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The Sentinel

Premier news publication of the Grand Kingdom of Adwest

EDITORIAL: The Case for War

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Grand Prince of Westenne Jonathan Leigh-Albatross with his homosexual lover, Rhys Hughes

Article by Sir George Duncan-Cummings | Dein 1583 | Lordlake, Brent

The National Rejuvenation has not stopped, and it will not do so for quite some time - these are the words being profusely declared by many top officials in the Royal Court, echoed in similar degrees of loudness and frequency by both the esteemed Lords and Ladies in the Ducal Council and the deputies of the Royal Convention. The renewed slogan comes out strong once more even at the perishing of the man behind the drive, the late Lord Garithos Ashford.

The deceased Lord Protector - who was held in state in Balfonheim and then buried in his family's hometown to a crowd of several thousands just the previous month - will have several names to count on to continue his legacy of renewed economic growth and development as well as in Adwestene diplomacy, the foremost concern of which is the Reunification of the Lost Territories.

But what would they know? can they truly pursue the pace of national rebuilding and advancement many a great men and women have brought upon the Grand Kingdom until their untimely demise? are the names in power and being considered for power capable of taking up the fearsome task of continuing what has been started?

The last one is an important question to ask. More than two-thirds of the Royal Convention have been appointed only in Septem 1582, not more than a year by the time this piece is published and read. These young deputies, though handpicked by Her Majesty as is the process every eight years, have shown themselves inept in the conduct of state necessitated by the National Rejuvenation. Criticism on the system of corporate consolidation undertaken by the Crown in the last two decades have been particularly abound.

Of particular relevance here is the discussion on providing financial compensation to the Lost Territories due to "historical grievances by the Adwestene High Nobility" before the Civil War, with the proponents drawing parallels from Goldecia's reparations program to several groups.

Such ludicrous and absurd notions can only come from a clearly ignorant group in the Royal Convention. This maverick bloc in the convention - headed by the Deputy Speaker and the Conventional Chair for Foreign Affairs Sir Ian Crowley - holds that the royal house of Durnador is to be blamed for instigating the Adwestene Civil War in 1462, as a ploy to obtain the Lazuli Throne. By "sowing the seeds for the dismemberment of the United Provinces" as Crowley claims, "the house of Durnador has advanced only its own interest in the expense of the peace and of the collective solidarity between the Lords of the United Provinces".

I will not argue here the lack of historical education Sir Crowley has been the victim of, for that would merit more than a paragraph. But I mention here this incident as a means not only to question the capabilities of the Convention's deputies but also as an instrument to encourage and further a necessary but ultimately unfought war.

The ongoing senseless discussion on "historical grievances" can and must be turned around to a discussion on the continuation and enhancement of Adwestene efforts to reclaim historical lands. Larstat, having rejoined the Grand Kingdom a decade and a few years ago, has been a laudable testament to the possibility of success without the bearing of arms. The second case in point would have been Westenne, but as we are aware of, it has not been so. The details are few but nevertheless not to be trivialized; Westenne had fallen into civil war in 1568 between those who supported formally rejoining the Grand Kingdom and those who refused such a righteous move - spearheaded by the pretender "Grand Prince" of an "independent" Westenne, Jonathan Leigh-Albatross.

The Royal Court would have certainly moved in the direction of intervention, even as it was caught up in other regional affairs such as the conflict then raging in neighboring Kolhar. But to the surprise of many, including myself, it did not. Perhaps I can find no fault in the time of the late Lord Ashford's government except the total lack of nerve that Balfonheim demonstrated. Initially, we had issued statements against the rejoining of our brethren from the north to our fold, we had argued thoroughly indeed the invalidation of the Wexham Charter as a "constitution" that "bound together" Westenne, and we had our arms open for the new families which would join the realm.

Expected military support in the form of an invasion of Leigh-Albatross lands and the lands of his fellow traitors did not come, even as Adwestene people in those places called for our support. In 1569, what would have been people who would now be part of the Grand Kingdom were beaten into submission by the forces of those traitors. The political makeup of Westenne had been thoroughly altered, and several nobles were purged from their ancestral seats of power by Leigh-Albatross in order to rule Westenne as his own private patch of earth.

This unjust situation continues up to today, remaining as a thorn on the throat and affront to the national pride of the Grand Kingdom and as an impediment to the continuation of our reunification with other Lost Territories to the west. Yet even though ignorants waste time on matters of inconsequence in the Royal Convention, several leading figures in the Ducal Council are now pondering reviving military designs for the conquest of Westenne - and for good reason.

