarren military port leased to their navy, for a joint maritime and amphibious exercise in coastal Adwest.

Back to the state visit, there have been no further details announced following the proclamation of the betrothal. It is expected however that this will be a matrilineal betrothal, in order to preserve the line of succession for the House Durnador in Adwest. It is further expected that the two will finish their studies before their marriage, with the Crown Princess taking up her degree in History in Blackstone University, Pharamond, and the Prince Leopoldo finishing his tour of duty in Lomarre's Royal Military Academy.

Prince Leopoldo di Haggia is the second son of former king Frederico III di Haggia and Princess Sophie of Goldecia. Aside from immersing himself in his military studies, Prince Leopoldo is also an avid golfer, devout Sentric, and local politician in Lomarre.

Other stories:
  • Queen Sophia "still on the peak of health" according to Royal Household Agency
  • Population growth rate nearly doubled for the past two decades; greatest increase in central Adwestene duchies
  • Adwestene embassy puts out notice of alert for tourists and residents in Carpathia, Lomarre, Esskya, and Tieguo


Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

Her Majesty's Court issues warning against "meddlers" in neighboring Kolhar

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Lord Charles XIII Windamier, Duke of Maleroy and Foreign Minister of the Grand Kingdom, speaks on behalf of Her Majesty's Court following recent events in Kolhar and the reactions that it has generated among countries in the region.

Article by Stanley Hull | Marth 1600 | Balfonheim, Ormbeck

Foreign Minister Lord Charles XIII appeared to the press today in order to give comments regarding recent events in the Federal Republic of Kolhar, or known to some nations simply as South Kolhar. The offshore neighbor of Adwest has, since last month, been troubled by a rise in destabilizing forces inciting sedition in the capital city of Quvak. The Kolhari government has acted with restraint, but has had to resort to harder measures in order to suppress said forces which were due to resort to violence against law enforcement forces.

"We regret the destabilizing internal turmoil which has gripped Quvak in the last few weeks, and hope that this turmoil comes to pass as soon as it came." stated the Foreign Minister. He has also refuted the reasons being advanced by the internal destabilizers, but has announced plans to increase official development assistance to Kolhar in an incremental basis. The technicalities of this increase are to be finalized in the upcoming Adwest-Kolhar Strategic Bilateral Dialogue 1600, a mechanism established by the two countries for political and economic cooperation way back.

Addressing remarks made by the governments of Taeunas and Kolhar, the Foreign Minister stated that "The Grand Kingdom is committed to maintaining the peace and order in Kolhar, which is a necessary prerequisite, although certainly not the only one, for peace and order in Kvaenna. We hope that other countries uphold the principles of national sovereignty and refuse to engage in actions that will only exacerbate the situation as it is. Meddlers in the internal affairs of Kolhar have already done enough damage and should be extremely cautious moving forward."

When asked regarding the statement made by the Goldecian Foreign Ministry to "to act...and not let innocent civilians continue to be harmed", Lord Charles XIII had this to say; "The threat of the Kingdom of Goldecia towards our ally has not gone unnoticed and will not deter the Adwestene commitment. Any actions undertaken by Goldecia or any other country that poses a threat to the security of Kolhar will be met with a response of equal, if not greater, magnitude."

Although Her Majesty's Court has been silent regarding Kolhar in the past couple of years, owing to an adjustment to international priorities, it is known that the two countries have extensive trading relations. On top of that, the two share a mutual defense agreement signed after the conclusion of the Kolhari Civil War, as a safeguard against the Kolhari Imperium or North Kolhar and the anti-Adwestene pact known as the Kvaennan Treaty Organization. Adwest has not conferred diplomatic recognition to North Kolhar, maintaing that the government of South Kolhar is the only political entity with jurisdiction over the entirety of the nation's borders.

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