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Eskkya Today
Blair Gobnet McLucais "declares war on extremism"
Wednesday 25 Septem 1597 CE
Today Blair Gobnet McLucais as Premier of Eskkya "declared war on extremism". In speech in the National Congress the Premier laid out plans to combat religious extremism within Eskkya. In her speech she said "Today fellow Eskkyans I declare that my government will fight and declare war on the greatest threat to Eskkyas liberal values and our own security. I am declaring war on religious extremism. No more may those religious extremist forces that try to make homosexuality illegal or ban gay marraige be accepted. No more may those religions that openly treat women as second class citizens be accepted in our equal breizonic nation. No more may may organisations hostile to secularism in this country be accepted. My message is simple today , you either accept our secular republic in Eskkya that grants equal rights or you get out of our country. We will not tolerate extremism or bigotry in any of its forms. We will no longer allow organisations like the Akhadic Society with links to terror and extremism and who promote sexism and Homophobia to exist, they shall face listing and banning within Eskkya. No more shall we allow barbaric immigrants from homophobic and sexist cultures to come in unchecked. If a nation has a homophobic or sexist culture we shall introduce a strict system of checks from immigration from there especially if listed religions are the majority of the population. Eskkya has had enough and we will defend our values."

In her opening of Congress speech she announced a new Anti-Extremism Agency will be created that will use the BITE model among other checks to check on all religions and see if they count as extremists or cults and then list organisations if they fail checks. All religions will face regular undercover investigations to make sure their preaching does not fall into the category of extremism. Listed organisations would be banned from operating in the country and serving in leadership of such an organisation within Eskkya would result in prosecution and a jail sentence if found guilty and kicking out of the country if an immigrant. Any officials in leadership of listed organisations if they are international would be banned from entering Eskkya .Religions and organisations shall also be listed if people face recriminations or shunning for leaving the religion such as is the case in some religions.It is believed the Akhadic Society in particular is highly likely to face a ban within Eskkyas borders. Organisations would have 3 months to reform before being inspected again if they are deemed extremist or a cult in an investigation after which time they would face an official ban in Eskkya. The law would allow the AEA to routinely inspect any religious establishment in Eskkya without warning in order to catch out those groups promoting extremism. Religions would also be banned from receiving foreign funding in a bid to stop extremist organisations getting funding from overseas.

The government has vowed to crack down on religious and political extremism with a new Ministry of Anti-Extremism being founded. The ministry shall be responsible for running the AEA but also developing anti-extremism deprogramming programmes to get people out of extremist groups and provide a way out for young people who may have fallen victim to such groups. The new anti-extremism laws shall also consider members of cults or extremist religions to be a threat to children potentially allowing removal of children from their family placing them with new families instead if their parents do not mend their ways. The government has vowed that it will crush any and all extremism. The measures are expected to be supported by PoT, The CN and some Alternative politicians while the DA and Socialists are likely to oppose the measures and law proposals. Blair Gobnet McLucais said in her speech to the National Congress "I would like to make it clear. This is not a targeting of religions but extremists. Religious freedom shall remain strong in Eskkya with all religions being treated equally under the law. We are not about making all religions perform gay marraige but they must abide by our cultural values of equality and must not interfere in politics from the pulpit in order to try to remove rights of women and the LGBT community. As long as religions do no harm they shall continue to be allowed to operate as they always have done." The laws are expected to be passed with 3 to 6 months depending on whether amendments are needed for it to pass.
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Eskkya Today - by BrumBrum - 03-01-2019, 02:33 AM
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RE: Eskkya Today - by BrumBrum - 03-11-2019, 09:43 PM
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RE: Eskkya Today - by BrumBrum - 07-03-2019, 11:13 PM
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