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Mainichi Shinpo
<div style="border-bottom: 1px solid; padding-bottom: 4px"><div style="border-bottom: 2px solid;"><span style="margin-left: 2em"><span style="font-family: Cambria; font-size: xx-large; margin-left: .5em;">
Mainichi Shinpo
<span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding: 0 1em 2px; margin-bottom: 4px; font-variant: small-caps; font-size: 16px;">
Your #1 source of news from Akitsu
</span><div style="display: inline-flex;"><div style="display: inline-block; border-right: 1px solid; padding-right: 4px; min-height: 450px;"><span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding: 1em 0;"><span style="font-size: 21px;">Analysis: How the Chiankei formed so quickly</span>
By: Seiji Matsutaro</span>

In a relatively short period of time after the coup, the new fascist government of Akitsu has effectively embedded itself within Akitian government. This was no doubt in major part due to the quick construction of the Chian Iji Keisatsu (治安維持警察) or Peace Preservation Police, commonly known among Akitians as the Chiankei (治安警), a police force authorized by the fascists only weeks after the coup was conducted. But how in the world were these fascists able to quickly establish and embed a secret police force of this magnitude into Akitsu, a country that until a few years ago was a democracy that respected the rights of every person inside it? This is a question that has puzzled some analysts, but do a little digging and the answer becomes clear.

To understand the origin of the Chiankei, we first need to understand the nature of the Akitian far-right before the coup. The most visible of the Akitian far-right before the coup was the Patriotic Party, but they aren't the ones that we need to examine. The ones we need to examine are the less known far-right organizations that littered Akitsu before the coup. These groups, referred to as Uyoku Dantai (右翼団体), were small in terms of the number of people that openly identified themselves as members. But the number of organizations was very numerous, with them having a foothold in every major Akitian city. We're talking about groups like the Akitian Alliance for Victory over Communism (秋津勝共連合), Shield Society (楯の会), True Heart Society (正気会), and the League of Blood (血盟団). These are just the more well-known examples of Uyoku Dantai in Akitsu, groups that were present in more than one place at a time, there were countless more small ones based only one city and with only a few dozen members at most.

These groups were a constant annoyance for Akitian police. Their conduct was disorderly and disruptive, but police often had difficulties going after them because their speech was protected under law. They often led protests that can only barely be considered not riots, and in many cases had direct conflicts with police at their demonstrations that were only barely within the legal limits. There were many times which the police arrested far-right demonstrators, but this led to it's own problems. Whenever charges were filed against a person arrested in a far-right demonstration, the far-right groups would get together and sue the government for violating free speech. Many police organizations hesitated to act against them, since freedom of speech and freedom of thought was protected in Akitsu it was difficult to arrest these people unless they clearly and irrefutably broke some other law.

This is the reason that the Yakuza, or as they preferred to be called "Chivalrous Organizations" (任侠団体),  started getting into the mix. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, Yakuza is a term that refers to Akitian organized crime syndicates. But while these groups are known for doing the standard drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and many other acts that criminal syndicates are known for, not all Yakuza acted this way. In fact, the largest Yakuza gang in Akitsu, the Matsuba-gumi (松葉組) was known to punish it's members for taking part in human trafficking, and the second-largest Yakuza gang in Akitsu, the Suishin-kai (水心会) forbade it's members from taking part in the drug trade. These groups are also typically the fastest to respond in a disaster situation, often times going out and distributing food aid to communities affected by things such as massive earthquakes well before authorities are able to organize a response. This doesn't excuse the Yakuza's criminal behavior, but it does expose that they are a much more complicated bunch than the typical gang.

Seeing the police's hesitation to act against the Uyoku Dantai, many Yakuza gangs started disguising their local offices as Uyoku Dantai. When this first started, there was no direct link between organized crime and the Akitian ultra-far-right. But this provided the basis for such links to form in the future. There were several movements over Akitian history to try and unify these fringe far-right groups under a single banner, and while every attempt was ultimately unsuccessful for a variety of reasons, there were many small successes born out of these attempts. For better or for worse, though, this also resulted in the Yakuza and Akitian far-right becoming more and more interwoven. Eventually, the links were solidified. The reason was simple, these links often proved mutually beneficial - Uyoku Dantai gained a source of funding for their operations, while Yakuza gained a front that would provide them with some protection from police activities.

This explains the links between the Yakuza and the Akitian far-right, but how does this translated into the formation of the Chiankei?

