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The People's Truth
[Image: iRcWo5y.png]
The People's Truth is the state-recommended, most trusted, most reliable media outlet in the entirety of Zargistan! The People's Truth was founded by the generous Abjul Takmir soon after his ascension to leadership of our nation. Its record for dispelling lies and subversive propaganda, as well as its unbroken guarantee to provide all the facts and nothing but the truth, quickly made it the most premier news source in the country. Many other "news sources" simply could not keep up with the rapid success of the People's Truth and were shamed into closing their doors for good.

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[Image: iRcWo5y.png]
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Government statistical reports show significant increase in tourism to A'sir
by Qasem Takrit

[Image: iranian_turist.jpg]
Zargistani tourism to A'sir is increasing

A'BEHZ, AKHADIC REPUBLIC OF A'SIR - Recently released reports by the People's Directorate of Statistics show a significant increase in Zargistani tourist travel to A'sir between 1582 and 1583. A spokesman for the People's Directorate of Statistics stated that it was likely that "these numbers will continue to increase as the domestic economy of our unified People's State continues to flourish and our fellow citizens have more and more disposable income." Truly, it is a sign of the great success of Grand Marshal Abjul Takmir's economic planning while he was president, and the continuation of his legacy of economic prosperity which has continued under the current presidential administration.

In unrelated news, the spokesman for the president's office addressed rumors of the so-called Vicdanlı Gönüllüler, the "Conscientious Volunteers," and its alleged connection to the Zargistani government by subversive foreign entities. The Vicdanlı Gönüllüler is a supposed organization of Zargistani citizens which have gone to fight in the New Galasian Civil War, primarily for the Rojadavi Republic. "The Vicdanlı Gönüllüler, if it does exist, and we here in the people's government have not seen convincing evidence that it does, is absolutely not, in any way, shape, or form, connected to the government," the spokesman said. "If, and once again I stress the 'if,' it does exist, it is a group of rogue citizens who do not represent the People's State and are not under its control."

In other unrelated news, the government has reportedly cautioned the Angirisian imperial state against unilateral intervention in the New Galasian conflict. "We would like to sit down and speak with the Angirisians," the People's Minister of Foreign Affairs said, "along with our other regional and NETO partners about options when dealing with the New Galasian crisis. I understand and sympathize with the Angirisians concerning their refugee troubles. Zargistan itself has done considerable work to aid the humanitarian effort. However, I believe that any response to the New Galasian crisis should be handled at the regional level by several different nations."

Glory to the People's Army!
Glory to the People's State!
Glory to the Grand Marshal!
[Image: MpB8GlW.png]

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