Lord Robert III Halnish, who is currently the chairperson of the council, has stated consultation has begun between him and Lord Henry IV Falsen and Lord Roderick de Meisen - the High Councillor of the Her Majesty's Round Table and the probable next Lord Protector of Adwest - regarding a course of action on Westenne.

This bodes well for the Grand Kingdom, as the continued existence of Westenne and the power held by the illegitimate Jonathan Leigh-Albatross present not only a pollutant but also a menace to Adwest for several reasons, as outlined below.

1.) Historical Duty
Remnants of the pro-reunification aristocracy once ruling in Westenne as co-princes of Jonathan are alive, but they remain scattered all throughout the country. The situation can be framed rather simply; our countrymen remain trapped within artificial borders, carrying fraud identities as citizens of a non-existent state, and forced into conditions of destitution for standing up against the pretender Grand Prince. And by countrymen I refer not only to ten or more nobles who led the vanguard in rejoining Adwest, but tens of thousands of men and women who carry the same sentiment.

But these Adwestenes by blood are not limited merely in underground circles or in prisons - some of them are intertwined within civil society itself, silencing their voices for fear of punishment by the tyrannical and fraud regime of Jonathan Leigh-Albatross. They are shopkeepers, housewives, engineers, and soldiers. All yearning to be proudly raise the royal tricolor of the Grand Kingdom without fear of apprehension.

Yet Adwest does not only possess this historical duty to return her people to their sole home, it also possesses the historical duty of punishing the pretender Jonathan for his and his predecessors' transgressions against Adwest.

The case of grievances aforementioned comes in handy here. The charges against the royal house of Her Majesty the Queen ought to be directed to the house of Leigh-Albatross, the first among equals responsible for the dismemberment of the United Provinces of Adwest a century ago and her subsequent decline and instability immediately after that. Yet reparations will not cut it; Jonathan Leigh-Albatross and his relatives, if any remain, must be beheaded, his long dynasty of traitors eradicated.  

2.) Moral Duty
Westenne today exists not only as an illegitimate state claiming sovereignty it does not posses but also as a paradise of hedonism. Jonathan Leigh-Albatross is a homosexual sodomizer giving credence to the notion that such an abomination of God deserves not only to exist but also to rule over others; a maddening notion indeed. His relationship with Rhys Hughes - which had been previously illicit before his reshaping of Westenne's political realities - is something the Grand Prince openly displays. This would not have been possible before, as such a scandalous involvement with a fellow man would have surely ended with his downfall and would have clarified to his "vassals" the accusations that the Grand Prince had his wife murdered to be with this man - a very real possibility.

Jonathan Leigh-Albatross did not content himself with murder and individual sodomy; with power concentrated in his hands, he has set about completely to tear down the moral fabric of the people, our people, in Westenne. The Argent Church counts millions of members in Westenne and now they are forced to witness the unraveling of their Adwestene values in the face of this detestable homosexual pretender.

The people of Westenne, of Adwest cannot face this. What Leigh-Albatross claims to be "Gay Rights" and "Women's Rights" in his sorry excuse for a country is just talk for "Sexual Liberation" of all sorts unimaginable in any God-fearing land. Such a situation eventually escalates into a morass of street orgies. What's next, "Recreational Drug Use"? "Music Festivals?"

Clearly such Acts of Evil must be met with nothing but a thorough purification. For death is guaranteed for the pretender once the Lords of Adwest decree their mandate of reunification, but passage to the afterlife is not. He who has committed such grave acts of immoral carelessness....nay, of immoral decadence, must be cleansed through the fire!

These are the top two reasons why a military intervention in Westenne must be done in the soonest possible moment. For too long have we allowed this pretender to do what he pleases at the cost of our national pride and identity, and the moral righteousness of the Adwestene people. The pitiable conditions our countrymen continue to suffer under the boot of the pretender can no longer be ignored.

Hopefully, destiny will correct itself soon. Perhaps, with the accession of our new Lord Protector?


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The Sentinel - by Adwest - 04-21-2017, 06:41 PM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 04-21-2017, 08:48 PM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 04-27-2017, 02:30 PM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 05-14-2017, 04:14 PM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 05-15-2017, 08:25 AM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 05-26-2017, 04:41 PM
RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 06-15-2017, 09:40 AM
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RE: The Sentinel - by Adwest - 07-16-2019, 06:21 PM

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