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Mainichi Shinpo
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Mainichi Shinpo
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Your #1 source of news from Akitsu
</span><div style="display: inline-flex;"><div style="display: inline-block; border-right: 1px solid; padding-right: 4px; min-height: 450px;"><span style="display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid; padding: 1em 0;"><span style="font-size: 21px;">Reido establishment in Strathae speaks up in defense of Akhadism</span>
By: Seiji Matsutaro</span>

[Image: V5e1PRy.png]
Kevan Fionnán Neil, one of the few Strathaens who converted to Reido and eventually became a priest, speaks at a press conference

Today in Strathae a speach was given by Blair Gobnet McLucais of the Party of Tradition, which has not been received well by the Reido community in the country. The community, though it's numbers remain low (lower than even the Akhadist community) the followers that it does have remain resolute in it's beliefs. Even as several laws were passed in the country that made Reido worship more difficult, they remained strong, doing their best to work with authorities rather than against authorities in the country to ensure that people could legally practice their faith. But it seems that the community may have finally lost their patience with the government of Strathae.

After a recent speach given by Blair Gobnet McLucais the largest Reido shrine in Strathae, Strathae Kotohira Jingū (ストラサエ金刀比羅神宮) announced that they would be holding a press conference of their own shortly afterwards. Mainichi Shinpo went to cover the event and we were greeted by Kevan Fionnán Neil, one of a very small number of Strathaens that converted to Reido and an even smaller number who actually became a priest. He had some strong words for the speach given by Blair, and harsh criticism of the government of Strathae.

"You talk about tolerance, but it seems that tolerance only covers homosexuality and other genders. It does not seem to extend any further than that." he said "Mrs. McLucais, you seem to have exactly zero tolerance for other faiths. And don't try to explain it away as wanting them to follow Strathaen values, Reido is a religion that your government has declared follows Strathaen values and you have made it more difficult for us to practice our religion as well."

"You made it illegal for us to make larger shrines without a referendum in the community, and if previous precident is to be followed we'd have to pay for that referendum. This essentially made it illegal for us to build larger shrines, as we simply would not have the money for a referendum and a shrine. You passed laws that would have outlawed the hina-nagashi ceremony, had it not been for careful negotiations from representatives of our shrines."

"But of course, we don't have the worst of it. That would be the Akhadist community, which has continually been vilified by the government of Strathae and face a much worse situation. Until now, the Reido community has stood at the sidelines, but after that last speech, which was filled with rhetoric that reminds me of some of the speeches of Hayato Yamaguchi in Akitsu, we can no longer sit in the sidelines. We will offer a helping hand to any Akhadist that needs it, we will support them when they are unjustly discriminated against by their community, we will give them refuge when they are chased by people who hate them. We will stand with them in their time of need."

"This is not to say we will defend homophobia or sexism. We oppose it, and this should be evident considering the government of Strathae has declared us an example of a religion that follows Strathaen values. However, when we are faced with a wave of intolerance of this magnitude we cannot stay back."

"Mrs. McLucais, you talk about not having tolerance for intolerance, how about doing something about the people who hate people of other faiths? And I'm not talking just about Akhadism, how about the 30% of the Strathaen population that will hate people for simply changing faiths no matter what the faith is? The portion of the population that I have received death threats from because I dared do the horrendous act of converting to Reido. Unless you're going to go after all forms of intolerance, you have no right to talk about not toleranting intolerance."
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[Image: ywFyE8.png]


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Mainichi Shinpo - by Zabuza825 - 09-07-2016, 08:35 PM
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RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 10-30-2016, 01:08 AM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 10-30-2016, 02:00 PM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 12-21-2016, 03:16 AM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 02-07-2017, 09:57 PM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 05-02-2017, 09:49 PM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 05-18-2017, 12:09 PM
RE: Mainichi Shinpō - by Zabuza825 - 06-04-2017, 03:12 PM
RE: Mainichi ShinpÅ - by Zabuza825 - 07-05-2019, 05:50 AM

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