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The International
<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom: 4px"><div style="border-bottom: 2px solid;"><span style="margin-left: 2em"><img src="" height="64px" width="64px" /><span style="font-family: Cambria; font-size: xx-large; margin-left: .5em;">The International</span></span></div>
<span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding: 0 1em 2px; margin-bottom: 4px; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 16px;"> Local | World | Politics | Business | Technology | Health | Entertainment | Environment | Travel | Sports | Video | Opinion | Other</span><div style="display: inline-flex;"><div style="display: inline-block; border-right: 1px solid; padding-right: 4px; min-height: 450px;"><span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding: 1em 0;"><span style="font-size: 21px;">Gein Lochland begins language superiority campaigns</span>
By <a href="" rel="nofollow">Rita Reina</a> and <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Kristen Dusselburg </a>
[Image: XfvUbCF.png]
RGL flag.

GOTTHAUS- Sources from inside the Republik Gein Loche (RGL) have been reporting that the government of the nation has begun an aggressive strategy of language suppression in border areas and in urban Britzbern. Neighborhoods with large minority populations have been targeted by the Republizei (Republic Police).

According to the constitution of the RGL, the Gein language is to maintain lingual singularity and is the language of a 'superior people.' This was one of the promises of the ruling fascist PWL party. The Gein language is the official language and other languages are forbidden according to section 10 of the Civil Code. In the past few years, Laurentien-speakers caught in public areas have faced public disobedience penalties and hard labor.

The Gein language, spoken in other Gein-area (commonly known as Geinland) nations such as Gehenna, is one of the more prominent languages in Brigidna. It is the most widely spoken language in RGL, with minority populations in Laurentian Kingdom by bilinguals and those who fleed RGL with the revolution.

The International has obtained drone footage from an unknown source of raids in the Laurentien areas of Britzbern, its suburbs and areas near Leipstadt. Residents in these areas were warned three days prior to cease conversing in inferior languages in accordance to Republik law. The International was able to obtain a copy of the notice below:

Alle Fremdsprachen
sind verboten
und illegal
nach Zivilgesetzbuch 10
über Sprachgebrauch
in öffentlichen und privaten.

Verstöße werden für
den direkten Ungehorsam gegenüber
der Republik bestraft.

Stop! Stop! Stop!
All foreign languages
are forbidden
And illegal
According to the Civil Code 10
About language usage
In public and private.

Violators will be punished
for direct disobedience
to the Republic.

Human rights organizations in Laurentian Kingdom are working with The Resistance (Die Wilderstand) to attempt to smuggle vulnerable persons out of the country, but border patrol of the Gein - Laurentian Kingdom border is at a 5-year high. Those in Laurentian Kingdom fear that the language superiority may be a step towards the racial superiority 10-year plan made by the RGL in the constitutional convention.

</div><div style="display: inline-block; padding-left: 4px; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; "><span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom: 3px; text-align: center;"></span>


Messages In This Thread
The International - by Ayzek - 09-06-2016, 12:15 AM
The International - by millerainia - 09-06-2016, 02:58 AM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 09-07-2016, 07:28 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 09-14-2016, 12:36 AM
RE: The International - by Jamzor the Jaxxor - 10-03-2016, 09:56 PM
RE: The International - by BrumBrum - 11-17-2016, 12:17 AM
RE: The International - by Soyabarian Empire - 11-17-2016, 03:36 PM
RE: The International - by Severyane - 12-04-2016, 03:14 AM
The International - by Blacaria - 12-05-2016, 01:11 AM
RE: The International - by Hadash - 12-05-2016, 01:43 AM
RE: The International - by millerainia - 12-31-2016, 11:27 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 02-02-2017, 05:21 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 02-26-2017, 01:46 PM
The International - by Blacaria - 03-03-2017, 08:45 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 03-04-2017, 07:52 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 03-06-2017, 07:14 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 03-09-2017, 08:34 PM
RE: The International - by Blacaria - 03-12-2017, 04:55 PM
RE: The International - by Lomarre - 03-20-2017, 03:26 PM
RE: The International - by millerainia - 06-05-2017, 01:44 AM
RE: The International - by Arkiania - 06-07-2017, 06:33 PM
RE: The International - by Seperallis - 11-29-2017, 02:16 AM
RE: The International - by Hadash - 12-01-2017, 11:12 AM
RE: The International - by Rommy - 10-13-2018, 06:12 AM
RE: The International - by Seperallis - 03-14-2019, 11:53 PM
RE: The International - by Seperallis - 03-15-2019, 01:44 AM

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