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Millerainia's The Daily Courier
The Daily Courier


[Image: ny_democratic_convention.jpg?quality=90&...441&crop=1]

QUEENSTON, NEW BURRIE - Anxiously awaiting the live-results in the Governor's Residence in the New Burrie capital Queenston, Helen Sweet stood on a stage under a large television screen broadcasting the unofficial tabulation of Millerainia's 1579 Presidential election. The exit polls expected a tight race between Sweet, the Liberty Party candidate, and Conservative Coalition candidate and current Millerainian Vice President Theo Daugherty. And as dramatic as the election has been this year, results were very close.

With the premature drop out of Lorde's Choice candidate Trudy Harrison, many of her (Lorde's Chosen) followers threw their support at Daugherty because of his more conservative views. This brought Daugherty and Sweet into a neck and neck tie in polls last month. Different strategies were used by either candidate. Daugherty tried to court the elderly and pensioners, while Sweet tried to engage an politically apathetic cohort of young professionals and students and to win over women.

The resulting polls showed a record-breaking turnout rate in Millerainia of about 73% of eligible voters having voted in the election.

Sweet's hard-work pulled off. Young adults (ages 18-32) were 30% more likely to vote in this election than in previous presidential elections, which clinched her victory over Daugherty as follows:

Helen Sweet won the election with 48.5% of the vote, Daugherty followed with 46.2% and with Progressive Coaltion Rosanne Ayers following with 5.3%.*
*Liberal Coalition, Freedom Party, Anti-Establishmentarianism Party, Original People's Coalition, the Native Faction, and New World Dominion candidates did not make requirements and their votes were given to their second and subsequent choices until a suitable candidate was provided.

At the Governor's Residence, when the results were finalized, the entire room burst into sound. Sweet's running mate, Roy Calientini clasped her hand and raised it up in a sign of victory. Balloons soon came after and everyone began to sing patriotic songs. Champagne bottles were be heard popping and fizzing. When asked about her victory, Helen said "Right now, I'm speechless. Dear, come back in about 5 minutes when I've recovered from all of this adrenaline."

Sweet later addressed the crowd, thanking their support, the Millerainian people, her running mate, family and promised to roll up her sleeves and get Millerainia to work.  

Sweet will be in office by the end of the year, and is expected to immediately jump into working towards party-platform goals and providing insight to citizens and government departments upon what direction her administration will take.

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Millerainia's The Daily Courier - by millerainia - 09-06-2016, 02:15 AM
RE: Millerainia's The Daily Courier - by millerainia - 09-13-2016, 04:53 AM

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