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SV News 24
Tuesday 17 Marth 1580 CE
Crisis as CPP pull out of government triggering election

[Image: Strathaeflag_zpsgrq9ipns.jpg~original]
Crisis hit today as Blair McLucais's party now faces a battle for re-election less than a year after taking power after Éimhear Dearbháil Scott announced her party the CPP is pulling out of the coalition after the "disgusting disconnection" of Blairs son by Blair and her family and refusing to condemn Disconnection or even bring it up in public. The party says staying silent is tantamount to support of this barbaric policy. The policy has long caused contention among the orthodox and been the hidden problem of Strathae society but rarely has it been this divisive and destabilising with votes in the Brezheigist assembly and the politicisation of the issue now by the CPP.

The CPP announced it would be seeking election on a platform vowing to keep current hate and religious laws but promising not to expand them on the basis they are strong enough if enforced and that working with the Akhadist community is what is now needed instead of the current strategy which it claims divides communities into us vs them. It has vowed it will work with Akhadist communities to defeat homophobia , extremism and sexism in their community enpowering Akhadist groups fighting for reform , something the current government refuse to do. She also described the "fifth column" comments as akhadophobic, dangerous and bigoted pointing out only theocratic Akhadism is a threat to the Strathaen state. She suggested that the attacks while totally disgraceful are being made more likely by the hatred and fear being promoted by the PoT and has demanded PoT retract their fifth column statements if CPP is to work with them.

CSP have stayed silent on the issue of disconnection though it is possible the party will come out with a policy of condemning disconnection. However this is unexpected at the moment given the nature of the alliance of ultra-orthodox, orthodox, and reformed CSP seek to win.

The CPP also announced as well as denouncing disconnection they would support the victims of disconnection. They proposed a series of measures including allowing victims to disown their family and move on with entirely new names , offering moving packages and shelter and helping disconnection victims jump the queue. The party has also announced it would seek to cut tax exemptions for any denomination that has disconnection as a policy stating that this is as much a threat to Strathae society harmony as extremist Akhadism and extremist sentrecism. It has also announced it will cease to consider opposing gay marraige or opposing gay adoption as hate speech instead rewriting the law to limit hate speech to inciting violence , personally attacking one, harassing one or openly hating a whole group based on gender, sexuality, disability or race . The definition seeks to balance hate speech with the need for free speech.

The PoT has not released its new platform but its platform is expected to include extending hate speech laws , making deportation of some groups easier and increasing the focus on investigating Akhadist temples as its core policies. The party is also expected to put in its platform leaving disconnection policy to the denominations and opposing extra support for the disconnected so as not to annoy their ultra orthodox or true orthodox voters who have threatened to split off should the party oppose disconnection. The PoT is also expected to aim to increase the Strathaen and Gwennedian percentage in Strathae. The party proposes raising the general marraige period back up to 30 years for new immigrants to Strathae.

The CSP have vowed to fight the election on economy and have likewise said disconnection is a religious issue not a government issue though it may have to change this line if CPP are kingmakers. The party wants to return to growth of government and support clan cooperatives more. It also seeks to keep immigration policy similar to now.

The CPP have announced they would commit to a referendum on immigration policy giving the options of keeping the current laws on immigration or moving to a residency time based approach for all immigration. Though immigration would still face restrictions outside Kathmore and MacCarmaig though it would allow an opt in for some clan councils to allow councils to as policy let non-clan in to their territories automatically.

The election could not come at a worse time for Blair Gobnet McLucais's PoT with current polls showing a crash in support attributed to orthodox moving from the party and a bleeding of members since the disconnection of her son. The polls showed the following among clan voters:

The election is to be run under the mixed system with 206 clan local seats and 23 Non-Clan seats.The election is likely to be fraught with tension as tempers boil. Polls also showed even clear division of party support by religion. Blair Gobnet McLucais is understood to be furious with the CPP calling the move "liberal loonyness and a threat to the stability of society." She criticised the CPP as "acting as a support for the Fifth Column elements in society" warning that the "Only way to stop Fifth Column invasion is to vote PoT".Meanwhile the CPP have accused Blair of slipping even further to the right and echoing far right elements abroad.Elections are to be held on 14th Zechyr 1580.
Vote in Voice of Goldecia. You decide!

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RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 09-25-2016, 01:21 PM
RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 10-04-2016, 01:28 PM
RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 10-11-2016, 08:16 AM
RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 10-24-2016, 11:24 PM
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RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 11-05-2016, 03:22 AM
RE: SV News 24 - by BrumBrum - 11-24-2016, 08:33 PM
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