To answer that we must look a little farther. Back when the Motherland Restoration Party was in it's first phase of major activity, many in the Akitian far-right sought to distance themselves from the terrorist group. But while this could be easily done when the group was active, it starting getting difficult when the group went dormant. The Motherland Restoration Party often disguised it's local branches as simple Uyoku Dantai in it's dormant phase. Because it lay dormant it proved difficult for the police to track these groups down, though there were several prominent busts of such groups that made the news (which is how we know of this happening). However, the group lay dormant, not conducting any terrorist attacks and simply growing it's underground connections. Since they disguised themselves as Uyoku Dantai, it became inevitable that the Motherland Restoration Party would come into contact with the Yakuza gangs.

It is known that the Motherland Restoration Party had links to Akitian Yakuza gangs, but just how far those links went was never clear to the police or the public. It was known that the links had to have grown strong, as otherwise the Motherland Restoration Party simply wouldn't have had the resources to resume activities in the way that they eventually did. But those links proved to be far stronger than anyone had guessed - as when time came for the Restoration Party (speculated to be a renamed Motherland Restoration Party) to do their coup d'etat, many Yakuza gangs threw their support behind the coup. This combined with support from a small but determined segment of the military and police force gave them a huge edge.

While it is known that a number of Yakuza gangs pledged support for the coup because the gang leaders were members of the Restoration Party, it is probably that most Yakuza gangs weren't this. It is more likely, then, that the coup plotters offered the Yakuza gang leaders through their links something that they couldn't refuse - like, for example, a spot in what would become Akitsu's new secret police force.

Going this route definitely presented a huge problem for the fascist government - after all reorganizing criminal syndicates as a national secret police is no easy task. One must not only ensure that all follow orders, but also ensure that their loyalty to the new government is absolute. The new fascist government seems to have taken an interesting tactic towards achieving this though - slow, gradual change to the crime syndicates that joined them. Activity within Akitsu from Yakuza gangs shot up in the days immediately following the coup, no doubt because of the emboldened nature of the gangs. However, that activity has now slid down to pre-coup levels, and is slowly declining even further. This doesn't mean the Yakuza gangs are stopping their criminal activities - it most likely means that they have found other, far more lucrative activities, activities that require absolute secrecy.

If the government has been clamping down on brazen criminal activities, but allowing criminal activities that advance the governments line, while slowly and steadily molding the Yakuza gangs into full puppets and eventually integrated parts of the secret police, this would explain a decline in their activities. It would also explain how such a vast and extensive network of authoritarian rule was established in such a short period of time.

One might question how the lower levels of the crime syndicates would follow such a new government so readily - but in questioning it one shows a lack of understanding of the oyabun-kobun relationship that governs Yakuza structure. Recruits to the Yakuza gangs are expected to show absolute loyalty to their boss, usually headed by a single family. This goes to the point where new recruits often cut off all previous family connections - for the Yakuza becomes their new family when they join. This is even exemplified by the way they refer to each other, with lower ranking members referring to higher ranking members as "aniki" (兄貴) meaning "elder brother" and the boss as "oyaji" (おやじ) or "oyassan" (おやっさん) meaning "father" (though the formal title is "kumichō" written 組長). Likewise, the Yakuza boss and higher ranking members refer to lower ranking members as their "children". The bosses wife and other high-ranking women are often referred to by people other than the boss as "anesan" (姉さん) meaning "elder sister", though women in the Yakuza are fairly rare let alone women in higher ranks.

With such a tightly knit group, one would only need to gain the full support of the Yakuza's bosses to get them to help your cause. The average person would find it difficult, but if you plan a coup and have the support of part of the military suddenly and offer to be part of the secret police might seem a lot more appealing. And if you take control of key buildings in the capital city and successfully fight off some attempts by the rest of the military to retake those buildings, well then your offers will be taken seriously.

Ultimately this was how Akitsu's new secret police was established - by exploiting the many deep connections between the Akitian far-right and the Yakuza gangs. In doing so the government was able to establish a well-funded secret police force that has connections in every corner of Akitsu, and maybe even abroad. Such a police force is definitely not perfect - in fact, the government is likely to be trying to work out every problem that arises from this for many many years to come. However, if the short-term goal is to make a force to instill fear in the population to keep them in check - mission accomplished.

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[Image: ywFyE8.png]


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Mainichi Shinpo - by Zabuza825 - 09-07-2016, 08:35 PM
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RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 10-30-2016, 01:08 AM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 10-30-2016, 02:00 PM
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